
时间:2022-09-13 13:09:55 | 来源:语文通



中秋节的作文500字 篇1中秋节的作文500字 篇2

中秋节的作文500字 篇1


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is no different from previous years. We did not eat any delicious moon cakes, nor did the moon appreciation, the moon, everything was so normal, there was no novel wave, a happy holiday, so that passed that passed, so it passed.There is nothing to bear.We didn't buy a moon cake. The only piece was rewarded by Teacher Li. Now look at this poor moon cake, and I even see a little desolate.


Last night, the moon was round. I was lying on the bed. There was no lighting in the room. A lonely girl meditated in quietness.Outside the door, adults are carnival. Of course, this has nothing to do with me. The milky moonlight shot from the window and illuminated a small semi -circular. It belongs to my world. I look at the moon in my little world.There is no star around it, just like no one accompanies me at this moment, oh!As I thought secretly, I sighed quietly.


Climbing to the balcony, the moonlight is brighter, and the beige pajamas also look more crystal, just curled up, the evening breeze is not cold, but it is very gentle. I look straight at the moon, and I see the orange light outside.It is green inside. I did not see the shadow of Chang'e and Jade Rabbit in the legend. There was nothing at all. Everything was so unusual.The moon is like a moon cake. I picked up the only moon cake and looked at it, which was very similar, compared, as if the moon cake in my hand was larger than the moon in front of my eyes. What was the reason?I don't think I understand ...


Moon cakes, the moon, let me be selfish, just accompany me for one night, only to accompany me alone, okay?


Teachers' comment: The text expresses the mood of quiet girls in a boring.The lively reunion festival of the Mid -Autumn Festival brings a lonely thought to the little author. The text in the text is very delicate about the author's own heart.The psychological feeling of a girl.

中秋节的作文500字 篇2


The Mid -Autumn Festival has arrived, and the cute moon has changed from curved eyebrows to round golden cakes to the sky again.


The night fell, and the blue sky was covered by a mysterious black cloth.Gradually, a round of bright moon rose, as if a large jade plate was embedded in the sky.She is so eye -catching, but so gentle.


I moved a stool and lay on the moon. At this time, I couldn't help thinking of the mythical story of "Chang'e Running Moon" and "Wu Gangpu Gui". Somehow I seemed to see the beautiful and moving.There is also a osmanthus tree with lush leaves and thick trunks next to Chang'e. A caught -made ax is desperately chopped. I think it is Wu Gang!


My mother gave me a lunar cake and I ate it. At this time, my mother told me the story of "Sun and the Moon": in ancient times, there were two sisters.My sister is the moon, and the sister is the sun and they come to the world to benefit humans.At first, the sun benefited humans at night, but the sun sister was afraid of darkness, so her sister exchanged it with her sister.But when the sun sister saw so many humans looked at her during the day, she was shy and overwhelmed. She quickly went to find her sister. The sister took some gold needles to say, "They look at you in the future. You can use gold needles.They stabbed them, and they didn't dare to look at you. "This became the dazzling sun and soft moon we saw today.After listening to my mother's story, I think my sister Moon is smart and brave.At this time, I thought of which travelers far away in a foreign country must be reunited with my family.Thinking about it, I bite another sweet moon cake.I looked up at the sky, and I seemed to feel that the moon tonight was particularly bright and clear.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is really a festival full of imagination. I love the Mid -Autumn Festival!