
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:32 | 来源:语文通



My Chinese teacher, strict for a while, is interesting for a while, making the class in the class and laughing.


With the beginning of the new semester, it was like a light wind to rush to the campus. It was so interesting to enter the company's office, but it was very eye -catching.In this irritable season, the class was very hot, noisy, speaking, fun, and fun, even the birds of the branches were tweeting.The Chinese teacher slowly walked to the gate of the classroom. The class seemed to see a cat like a mouse in the class. He quickly ran back to sitting and calmed down. I saw the Chinese teacher loudly promoted: "Quiet, the school is the best in our class.Noisy. "The classmates who listened to the back seat whispered, it was not me noisy. What do you always say?At this time, Teacher Liu possibly used him with a pair of smooth ears. I saw the teacher slowly walked in front of the classmate and said with a smile: "I understand that some of the classmates of everyone have been quiet.But I hope that at the same time as you are quiet, you have not forgotten to remind others, so that everyone can be quiet for an instant. "The classmate did not hear his head.


Once, the sky was suddenly darkened and fog, and then a pouring rain drifted, the students continued to leave successively. I only stayed there, and today I did not bring an umbrella or walk by myself.It ’s very anxious at this time. Tears are about to flow down. At this time, Teacher Liu smiled slightly, took out an umbrella from the bag, and gave it to me,“ You do n’t have an umbrella. "Said to Teacher Liu, "You 师? I also have one." Teacher Liu said.I took this umbrella to get rid of the college and smiled happily.Teacher Liu in my eyes, he is a bright lamp in my life, and the chief took me out of the predicament.



1、中的:中的读音为zhòng dì,是指1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。中的 zhōng de词典解释:1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。分词解释:中肯:《庄子.养生主》:“技经肯綮之未尝,而况大軱乎?”肯,着骨之肉;綮,筋骨结合处。肯綮为肢体紧要之处,后即以“中肯”指言论击中要害或恰到好处:你说的话很中肯|其言甚中肯,余深赞之。靶心:靶子的中心。目的:想要达到或希望得到的预期地点或结果:他说这话的目的是想提醒大家别忘了以前同学时的友谊。达到:1.到达。 2.达成;得到。多指抽象事物或程度。切当:贴切恰当。...中的怎么造句,用中的造句»

2、成长:成长读音为chéng zhǎng,是指1.长大;长成。 2.向成熟的阶段发展。成长 chéng zhǎng词语意思:1.长大;长成。 2.向成熟的阶段发展。(1) [grow up;grow to maturity](2) 长到成熟阶段(3) 向成熟阶段发展分词解释:长大:1.体貌高大壮伟。 2.指体貌高大壮伟的人。发展:①事物由小到大、由简单到复杂、由低级到高级的变化:事态还在发展ㄧ社会发展规律。②扩大(组织、规模等):发展新会员 ㄧ发展轻纺工业。阶段:事物发展进程中划分的段落:大桥第一阶段的工程已经完成。成熟:①植物的果实或谷物生长到可收获的程度:成熟的高粱红透了。②比喻人或事物发展到完善的程度:他成熟多了|这想法不够成熟|待条件成熟了再干。...成长怎么造句,用成长造句»