
时间:2022-09-21 13:41:02 | 来源:语文通



元旦联欢作文 篇1元旦节主题联欢晚会活动策划方案 篇2元旦联欢会作文 篇3元旦联欢晚会作文 篇4元旦联欢作文 篇5元旦联欢作文 篇6元旦联欢晚会作文 篇7元旦联欢作文 篇8元旦联欢作文 篇9元旦联欢晚会作文 篇10

元旦联欢作文 篇1


Today, in order to celebrate the New Year, our class held a rich and wonderful party in our classroom. Students performed textbook dramas, Inner Mongolia dance, cross talk, Xinjiang dance, magic, etc.I like these programs very much.


When performing the textbook, when I went to our fourth group in order, I was a little nervous and scared, but I was still very happy. My lines were: "The pony does not cross the river and cross the river. This river has reached my waist.. "When it was my turn, I said this sentence loudly.Li Wenyi and I also performed the cross talk "Speaking of the Counterfeit". Although we only prepared for one night, we performed very seriously, which still provoked everyone.


I hope that in the new year, I can pass the kart temporary driver's license.

元旦节主题联欢晚会活动策划方案 篇2


1. Activity theme


Welcome to New Year and create the future together


2. Activity purpose


Promote the unity of employees of the company, stimulate the enthusiasm of employees' work, and strengthen the construction of corporate culture.


Third, activity content


1. Select "20__ annual five -star employees".


2. tug of war.


Fourth, organizational


Responsible department: planning department


Participating departments: All departments of the company


5. Event object


All the company's employees


6. Location


1. Selection of "Five Star Employees": All departments of the company.


2. tug of war: the company's basketball court.


Seven, activity time


20__ New Year's Day


8. Activity process


1. Prepare leaflets and notifications to be issued;


2. Send notice and event planning to the heads of various departments;


3. Related information and publicity on the homepage of the company's website;


4. Send an email to the mailboxes of each company employee, mobilize everyone’s enthusiasm and enthusiasm for participation, introduce this event in detail and ask them to consult;


5. Poster promotion, you can post it at the entrance of the company's cafeteria and publicize the information column of various dormitory.


Event preparation work and implementation:


1. Propaganda notice


Basic conditions and standards for selection


Basic conditions:


(1) More than 1 year in the company's successive time.


(2) No disciplinary evaluation and punishment this year.


(3) With strong work ability, due diligence, and high quality to complete this job.


(4) Strictly require yourself and consciously abide by the company's various rules and regulations.


(5) The spirit of innovation can make constructive suggestions.


(6) With a team spirit and cooperate with others in work.


Selection criteria:


(1) A sense of responsibility: do your best to do your job, diligent and serious.


(2) Be careful: good at discovering omissions in the work and being able to correct them in time.


(3) Entry -mindedness: A proactive, active learning at work, and good at pioneering and innovative.


(4) There is honor and disgrace: truly realize the relationship between enterprises and self -development, enterprises are prosperous, and enterprises are ashamed.


2. The selection department divides


According to the characteristics of the company's institutions and the multiple nature of employees' positions, in order to reflect and enhance the advancedness, representativeness, and nature of the selection, we divide the company into two parts: first of all, each department selects employees within its own, and thenEmployees selected by various departments represent their departments to participate in the company's "five -star employee" selection.


3. Specific process


(1) Formulate a reasonable selection system and related rewards for this event;


(2) Make a reasonable survey form (with "five -star employees" votes) and printed them all;


(3) Communicate and contact the heads of various departments, issue an investigation form according to the number of various departments, and explain related matters;


(4) The person in charge of each department will uniformly distribute the survey form to each employee, and must be handled by each employee, and emphasize that it cannot abstain and clear the recycling time;


(5) The organizers do a good job of supervision and provide various consultations;


(6) Recover all the votes from the person in charge of each department and conduct statistics, select the employees with the most rationalized suggestions and the most votes;


(7) The organizer recovered the votes and conducted statistics. Five employees were selected as "employees" and selected one person as a "five -star employee"; the award ceremony was held at the same time as the awards on the day of the tug of war.


Award and bonus settings:


"Employees" reward __ yuan; "five -star employees" reward 5,000 yuan.The tug of war wins the department to get the __ provincial __ city tourism organized by the company once.

元旦联欢会作文 篇3


At the beginning of the afternoon, the host Zhang Shuyu announced the official start of the party. In a short time, the laughter and cheers sounded.The show showed that the first show was Zhao Jingyu's piano solo. She played so well.


Today is the last day of 20xx. According to the practice, the school will be held in the school for a new year.On this day, there are fun and laughter everywhere on campus.


At noon that day, the sun was bright, and I came to school early.I found that every student bag was filled with my favorite snacks, holding beautiful spraying snow in my hand, and a happy smile on my face. I am no exception.I couldn't wait to run into the classroom, and came to the door of the classroom. I was stunned. The classroom was renewed. I saw that the colorful ribbons were hung over the classroom.


At the beginning of the afternoon, the host Zhang Shuyu announced the official start of the party. In a short time, the laughter and cheers sounded.The show showed that the first show was Zhao Jingyu's piano solo. She played so well and so beautiful; the second show was Zhang Jingyuan's solo "Hometown". Her singing was so crispy and bright.We are all immersed in singing, as if they are immersive.


The time passed so fast, in a blink of an eye, a half -hour time was so fast, and an hour and a half of the party was about to end. I was really reluctant.

元旦联欢晚会作文 篇4

元旦快要到了,我收到老师的通知:让我主持节目,我听了,高兴极了! 回到家,我和爸爸妈妈说了后,他们非常支持我,而且妈妈还帮我把联欢会主持词抄写了下来,我真是感激不尽!啊!伟大的母爱! 等星星,盼月亮……终于盼到了元旦节!我穿上了节日的盛装,来到了学校。我不敢相信自己的眼睛,教师的黑板被画得花花绿绿,还写着“元旦快乐”几个字样;

New Year's Day is about to arrive, I receive a notice from the teacher: let me host the show, I listen, I am very happy!When I got home, after I told my parents, they supported me very much, and my mother also helped me copy the presence of the party. I am really grateful!what!Great mother love!Wait for the stars, look forward to the moon ... finally look forward to the New Year's Day!I put on the festival's dress and came to school.I dare not believe my eyes. The teacher’s blackboard is painted and turns out, and it also reads the words "Happy New Year";

窗户上挂着气球,拉花等饰物。转眼间,原来黑洞洞的教室变得五彩缤纷,十分美丽! 看完抄本展览后,我们就开始了联欢会,“当日历又翻开新的一页,当小树又增加一个年轮……五年级二班新年联欢会现在开始!”顿时,教室里爆发出热烈的掌声,久久不息…… 下面,同学们就开始表演节目了,在我印象中最深刻的就是牛欢欢、赵家琦、罗慧茹表演的双簧《元旦倒霉》了,他们那奇怪的样子,让我们捧腹大笑……不仅是这个表演吧,还有张娜、侯旭芳的小品,《三八列车》、李彪何康旺的小品《校园》、赵沛斌的魔术,都非常夺人眼球。在此,我也非常高兴,因为我是主持人,我还自编自演了小品《学英语》,里面也有我的一份功劳。 最后,大家合唱《新年好》,再次将联欢会推向了高潮,全体同学在欢乐的气氛中结束了联欢会,期盼着一个新目标。

There are balloons, pulling flowers and other accessories on the window. In a blink of an eye, the classroom of the black hole became colorful and very beautiful! After watching the manuscript exhibition, we started the party, "When the calendar opened a new page, when the small tree increased another annual round ... The fifth grade and two new year gala began now!" Suddenly, the classroom broke out. In the warm applause, for a long time ... Below, the students started performing the show. The deepest thing in my impression is Niu Huanhuan, Zhao Jiaqi, and Luo Huiru's performance of "Unlucky New Year's Day". Laughing with your belly ... Not only this performance, but also Zhang Na and Hou Xufang's sketches, "Three and Eight Trains", Li Biao He Kangwang's sketch "Campus", Zhao Peibin's magic, are very eye -catching. Here, I am also very happy because I am a host. I also edited myself and performed a sketch "Learning English", which also contained my credit. In the end, everyone sang "Happy New Year", and once again pushed the party to the climax. All the students ended the party in a happy atmosphere, looking forward to a new goal.

元旦联欢作文 篇5


I really want to spend a New Year's Day party with my classmates in the composition class. I did not expect that I finally waited.


On this day, we stood into two long dragons and walked towards the destination, saying that we were going to a kindergarten to open New Year's Day.We walked all the way and walked all the way to the countryside.At that time, many of our teams said that they were tired and included me.When we saw a kindergarten, we jumped up with joy. Who knew that it was not that kindergarten.We were a little frustrated, but finally arrived.Most of the kindergartens are sky blue, and there is a hand crafts made by children.We went to that classroom, and we found that there was a semi -circular place, as if we could take more than two hundred people.


We sat down and ate the snacks given by the teacher, and my thoughts were all in the snack.But watch the show, the program is divided into: "sketches, dancing, singing, jokes, painting ...


Everyone performs very well.But when I was about to reach me, I was very nervous, and no one was listening when I came to power.These people eat and say.The teacher said that let me say it again, but they still didn't listen.The teacher asked me to return to my seat, and I went down.


I am very puzzled this time, why no one listened?Is it not good enough?Although this looks, I am still very happy!

元旦联欢作文 篇6


I walked into the new classroom, and the teachers and students had already arranged the classrooms in a well -organized. The balloons kept swinging like naughty dolls.The thick large pull flowers hang between the chandeliers, like a chic colorful rope, connecting the students' hearts.The classmates also sat in the seats we wanted to sit one after another, and we began to send the drinks and snacks brought by the students.The New Year's Day Gala began, and the students may be too excited and applauded hard.


The first show was cross talk. This "appetizer" was loved by the students. I saw the two classmates who talked about crosstalk made funny movements, spoke humorous language, and shown their "stunts" from time to time.Classmates laughed, which can be described as "the most delicious dish in the recipe"!


The second show let us appreciate the sound of nature in nature. The melodious two -huh sounds are so refreshing, just like taking us to the world of "Running Horse"!


The most interesting thing is to play games. The students are enthusiastic and eager to try.What is even more interesting is that the teacher also joined it. In the first game, we played the game of "different mouth fingers". The students were kept eliminated. What about the teacher?As soon as I came up, the students were out of the case because of "honesty", and the students were also interested, and then played the following games. After a few rounds, the students who received the prizes were very happy. Students who did not get the prizes did not lose their "Lian Guanlang"Heat", it is even more excited!


The magic performance is also very amazing. I saw the magic classmates who washed the cards and washed away. What was in my mouth and stunned, and then asked another classmate to draw cards. Some students also joked that it was him."Too", but no one is angry, yes, how many times can this cheerful day?

最后一个小品《反义词练习》为这个联欢会收了尾,成了菜后的甜点,同学们乐得丝毫没有联欢要结束时的沮丧,反而笑得更欢,我作为小品中的一员,更是心里乐开了花,没想到回头率这么高! 欢乐的时光总是这么短暂,团聚的日子特别让人难忘,一元复始,万象更新,我们要记住那辞旧迎新的时刻,憧憬明天。元旦联欢圆满的收了场,为这次活动划上了一个令人难忘的句号!

The last sketch "Antonym Practice" ended for this party and became a dessert after the dish. The students were so happy that they were not about to end the depression at the end of the gala. Instead, I laughed even more.I was happy in my heart, but I didn't expect to have a high rate of return!The joy of joy is always so short. The days of reunion are particularly memorable. After a renewal, Vientiane is updated. We must remember the moment of the old and welcoming the new and look forward to tomorrow.New Year's Day Gala successfully accepted the field, and made an unforgettable end for this event!

元旦联欢晚会作文 篇7


In 2022, the Spring Festival is happy.In order to welcome the new year, we held a grand event.


The classroom is jubilant, and the students have an unprepared interest on their faces.The walls are full of brilliant flowers and brilliant.Background music sounds, we are becoming more active.From time to time, you can also see a funny smile, which is a colorful balloon, which is attractive like candy.

班里的土豪们带来了饮料与零食,一股脑地撒 .c .cn n到桌子上,大家就如饿狼一样地冲上去抢。尤其是小宇,这个土豪慷慨地买了一打雪碧,被瓜分了还乐呵呵地。低年级同学带来了许多薯条和各种糖果。抓一把填嘴里,满口喷香,好久没如此不羁地吃了。老师又用彩虹装在了灯上,教室里的光变得五彩缤纷。在这里,我们如鱼得水般享受着,美哉了!

The local tyrants in the class brought drinks and snacks, and a brain .c .cn n went to the table, and everyone rushed up like a hungry wolf.Especially Xiaoyu, this local tyrant bought a dozen dozen Sprite, and was divided up and was cheerful.Low grade students brought many fries and various candy.Grasp the mouth, spray the fragrance, and haven't eaten so unruly for a long time.The teacher was put on the lamp again with a rainbow, and the light in the classroom became colorful.Here, we enjoy it like fish, beautiful!


Then we performed the show in order, and everyone was very active.I sang "Old Boy" and "Believe in yourself", and was impassioned. Some classmates said: "This song should only be in heaven, and I can hear a few times." I'm so happy!Then there is the sketch "Put on the wrong shoes". We all laughed and turned upside down.Some people laughed, some people patted the table, and some people smiled and coughed.Then there is a fierce and unrestrained riding dance "Jiangnan Style". The handsome movement is imitating.Everyone was intoxicated like "forever" and released their most beautiful smiley face.After getting the prize, I was happy from the bottom of my heart.I love here, love these people!


It is only once a year, and we all enjoy it. It is really as jubilant.We are like a family, and we are happy, singing and dancing.This year is the beginning of our new era!This music can only be said!

元旦联欢作文 篇8


Time is like a long river of memory, hurriedly and quietly flowing, and in a blink of an eye, a new year ushered in."Four New New Year's Day, Wanshou's early present", today is the beginning of the new year??New Year.


In the morning, when I went to the vegetable market, I saw the hawkers selling. Taking advantage of this festive festival, I had various promotional activities: a young man who bought a sweater, and made a "real material, cheap and beauty, fake a fake one compensation, a compensation for one compensation, a compensation for a fake one.The signature of the hundreds of "Hundred" has won the trust of customers; the uncle who sells Hong Kong -style jackets wrote: "Decreased the big sale" seven conspicuous characters, the guest swarmed up ... These witty hawkers all took out the housekeepingDivision, discount promotion.


Some also wrote a word of advertising words, which made passers -by stopped and fascinated. Everyone wants to buy cheap things, hawkers and customers have launched fierce debate. Customers desperately bargain, hawkers desperately quit, bargaining and noisy. A aunt who bought a small cotton jacket said to the vendor: "Cheaned, celebrate the New Year, please be a good sign, count me 16 yuan, six or six Dasun." The hawker frowned and said, "No, I rely on it, I also rely on it. This raising family will not add some, 18 yuan! 幺 幺? Do you want to send it! How about sending? " Intersection Maybe in her eyes, her cute child was put on the warm and happy look of the warm cotton coat. There are many fake flowers on the stalls, and colorful fake flowers can be described as clever; with false truths, many passers -by stop and appreciate, buy one or two bouquets. The children are the most cheerful, stroll around, and see the round and large sugar gourd or the balloon printed with cartoon characters. Pack up the money into the hawker's hand. The children hold it in their hands, and their mouths are contained, and they are very happy! ‘The square is even more lanterns, the flowers are clustered, and the crowds are crowded. There are also various snacks in the square, making people look at the saliva and sell it a little. People's laughter shows a festive mood.


That afternoon, I shouted that I wanted to eat dumplings. When Grandma was making dumplings, she took out a copper coin mysteriously: "This copper coin represents peace. Whoever eats it will be safe this year." Dumplings. After the dumplings were squeezed, it started to get the pot. After a while, the dumplings were cooked. The dumplings of "round fat" rolled in the pot, like a swimming competition. Grandma scooped six dumplings each bowl, symbolizing "six or six Dashun". I watched this white and soft dumplings, "Value of three thousand feet", and I couldn't wait to finish them immediately. Suddenly, I found that there was a dumplings much larger than others. I thought: Shouldn't there be any "conspiracy and tricks" in it? Let's give it to the mother to "handle". So I secretly "transferred" the dumplings into my mother's bowl. Unexpectedly, her mother "moved" in the bowl of "weight loss" during this time. Dad pretended to be "sad and angry" and said, "I am a man at home, and you don't care about it with you. You don't eat it, I eat!" After that, Dad swallowed his head and swallowed. When Dad was halfway, he stopped suddenly and asked strangely: "How did I eat a copper coin? Who put it in?" "Ah! That's a peaceful copper coin!" I yelled exaggeratedly. Later, I said "sadly": "That dumplings were mine, but let you eat it, oops, I don't do it!" Dad said funnyly: "The dumplings have been eaten in my stomach. If you want, get it in my stomach and take it! "Dad's funny language made the whole family laugh, and my tears laughed.


I like this happy and happy atmosphere of my family!


Sixth Grade Sixth Grade of Tianyu Primary School, Baoan District, Shenzhen: Chen Chuangjia

元旦联欢作文 篇9


A few days ago, several students sent a note to each classmate in the afternoon, let us go to school on Monday, open New Year's Day, and after receiving the note, I really hope that Monday will come soon.


On Monday morning, I went to my schoolbag and hurriedly rushed. At school, we soon started the severity.EssenceAfter a while, the party will begin!


The first show was "Pony Crossing the River", and some wonderful shows were also performed. The students raised their hands and won applause. My favorite is the "united and cooperative discount newspaper game".The group three or four groups pick out eight classmates, each group also takes a newspaper, and the same is true.The people's hearts, the moving and unity of Taishan is the principle of power, everyone picking firewood and flames. In the future, there are difficulties to help cooperate with each other in order to solve the problem and make things better.


This gala, let us learn knowledge and play games. I like New Year's Day party!

元旦联欢晚会作文 篇10


Today is the last day of 2021. The teacher said, "In order to celebrate the arrival of the new year, we hold a gala." After the teacher said, our class talked about: "Hey? Who will perform the show?"The teacher also said, "Quiet, please go to Li Ye to sign up."


In the afternoon, the teacher walked into the classroom with three big bags. When we saw it, it turned out to be small sugar, oranges, and melon seeds.He sent us a little, let us eat first, and then perform the show after a while.After a while, the host said, "Now that Li Xiao is invited to play a" Bullfightlon "for everyone." Li Xiao played it in concentration, and the teacher and classmates were immersed in music.When Li Xiao was finished, there was a thunderous applause."Listening to the wonderful music, Li Ye said: I invited Zou Chunyu and Li Zonglin to sing" Love Is Not Peerless ". I welcomed the applause! Li Zonglin and I sang:" I stand on the roof of the world and watch the world with a magnifying glass ..."


There was applause after the performance.Next, Xu Jingxuan and Pan Zhengyang performed sketches. Pan Zhengyang played foreigners and Xu Jingxuan played merchants.One day, foreigners came to China and said to the merchant, "Apple!" The merchant said: "Yo! Foreigners are so polite. When they see me, they call Grandma." Foreigners said, "Pen! Pen!" The merchantSaid: "I don't sell pots here, do I want to wash the feet in my house?" Foreigners said, "No! No!" The merchant said, "My pots are not missing!" After the performance, the classmates "ha"A laughter.Li Ye said: There are Li Meiru and Zou Chunyu performed "Yellow Master".After the performance, Li Ye said: I invited Gao Yumiao to perform "The Castle of Love", wow!This song is so nice, our classmates come forward.After the performance is over, we have also been from school.


what!This party not only made us happy, but also made our classmates familiar with each other and caring for each other.