
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:47 | 来源:语文通



我爱我的祖国作文400字 篇1我爱我的祖国作文800字 篇2我爱我的祖国作文800字 篇3我爱我的祖国作文900字 篇4我爱我的祖国作文900字 篇5

我爱我的祖国作文400字 篇1


October 1, 1949 was the day when the mother of the great motherland was established.The great motherland gave us life.She is breeding our mother and the cradle of life.We are Chinese to be proud of this.I also understand that there is no home without the motherland, and we have no life without home.We should thank the great motherland and thank her for giving us a happy family and life.


I love my motherland because the motherland has experienced countless storms and rain. I love my motherland because there are countless bloody men here and interpreted countless admirable initiatives. I love my motherland because of the beauty of the motherland because of the beauty of the motherlandThe scenery makes me feel reluctant ...


A century ago, China's economic and cultural areas lagged behind Western powers.However, under the leadership of the great leader Mao Zedong, the Chinese people have led the Chinese people to establish a brand new China, standing in the east of the world.


Under the construction of reform and opening up, China shows a beautiful picture to foreign friends. The magical Jiuzhaigou, the yellow dragon with a typical "Kistan" landform, and beautiful Huangshan.Guilin, "Landscape A World"."The world's largest Ledshan Buddha, beautiful sun and moon lakes. Potala Palace, Himalayas ... make people linger.


I wish our motherland more prosperous and more beautiful.

我爱我的祖国作文800字 篇2


"There is a dragon in the ancient Oriental, and its name is China ..." Sing well.In the east of the world, it is indeed standing in a country. It has a big land. It has a long history, its prosperity, and its magnificent mountains and rivers.It is a majestic China!


As a Chinese, I feel very proud.Because of this vitality, on the flourishing land, it has experienced a war that has made all Chinese people unforgettable.Bloody, weapons, snatching, killing, for a while, these fearful vocabulary made everyone unforgettable.The cold wind stabbed it, thunderbang hit it, the rain hit it, and hail had hit it.After years of baptism, the vicissitudes of China are still tenacious, resolutely exist in this world, and spread the Chinese land with the most dazzling light!Expressing millions of Chinese children!


I love my motherland because she has a rich culture.Confucius, Mencius, Mozi, Zhuangzi, their famous sayings, their articles, educating us.Li Bai, Wang Anshi, Su Shi, Du Fu ... their verses that have been circulated eternal, containing rich interest.The four world -famous inventions of China -gunpowder, compass, papermaking, and printing are known. No one knows it.And Chinese text, after experiencing the evolution of the previous year, it finally became this way.Oracle's image, cursive script random, the decent of regular script, how interesting!


I love my motherland, it has beautiful mountains and rivers.The towering Tiananmen, the winding Great Wall, the poetic and painted Taishan Sunrise, the Guilin of the landscape, the beauty of the world, like the beauty of heaven 1 Hangzhou "www..cn "State West Lake, Hainan Island, which is rich in products, golden and brilliant Dunhuang ... attracting thousands of foreign tourists, China, is really a beautiful country.China has a unique landscape landscape, which cannot be done by other countries.


I love my motherland because its science and technology develops rapidly!Everyone knows that the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 was held in Beijing, China.Our "Bird's Nest" gymnasium has attracted many people's attention.In the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, programs such as "Living Word Print" and "Singing Singing" also fully demonstrated the level of science and technology.What's more worth mentioning is that "Shenzhou spacecraft" and Chang'e running the moon ", this spacecraft, a satellite is full of technology! The weapons and equipment displayed in the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China in the past have just passed the past.The "Guo" name is developed by China on its own! There are also hybrid rice, Qinghai -Tibet Railway ... It must be said that China's technology is getting faster and faster!


As a Chinese, I am really proud.I can't help me be proud of being a Chinese. Such a powerful China will be proud as a Chinese.I love my motherland, I deeply love this country with great things -China!

我爱我的祖国作文800字 篇3


I love my motherland. Every moment, we are watching the motherland's thousands of miles away from each other.


China has a history of 5,000 years of civilization. The four major inventions have taken the world's technology a big step forward; China's cultural history is bright and brilliant.Lu Xun's "horizontal eyebrows cold to Qianfu".These allusions can't be finished.


Chinese famous monuments and the beautiful scenery are amazed by many foreigners!The majestic Great Wall, the peak of Mount Everest of the "The First Peak in the World", Guilin, who "Landscapes in the World", and our mother's river -the Yangtze River and the Yellow River ... Many scenery are dressed in the land of China.


How can I not be fascinated by such a style?How do you not let me love?


On my life, in the 11 spring and autumn I walked, I always thought that I was extremely happy.My life is always full of happiness, blooming flowers everywhere.What am I so happy?I asked my mother, and my mother said, "Because you live in the great motherland and live in this happy age." I asked the teacher, the teacher said, "Because the motherland is constantly moving forward to prosperity and prosperity.Study hard and contribute to the development of the motherland!


I love the beautiful landscape of the motherland, and they decorate the magnificent motherland more charming.


I love the Chinese paintings of the motherland, which is that they set off a more poetic painting in China with a strong culture.


The motherland and her people, just like mothers and children, are linked to the disgrace and humiliation!


When the 5.12 earthquake came, the Chinese people showed a strong national force, and the disaster condensed the Chinese people tightly together.A high -level Olympic Games was successfully held, which deeply reflected the concept of the Green Olympic Games, the Science and Technology Olympic Games, and the Humanities Olympic Games. It showed the national spirit and cohesion of the Chinese people in front of the people of the world.


The "Shenzhou VII" spacecraft rose smoothly, and the people across the country were full of blood, and the excited tears in their eyes looked up at God Seven to fly out of the earth with three astronauts, rushing towards the vast universe, showing people that Chinese technology was taking off.Essence

我爱我的祖国,我愿用我的肩,担负起祖国的荣耀; 我爱我的祖国,我愿用我的背,托起祖国的激越飞扬;

I love my motherland, I am willing to use my shoulders to bear the glory of the motherland; I love my motherland, I am willing to use my back to entrust the motherland's excitement;

我爱我的祖国,我愿用我的手,撑起祖国的一片天; 我爱我的祖国,我愿用我的生命,燃烧祖国熊熊的希望。

I love my motherland, I am willing to use my hand to support the motherland; I love my motherland, and I would like to use my life to burn the hope of the motherland.


I love my motherland, love the motherland that makes me not regrets, and the motherland that makes me proud.As a Chinese teenager, for the motherland I love, I should work hard to learn cultural knowledge and contribute my strength for the motherland in the future!


Motherland, I love you

我爱我的祖国作文900字 篇4


My motherland, one of the four ancient civilizations, is rich in products and magnificent mountains and rivers. The people of 56 people form a splendid culture and a long history. It is my motherland and the People's Republic of China.


My motherland has many famous monuments, such as: there is a huge horizontal across Badaling in Beijing, that is, the Great Wall, the Great Wall is one of the seven miracles of the world, and a great construction project in ancient my country; the Forbidden City, the world, is the world. The largest and best preserved ancient palace building complex also represents the highest level of ancient Chinese architecture.In addition, the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Xi'an, my country, are unparalleled in the world and are precious historical relics of the world.Terracotta warriors and horses are not only large -scale, but also have many types and have clear personality.The sculptures of those terracotta warriors are unique in ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.They have a long history, a testimony of history, and a record of life. It reflects the powerful power of the Chinese nation and the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient working people.


My motherland is not only long -established, but also many tourist attractions, such as Wudang Mountain, Huangshan, Taishan, Huashan, Huashan, Hengshan, Hengshan, Songshan, Guilin, and the beautiful scenery of the West Lake has strong national culture and beautiful legends.


I stood in the southwest of the world, and began to appear in front of me is the glorious history of invention of gunpowder, compass, papermaking, and living characters.Person.Ah, the motherland!You have long been ridiculed from the four major inventions of the world's self -intoxication and are progressing to the world's high -tech field.


Our blood is boiling with the motherland, our lives and the motherland are prosperous, our happiness and the motherland are remitted into the endless ocean, and our future is glory with the motherland!On August 8, 2008, it is a world -viewing day. The Olympic Games will be held in China!At 8:88, August 8, 2008, it was an exciting moment. The Olympic Games opened in Beijing!


When the colorful fireworks bloom in the air, the audience hummed with the music of the music.


Her singing not only floated over the "bird's nest", but also drifted into people's hearts.She sang the voice of the Chinese, sang the self -confidence of the Chinese, and also sang.


In her singing, children of 56 ethnic groups held hands, holding bright and bright □, and ran to the center of the venue.How light their steps are, how proud they smile, yeah, because of the unity and forge ahead of 56 ethnic groups, there are Chinese prosperity and prosperity today.In her singing, the Uncle of the PLA took it, raised it high, and walked towards the flag -raising platform.How neat their pace, how solemn they are.Yeah, because of the selfless dedication of Uncle PLA, there is a prosperity and prosperity in China today ...


I love you, my motherland!I am proud of because of you!

我爱我的祖国作文900字 篇5


China has several world -famous ancient capitals and many cultural heritage.


Beijing, referred to as Beijing for short, is the founding capital of the emperors of the past.The Forbidden City of Beijing, also known as Bauhinia City, once lived in twenty -four emperors. After hundreds of years of prosperity and prosperity, many heroes have been created.The Forbidden City is now known as the "Palace Museum"


There are Summer Palace in Kyoto. It is a famous royal garden.The Summer Palace is a natural landscape garden consisting of Wanshou Mountain and Kunming Lake.


Beijing, China, has the longest construction time and the largest number of ancient defense projects in the world. Needless to say, it also knows that this is great -the Great Wall of Wanli.Starting from the seventh or eight century BC, it has been constructed for more than 2000 years, with a length of more than 50,000 kilometers.The Great Wall has "more than two thousand years up and down, more than 100,000 miles"."Oh my god, what a great project is this!" "No good man in the Great Wall!" I have the opportunity to watch this great project with my own eyes.


There are five mountains in my country, namely: Taishan, Huangshan, Huashan, Songshan, Hengshan.The ancient city of Taishan is located in Tai'an City, Shandong Province. It is called Dongyue, with an area of 426 square kilometers and a altitude of 1545 meters.heritage".Confucius once said: "Ascending Mount Taishan and the world." Du Fu once said, "It will be the top of the mountain, and you can see the mountains."


"There is a paradise, and there is Su Hangzhou" refers to Hangzhou West Lake.West Lake is located in the center of Hangzhou, formerly known as "Wulin Water", "Qiantang Lake", "Xizi Lake".The average depth of water is about 227 meters, the deepest is more than 5 meters, and the shallower is less than 1 meter.The main landscape of the West Lake is: one lake, Erfeng, Sanquan, Four Temple, Wushan, Liuyuan, Qidong, Eight Tomb, Jiuxi, and Ten Scenes.


Think of the grabbing lamb in the Prairie of Inner Mongolia, still let me extend three feet.The endless taste of the beautiful prairie, cute cows, pony, camels, etc., I really want to experience the cute little sheep that feels cute on the grassland on the grassland, the white and flawless body; the blue sky, the blue sky, the blue sky, the blue sky,There are a few white clouds.Wow!What a beautiful natural scenery!


I have a chance, I really want to experience the great mountains and rivers of the motherland.


The motherland is not only beautiful, beautiful, but also more beautiful.


On May 12, 2008, the Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake, without the joint efforts of thousands of siblings, could not save compatriots. In the past, I heard my parents say, "The motherland has applied many Olympic Games many times, and there is no no Olympic Games.Success, but the motherland was not discouraged, and continued to work hard. Finally, the 2008 Olympic Games was grandly held in Beijing. In 1949, on October 1, after the founding of New China, the motherland continued to be strong and improved., Auto, aircraft and other transportation, only our daily necessities, can we have a series of communication tools such as mobile phones, laptops and computers.


My motherland is beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful.


what!I love the beautiful motherland!