
时间:2022-07-15 13:49:43 | 来源:语文通



Everyone has a happy trip, some spend in the book, and some are traveling in the distance, but what about me?It is spent in the pleasant square of everyone in everyone.


A month ago, my father drove the car and carried everyone to the Plaza. As soon as I arrived at the Plaza, everyone rushed in with a smile, took a small run and took the elevator car, rushed to the game living room on the 4th floor in exchange for the game coinI don't know what happened. Everyone can't help sitting on the sports car game. I am very excited. Don't think that I am a beginner, but in the game, I continue to win. No matter how many people, my father praised me for some time.But because I am too proud, I was wrong in the game with my brother.Everyone has already started the last game. At this time, I was arrogant and gently gave the oil gently. The car in the display turned out to fly away, but my brother was not willing to fall behind.Accidentally, my "car" hit the "trees" aside, and my brother suddenly accelerated more than me. I smashed the car steering wheel fiercely, and gradually chased my brother with a grin.I was only 0.84 seconds faster than me, and I had high toe, because I could only leave here with discouraged.


According to this trip to pleasant square, I understand the principle of "humble things can be proud of the ten emptiness".



1、广场:广场读音为guǎng chǎng,是指面积广阔的场地,特指城市中的广阔广场地:天安门广场。广场 guǎng chǎng词语解释:面积广阔的场地,特指城市中的广阔广场地:天安门广场。(1) [square]∶面积很大的场地。又指大建筑前的宽阔空地天安门广场(2) [the multitude]∶指人多的场合求之广场,未易多得分词解释:广阔:广大宽阔:视野广阔丨广阔天地丨广阔的国土。面积:几何学的基本度量之一。是用以度量平面或曲面上一块区域大小的正数。通常以边长为单位长的正方形的面积为度量单位。特指:[认为某些事物所属的] 指定范围或角色。场地:适应某种需要的空地。如体育﹑施工﹑堆物的地方。...广场怎么造句,用广场造句»

2、愉悦:愉悦读音为yú yuè,是指欢乐,喜悦。 欢乐;喜悦愉悦 yú yuè词语解释:欢乐,喜悦。[pleased;cheerful;joyful] 欢乐;喜悦分词解释:欢乐:快乐(多指集体的):广场上欢乐的歌声此起彼伏。喜悦:高兴;愉快:无限喜悦|充满喜悦|喜悦的心情|顺情生喜悦,逆意多恨。● 悦 yuè ㄩㄝˋ◎ 高兴,愉快:喜悦。愉悦。和颜悦色。心悦诚服。取悦于人。◎ 使愉快:悦耳。赏心悦目。◎ 姓。● 愉 yú ㄩˊ◎ 和悦,快意:愉快。愉悦。欢愉。不愉之色。● 愉 tōu ㄊㄡˉ◎ 古同“偷”,苟且敷衍。...愉悦怎么造句,用愉悦造句»