
时间:2022-07-16 13:30:20 | 来源:语文通


2018年8月12日 星期日

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Little Terrish Course, the next class will be over, and we will end. We have to start training!


After these days of training, I not only learned it:


Culture of Singapore Museum: There is not only the world of human fantasy, fantasy amusement parks.It also records the shame of Singapore's aggression, that history ...


The fifth floor of the Han Dynasty painted Taocang Tower: He was composed of courtyard and tall buildings. The first and second floors were storage; all the above floors were all available.That row of simple and neat corridors is available for entertainment.


The ivory board of the Ming Dynasty: When he worshiped the worship of the king, officials with more than five grades were insisted on, and below the five grades did not hold the cricket.It also has a role. The courtiers want to report to the king's prince and engrave the records on the board to avoid forgetting.If the king tells the country, he should record the king's words on the board.When you are in the dynasty, you must cover your face with a palette to use it for Zhang Xianlong.


I hope I can succeed in the random checks in the next section and the test lectures in the next section!



1、我们:我们读音为wǒ men,是指代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。 包括我在内的一组人当我们想到劳动时,也只有在这时,我们才觉得我们太老了我们 wǒ mén词语意思:代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。[we;us] 包括我在内的一组人当我们想到劳动时,也只有在这时,我们才觉得我们太老了分词解释:在内:包括在…以内。包括:包含(或列举各部分,或着重指出某一部分):语文教学应该包括听、说、读、写四项,不可偏轻偏重ㄧ我说 ‘大家’,自然包括你在内。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。代词:代替名词、动词、形容词以及其他实词的词。有人称代词(我、你、他)、指示代词(这、那)、疑问代词(谁、什么)三类。...我们怎么造句,用我们造句»