
时间:2022-11-03 13:11:46 | 来源:语文通



国庆节趣事作文 篇1国庆节趣事作文 篇2国庆节趣事作文 篇3国庆节趣事作文 篇4国庆节趣事作文 篇5国庆趣事作文 篇6

国庆节趣事作文 篇1


Today, my grandma and I went to see dinosaurs in Yuhe Garden.


As soon as we entered the door, we saw a Stegosaurus shaking its head and tail, as if greeting us. Later, we saw two similar ornithosaurs. One large similar ornithosaurs shook its hands and opened its mouth, as if to say, "Hello! Hello!" The other small similar ornithosaur was very quiet, standing still... This place is not only beautiful for dinosaurs, but also has a variety of interesting projects, including making dinosaur fossils, drawing prizes, Take dinosaur eggs, make balloon animals and so on.


After a while, Grandma and I came out. I was playing in the Bears Paradise at the entrance of Yuhe Garden. Everyone was so happy!


Time passed quickly. It was time to go home again. We had to leave reluctantly.

国庆节趣事作文 篇2


National Day holiday, I and my father, mother, and aunt went back to grandma's home.


At six o'clock in the morning, when I opened my eyes, I found my mother lying beside me missing. I climbed out of bed and looked at the living room. It turned out that my mother was packing things in the living room. I quickly dressed and waited for departure. Mother said: National Day holiday, many people take the bus, we start early.


Before seven o'clock, we started to leave. When we took the bus, it was very smooth. It was just that there were more people and the air was not fresh. When we arrived at the Chengxi Passenger Station, I saw how many people there were! More people than the railway station!


I exclaimed. There was a long line at the ticket office, and people crowded in at the entrance. When we entered the waiting square, there was a long line, which could not be seen from the end, and the line was still zigzagging. There were so many people that we could not see the train. However, the order of the line was good. When we stood in line, it was 7:30. I didn't expect that so many people would come earlier than us.


We waited and waited. We turned several corners, but we couldn't wait for the chance to get on the bus. It was already more than ten o'clock. The number of people in front of our team had not decreased, but had increased. It turned out that people kept jumping in the queue. The queue was already in chaos. If we waited to go, we still didn't know when to go. Finally, we had to take a black car. We took a two hour ride on the highway and arrived at the county, We took the bus to Juliang again. After more than an hour, we finally arrived at the entrance of the village. When I got off the bus, my grandpa had already been waiting for me there. I saw my grandpa coming to pick us up. I was excited to get on his motorcycle. It was almost evening when we got home. It usually took more than two hours to drive, but today it took nearly nine hours!


In the evening, I read the news that tourism in various scenic spots is also a sea of people. It is difficult to buy tickets, take a bus, eat meals, and stay in hotels on holidays. Unexpectedly, it makes people more tired. When can everything become easier, whether it is going home or traveling, it can make people relax physically and mentally.

国庆节趣事作文 篇3


The long-awaited National Day holiday has finally arrived, and several of our families will go to Anji Bamboo Sea Scenic Area to play together.


When everyone arrived, several of our good friends jumped out of the car and began to chirp. Finally, we began to climb the Bamboo Mountain. Like wild children, our good friend did not take the stairs, but walked through the dense bamboo mountains. In addition, we sway under each bamboo like monkeys.


We finally climbed to the top of the Great Bamboo Sea Scenic Area and thought: Do we still want to go on like this? However, our eyes answered that we were going to take the roller coaster.


I can't wait to jump on the roller coaster. The staff pushed us onto the railway, and we rushed down like the wind. My heart suddenly came up, especially when turning, I felt that I would be thrown out.


But good times are always so short, I really want to take a roller coaster again!

国庆节趣事作文 篇4


It is the National Day of the year again, and our long-awaited vacation has also come!


Dear children, while you are busy playing, do you know what a sacred and great day it is today? Listen to my grandparents_ Today, years ago, is a great day for the founding of our great motherland, the People's Republic of China! For a long time, our great motherland has been invaded by imperialism, and the people have lived like slaves. On this day in 1949, the CPC finally ushered in a new chapter of history after a long bloody battle_


Today is Zu_ On our birthday of, we celebrated all over the country. The land of our motherland is full of jubilant atmosphere. Although I have never been to Tiananmen Square, I can imagine how spectacular Tiananmen Square is today! The mighty flag bearer, the slowly red flag, and the enthusiastic people were singing and dancing in the Tian'an Square in Beijing, the capital of the motherland. How happy they were!


Today is a great day. I hope that our great motherland will become stronger and more prosperous. I also hope that our children can start today, learn knowledge well, and make our motherland more prosperous and stronger when they grow up!

国庆节趣事作文 篇5


I had a very happy National Day this year. My parents took me to Guilin, where the landscape is the best in the world.


We first went to the Seven Star Park to visit the Seven Star Rock. The scenery in the cave is very beautiful. There are fish weng fishing, thousand year old banyan trees, and the scenery beyond the Great Wall. Among them, the most beautiful scenic spot is Nine Dragons playing in the water. We are still taking pictures there! Out of the cave, we went to the zoo to watch a circus show. There were tigers scurrying through fire rings, monkeys carrying water, parrots throwing balls, monkeys standing upside down, and so on. All the programs were wonderful, and I applauded with joy.


The next day we also went to Yangshuo, which has more beautiful landscapes, and visited the Moon Mountain and Butterfly Spring. Guilin is a very beautiful city. I like it very much.

国庆趣事作文 篇6


For various reasons, we didn't go out on National Day. One fine day, my mother asked me to play badminton on the lawn.


While playing, I was so excited that I hit the badminton on the tree. My mother wanted to hit the ball down with a racket. As a result, the ball did not fall down but the racket was also hung on the tree. Without help, my mother used another racket to smash it. It was not easy to get the racket down. But the ball was still hanging high in the tree. The white ball seemed to say, "How can you get me down?" I said to my mother, "Use my shoes to hit the ball." Mom said, "OK." So I took off my shoes and threw them at the ball. "The ball is coming down." Mom said. "Really? That's great. Shall we continue to play?" I said happily.


"Where are your shoes?" "I don't know. Is it in a tree?" I looked up at the tree. My shoe was really high on the tree. "What should I do?" Mom: "The best way is to take it from the tree yourself.". "No, I'm afraid of climbing a tree. It will hurt if I fall down." "Don't worry, Mom will catch you under the tree." So I climbed up carefully like a snail. I was shivering while climbing, and kept shouting, "Mom, I'm afraid! Mom, I won't climb anymore." My mother kept encouraging me when she saw me like this. I continued to climb up again. When I saw my shoes, I shook the branch with all my strength and finally shook the shoes down. I then carefully returned to the original way.


It was really a breathtaking tree climbing, but it also provided a lot of fun for my National Day!