I have a good mother, she is an adult, and she works harder than we want to be admitted to a good school.Because she had dropped out of school only four years in elementary school, her knowledge is much worse than me. Even the topic of tutoring my brother's third grade must be thought for a long time, and sometimes she can't do it.This promoted her to learn with us.
One day, we went home from school and waited for a long time before school. I didn't see my mother. My brother and I had to walk home. We walked into the house and saw that the mother was bowing heads.She seemed to be embarrassed by a problem, and she couldn't get up late. I took a closer look. It was really difficult to hold. I looked at it and said, "Isn't this a double -digit number in the third grade?? So simple, Mom, you won't! I'll teach you! "I started to explain carefully.Mom also knows that the ninety -nine multiplication table, so it will be easier to talk about. I told my mother's calculation method.It turns out that my mother did not pick up us because of thinking about the topic!
In the evening, I was writing today's homework. I saw my mother walk into my room and find a book on my bookshelf.Mom said, "Ina, help my mother find a better book!" I stood up and walked to the book frame and took out the book "41 ℃". "This is a one recommended by the teacher in the composition class.What about the interesting book! "I told my mother that after the mother took the" 41 ℃ speech "and walked into her room, I followed it curiously, thinking: What do my mother take my book?It doesn't happen.I pushed the door lightly from the gap and found that she was holding the book in her hand and was watching it attentively! She really started to learn.
Mom often says to us: "I have fewer culture, and if I do n’t work hard, I ca n’t counsel you. You have been in the third and fifth grades, and I have to work hard!”
My mother is a person who is better than elementary school students. She is my role model. I want to work with her and make progress together.
1、好学:好学读音为hào xué,是指喜爱学习。好学 hǎo xué词语解释:喜爱学习。(1) [be eager to learn;erudite]∶专心追求学问的只有最好学的学者才感兴趣的细节(2) [philomathic]∶爱好科学或爱好学习的分词解释:学习:个体由经验或练习引起的在能力或倾向方面的变化,也指变化的过程。是人类和动物普遍具有的活动。按内容可分为认知的、情感的、运动技能的;按是否理解可分为机械学习和意义学习。喜爱:对人或事物产生好感或兴趣。● 学(學) xué ㄒㄩㄝˊ◎ 效法,钻研知识,获得知识,读书:学生。学徒。学习。学业。学友。学者。学阀。学制。学历。学步邯郸(讥讽人只知模仿,不善于学而无成就,亦作“邯郸学步”)。◎ 传授知识的地方:学校(简称“学”或“校”)。学院。学府。中学。大学。上学。◎ 掌握的知识:学问(简称“学”)。学术(一切学问的总称)。学位。学士(a.学位名,大学毕业生;b.古代官名)。才学。治学。学识。博学多才。◎ 分门别类的有系统的知识:学说。哲学。数学。小学(a.古代指文学、音韵、训诂学;b.现指初等学校)。● 好 hǎo ㄏㄠˇ◎ 优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:好人。好汉。好歹。好事多磨。◎ 身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您好。安好。◎ 友爱,和睦:友好。相好。◎ 容易:好办。好使。好懂。◎ 完成,完善:办好了。◎ 表示应允、赞成:好!你干得不错。◎ 很,甚:好冷。好快。好坏。好一会儿。◎ 便于:场地清理干净好打球。◎ 反话,表示不满意:好,这下可坏了!● 好 hào ㄏㄠˋ◎ 喜爱,与“恶”(wù ㄨˋ)相对:好奇。好色。好尚(爱好和崇尚)。好高骛远(亦作“好高务远”)。好逸恶劳。◎ 常常,容易(发生事情):刚学会骑车的人好摔跤。...好学怎么造句,用好学造句»
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