
时间:2022-08-17 13:19:31 | 来源:语文通



My doctoral uncle often says: "The avenue of the avenue from the experiment can be method or spiritual. Do a small experiment and understand a big truth. This is the joy of experiments."


Once, I went to my uncle's house for vacation, and I prepared a lot of interesting experimental materials for me and my brother.We chose an experiment on crystals- "growing colorful Christmas trees".We first fix the cardboard with a Christmas tree pattern on a chassis, and then pour the inorganic salt solution in the liquid bag from the top of the Christmas tree, and then wait for 10 hours according to the requirements of the instructions.It is learned from the instructions that the water will evaporate quickly under the cap action, and the white inorganic salt crystal attached to the cardboard will slowly precipitate the formation of beautiful crystals.We are curious and can't wait to see this magical scene.


My brother is still young, I don't know how long for 10 hours, I think it will be here.So every five or six minutes, I pulled me to watch the Christmas tree, but there was no change at all.I ran back and forth seven or eight times in this way. We were a little impatient. We shouted: "What is this broken experiment? The Christmas tree has not come out for a long time. We are impatient!"The land said to us: "You need to learn to wait for things, don't be upset. Since you have completed all the work of the experiment according to the steps, you must have confidence in yourself.What about things? "We thought for a while, and it made sense.


In the next hours, my brother and I and I did experiments such as "Rainbow Rain" and "bubble magma bottle". Every small experiment made us excited.Unconsciously, I forgot about the Christmas tree, and I remembered it after dinner.At this time, the Christmas tree has grown crystals, colorful, beautiful, but I am happy to make me and my cousin.


Looking at the gorgeous Christmas tree, I understand that there is really a reason in the experiment: in addition to focusing on things, we must also learn to wait, and be patient and confident."It is necessary to have confidence"; at the same time, the overall studies have begun to take root in my heart and wait for germination!



When I was a kid, I have done many experiments with my friends at home, so that we can enjoy the fun after solving the mystery.


One day, my good friend mysteriously pointed to a photo for us. It was a person who was lying on the water and read a book, asking, "Why didn't this person sink?" "Because he has super power." "Because of him belowSomeone entrusts it. "And I said:" This is the sea of death, which contains more than 30%of the salt, so it floats. "


To prove me, I did another experiment. We first brought a glass reinforcement, poured half a cylinder of water in it, put the raw eggs in the water, and the eggs sank immediately. I bought another pack of salt and a spoon, adding a few spoons of salt to the water, and the eggs didn't move. My brother said, "Stir, let the salt melt." I stirred it, my partners opened their eyes wide, and I also silently read: Fill up! Fast! But I can’t be as my wishes, I will add it again After a few spoons, and stirred it with a spoon, the water in the tank was turbid. Eggs actually floated in the water. When we were about to cheer, the eggs fell again. It turned out that the spoon stirred him. A partner frowned, holding his head, staring at the water tank straight, and suddenly said, "Just pour all the salt in!" I poured them in quickly. Time passed a little bit, we kept staring at the water tank, salt slowly sank, and the eggs did not float. I was disappointed: How could it be? Impossible! Suddenly I realized it again, picked up the spoon and stirred it a few times, the eggs floated a little bit, and our hearts hung up a little, until the end of the egg turned out to the egg, the eggs emerged until the eggs emerged. On the water, we cheered, because the eggs pressed with their hands and would float.


Life is briefly learned to enjoy the surprises brought to you in life.This experiment brought me fun.



450 words of elementary school students


Today, the Chinese teacher brought us to the dream classroom. The teacher told us that the game name was "Eggs Become Anpack", and the teacher announced the rules of the game.At the beginning, all the students squatted down as an egg, and then found a partner to start a stone scissors. Winning became a chick and a half squat.Those who rose to the level became a Phoenix. The posture of the Phoenix was the pose of the phoenix.If you become a Phoenix, find your Phoenix partner, continue the stone scissors, the winner becomes a person, and the loser is reduced to make a chick again.The ultimate winner becomes an adult.


After a while, the game started. Li Kehan and I first scissed the cloth. I lost the egg. Li Kehan became a chick. I went to the egg again. I found Duan Jingyang. This time I won, Duan Jingyang lost,I became a chick. It turned out that Li Qi didn't find a chicken friend, and then I started the stone scissors. I won the Phoenix. Li Qi lost into an egg.After Kong Fangsong, we started the stone scissors. We all came out of the scissors, so we came again. I won and became a person.I won.


Today, I'm so happy!


Primary School Student Weekly 450 Words 2_I Love to Read


Gorky once said: "Books are the stairs of human progress."Mao Zedong also said: "The rice can not be eaten for a day, I feel that I can not sleep for a day, and the book cannot be read for a day."My life is also inseparable from the nourishment of books.


One morning, I found a book stall under the downstairs, so I discussed with my mother to let me go to buy a book.Standing next to the book stall, all kinds of books were presented in front of me. I looked at it and looked at it. Finally, I chose a science fiction novel- "Charles 9".I held the book back home, and after a while I was immersed in the book, like a bookworm, swallowing the knowledge little by little.The vivid articles in the book make me half drunk like wine.


My mother was ready to eat and was waiting for me to eat.When my mother saw that I had nothing to do with it, "Qiqi! Hurry up to eat." I slowly took the book and sat down in front of the table.I held the chopsticks with the other hand in my hand and started reading while eating.I was pinched to a carrot. At this time, the content of the book was climax. I was very nervous, and at this moment I felt a little uncomfortable.When I put down the book, I found that I caught the carrot diced in my nose.Mom laughed: "Let you read a book while eating, you have read it in your nose!"


The book is my good teacher and friend. It brings me happiness. The books can bring us gains and make us progress.I love reading.



Today, I want to do a small experiment. This experiment is amazing. I always want to do this experiment.The first step of this experiment is to take a magnifying glass and a piece of white paper, and then apply a piece of black with a pencil and then under the irradiation of the violent sun to do this experiment.


I put the magnifying glass under the sun, and a small highlight will appear on the black block of the white paper. I carefully observe and slowly, I found that the highlight on the white paper began to smoke.Move that highlight, as a result, the white paper was burned out of a hole, which was amazing.


Friends, do you know what mysteries are there?Think about it.



At the beginning of the composition, the teacher walked into the classroom with a smile, holding a dozen paper in his hand.At this time, the classmates were curious. What did the teacher do such a dozen paper?We are all brought as text.


The teacher said, "Today we are going to make a very interesting game." The classmates thought it was strange. How could I make a game with paper?I saw the teacher clamped two of the same letter paper with both hands and placed it on his mouth.The teacher said, "Guess, I guess, I blow a breath in the middle of the paper, what will happen to the paper?" Everyone talked, and some said, "Of course, it will fly to both sides." Other people said, "Guess, it is obviously flying to both sides. "So the teacher took a breath, then blowing sharply, but the paper was together.The teacher saw everyone puzzled, and said, "Students can try it by themselves." The students picked up the paper and blown according to the teacher, and the paper really flew to the middle.The classmates asked the teacher with doubts. The teacher said: "It is full of air around us, and the air is stressful. When we blow the air in the middle of the two pieces of paper, the air is blown away, and the pressure becomes smaller. The pressure becomes smaller.The pressure outside the paper remains unchanged and will squeeze to the middle, so the two pieces of paper will stick together. "


Through this interesting discovery, I understand that there are many seemingly simple things in life, and only through practice can it be discovered.



A few days ago, the teacher asked us to make a discolored gyroscope.


We return home and prepare the materials: thick cardboard, color pen, round rules, pencils, deficits, scissors, neutral pen cores.Come up according to the method said by the teacher (I): Cut the thick cardboard from the carton of the cake, then draw a circle on it with a circle, then cut this circle with scissors, and then divide the circle into eight copies, and then divide the circle into eight portions.Then apply a color in each part, and finally use the scissors to a hole in the center of the circle, insert it into the hole with a neutral pen.In this way, a colorful gyroscope is ready!


Try it?Wow, it is actually colorful!There are pale yellow, pink, orange, and Mulan.After turning many times, I found that light yellow is composed of yellow and white and orange; pink changes from the fastest speed of light purple; orange red is composed of orange and red;EssenceWhat a beautiful!


When I was at school, the teacher asked what color turned around?Everyone said in unison: "White!" I suddenly stunned, very strange: "You are all white, why are I color?" I tried to turn home again when I got home, which was much faster than the original!The color actually changed, and it became white!Oh, I understand, the faster the speed will fade.


Suddenly, I remembered the fan of a break, and I realized it suddenly.The faster the speed, the "they" will leave a shadow, and the colors of all shadows will become white.This is also the principle of cartoons. I checked the information online again.


Science is really interesting, and you can learn knowledge!


(Post -record: Sunlight is composed of seven colors. If the color and proportion of seven light are applied to the paper piece, when the gyroscope is rotated, because the human eye has a visual retaining phenomenon, the seven colors of light on the retina are on the retina.The superposition causes white vision, and all the color gyroscopy turns into white.)



On the morning of October 3, I went to my cousin's house to play.After a while, my cousin asked me, "If there is a ball, half of the outside is made of wood, and half of the inside is glass. Put it in the water, sink?I think it is sinking! "He added.


On the way home, I racked my brains and tried hard: "Is it floating through the buoyancy of the wood? Or is it sinking with the characteristics of glass?" Then do an experiment.


I came home, found a wooden ball, and found a small glass ball, cut the wooden ball to the size of the glass ball, cut it, and then put the glass ball in. The experimental materials were fine.Then I set the water basin as the experimental venue, and the experiments were ready.


I filled the water basin with water and placed on the floor of the living room."Three, two, one" I counted and threw the ball into the basin.Sink down?Floating?I was waiting nervously for the calm surface.Is it really as what cousin said?When the level was quiet, I observed it carefully. Although the ball was not exposed to the water, it did not sink to it.I tested a few more times, the ball was still floating in the water, and it didn't sink at all.The next day, I said to him excitedly on the phone, "Cousin, what you said yesterday. I tested it. The little ball didn't sink at all, you can come to my house to visit!" After a few minutes,My cousin came to my house. He looked at my experiment in surprise and tried it a few more times."One of my friends told me this question and said that the ball would be sinking!" He said, "It seems that he also told him when he also made a mistake!" I was very happy after he heard his words.


In the past, just like Galileo's error on Aristotle on the Pizza Tower, it explained the truth: when exploring science and learning knowledge, you cannot blindly rely on books and teachers.You must not learn to be a truth, and you must try it by yourself to get true and reliable knowledge.



"Burn the handkerchief!" How fresh, how can there be a bad handkerchief?I decided to try it by myself.


The experiment started.I first poured the alcohol into the cup, and then I clamped the handkerchief with a mule, put it in a measuring cup with alcohol, soaked and soaked, fished up with a mule, shaking.Hold the lighter with your left hand and ignite the alcohol lamp.Then, put the handkerchief on the alcohol lamp and burned, "brush", the flames rushed from the handkerchief, burning the fire.I was so nervous that my hands were shaking.I threw the handkerchief in the washbasin at the fastest speed.I thought: This time, it can be caused, and the handkerchief must be burned out of a large hole.I took the handkerchief out of the washbasin, squeezed it, and looked at it.what!The miracle happened, and the handkerchief was not burned out.Why is this?I quickly searched the information, and I realized it at a glance.It turned out that the handkerchief contained alcohol and water. When it was on fire, it burned alcohol, so the handkerchief was not bad.If it keeps burning and the alcohol is burned, the handkerchief will be burned.


This small experiment is really interesting!



I heard that the ants have a strong memory, so I want to do an experiment and test it.


One morning, I came to the hills in Changle Park and found an ant nest.It happened that there was a group of ants going out.I followed them for five meters and grabbed them with a bottle.Then, the smell left the ants where the ant crawled over with water and sprayed with other odors.Then, I dug two rows of small holes with iron crickets and picked some branches and inserted them in small holes.Next, I paved the newspaper on the ground in the middle of the two rows of small branches, scratched a leaf, and sprinkled it on it.In this way, I completely changed the environment.


At one end of the newspaper at the Ant Nest, I opened the bottle cap gently, and the ants crawled out.I quickly seized this opportunity and brushed yellow paint on them.I saw them hesitated for a while, and climbed it carefully.Several bold ants quickly climbed to the front, and a bolder ant climbed into the leaves.He stopped inside for a while before coming out, and he looked very scared.


I think this experiment can not verify the memory of ants, because as long as the ants climb along the road I paved, I can definitely return home.So, I walked quickly to the ants, and quickly divided the road just by Xiaotai, and extended another one to the small woods.One of these two roads leads to the ant nest, and the other is the forest.


I did not expect that these ants did not climb the wrong direction.I looked at the magnifying glass, wow, those little ants did not just go home by the smell, but also remember the road with my head!


It is an interesting experiment. It seems that ants really have a strong memory!


Instructor: Yang Sai



Today, my brother, Xiaolong, and Liu Ze are preparing to perform an experiment of "spraying flames".


We find a lighter and a small iron pipe. The materials are ready. Now "everything is ready -only in the experiment."


Xiaolong took the lighter. I took the iron tube to aim the lighter to the tube and adjust the lighter to the maximum firepower.Brother and Liu Ze watched it first, (don't be too close to the pipe, otherwise it will be burned by flames)."Ready, open some." Liu Ze ordered, "嗖", the fire elves pushed me from the narrow pipe, and rushed to the blue sky outside the tube.From one end of the iron pipe to the other, "Wow! It's spectacular!" We said in unison: "That fire ball, like a small mushroom, a little round, and some curved.It disappeared without a trace. We met and cheered!


In my hearts with my partners, happy and beautiful flowers were released.



On Sunday morning, my mother finished the eggs and accidentally mixed raw eggs with cooked eggs.Mom picked up the eggs, took a look at the left, and looked at the right, but could not find the cooked eggs.Looking at my mother's sadness, I took the task of "distinguishing raw cooked eggs".


I think, I think of a way to break the eggs.But I thought again: If the eggs are broken, it is not necessary to eat the eggs for many days, and it will be wasted if you can't eat it.I think this method is not feasible.So I picked up the egg and looked at it carefully.I saw the pointed end of the egg, and I thought of my toy -the gyro.I said to myself, "Why don't you rotate the eggs?" So, I turned the eggs.I found that some eggs turned fast and some turned slowly.I put the turn fast aside, slowly on the other side, and the last comparison, the slow -moving eggs are more eggs faster than the eggs that turn faster, so I conclude that the cooked eggs are turned fast.It's raw eggs.Later, I found the reasons for rotating fast and slow on my mobile phone.It turned out that because the raw eggs were liquid, it would be unstable when rotating, and it was crooked.And cooked eggs are solid, so rotating is very smooth and fast.Seeing the explanation, I was suddenly cheerful,


In the evening, when my mother came back, I told my mother about the method of distinguishing raw and cooked eggs.My mother praised me and said, "You are awesome!" I heard my heart.


Author: Zhang Junhao



Instructor: Ren Ping, Chen Yi, and Liu Secret

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Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



When I took a Chinese class yesterday, the teacher said: Everyone prepares two eggs in their pockets. Be careful to protect it and not be broken.The students all felt fresh.


This morning, our class was lively. Everyone gathered together in three or two. Everyone's face showed a mysterious smile. It seems that every classmate is curious about the teacher’s homework, and I am no exception.Essence


Since getting up in the morning and putting two eggs in pockets, my hands have basically never left the eggs.Even if you are playing with your classmates, you think about the eggs in your pocket to be "careful."During the class, I was also careful, for fear that I would be bent down and crushed the eggs without paying attention to it.After class, there are a lot of classmates in the class than usual. Several students who are very active are also sitting in the classroom regularly.


Later, the students were looking for fun on the eggs. They carefully painted some cartoon characters they liked on the eggs and gave them all kinds of creative names.I am not willing to fall behind. I painted a beautiful girl on the first egg, named "Mai Zi Baby"; a boy was painted on the other, named "Cool Tsai".How about, cool enough!And more fun!When you listen, you will definitely laugh.


Hehe ... The "little fat man" in our class gave his eggs for two special names, one called "perseverance", and the other was "weak".The reason was that he deliberately touched the two eggs, the first one was intact, and the second bone rolled to the ground to break.So those two interesting names spontaneously spontaneously.And "Digimon", "Clown King" ... How about, our classmates are very cute!


Although this game lasted only one day, I realized some truths: If you are determined to do one thing, as long as you do it with your heart, you will be able to do it well.


Small experiments in the fifth grade textbook: Each student holds two eggs in his pockets in a day, compared with one and one game, and see who's eggs are the best.


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