
时间:2022-07-19 13:29:59 | 来源:语文通



Some people like to watch the sea flowing, and some people like to see gorgeous color. My favorite is the quiet seat in front of the window sill, appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of the window.


Light wind, fought through the trees.On the sunset, hanging on the golden apricot treetops, all the treetops, red and shiny, like a plate of purple clouds on the treetops.The green green green, innocent dark blue, hot red, dark brown of God ... gradually dispersed from the sun management center to a gorgeous color, but each color is red with redTongtong's skills, such red like red maple leaves are warm, as well as red maple leaves, 3D rendering violent passion, all the space spaces are shrouded in the magnificent light of light here.


Every time I go home after school, I quickly finish my work. The blue sky flashs the golden glory, and the fiery red sun is at stake on the treetops.A big geese in the sky was weird. Slowly flying up from the sky, leaving a shadow of God.The golden light released by the sunset is shining on the chest, warming everyone's ventricle.


In front of the window sill, I asked me to be involved in endless thoughts.I feel the bright day and the calmness of the night; when I feel the shortness of the years, I also feel the fun of life. I have become the yellow chrysanthemums of the road in the middle of the road and become a weeping willow in the wind.Big stones.



1、独坐:独坐读音为dú zuò,是指1.一个人坐着。 2.专席而坐。亦谓骄贵无匹。 3.唐人因《后汉书.宣秉传》中“三独坐”之事,遂以“独坐”为御史中丞别名。独坐 dú zuò词语解释:1.一个人坐着。 2.专席而坐。亦谓骄贵无匹。 3.唐人因《后汉书.宣秉传》中“三独坐”之事,遂以“独坐”为御史中丞别名。分词解释:三独坐:汉御史中丞﹑司隶校尉与尚书令,朝会时坐皆专席,故号“三独坐”。泛指高官显宦。亦省作“三独”。别名:1.正名以外的名字;异名。 2.《荀子》中的逻辑术语。荀况把概念的基本属种关系相对地分为“共名”和“别名”两级。“共名”相当于属概念,“别名”相当于种概念。无匹:1.无会合者。 2.无配偶。 3.无双;无可匹比。后汉书:书名。纪传体东汉史。南朝宋范晔著。全书一百二十篇,分一百三十卷。记载自公元23年至220年间的历史,叙事喜以类相从。为研究东汉史的重要资料。专席:1.单席。与“重席”相对。 2.独坐一席。 3.专设的席位。...独坐怎么造句,用独坐造句»

2、窗台:窗台读音为chuāng tái,是指托着窗框的墙的平面部分。窗台 chuāng tái词语解释:托着窗框的墙的平面部分。(1) [windowsill]∶托着窗框的平面部分(2) [sill]∶在窗孔底部特别用于盖住窗孔底部墙上的水平构件或结构(为木、石或砖的)分词解释:平面:几何中最基本的概念之一。平静的水面、光滑的镜面等形象的数学抽象。它应理解为可以无限伸展,也可看成是由直线运动产生的。平面有下列基本性质(公理):(1)如果一条直线上有两个点在一个平面内,那么这直线上所有的点都在这个平面内;(2)如果两个平面有一个公共点,那么它们相交于经过这个点的一条直线;(3)不在一条直线上的三个点,可以确定一个平面。部分:见“整体与部分”。窗框:1.安放和装设吊窗扇或开关窗扇的框架。2.窗的木框或石框。3.装玻璃的框架。...窗台怎么造句,用窗台造句»