
时间:2022-08-27 13:18:11 | 来源:语文通



In a windy and beautiful morning, the little frogs, little turtles, ducklings, and cocks went to Niu Bobo's house to collect vegetables together.Suddenly, Wuyun was densely set, "Boom Rondon, Boom Rondon-" The thunder sounded, "Well, wow —" The sky seemed to be pouring water, and the ground was soaked.


The kitten heard the sound of rain and danced happily.It rushed out and sipped, "Selling an umbrella, selling an umbrella." It thought: Today, there will definitely be many people who come to buy my umbrella, haha!


The little frog sang the song while "” ", and jumped happily.The kitten said happily: "Mr. Frog, do you need an umbrella?" The little frog waved his hand and said, "It's okay, thank you, I don't need an umbrella, you see a raincoat on me."The little frog jumped away happily.


You see my shell is my umbrella. "After that, it shrank into the shell:" Haha, the raindrops are massaging me. "


The duckling walked over, and the kitten quickly asked, "Duckling, come and buy an umbrella." The duckling said happily: "Thank you, Sister Kitten, I don't need an umbrella.There are duck oil! "After that, the duckling shook the water on his body, and the feathers were dried immediately.The kitten feels too lucky because it has not sold it now.


At this time, the little rooster hugged his head and ran around, and he ran aside, "It's raining, it's raining." The kitten quickly said, "I have an umbrella."The rooster thanked the kitten, and I was no longer afraid of rain!


The kitten was so happy today because it finally sold the umbrella.