
时间:2022-11-02 12:54:42 | 来源:语文通



快乐的端午节作文300字 篇1快乐的端午节作文300字 篇2端午节作文300字 篇3快乐的端午节作文300字 篇4端午节作文300字 篇5端午节作文300字 篇6端午的作文300字 篇7端午作文300字 篇8端午节作文200字优秀作文 篇9

快乐的端午节作文300字 篇1


Some people like the Mid Autumn Festival, some people like the Spring Festival, and others like the Double Ninth Festival. My favorite is the Dragon Boat Festival.


Today, the teacher came to teach us how to fold gourds: First, the teacher gave each of us a piece of paper with different colors. I first folded the paper into a square, then the square into a triangle, and then the four corners of the triangle were folded upward to form a diamond. The most important and difficult step was to fold the gourd wings.


Some students were in a hurry, some were thinking hard, and some said "too difficult". At this time, a man finished folding. The teacher praised him for his ingenuity. This man was Cao Jiateng, because he had learned how to fold gourds from his grandmother before. We all admired him to death. Finally, with the guidance and help of the teacher, I finished the prototype of the gourd. I held the four wings of the gourd and blew hard. A plump gourd was finished. The gourd was as fat as a little girl.


In this lesson, we not only learned to fold gourds, but also learned the truth that we should be patient in everything we do. Therefore, this Dragon Boat Festival has become happy and meaningful.

快乐的端午节作文300字 篇2


February 9 - New Year's Eve is the last day of 2012. Every family has decorated their lanterns and put up festive couplets. Everyone is very busy, and I am no exception. My father is not at home. I am a little man at home. I want to help my family get ready for the New Year.


First, I spread the couplets on a clean table and pasted tape on its four corners. First, I moved a stool and pasted it on the left side and then on the right side. In this way, the couplets were pasted neatly by me. I admire my masterpiece and am extremely satisfied.


In the evening, we ate dumplings and watched the Spring Festival Gala. The bell rang at 12 o'clock. My father and I rushed out of the house with fireworks. The sound of firecrackers outside was deafening. Colorful fireworks crisscrossed in the air. The whole sky became a colorful garden. We danced, shouted, laughed, and passed on happiness to each other. Even our one year old brother danced excitedly. Our whole family is intoxicated with the sea of fireworks, which is extremely beautiful. At the same time, I wish everyone as happy as me!

端午节作文300字 篇3


It was the Dragon Boat Festival, and our family of three sat together to eat zongzi, with meat and vegetable zongzi on the table. We ate rice dumplings and talked about Qu Yuan's story. Father said that the Dragon Boat Festival was to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. In history, Qu Yuan was the restoration of the imperial court of Chu State and a loyal minister. However, he was framed by treacherous officials in the imperial court and was unable to serve the country. In order to prove his loyalty and arouse the patriotism of the people of Chu, Qu Yuan jumped into the river to prove his patriotism by dying. The people of Chu were afraid that the fish in the river would eat Qu Yuan, so they wrapped a lot of zongzi to block the mouth of the fish, so that the fish would not eat Qu Yuan. But it's too late. The common people regret wronging Qu Yuan. Therefore, every Dragon Boat Festival, people eat zongzi to commemorate Qu Yuan.


I ate zongzi this day to commemorate Qu Yuan, because Qu Yuan was a good man, a loyal minister, and a great patriotic poet.


I will celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year. I will firmly remember Qu Yuan, who loves our great motherland as much as he does.

快乐的端午节作文300字 篇4


I like the Dragon Boat Festival, because it can not only make dumplings with my grandma, but also watch the dragon boat race.


There are many kinds of zongzi in Liuzhou: pillow zongzi, triangle zongzi, cool zongzi, etc. The zongzi are made of white glutinous rice wrapped in green Ruo leaves, but the filling of each type of zongzi is different. Some zongzi are wrapped with chestnuts, meat and glutinous rice; Some zongzi are full of beans. When you peel the leaves, you can see the colorful beans embedded in the white glutinous rice, which is beautiful; In addition to glutinous rice, there is nothing left in Zongzi, which is called cool zongzi.


Dragon boat races are held in Liujiang River every year on the Dragon Boat Festival. At this time, the banks of Liujiang River are full of people, which is very lively. The dragon boats on the river are all kinds of different forms. Generally, a ship has 11 crew members, one of whom is playing drums or waving team flags at the "dragon head" to cheer for the crew behind, and the other 10 are rowing hard with their oars and rushing towards the end. The scene was very intense, which made people nervous and excited.


I like the Dragon Boat Festival, because it is really a happy festival.

端午节作文300字 篇5


Today is the annual Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan's jumping into the river. On this day, people will eat rice dumplings, boil eggs, race dragon boats, wear colorful threads, and pick wormwood leaves from the mountains


The zongzi I made at home is an equilateral triangle. First, we prepared glutinous rice, dates and zongzi leaves. First wrap the zongzi leaves into a triangle, then put some rice, then put one or two dates, and finally wrap them into a triangle. Tie the string to the wrapped zongzi, and the water will be ready. Mother said: "The white rice symbolizes Qu Yuan's innocence. The big red dates are Qu Yuan's patriotism."


In addition to eating zongzi and rolling lucky eggs, we also had barbecues in the open air, such as lamb kebabs, bacon rolls, chicken wings, meat skin, ham sausages, and fish slices. It was much better than the Chuandian restaurant. Everyone sat around the stove, talking and laughing, a happy and harmonious scene.


I think my family makes dumplings for me, which is my blessing. When I grow up, I must repay my family with the most sincere and beautiful blessings.

端午节作文300字 篇6


The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and Grandma, a super expert in making rice dumplings, can be on the scene again. She pinched two brown leaves left and right to form a cone, then put a handful of glutinous rice and a little fat pork. The fat pork is very learned. My grandma cut the pork into fat on the top and thin on the bottom, oh! It turns out that making zongzi requires a good knife technique. After putting the fat pork, put another handful of glutinous rice, and tie it tightly with reeds. Grandma said, "Zongzi is very fragrant when it is wrapped with reeds.


I followed suit. In the process of learning, I came up with a good idea to trick my brother. Grandma also said: "Learning to make dumplings can not be distracted!" I immediately concentrate on making dumplings. Grandma has rich experience. Every time she makes dumplings, they are not soft or hard. They taste delicious.


My brother chose the biggest zongzi. Ha, that's the zongzi I want to trick him. He opened it and saw the rice dumplings leaves again. After a long drive, I saw a zongzi with a big finger. I laughed so much that he stared at me with two bulging eyes and said, "You'll die next time."


Dragon Boat Festival is coming, please help me find a way!


"Well, it's delicious, Bachubachup, hmm."

端午的作文300字 篇7


Dragon Boat Festival is on fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. Do you know its origin? Let me tell you something.


Once upon a time, there was a patriotic poet, Qu Yuan. Once, when he went to Beijing to do business, he saw that the country was becoming very weak and committed suicide in the Guluo River. Before he died, he wrote a poem. To commemorate this patriotic poet, people set the Dragon Boat Festival at the beginning of May in the lunar calendar every year.


The main content of the Dragon Boat Festival is to row dragon boats and make dumplings.


The scene of dragon boat race is very lively, and the river bank is crowded. Just heard the gunshot, the people on the boat rowed forward desperately, and the river bank was full of refueling.


Zongzi is made of bamboo leaves and glutinous rice. The bag is sticky. It's not a professional but it's not good!


On the Dragon Boat Festival, people also clean their houses and sprinkle realgar water in the kitchen to kill poisonous insects.


It is said that the dragon boat race was to salvage Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who died in the Guluo River. Throwing zongzi into the river is to make the fish, shrimp and crabs eat enough and stop eating Qu Yuan's remains.

端午作文300字 篇8


Wednesday is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the Dragon Boat Festival. I got up. Today's breakfast is zongzi. Zongzi uses zongzi leaves to wrap glutinous rice and various fillings, and then uses ropes to fasten them. In zongzi, I like meat most. Because the meat inside is soaked in various spices, it is especially delicious after steaming.


After breakfast, we went out. I saw some wormwood hanging on the door. I heard it was used to ward off evil spirits and diseases. On the way, I bought a beautiful perfume bag from my grandma. This sachet has colorful stripes, and a long, beautiful hanging rope is tied on it. I took it in my hand and smelled it. There was a smell of Chinese medicine. Later, I learned that there was wormwood powder in it.


According to my mother, there is also a custom of dragon boat racing on the Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon boats, like water hoses, are rolling on the lake. The people in the dragon boat paddled hard, and some people beat drums, as if they were urging the dragon to swim faster. We chased each other to the end.


The Dragon Boat Festival is a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan. It is a traditional Chinese festival. Every Chinese of us should attach importance to it.

端午节作文200字优秀作文 篇9


"On the fifth of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. Insert wormwood leaves and wear sachets. Eat rice dumplings and sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat is jubilant." Whenever I hear this children's song, I think of the lively scene of the Dragon Boat Festival when I was a child.


The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who died in the Guluo River. The dragon boat race is not to save Qu Yuan. Zongzi was thrown into the river so that the fish, fish, shrimps and crabs could not eat Qu Yuan's body anymore. After a long evolution, throwing zongzi into the river gradually became eating zongzi on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.


The Dragon Boat Festival also weighs five, so many customs are associated with the number "five". Tie the red, yellow, blue, white and black silk on children's neck, wrists or ankles, which is called Longevity Strap. Each family should insert "five ends": calamus, wormwood, pomegranate flower, garlic and dragon boat flower. When the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated in the south, people should eat "five yellow": yellow croaker, cucumber, salted duck, egg yolk, rice dumplings wrapped in soybean petals, and drink realgar wine.


Ah, I really like the Dragon Boat Festival!