Teacher may be a very well -known word.The first one who stepped into Li Li's campus was you. The first thing to think of is you. The first one to smile for me is you -teacher, maybe I am just you.One of the insignificant one, but in the last days here, I can't help my sadness and depression.Remember gently, the days when you are with the teacher, you really want to feel the kindness of the teacher!
For six years, you have been developing with me, and I can't help but imagine that in the dark night, you are the street street lights, dark but warm; on the twilight of Moran, you are the bending Qu Xuanyue, sprinkled with light moonlight, and the light moonlight.In the quiet night, the lamp auditorium in the window is trying to do my best ... In the six years, I can't remember how much teacher, but every teacher is a good teacher.Maybe many people thank you for bringing their longest teachers; or maybe the unforgettable teacher grace in the final countdown that is separated from this paragraph is now separated.Everyone has a kind of emotion to Shi En, a thousand words and thousands of words, but only a few geometric graphics feelings are written in the predicament.
From the first grade teacher to the sixth grade teacher, I listed it on the kindness I gave for me.In the first grade, everyone or children have the most naive emotions. At that time, I didn't understand. The teacher was as delicate and gentle like parents raised a kitten.At that time, I didn't know how to hold the pen, what was the pen, and the Chinese class teacher saw me funny, amazing, and gently held my little hand, and wrote it one by one. The teacher was like a mother.There is a fragrant aroma on my body ... What do the teacher said? I haven't paid attention to listening. I enjoyed this type of in -laws.Native
Six years ago, my teachers were planted in me, and I was grateful for the different feelings they needed.This is the teacher.The teacher's kindness product is produced, and a N -way is generated.And each school year, different teachers, bring different development inspiration, but give everyone the driving force of growing up and development, and I bring a small inner bag, which is full of the teacher's feelings of the teacher's feelings.N second side, and I accept the teacher’s morning dew nourishment, and gradually develops quickly under the sunlight of learning and training. The teacher in my heart will become bigger and bigger.Native
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