
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:45 | 来源:语文通



中秋节作文500字左右 篇1中秋节作文 篇2中秋节作文 篇3中秋节作文500字 篇4过中秋节作文 篇5

中秋节作文500字左右 篇1


Night, quiet, gently ... reaching the reunion Mid -Autumn Festival again.Although there is no cold moon tonight, I think don't have a taste —————


At night, some cold and cool.The wind, softly stroking the child's face, urged people to tears, tears into the heart of Si Xiang, immersed in the thoughts of the thoughts, and then moistened into the heart of Yueer ... The moon is the emotional of the literati feelings.Standard."When is the moonlight, ask the wine to ask the sky." This eternal sentence written by Su Shi best witnessed the open -mindedness of Mingyue. Since the moon is full of shade, the person's sadness and joy are not inevitable.When encountering difficulties, it should be open -minded. This is the best testimony of the great Wenhao of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literatures to do emotional sustenance, but the month is the moon, not anything that can be modified, he is itself!


How many beautiful reveries to bring people: Chang'e ran to the moon, Yushu Yudu, those full of fantasy people touched the thoughts of many Chinese ... When I was a child, every Mid -Autumn Festival, I always lie on the feet of Grandpa and listen to GrandpaTelling the story, the cicada in the grass sings and sings, and when I listen to it, I gradually enter the sweet dreamland, and I always have a dream about the moon.Time flies, now I finally understand that it is a reverie, a beautiful reverie ... As I grow up, we moved to the small city to live, and my grandfather died.Life, miss kind Grandpa.I finally understand tonight: The taste of this sourness is called thoughts, people become bigger, and things I miss will become more. I still sit in front of the window and stare at the deep sky ...


I sat in front of the window and listened to the rain, ticking, watching the cold moon hidden behind Wuyun. The taste of this thought was astringent. I finally couldn't help crying and crying.


Although there is no moon on the Mid -Autumn Festival night, I know a lot of things, and my heart is suddenly cheerful. The Mid -Autumn Festival night is quiet, gently ...

中秋节作文 篇2


Finally ushered in the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.


In the evening of the Mid -Autumn Festival, our family ate reunion dinner on the round table. The reunion meal was rich, with fish, ribs, and moon cakes ...


After dinner, we appreciated the moon together. We looked up and looked at the moon. The moon came out slowly from the clouds. The tears with excitement and my brother and my brother came out. The moon was big and round, shining on the earth.We seem to be put on a layer of gauze.My brother and I played in the bright moonlight. The adults are talking and laughing, which reminds me of Su Shi's poems: when the moon is there, ask the wine to ask Qingtian ...


It started to offer the moon. Our family puts moon cakes on the tribute platform, jujube, snacks and fruits, and the moon is finished. My brother and I ate a swaying, and the whole family couldn't cry.


The bright moon was suddenly covered by the dark clouds, and my brother shouted, "Bad clouds are about to let the moon come out." I laughed again and laughed at my brother back to the house, but he couldn't return, I said, "The moon comes out for a while."My brother returned to the house with me.


After a while, the moon rose again. There seemed to be two people on it. I see one of them seemed to be cutting trees. I asked my dad, and my father said, "One is Wu Gang being punished by the Jade Emperor to cut the cinnamon tree on the moon, one is Chang'e, and one is Chang'e.She is holding the rabbit to find Houyi and her child. "


The secret of the moon is really big, and I will explore the moon as an astronaut in the future.

中秋节作文 篇3


The Mid -Autumn Festival is the 15th lunar calendar every year, and it is a traditional festival in my country.I like the Mid -Autumn Festival, because that day, the households were full of lively cheers, full of atmosphere of reunion. I can also eat moon cakes, biplinds, and enjoy the moon with my family.I look forward to the arrival of this festival every year.Looking forward to looking forward to the Mid -Autumn Festival.After (this), after dinner, my grandma lit a lantern with a comic pattern, and then asked me to carry this cute and bright lantern to the community garden with other children to make fun.


In the garden, there are so many children, and their lantern patterns are different. Some are flowers, some are animals, and some are various comic characters. The colors are also different.Wait, the colorful and ten colors, beautiful!And my Snow White Lantern pattern is painted with seven dwarfs and Snow White Singing and dancing scene lanterns. The dwarves painted on the lantern are surrounded by Snow White, some are singing, some are dancing, some are inPatting his palms, Princess Bai Xue led them to sing while dancing in a circle surrounded by dwarves.


This pattern is both beautiful and cute, but also the atmosphere of the garden than the lantern tonight!We said laughed again, and some were singing!After getting the fun, everyone went home and went back to enjoy the moon with my family.After returning home, grandma has prepared food for me and foods such as sweet moon cakes and various delicious fruits.The moon that night was round and large, and the bright moonlight shone on the earth.Our family was surrounded by the table full of moon -viewing foods in the small garden in front of the house, while eating food and enjoying the moon.Grandma said, "After eating apples, you can be peaceful. After eating moon cakes, a family reunion is reunion.


On such a night, our family talked and laughed at the same time!


I love the Mid -Autumn Festival!

中秋节作文500字 篇4


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a valuable spiritual wealth that the Chinese nation has passed down for nearly a thousand years. In the hearts of people all over the world, its status is questioned.


However, with the progress of the times, many people have begun to question what is Mid -Autumn Festival?


Grandpa and grandma went out, leaving me alone at home, watching the news network bored.The eyes were slightly closed, the meaning of sleepy was irresistible, and his head was obliquely.what is that?There are some in the corners of the corner, oh, it is a moon cake from relatives and friends.


It turned out that no one locked the door during the holidays. As soon as the owner's moon cake was delivered, the newly fried oil cake of the Western household couldn't wait to give it up.Now, in the deep forest built by reinforced concrete, the door is locked, and people's hearts are unpredictable.We are more than just doors?Our Chinese nation has developed for thousands of years. Have you lost something?


"Lingling." The phone sounded, and I hurriedly answered, and said subconsciously, "Please put the courier in the east gate."


"What courier?" The magnetic sound sounded, thick and low, only I knew how long I look forward to.


"It's okay at home, what about grandparents?"


"Okay, it's all good." I took a lot of time, my mother was when I was a child ... I have been inconsistent with my classmates in the class, as if I do n’t exist, I ’m never listening!Dad worked in a foreign country, and I thought everything was good until my grandfather fainted in the hospital ... I only knew that I had to grow up.


Hang the phone and look at the shape of the box and its luxurious "crafts", huh, don't eat it.


Even the culture of thousands of years has left the body under the wear of years?


What is Mid -Autumn Festival?What is moon cake?Is it just a color and fragrance?


Will everything become unimportant under the sickle?


My book hasn't been back yet.


I didn't eat moon cake either.

过中秋节作文 篇5


Autumn is a wonderful season it brings us the joy and joy of bumper harvest. There are many festivals in autumn. Everyone knows the Mid -Autumn Festival.


In this family of reunion, the children are full of hearts and happiness.


Unconsciously, in the evening, I looked out through the window to see a round bright moon, as if it was a jade plate hanging in the sky, and the bright moonlight shook out of this jade plate and sprinkled it in the grass.Inside, it fell on the road and reflected with the bright lights.The autumn breeze, blowing the falling grass in autumn, blowing through the rough trees, bringing a scent of soil.


Under the moonlight of Rushui, our family gathered together around the big round table to join dinner together.The table is full of all kinds of delicious dishes and the hot air!Can't help but make people feel stubborn.I gently picked up the chopsticks, secretly picked up a piece of large and fat meat, and chewed carefully in my mouth, "Wow! This meat colorful flavor is endless. After chewing, my lips and teeth are fragrant!It's so delicious! "Everyone blessed each other to a toast."Glory and bright ancient and modern, but to appreciate the Mid -Autumn Festival." After meals, I first rushed to the top floor, sat on the bench, and enjoyed the sweet moon cake while enjoying the moon.


Look at the moon to the Mid -Autumn Festival.The moon of the Mid -Autumn Festival exudes light, and the bright moonlight looks so gentle and quiet, as beautiful as light yarn.The sun is hot, the Yueer is beautiful, the sun is full of vitality, the moon is quiet, the sun is brilliant, the moon is clear!


Late at night, the gentle moon closure shrouded the earth, as if wearing a layer of silver gauze.House trees are asleep, just like sleeping in an extremely generous cradle.Looking at this beautiful moonlight, gradually, gradually, I fell asleep. The silver moonlight illuminated my room, and the round moon accompanied me to enter the round dreamland ...