
时间:2022-07-12 13:23:32 | 来源:语文通



One day the owner was writing homework with a black pen. After a while, the host went out after writing his homework.


At this time, the black pen began to scold the pen crazy: "You stinky pen cover, covering my head every day, and said that to protect my head, I can write to the owner every day, what can you do?"The land said, "I'm really to protect your head! Otherwise, if you fall from the height, your beads will be broken. If you really break, you can’t write for the host.Said: "I don't believe it, you stinky, what can you know.""


After listening to these words, the pen jumped away sadly. After a few days, the black pen accidentally fell to the ground, and it broke the bead.When the host came back, he started writing his homework and found that the black pen was broken. He said to himself, "Well? Why is it broken? Or throw it away! He is useless anyway!" He threw away the bad black penAfter changing a new pen, the bad black pen that was abandoned by the owner lying in the trash can regretted: "If the stroke is covered, I will not be abandoned by the owner."



1、骄傲:骄傲读音为jiāo ào,是指①自以为了不起,看不起别人:骄傲自满 ㄧ虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。②自豪:我们都以是炎黄子孙而感到骄傲。③值得自豪的人或事物:古代四大发明是中国的骄傲。骄傲 jiāo ào词语意思:①自以为了不起,看不起别人:骄傲自满 ㄧ虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。②自豪:我们都以是炎黄子孙而感到骄傲。③值得自豪的人或事物:古代四大发明是中国的骄傲。分词解释:我们:代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。值得:认为有价值;合算:值得重视|代价太大,不值得。了不起:极好或令人钦佩的,不平凡,优点突出。炎黄子孙:炎黄:炎帝神农氏和黄帝有熊氏,代表中华民族的祖先。炎帝和黄帝的后代。指中华民族的后代。亦作“黄炎子孙”。...骄傲怎么造句,用骄傲造句»