On Sunday, we participated in the youth basketball game at the Shenyang Basketball Stadium. This is my third time I played, and I was still a little nervous.
The game began, and I received a pass from my teammates. I didn't want to start attacking without thinking.However, as soon as I reached the three -point line, there were four defensors surrounded me. What can I do! If I don't quickly pass it to my teammates, the ball will soon become the opponent. I suddenly think of the coach.I usually told me that as long as the waist is bent lower, the earth will be very low, so that the enemy will not get the ball.I was thinking, the coach under the field shouted anxiously: "Quickly pass the ball!"
I didn't dare to delay anymore, and passed the ball to the captain quickly and accurately with the way of passing the ball. The captain immediately rushed into the enemy's offensive zone like stepping on the wind wheel.Five enemy members surrounded the captain, and the captain dodged back and forth like a tiger. I quickly ran to the captain.The captain gave me the ball. At this time, the enemy's player wanted to break the ball, but even if the enemy's hand was as fast as the wind, the captain's reactiveness could not be defeated.The remaining three members of our team were not outdone. They stared at the enemy's players, just like the hungry beast staring at their food.
The game reached the last few seconds. At this time, I hit three -pointers suddenly, and our team also won the game because of these three points.
We cheered happily, and the captain came over and said to me, "Good!" I am very happy!
On the first day of the National Day, what happened to me on Thursday morning, what was very important to me? That was the beginning of the youth basketball game.
When I came to the contest, I found that many teams have come to some discussions that they are confident in their confidence in tactics.Some are looking for the team members to see them sad.
The game started a player who took his first hand and patted his opponent to feel that he was going to the left and then shot it on his right hand.Perfectly flew into the ball basket.The parents on the sidelines screamed excitedly when they scored the ball with a blush and scored: "Good ball."
The intense game ended, although our team only won the fourth place, I also worked hard.This also made me understand a truth: "People outside the sky and the sky."
1、少年:少年读音为shào nián,是指不几年。 古称青年男子,现在指人大约十岁到十五岁这个阶段少年儿童读物少年 shǎo nián分词解释:不几年。[early youth (from ten to sixteen)] 古称青年男子,现在指人大约十岁到十五岁这个阶段少年儿童读物分词解释:● 不 bù ㄅㄨˋ◎ 副词。◎ 用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:不去。不多。不法。不料。不材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。不刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。不学无术。不速之客。◎ 单用,做否定性的回答:不,我不知道。◎ 用在句末表疑问:他现在身体好不?● 不 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ◎ 古同“否”,不如此,不然。● 几(幾) jī ㄐㄧˉ◎ 小或矮的桌子:茶几儿。◎ 将近,差一点:几乎。几至。◎ 苗头:知几其神乎。● 几(幾) jǐ ㄐㄧˇ◎ 询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:几个人?几何(a.多少,如“人生几几?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法的学科,如“平面几几”)。◎ 表示不定的数目:几本书。几百人。● 年 nián ㄋㄧㄢˊ◎ 地球绕太阳一周的时间:一年。三年五载。◎ 每年的:年会。年鉴。年利。年薪。◎ 一年的开始:年节。新年。◎ 有关年节的(用品):年画。年礼。年货。◎ 时期,时代:近年。年华。年号(a.帝王用的纪年名称;b.公元纪年名称)。年限。年深日久。◎ 收成:年成。年景。年谨。荒年。◎ 岁数:年纪。年事(岁数)。年高。年轮。◎ 人一生所经年岁的分期:幼年。童年。青年。壮年。中年。老年。◎ 科举时代同年考中者的互称:年兄。年谊(同年登科的关系)。◎ 姓。● 少 shǎo ㄕㄠˇ◎ 数量小的,与“多”相对:多少。少量。少许。◎ 缺,不够:缺少。减少。◎ 不经常:少有。少见。◎ 短时间:少等。少候。少顷。◎ 丢,遗失:屋里少了东西。◎ 轻视:“且夫我尝闻少仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,如吾弗信,今我睹子之难穷也”。● 少 shào ㄕㄠˋ◎ 年纪轻或年轻人:少年。少女。少壮(年轻力壮)。◎ 古代辅佐长官的副职:少傅。少保。◎ 次级的:少校。少将(jiàng )。◎ 姓。...少年怎么造句,用少年造句»
2、篮球:篮球读音为lán qiú,是指①球类运动项目之一,把球投入对方防守的球架铁圈中算得分,得分多的获胜。②篮球运动使用的球,用牛皮做壳,橡胶做胆,也有全用橡胶制成的。篮球 lán qiú词语解释:①球类运动项目之一,把球投入对方防守的球架铁圈中算得分,得分多的获胜。②篮球运动使用的球,用牛皮做壳,橡胶做胆,也有全用橡胶制成的。(1) [basketball](2) 赛篮球用的球,用橡胶做里面的球胆,用牛皮做外面的球皮,也有全用橡胶制成的(3) 球类运动项目之一分词解释:得分:1.游戏﹑比赛或考试时得到分数。 2.指游戏﹑比赛或考试所得的分数。获胜:取得胜利。如:甲队以五比○获胜。投入:置身其中;放进去。如:投入资金。对方:跟行为的主体处于相对地位的一方:老王结婚了,对方是幼儿园的保育员 ㄧ打球要善于抓住对方的弱点来进攻。...篮球怎么造句,用篮球造句»
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