
时间:2022-11-07 13:09:14 | 来源:语文通



游览长城作文 篇1游览长城作文 篇2游览长城作文 篇3

游览长城作文 篇1


Since my childhood as a chronicler and director, I have had the desire to climb the Great Wall and enjoy myself. During this summer vacation, the wishes and dreams of many years have finally come true.


On July 15, under the leadership of the English training class teacher Liu, I and other students organized a group to participate in a five-day tour in Beijing. I was very excited in the early morning of that day. The sun had just risen from the eastern horizon when it was early in the morning. I got up to tidy up my room, brush my teeth and face carefully, pack up my belongings, and get ready to take a bus to visit the Great Wall. At this time, I was very happy and excited.


At 7:30 in the morning, I heard a gathering whistle from Mr. Liu. All of our students took a luxurious bus to the direction of Badaling in order. Sitting on the bus, I looked out of the window and saw the beautiful modern capital Beijing, which made me very excited. Because it was my first time to come to Beijing, and it was the first time that I saw Beijing with my own eyes. After several hours of driving, we arrived at the foot of the Great Wall, got off and stood in line to visit the Great Wall with tickets. After the security check, we climbed the Great Wall step by step and sweat by step according to the guide's requirements. After several efforts, at 11:40, we climbed to the top of the city. Standing on the Great Wall, looking around, you can see the beautiful scenery inside and outside the Great Wall, and witness the magnificence of the Great Wall. The exhaustion of physical exertion is completely forgotten, and the absorbed energy is attracted by the Great Wall. At this time, I thought of the heroic words in a poem by Chairman Mao, "The scenery of the Northern Kingdom, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow. Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, I can only see the recklessness; up and down the river, I suddenly lost the torrent.". At the same time, he also understood the meaning of another sentence of Chairman Mao, "He is not a hero until he reaches the Great Wall, but he has to make a journey of 20000".


The magnificent Great Wall is the crystallization of the hard work and wisdom of the Chinese people and has created the miracle of the world's human beings. As a Chinese, I am proud of it.

游览长城作文 篇2


The Badaling Great Wall in Beijing is very magnificent.


My parents and I stood at the entrance of the Badaling Great Wall, and saw the towering Great Wall winding up the mountain like a dragon. Looking at the dark ants on the Great Wall at the top of the mountain in the distance, I was surprised: it's really a sea of people!


At this time, a cold wind blew in my face, and I could not help shivering with cold. Although it was predicted yesterday that it would cool down today, and I came here prepared to thicken my clothes, I didn't expect it to be so cold! It seems that when I arrived at the South Pole, the wind blew on my face like a knife. It really hurts! Climbing the Great Wall in such bad weather is really a challenge. I hope I can go back alive, amen. With this in mind, I stepped forward to the Great Wall.


The stairs of the Great Wall are very steep. You have to use all your strength to reach each step. It seems that your legs are filled with lead and you can't lift them. Every brick on the surrounding city wall is engraved with various names, even on the ground. I think this is a souvenir left by tourists. The place without stairs on the Great Wall becomes a steep slope, almost 90 °, which is very difficult to climb. You may even slide down halfway. So people grabbed the handrail and moved up bit by bit. There are only two sides of the handrail, so it forms a strange scene that people are crowded twice and the middle is empty. Because there were too many people to squeeze, I had to step back and ☆ WWW.. CN ☆ rushed up from the middle, but I bumped many people.


When I got to the middle, I turned around and looked down the mountain. Because it was winter, all the leaves on the mountain had fallen, leaving only bare trunks. Occasionally, one or two birds flew around and called. Appears lonely. I think of the solitary tree, the sunset, the light smoke, the old tree, the jackdaw. Bai Pu probably wanted to describe this scene.


I also saw the sections of the Great Wall that I had climbed. Now it looks so small. However, the people above are still crowded. The Great Wall twists and turns to the deepest part of the mountain. No matter how I stand on tiptoe, how I jump until I can't see, I can only see the looming beacon towers hidden in the woods. I turned around and looked at the highest point - the end point, which was not far away from me. I was more confident.


It's almost noon. The weather is warmer and the number of tourists has increased.


After a lot of hardships, I finally reached the end of the line out of breath. Standing on the high platform, I raised my hand proudly and looked into the distance -- enjoying the beautiful scenery in the distance!


Before I reached the Great Wall, I was not a hero. After reading the poem, I said with emotion: I am also a hero!

游览长城作文 篇3


During the summer vacation, my mother took me to Beijing to visit the historic Great Wall.


The Great Wall was built on the rolling Bazaeda Ridge, which looks like a long dragon. The wall of the Great Wall is very thick and high, and the length is incomparable, more than 50000 kilometers. Therefore, it is called the Great Wall. If you build a one meter thick and five meter high wall with the bricks, stones and earthwork of the Great Wall, the wall can circle the earth for more than one week.


The Great Wall we see today was mainly built in the Ming Dynasty. I wonder how the ancient working people completed this huge construction project without advanced tools? It's a miracle that you can even see it from a spaceship!


When we climbed to the top of Badaling, we were already sweating and panting. But when I saw the seven characters "Not a hero until I reached the Great Wall", I was very excited: "I have climbed the Great Wall!" I stood on the top of Badaling Mountain. Looking around, the Great Wall was like a huge dragon hovering on the undulating cloud ridge, and tourists were bustling up and down. There are white skin, black skin, yellow skin, people rushed to take pictures. Looking down, it looks like a giant dragon wriggling. The foot of the Great Wall is covered with flowers, trees, birds flying around in the forest, butterflies flying among the flowers, and constantly grabbing the camera with tourists... I can't help but catch my eye. This scene reminds me of: "If you want to be poor for thousands of miles, you can go to the next floor".


The magnificent Great Wall, an ancient building used to defend against foreign invaders in ancient times, has become a tourist destination for Chinese and foreign tourists. It embodies the sweat and wisdom of many Chinese working people! It shows the world its majestic demeanor and the spirit of the hardworking, brave and unyielding Chinese dragon!