
时间:2022-06-20 14:00:08 | 来源:语文通



Olympic Games ended. During this period, some athletes won the gold medal and some athletes created history.What I want to talk to you today is my idol Asian flying man-Su Bingtian.


In recent years, black people have been ruled on the Olympic 100m final track, so this has led to the appearance of no Asian people on the 100m finals, but until this year's Tokyo Olympic Games Su Bingtian 9 with 9The score of 83 won the first successful promotion of the final in the 100m semi -finals. Therefore, the first Asian people appeared on the 100m final track. Although Su Bingtian won the sixth place in the finals, you must know that Su Bingtian has already beenThe history of Asians advanced to the 100 -meter final at the Olympic Games.


Many people may not know that 100 meters run for nearly 10 seconds. What concept is simply speaking in one sentence, 100 meters want to run for 10 seconds, it is even harder than heaven.Su Bingtian, a 100 -meter track on the Eugene Station in 2015, became the first Chinese to break the 10 -second mark and broke B 17 years ago. The Japanese player's 10 -second full results.However, behind this breakthrough, Su Bingtian really faces the biggest challenge in his sports career.Understanding Su Bingtian, he knew that he was invincible in the starting speed of the first 30 meters.Even the sprint world champion Bolt has to look at it.After Su Bingtian, the game also broke the 10 seconds in a row.And once again refreshed the Asian record at the Tokyo Olympics.Really, it is really admirable.


At the Olympic Games, we saw so many hard -working athletes, why do n’t our students work hard? I hope we learn more about the sports spirit of athletes.You know life, but it is exercise!



Everyone always has a "star" in worship.The star in my mind is Su Bingtian, a Chinese men's sprinter, known as the "Asian Flyer".


Su Bingtian has achieved excellent results in Asia, and even the world's track and field competitions.In August 26, 2018, in the Men's 100m finals of the Asian Games in Jakarta, Su Bingtian broke the Asian Games record with a score of 9 seconds 92 and defeated all the good players in Asia to win the championship.In the early morning of February 21, 2019, the 2019 International Field Interior Tour ran out of 6 seconds 49.From this point of view, Su Bingtian, the title of "Asian Flyer", is really worthy of it.


But I know that behind these amazing results, Su Bingtian's hard work and sweat.


You see, this is the scene trained in the gymnasium.He always jogged and warmed up, then prepared for activities such as small steps, kicking, etc.Everything was ready, Su Bingtian changed into nail shoes, carefully used the tape measure to debug the foam, and then jumped a few times, took a few deep breaths, came to the front of the starter, kneeled on one knee, and prepared.The thumb of his two hands appeared "Eight" with the other four fingers, pressed tightly behind the starting white line, and raised his hips.After about a few seconds, Su Bingtian kicked his feet fiercely, rushing out like an arrow with a departure.The frequency of swinging arm and lower legs is getting faster and faster, and it is not slow to slow down until the end of the end. The entire running process is amazing.Since then, Su Bingtian has also conducted short sprint training of different lengths. There is no slightest slightest. He constantly adjusts his state and allows himself to run to the best.


At the end of the run, Su Bingtian took out a small camera that recorded the video when he was running. I saw that he frowned slightly during the watching process, and muttered a few words from time to time, as if to summarize the shortcomings of his running.After watching it repeatedly, I pressed my legs, and the training ended here.


In school, I also participated in the training of the track and field team in the school.Su Bingtian is not only the object of my worship, but also my role model. He is training carefully. The meticulous spirit is worth learning.I believe that after hard training every day, I will also get good results.