
时间:2022-09-22 13:23:14 | 来源:语文通



中秋节作文500字 篇1中秋节的作文500字 篇2中秋趣事作文400字 篇3中秋节优秀作文400字 篇4中秋节作文范文字30 篇5中秋节作文500字 篇6中秋节优秀作文 篇7中秋节作文范文字30 篇8中秋节优秀作文 篇9

中秋节作文500字 篇1


"Yin Qingyuan is short, and it is a good time on earth." The Mid -Autumn Festival is of extraordinary significance for the Chinese.


Before the sky is dark, the mother prepares the food: bright red Q bombs, sweet but not greasy braised pork, green crispy greens ... Mom set the place to eat in my loft, then put it temporarilyA table and a few chairs are convenient for us to eat reunion meals and enjoy the moon.


As we talked, we were full of happy atmosphere. After a while, the meals on the table were snapped up. This Mid -Autumn Festival dinner was particularly fragrant. Everyone was very happy.After eating the reunion meal, Dad rushed to wash the dishes, and the mother accompanied her father to chat in the kitchen.When Dad knew that I promised my mother to help wash the dishes many times, but did not put it into action, Dad called me to the kitchen and told me the family style.


Dad looked at me affectionately and said, "Son, do you know what is the family style?" I couldn't figure out my head and wanted to break my head.When Dad saw me, he patiently said, "Family style is the rules of the family, and the living style of family members is the code of behavior that family members must follow." I understand this when I say this.I suddenly thought: "Our family style is about credit." Speaking of this, I blushed, thinking of what I promised to wash the dishes.


At noon, I promised my mother to wash the bowl. I walked to the kitchen and I thought. Anyway, I didn't take much time to wash a bowl, and I washed it for a while.So I lay on the sofa at all at once.But I do n’t wait for someone, I have been caught in the animation world and I ca n’t extricate myself.The time for a minute and one second, it was time to dinner.My mother came back from get off work and saw the bowl full of the pool, and she was not angry. Instead, it was educating me to be a child who kept promises and paid attention to credit.


Thinking of this, looking at Dad, I blushed, and decided to keep in mind the conversation of the Mid -Autumn Festival and be a child who pays attention to credit.

中秋节的作文500字 篇2

中秋之夜 今天是中秋节,是一个万家团圆的日子。

Mid -Autumn Festival night is the Mid -Autumn Festival today, a day of reunion.


As the saying goes: the moon is rising at the sea, and the end of the world will be at this time.


But this year we are not so lucky. From the morning, we have been drizzling in the sky and gloomy.


It seems that we can't see the bright moon tonight.


At night, our family gathered in a dinner and chatted happily. My brother and I ate the round moon cake and looked at the night sky from time to time.


Last year's Mid -Autumn Festival, as soon as I had dinner, my grandfather and I couldn't wait to come to the Han River to enjoy the moon.


"Come out, come out" I screamed excitedly.


The moon showed half a face from the clouds, shy as a little girl.


Slowly, the round moon rose, like a large jade plate, and the moon was like a fairy wearing a white gauze skirt, sprinking the bright moonlight to the ground, and the earth was like daylight.


Mingyue was embedded on the sky. From the moonlight, I seemed to see Sister Chang'e crying alone, and she held Yu to avoid her loved ones with both hands.


At this time, Grandpa stopped me, "Look at there, it's so beautiful!" The shadow of the original moon was reflected in the water, forming a water moon, the river reflects the surrounding lights, and then set off the beautiful round moon, it looks like you are in the body, it really looks like you are in the body.In a beautiful picture.


Seeing this scene, I couldn't help writing a poem: Mid -Autumn Festival rewarded the moon and the moon was full, and the lake was very fresh.


The long river is like a picture roll, and our family is together.


When everyone heard it, I praised me and said, "Yes, I am very interested, and I can still write a poem.

”我得意地笑了……多么难忘的中秋夜啊! 这个中秋节虽说有些遗憾,没有见到嫦娥姐姐,但我过得同样愉快,一家人其乐融融过节,团团圆圆吃饭才最重要。

"I laughed proudly ... What an unforgettable Mid -Autumn Festival night! Although this Mid -Autumn Festival is a bit regrettable, I haven't seen Sister Chang'e, but I am equally happy.

中秋趣事作文400字 篇3


Today is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival. Everyone looks at the Mid -Autumn Festival.Happy, because your relatives in the distance are coming back to the holiday!Really envious of them, the family can sit together and pass the Mid -Autumn Festival happily, telling the long -term burying in their hearts.Children can play happily and work with their parents.


At this moment, I seemed to feel the mood of being alone in a foreign country.The loved ones who love all kinds of thoughts are even stronger in the Mid -Autumn Festival.Thinking back many years ago with the family, he ate moon cakes with the beauty, and appreciated the moon as if it was a century ago.At this moment, a large plate of moon cakes are only enjoyed by me alone. The bright moon on the round of bright moon, and no one can accompany me to enjoy it together.Mingyue seemed to have a small gap. It was no longer the bright and beautiful beauty. The moon cakes seemed to be as sweet and delicious as that year. With the bitterness of the bursts, Zhi Qin entered my heart.


Is the fragmented reality, even the traditional Mid -Autumn Festival festival cannot be recovered?Is it really reunion in the Mid -Autumn Festival?The clock is still constantly walking, and it told me again and again that the imagination scene has long been a good memory.I want to catch this memories many times, but the facts of Tienan relentlessly denied my thoughts.The beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival, the Mid -Autumn Festival, the painful Mid -Autumn Festival, and the sad Mid -Autumn Festival can only spend it quietly by me alone.


Low your head, and count the tears of a drop of sourness.

中秋节优秀作文400字 篇4


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, and I look forward to a few days.I planned to plan for a long time. Let ’s go home with my classmates first, go home to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes at night.Taking this day is colorful.


I hurriedly set off with my dad in the morning. Our destination is the White Tiger Scenic Area.There, my classmates and I gathered together, smiling excitedly, talking about the tall mountains in front of me.This mountain is so majestic. Looking at the mountains from a distance, it seems to be on the white clouds in the sky, and the feet are soft.I started climbing the mountain. My dad and I climbed up quickly, but walked, and my feet were like pouring lead, and I could hardly walk.At this time, Dad pointed to the green plant in the distance and said, "Look at the jujube tree!" I saw it for the first time, so I proposed to pick jujube.We walked under the jujube tree, and we saw a lot of jujube on it, some red, some half red and half -green, and some were all green, which was not familiar.I tasted the jujube picked by my dad, with a slight sweetness in the sour, which was delicious.We decided to take more jujube down the mountain in advance and go to the farm meal with our classmates.Eating fragrant rice, I forgot my fatigue just now.


When I returned home at night, my mother had prepared moon cakes and fruits.Although the moon did not show a beautiful smile tonight, the whole family said that they ate moon cakes with a smile.Listening to Dad said that many people can't reunite with my family in the Mid -Autumn Festival, and I feel more happy.

中秋节作文范文字30 篇5


On the morning of the Mid -Autumn Festival, our family went to grandma's house, and we brought a lot of moon cakes.Grandma made a lot of buns at noon, and we were full.At night we went out to see the moon.We walked in the middle of the square, and I looked up to see the moon. The moon was unclear, which disappointed us, suddenly!Grandma asked us to go to a place.I asked: "Grandma, where are you going to take us?" Grandma said happily: "There is a place to see the moon very well!"


Hearing this sentence, we were happy on the right.After a while, Grandma said loudly, "It's here!" I asked in doubt: "Grandma, this is where you said?" Grandma said happily: "This is the clearest place to see the moon!"Look at the moon, ah!So clear!Mom shouted loudly.Mother said happily: "There is an old grandma on the moon, a baby, and a big green tree. The grandmother holds the baby to coax the baby to sleep under the tree!" The mother finished speaking, I raised her head to look at the moon.The round moon is like an old grandma. The little stars are like children. The old grandma gives the children a nice story, and they are happy.


We watched the moon for a while and left.On the way home, I said happily: "I really want to open a pair of wings, so I can see what there is on the moon's face." We arrived home, and I thought to see the moon here next time!

中秋节作文500字 篇6


On the last day of the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday, my parents went to the event of my parents ’Alumni Association: Boba.


Bo Bing is a traditional Mid -Autumn Festival game in Xiamen. It originated from the ancient imperial examination system and is very interesting.First of all, we form a table, put a large bowl on the table, put six dice in the bowl, and roll the dice in turn.Throwing a "four" is the "Xiucai" award, called "Yixiu", the smallest award.If it is two "four", it is bigger, called "lifting people", called "two actions".If there are four exactly the same dice, you will hit the "Jinshi", called "Four Entry", which is already very good.Of course, it is best to enter the top three.Throw three "four", which is "exploring flowers", called "three red", which is equivalent to the third place in ancient imperial examinations.If the six dice are exactly one, two, three, four, five, and six, it is China's second "second place", called "pair".The most exciting is the first "champion".It's amazing to throw four "four".


A group of children and I formed a table to roll the dice in turn.Mom and dad stood behind us and cheered for us.Every time there are children throwing prizes, everyone cheers.At this time, there was a cheers from the next table.It turned out that someone threw the "champion", how much I wanted to be the "champion".Soon, it was my turn.I threw one hand.Ah, four "four", champion!Everyone cried, I won the highest prize.


Today, I played the traditional Mid -Autumn Festival game -Boxing Cake and became the champion.I'm so glad!Of course, I know that the "first" in the game depends on luck. If you want to become a real "first" in learning, you must work hard.I think this game is very interesting.In the future, I will introduce this game to my classmates and have fun together.

中秋节优秀作文 篇7


Mid -Autumn Festival Night 4 (2) Banning Xinyue In the autumn and autumn autumn, in addition to the major National Day, there is a traditional festival -Mid -Autumn Festival.Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. My father and mother decided to enjoy the moon together at night.After dinner, we went downstairs to enjoy the moon together.In the downstairs, we saw that many people were like us, carrying all kinds of lanterns to enjoy the moon.Some of them are enjoying the moon, and some are admiring beautiful lanterns ... `We come to the park, a lush big stands next to the curved small roads; on the grass, clusters of leaves with flowers with flowers are followed by followers.Wind dancing.A gust of gusts gently brushed, and gave everyone a trace of autumn.I looked up and saw that the round moon had just risen, "hanging" in the treetops.


The moon is round like a large plate, the white moon is a little yellow, so beautiful!Suddenly, I found some faint shadows on the moon.One of the shadows in Chang'e in the legend, there seems to be a small animal next to her. I guess it should be a jade rabbit!Let me see it again, it seems that a tall and tall laurel tree appears, and there seems to be a person holding the ax next to it. This should be the legendary Wu Gangpu Gui!Mid -Autumn Festival is a festival of Chinese folk traditions. Whenever the Mid -Autumn Festival, people have traditional customs such as watching the moon, eating moon cakes, and taste of melon fruit.It is said that there are "worshiping the moon" in some places. I hope that the wind is smooth and the whole family will be healthy in the future ... Over time, we return home.I was lying on the bed, through the window, looking at Huang Chengcheng's moon, and soon I entered the sweet dream hometown ...

中秋节作文范文字30 篇8


Mom said that the Mid -Autumn Festival is our traditional festival, and it is also a day when a family is reunited. My aunt wants to bring two little cousins to come back from Hong Kong to celebrate the festival. I am really happy, but I want it today.


After school, I saw my aunt and two little cousins have returned. I said to the big cousin, "Do you have any, let's finish it together." The two of us started doing homework seriously. Auntie saw straight.I boast that we are good children, we are very happy, arrogant and proud after listening.After finishing homework, my mother told us to hurry up and say that I went to the rooftop to enjoy the moon.After we dinner, we watched the cartoon for a while. Mom told us to go to the rooftop to play.Zi, Tianluo, Lingjong, etc. I see dazzling, I really want to eat it immediately, but I have n’t been able to play with my cousin and cousin.Mine is a Lamb Paradise.After a while, the people came together, and the moon came out. The moon tonight is really round and really bright!We eat around the table while chatting, it's really happy!


Time passes so fast, I need it tomorrow, so I have to earlier.I wonder what the Mid -Autumn Festival next year is like?

中秋节优秀作文 篇9


Some time ago, the autumn rain continued, near the Mid -Autumn Festival, the autumn rain gradually stopped, the rain was sunny, and all things in the world seemed to be clearer and charming.


At this time, the night sky was extremely quiet, as if a ray of moonlight shone in the night sky, as if the Mid -Autumn Festival came in advance.


Yesterday, there were countless emotions in the Mid -Autumn Festival. Life was windy and rainy. It seemed to have spent countless Mid -Autumn Festival.


One day, the Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, and the family can reunite again and be happy Mid -Autumn Festival.


On the Mid -Autumn Festival, the family accompanied me, sitting in the moonlight, tasted the sweet moon cake, and tasted the sweetness of life.


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the family accompanied me, sitting in the moonlight, admiring the moonlight, and listening to the story of Moon Guangxu said you, I have had a little bit of the season, and felt the most beautiful season of life.


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the family accompanied me, sitting in the moonlight, and talking about the children's mature understanding, comforting mind, the hard work, and the past, the previous efforts, and the once effort.


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the moonlight remains unchanged, but people will slowly grow old. As people slowly grow old, they will also attach the warmth of the family. I hope that every Mid -Autumn Festival in the future will feel the sweetness of the meeting at that moment.The beauty of round people.


Mid -Autumn Festival is beautiful, and the Mid -Autumn Festival night is warmer!