
时间:2022-08-09 14:42:38 | 来源:语文通



"The besieged castle, people outside the city want to rush in, people inside the city want to escape." Before reading novels, the saying had heard.At that time, I heard a smile, but now I have no more relaxed smile, but I add a little bit of melancholy, maybe this is growth.


I don't like Fang Hongjian.Vanity is a little cowardly and confused.I can think of more such descriptions, isn't it?When studying abroad, the fake diploma incident set off a stir in his heart, and it is not necessary to talk about shame; the relationship between the two ladies of Su and Tang continued to cut the relationship, throwing him into the bottom of the valley;The teaching experience is ridiculous; the marriage that is promoted by rumors and self -deception with Sun Roujia ended in failure.Destiny is changeable but trivial.


However, in the book, I couldn't help sympathizing with him, care about him, and even looking for my shadow on him.Fang Hongjian's life is destined to be trapped in the siege. Whether it is feelings, marriage or the spirit of the entire era given to him.In the 26th year of the Republic of China, he returned to China.The Anti -Japanese War came.Some of the so -called youths in this generation are numb, and they are trapped in their siege and cannot escape.There is hope in the constant despair, as if it was lethargic at night."No dreams, no feelings, the most primitive sleeping of life is also a sample of death." Fang Hongjian was a "trapped" generation.


However, the siege of the city not only trapped this generation, it will be trapped in several times

人生围城究竟是什么呢?“围城是理想的升腾和破灭的永恒循环。”有人这样认为。于我而言围城是我们近乎固执的追求。难道不是吗?婚姻仿佛金漆的鸟笼,笼子外面的鸟想住进去,龙子里面的鸟想飞出来。”何止是婚姻,任何事物都能成为句子的主语。小说里,方鸿渐对高学历带来的荣誉和对唐晓芙的追求等等,不论无奈与否,结果都是身心俱疲。我们中的许多人放不开这诸多向往:名利、钱财、成功。其实又何须如此累呢? 王安石极力主张变法,推行新政,最后却是怨声载道,不及晚年回归自然的畅快。过分地看重追求的结果有时真如深陷围城逃不开放不掉,失去广阔的天地。

What is the siege of life?"Siege is the ideal rising and shattered eternal cycle." Some people think so.As far as me is concerned, the city is our almost stubborn pursuit.Is not it?The marriage is like a golden lacquer bird cage. The birds outside the cage want to live in, and the birds in the dragon want to fly out."More than a marriage, everything can become the subject of sentences. In the novel, Fang Hongjian's honor brought by high education and the pursuit of Tang Xiaofu, no matter whether it is helpless or not, the result is all physically and mentally exhausted.Many of them can't let go of this many longing: fame and fortune, money, and success. Why is it so tired? Wang Anshi strongly advocates the reform and promotes the new policy. In the end, it is complaining.Sometimes it ’s really like a deep siege that can not escape and loses the vast world.


"Regardless of the bird cage, or the siege of the city, all the people who are detached are not afraid of being besieged." Inadvertently, the beautiful words in the novel showed the true meaning.Maybe we inevitably be the barrier of this siege after all, but how can we be sleepy with a indifferent?The humiliated life will not lack freedom.Zhuangzi would rather fish on the river to fish for the body and mind, but created "Zhuangzi" in this landscape; Tao Yuanming was very relaxed, and he was unwilling to fight for power and left to the immortal poems of future generations.However, he can have an infinite meaning of the universe of heaven and earth, generously praising "Red Cliff Fu".It is not that they are not pursuing, and they are not ordinary people.It is just that they know how to relax their mood in the pursuit. They are like Liu Liuzhou in Youtan, suffering, and difficult to discharge.


People are often in the heart and live in endless pursuit.Perhaps, although you have achieved success, you look back and lose your most indifferent.


The siege is like the difficulty of life, but it can be within reach. In the world of agreed vulgar, what we want to find is our own original!



Only understand what fate is.I did n’t think it meant when I watched the first chapter of "Siege City". I wanted to delete it. Fortunately, persistence, this persistence is slowly attracted as the positive and negative poles of the magnet.So persistence is a good thing, which will make you unexpected gains.If you just like it at the beginning, it is now between love and love.I just finished reading this book today. Until a few seconds ago, it was still deeper and deeper, unable to extricate themselves, and now it is gradually sober.So time is the best antidote, but it may also be that my poisoning is not deep.


Don't talk about the title, let's explain the title first."Siege in the city, people outside the city want to go in, people in the city want to go out, marriage, career, and the desire of life are mostly like this." Just as this title is full of literature, and it is philosophical.It is a romance novel, a literary novel, or a philosophical novel, which is even more ironic.


Several essences in the book:


First, Fang Lao (Fang Hongjian's father) once said to his son (Fang Hongjian): "Married women must win my family, and marrying a woman must not be in my family."Mr. Zhong Shu (authors of this book) must be spitted with the nose, satirizing Mr. Fang Lao's foolish and feudal thoughts.(Ah, I have also criticized the object. In fact, I still agree with this sentence. Remarks, this sentence is quoting the words of the ancestors, non -Qian Zhongshu's personal mouth.)


Second, "there are 2 kinds of people in the world. For example, there is a bunch of grapes in hand, one person picks the best first, and the other person keeps the best to the end (quoted from foreign literature)." The book said:"As usual, the first person should be optimistic, because every time he eats a grape is the best of the remaining, and another kind of person should be pessimistic, because he eats the worst.The reason is that the second kind of person still has hope, and the first kind of people only have memories. "This is the philosophy of learning literature.It is worthy of being a talented man.I only know that I am also an optimistic person!


(Qian Zhongshu, born in 1910-died in 1998. At the age of 19, he was admitted to the Department of Foreign Languages of Tsinghua University. He was famous for the early days when he entered the school.The level is so high that the classmates worshiped, and the English was fully scored. In 1929, he was admitted to the Department of Foreign Languages of Tsinghua University. After arriving in Tsinghua University, his volunteer was: sweeping the Tsinghua Library.And psychology, expand new and old books in China and Western all day. During the college period, a comparative culture and comparative literary concept were established. The knowledge structure was formally formed. Due to outstanding talents, it was appreciated by Luo Jialun, Wu Yan, Ye Gongchao and others, and was regarded as a literary genius.)


When I read this book, I just felt sighing.This is a tragedy. I believe that the person who reads the book is sympathetic and compassionate to the characters in the book.I think such a tragedy must have been remakes in real life.(These issues are real. At the same time, I also sighed that Mr. Qian Zhongshu read so through life. How did he write this book?)


Love is a matter of two people, but marriage is a matter of two families.Marriage is because of too many things, so it is deteriorated.Chai rice oil salt and vinegar.As stated in the book, the two who have just begun to fall in love always converge and express their good aspects, and hide the bad aspects, and love the love.When they got married, both sides let go of their sexuality.It is said that marriage is tolerant of each other. Is there any reason to run counter to each other?


I like the end, not because I like tragedy, but there are too many comedy ending to make people numb.Now watching the TV series "Siege", haha.To be honest, the novel is well written.TV series, huh, this is too old. In 1990, I happened to be born. The picture is not too high.


We often say that people must have external beauty and internal beauty, and then "Siege" is both internal and external.Words are humorous without losing beauty (there are also people who speak the words in the book are thin), and they are ridiculed and ridiculed (using the present words, scolding people without dirty words).Tribute to Mr. Qian Zhongshu!Normal children, always envious.


In some places in the book, I still feel dull (the section of Hunan), but it is inadequate, but it still does not affect its value.At least this is the best book I have read (the best, not the best. These two are completely different).The fate of this book is also very bumpy. Fortunately, the cultural freedom was unblocked later, and he was able to see it again.EssenceEssenceI hope more people will read this book!Recommended!Chinese classics.


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After reading "Siege City", I felt the strongest writer Yizhuang, and the strokes of the laughter. No wonder Yang Yan said, "The author of" Siege City "is a" infatuated "bell book."Mr. Qian created a group of "infatuated" characters.


Fang Hongjian is like a "Zhao Xinxuan", which is a good person and a successful person in this book.He was the director of the Foreign Affairs Department and the editor of Huamei News. Later, he was hired as the director of the Department of Political Department by Sanyuan University. He was fired and was still mixed in Chongqing.All this is inseparable from his true and talented learning, and it is smooth.He treats Fang Hongjian very well, and he is sincere.The opponent Hong Jian's ridicule, Zhao Xinxuan blushed, the photos of the little Sichuan girl were ultimately "" "" "" Sun Roujia, Zhao Xinxuan's "" "- " -" "" ""

忽然别转脸,手帕按嘴,肩膀耸动,唏嘘哭起来她有女孩的 。在重庆,将要见苏文纨时,她今天穿了件新衣服来的,胆子大壮,并且有点好奇进客堂以前,方鸿渐把草帽挂在架子上的时候,柔嘉打开手提袋,照了照镜子。她也有女孩的虚荣心和醋意。她没有什么特点,不像苏文纨才华横溢,也不像唐晓芙天真率直,但这也是她最大的特点。

Suddenly don't turn his face, hold his mouth, his shoulders shake, and he cries to cry. She has a girl.In Chongqing, when she was about to see Su Wenzheng, she wore a new clothes today. She was brave and a little curious Before entering the guest hall, Fang Hongjian hung the straw hat on the shelf.Mirror.She also has the vanity and jealousy of the girl.She has no characteristics, unlike Su Wenzheng's talent, nor like Tang Xiaofu's innocence, but this is also her biggest feature.


Let him come, I like children the most.It is hypocritical.Behind the arrangement of Miss Tang, three telephones want to block Miss Tang and Fang Hongjian, and hide the facts; deliberately want to see the scene of two men competing for herself, yearning for superiority, it is really deep.As soon as Roujia pulled, it seemed as if he stretched his fingers into the hot water to try to get hot. The expression on his face seemed to pull his hands with a person taller than Roujia, his eyes surpassed the head of Roujia.There is no one in the eyes.

孙柔嘉和苏文纨虽可以说是两个极端,但她们仍有一个共同特点,即“”如此看来,方鸿渐作为主人公不是没有道理的,他的“”“”  那时间落伍的计时机无意中包含着对人生的讽刺和感伤,深于一切语言,一切啼笑。

Although Sun Roujia and Su Wenzheng can be said to be two extremes, they still have a common feature, that is, "" as it seems that Fang Hongjian as the protagonist is not unreasonable.It contains irony and sentimental life, deep in all languages, laughing.



I remember the first reading "Siege" four years ago, and laughed for the humorous and humorous sentences in the book.Two years ago, the second reading of the city was admired for the precise and proper words in the book.And today I took the siege again, and we realized the desolation and changes in it, pale and helpless.


The words of the siege of the city are taken from the words of the talented daughter Su Wenzheng, "People in the city want to go out, people outside the city want to rush in" marriage, or career, the whole life seems to be in a siege, people can never escape this siege city forever cityThe restraint and sharpening given by it. The strong and proud Su Wenzhi, the lively and persistent Tang Xiaofu, the sensitive and sharp Sun Roujia, the siege of Fang Hongjian -emotional siege.


Fang Hongjian often did not dare to speak more because of his cowardice, and he was not indifferent. Instead, he caused the emotional siege to make a brick and tile, which made this siege the pain in his heart forever. He hated Su Wenzhi's highHis vanity, he hated Tang Xiaofu, hated her to reject his feelings, and hated her to abandon him.He hated Sun Roujia even more. She introduced him step by step into her marriage trap, causing all his regrets in the next half of his life.


In fact, I also thought that if Fang Hongjian rejected Su Wenzhi with his heart on that night, then what would his ending in the end?If Fang Hongjian was so attached to the middle of the night in that heavy rain, what would happen when Tang Xiaofu rushed downstairs?If he can hold himself stably before Sun Roujia's carefully arranged trap, he can hold himself, then what will happen to his ending in the end?


Everything does not know everything. Looking at Fang Hongjian's life, I am afraid the most is the helplessness and helplessness.

(指导老师 沈汝华)

(Instructor Shen Ruhua)



"Siege" is the only novel of Mr. Qian Zhongshu in his life. He is a classic and is a strange book that reads the endless aftertaste.Under the humorous language of fun and beautiful metaphors, the content that makes people sigh and make people feel lost, "Siege City", use the seemingly super -teasing words to describe the helpless smile tragedy of life.


"The word" The word is taken from the words of the talented daughter Su Wenzheng in the book, "the people in the city wanted to go out, and people outside the city wanted to rush in."Various characters in the book, whether they are good or bad, their marriage, career, and even the entire life live in a "siege", they can never escape the restraint and grinding of this "siege".


"Siege" mainly describes the group of intellectuals in the early stage of the Anti -Japanese War. As a satirical novel, it successfully shaped the protagonist "Fang Hongjian" this character image.


Fang Hongjian is a typical image of intellectuals, which is not doubtful.But just like many young people in the world today, he is a cynical attitude and a little conscience. He has his own moral bottom line.However, it was this strange personality that caused his first circle of "Siege City". In fact, this circle "Siege City" is also the biggest and most tight of the "Base City" wrapped with Fang Hongjian.Later, no matter how Fang Hongjian tried to break through the other "siege", the "character" of the outer circle always sursed him tightly.


Personality determines destiny, Fang Hongjian's character made him buy a fake degree, a disaster, a disaster.The funny thing is that Fang Hongjian also pretended to be an intellectual. Before buying, he asked his conscience.He justified his conscience: "His father is a imperial examination, and he wants to see the newspaper; the disciplinary is a businessman, depending on the deed".In his own words: "Speaking of the lie, he also had to talk about conscience and had a clear conscience." Lie is lying, deceiving is deception, and after speaking, you have to talk about conscience and become unique.Since you want to talk about conscience, you just don't buy a degree; since you don't talk about your conscience, why do you hide your degree? Fang Hongjian, when you buy a diploma, hope that your degree can be glowed with the ancestor;Essence


Fang Hongjian was in trouble. He did not know that in the society at the time, only two kinds of people could be mixed well.One is a real capital person. They have unique talents and noble sentiments. They are respected because of their talents and morals.Another kind of person, that is, a villain, has no bottom line, uses various tricks to walk on the left side of the door, and when he is cheating, he is convinced of the illusion. They really have no conscience.


But from ancient times to the present, more people in the society are just like Fang Hongjian's replica. There is a little conscience and a little vanity.They want to be villains everywhere, and have to beware of villains everywhere.They knew the hardships of the world, but they neither accepted it nor to change it.As Mr. Yu Qiuyu wrote: "There are many people who cannot be regarded as a villain as a whole, but under the specific situation and situation, a little villain emotions have been quietly penetrated deep in the soul." It is like Fang Hongjian is in San San San San San is in San San.When I taught at the university, I tried everything to ask about the authenticity of Han Xue's diploma, so as to recover my fairness.


Of course, I don't want everyone to become a villain, and I don't want everyone to continue to live in the same way like Fang Hongjian.Why don't we change ourselves from now on, get rid of the shadow of the villain, walk away from the siege beside, and be a real capital person?


每个人都想获得自己人生的自主权,想掐住命运的咽喉,去击败自己的宿命,但是大文学家钱钟书笔下的方鸿渐在自己的人生里,却仿佛走入了一座又一座围城之中,在城中渐渐扭曲了自己,变成了一个悲哀的存在。从”克莱登大学“到苏文纨、唐晓芙,再到”情敌“赵辛楣、妻子孙柔嘉,这一座座”围城“使他失去了对未来的希望, 最终也不知自己应该走向何方。”没有梦,也没有感觉人生最原始的睡,同时也是死的样品。“在失去柔嘉之后,万念俱灰的他走向麻木,丧失了生命最基础的感觉,更不用说对未来的憧憬。读完《围城》,我进入了作者作品内部,试着去体味那一种深沉的悲哀。

Everyone wants to gain the autonomy of their lives, and wants to hold the throat of destiny to defeat their fate, but Fang Hongjian in his life in his life in his life as if he has entered one after anotherIn the city, it gradually twisted itself in the city and became a sad existence.From "Cleden University" to Su Wenzheng, Tang Xiaofu, to "love rivals" Zhao Xinyan, wife and son Sun Roujia, this "siege" to make him lose his hope for the future, he did not know where he should go."There is no dream, and I don't feel the most primitive sleeping in life, and it is also a sample of death." After losing Roujia, he was numb and lost the most basic feeling of life, not to mention his longing for the future.After reading "Siege", I entered the author's work and tried to appreciate the deep sorrow.


From the first chapter of the book, the protagonist returned to a certain town of Jiangnan in his hometown of his hometown in 1937, and almost none of the things Fang Hongjian did "Siege City".It can be said that he is just a mediocre reader.He is characterized by mediocrity, and his tragedy also comes from his own mediocrity.Hong Jian is weak, passive and incompetent.His "weakness" is reflected in Su Wenzhang who has abandoned his own love, but he will not bravely pursue Tang Xiaofu, who is bravely pursuing his love, "passive" as he is teaching when he goes to Sanzheng University to teach"After appearing, he did not insist on himself, but was beaten passively. He was eventually crowded out by everyone and left with hate.As for the "incompetence", the best manifestation is that he couldn't get married in Hong Kong "to calm down" his wife, Roujia's unsatisfactory "ancient board", and finally chose to leave alone.His personality weaknesses laid a foreshadowing for the final tragedy.


In the siege of life, Fang Hongjian's helplessness and sorrow are exactly the same as Jia Baoyu."Jia Baoyu, who is incompetent in the world, is not unparalleled in ancient and modern times." Jia Baoyu is also so weak in Grand View Garden.He loved Daiyu and couldn't stand up with her; he did not love the officialdom, and eventually with Jialan "gold list title".The two wanted to change their destiny and chose to yield under the resistance of reality.Although their experiences are not very similar, their character is also amazing.Of course, the Grand View Garden is a siege. Why is the world in "The Siege"?


Of course, "Siege" is a novel after all.Fang Hongjian's weakness and passiveness are undoubtedly described by the author in the text, but the author's original intention to write this book is to refute a state of alienation, not a few people in this state.The full text mainly describes the distortion of human nature under the special circumstances of life, and the sadness of everyone's heart under this distortion.Whether it is Miss Su's "Leng Yan", Miss Sun's very thoughtful, Li Meiting and others' cunning and sinister, Tang Xiaofu is close to perfect but failed to come together with Hong Jian, or Hong Jian's own weakness and incompetence.The "sad world" I want to express in my heart.


People say that "Siege" is the new version of "The History of Rulin Wai". I do not oppose it. Maybe this is the true sorrow of this "Base City World".


As the first talent of the Republic of China, Qian Zhongshu's thin "Siege" depicts a real, distorted and sad world.What it brings us is a kind of sigh, a wonderful.It is not so much a love novel. It is better to be a masterpiece of ethics, philosophy, and worldview, and a monument in the history of Chinese literature.



Looking for and looking, he was trapped in the lone city.





At the beginning, the reason for reading this book was because of Yang Yan's "We". The Qian Zhongshu in Yang Yan's eyes always had "idiots", and what I saw was only the achievements that Mr. Qian Zhongshu was dumped by everyone.So I opened "Siege".


"Siege" wrote various experiences after Fang Hongjian stayed home: "Gaoming" who bought "fake degree", different feelings for Su Wenzheng, Tang Xiaofu, Sun Roujia, and "unhappy" ...


As an intellectual at that time, Fang Hongjian went abroad to study abroad. When the money was almost spent, he planned to return to China.On the ship returning to China, he was ambiguous with Miss Bao, and then the same is true of Miss Su.Since then, he entered the city of Su Wenzheng, and he tried to escape and yearned for Tang Xiaofu, but ended without illness.At Sanzhang University, he entered a small town, but in this city, he was still panting, so he returned home and returned to this place where he thought it was a shelter.No longer home.


Unquestionable, this book is interesting.The witty language often makes me laugh, but the ironic things make me think deeply.


As a talented person, Zhao Xinxuan is still trapped in the city, not to mention Fang Hongjian, a doctorate degree in the "Kleden" university?At Sanzhang University, when he met Han Xueyu, a doctor who was also a "Claiden" university, Fang Hongjian couldn't do it as old as him; in Sun Roujia, Fang Hongjian stepped into her city step by step, but in the end twoEveryone was trapped in the city where "Miss Sun" worked hard.


At the beginning, there was a saying, "People around the city want to escape, people outside the city want to rush in. For marriage, or career, most of their desires of life are like this." Fang Hongjian walked around in these three cities, andI wanted to go outside the city, and I came in again.Ironically human nature, also society.


Why are we not the case? You envy the luxury of others, others envy your warmth; you envy the excellence of others, others envy your freedom, each of us, trapped in several cities, struggling, escaping, but entering anotherA city.


Perhaps, Mr. Qian Zhongshu's "idiot" is manifested on Fang Hongjian.


读《围城》,跟读一般的小说感觉很不一样。总觉得大师的作品吧,肯定是生硬晦涩,至少是我辈很难读懂的,要想读懂,也要摆上好几本字典在旁边,才能有读下去的勇气,《围城》不是这样,它通俗的可以,从身边琐事娓娓道来,总有那么一处是撞击到你尘世的灵魂。本来觉得 40年代的作品,是太公太爷辈的事了,想要找到一丝与现实相关的东西无异于到秦始皇的墓里挖计算机。谁知读的时候,它竟多次引起我的共鸣!很多的事情,就像是发生在身边;人物的心情,就像是从自己记忆中掏出来的东西,贴切的让人吃惊!仿佛去看心理病的人被人一下子戳中了心事一样,有几分不可思议,又有几分难堪,却还有几分爽快!

Reading "Siege" is very different from reading novels.I always feel that the master's work is definitely stiff and obscure. At least it is difficult for my generation to read. If you want to understand, you must put on several dictionaries next to it to have the courage to read.It is popular. From the trivial matters around it, there is always a soul that hit your world.Originally, I felt that the work of the 1940s was a grandfather of Tai Gong. I wanted to find a trace of reality that was tantamount to digging a computer in Qin Shihuang's tomb.Who knows that when reading, it has caused me many times! Many things are like happening around; the mood of the character is like something that is taken out of his memory, which is amazing!People who looked at the psychological disease were liked to be in mind at once. They were a little incredible and embarrassing, but they were a bit refreshing!


Strike the sickness of life and laugh at human weaknesses.In this field, Lu Xun should be the originator of the origin.Lu Xun is serious and raises questions fiercely, like the bloody cat claws grabbing your blood, Qian Zhongshu is not, he cares about the problem in carelessness, just like scratching you gently with his hands, he scratch it.Scratching, you laughed ... Finally discovered! It turned out that there was lice on my body! It can also be said that Lu Xun used a sharp dagger and touched the blood, giving people a feeling of blood; Qian ZhongThe book uses a sharp long needle. At first glance, it is useless to the affected part, but it is stabbed to the medical parts like acupuncture.Stabbed and orally.A good work should have distinctive characteristics in some respect to show the author's unique personality and quality.Chekhov's work pursues spicy humor, O. Henry pursues exquisite ideas, "Siege City" shows Qian Zhongshu's scholar -style humor.


Look at the "Siege", talk, dinner, dating, love, work, family, all of the details in life, extremely ordinary trivial matters. Life scenes, living and flexible characters, presented in front of the readers, are so vivid, beautiful and realistic. Fang Hongjian's hypocrisy, Zhao Xinyi's frankness, Chu Shenming's love face, Su Wenzhang's kitsch, Tang Xiaofu's innocence, and Sun Roujia's cunning, all jumping on the paper, making people love and hate. Qian Zhongshu is good at using the cave candle, and the strokes of the slim mustard to portray the character's psychology. Its sharp and exquisite psychological irony makes the characters very three -dimensional. The old virgin Fan Yinanhua was old but lacked by people. She thought that Mrs. Wang helped him to do a matchmaker, but pretended to be a stubborn. When I saw Zhao Xinxuan, it was revealed, "like a circle of intangible circles, surrounded himself with Xin Yanhua, and splashed water closely." On the way back, she managed to put her peers Fang Hongjian and Ms. Liu several times. Story, leave Zhao Xinxuan and her two. She said that the bridge was too narrow for a while, and Zhao Xinxuan patted her to go to the bottom of the river. After a while, she said that she forgot the handbag and let Zhao Xinye accompany her back to pick it up. There are humor and irony, wonderful! Chapter III's party to write a few intellectuals is even more bad. Zhao Xinxuan wanted to get drunk Fang Hongjian's hate by leaking his lover. Fang Hongjian vomited after being drunk, covering his nose deliberately, and he had a pleasure of gloating and liberation. The ugly soul of this kind of intellectuals, through the psychological war, is clearly exposed and suddenly externalized, showing Qian Zhongshu's irony and humor.

除此之外,书中大量精妙的比喻也运用的非常巧妙,为小说的幽默效果增色不少。例如苏文纨刚出场时,作者对她复杂的心情的描写:“那时苏小姐把自己的爱情看得太名贵了,不肯随便施与。现在呢,宛如做了好衣服,舍不得穿,锁在箱里,过一两年忽然发现这衣服的样子和花色都不时髦了,有些自怅自悔。”如写李梅亭的肖像:“李先生脸上少了那副黑眼睛,两(Stu51.com)只大白眼睛像剥掉壳的煮熟鸡蛋。”多么令人恶心。还有如“鸿渐饿得睡不熟,身子像没放文件的共事皮包,几乎腹背相贴。”是多么的形象。再如写苏文纨和曹元朗的婚礼场面和二人的窘态:“曹元朗穿了黑呢礼服,忙得满头是汗…我只怕他整个胖身体全化在汗里,象洋蜡烛化成一滩油。苏小姐也紧张难看…新郎新娘脸哭不出笑不出的表情,全不像在干喜事,倒像——不,不像上断头台,是了,是了,像公共场所”谨防扒手“牌子下面那些积犯相惩的表情。”简直惟妙惟肖,其诙谐幽默的效果,真的令人忍俊不禁了! 特别是描写鲍小姐的形象,“有人叫她‘熟食铺子’,因为只有熟食店会把那许多颜色暖热的肉公开陈列;又有人叫她‘真理’,因为据说‘真理’是赤裸裸的。鲍小姐并未一丝不挂,所以他们修正为局部的真理。”看起来虽然你能把人的眼泪都笑出来,实际上是在批判鲍小姐留学出洋,一无所得,只学了一些淫荡的功夫回来。幽默的笑料背后隐藏着多么深刻的讽刺意味!

In addition, a large number of exquisite metaphors in the book also uses very cleverly, adding a lot of color to the humorous effect of the novel. For example, when Su Wenzheng first appeared, the author described her complicated mood: "At that time, Miss Su saw her love too expensive and refused to do it casually. In the box, I suddenly found that the appearance and color of this clothes were not fashionable in a year or two, and some regrets. " ) Just big white eyes are like cooked eggs that peel off the shell. "How disgusting. Also, like "Hong Jian is hungry and sleepy, and his body looks like a co -pocket that does not put files. Another example is to write the wedding scenes of Su Wenzheng and Cao Yuanlang and the embarrassment of the two: "Cao Yuanlang wore a black dress, and he was so busy ... I am afraid that his entire fat body is fully sweaty, and the like foreign candle turns into a pool of oil. . Ms. Su is also nervous and ugly ... The groom and bride's face can't cry, and it is not like a happy event, but it is like a broken orchestra, yes, yes, like a public place, " The expressions of the accumulation offenders below the brand. "It is simply wonderful, and the humorous and humorous effect is really unbearable! Especially describing Ms. Bao’s image," Someone calls her 'cooked food shops', because only a cooked restaurant will take the food restaurant to take care of the restaurant. Many of the warm -colored meats are publicly displayed; some people call her 'truth', because it is said that 'truth' is naked. Ms. Bao is not naked, so they revise it to a local truth. "It seems that although you can treat people's people’s what people can people take people Tears laughed. In fact, I criticized Miss Bao to study abroad. I had nothing to gain, and I only learned some sensual kung fu. What a deep irony hidden behind the humorous jokes!


So after reading Qian Zhongshu's "Siege" is to make you fall into deep contemplation after laughing.Following the mind, you find that it seems to be a love novel. In fact, it is more revealing human nature. No wonder some people say that "Siege" and "Dream of Red Mansions" have the same wonderful work! But also!


第一次读钱钟书先生的小说《围城》还是在高中读书期间,那时对《围城》这部小说的体会停留在读语言的欣赏上,钱先生的妙语横生,幽默犀利给我留下了深刻的印象。小说中蕴含了太多让人回味无穷,忍俊不禁的文字,像才女苏文纨的那句话名言,“城中的人想出去,城外的人想冲进来,婚姻也罢、事业也罢 ”;像“夜仿佛纸浸了油,变成半透明体了,它给太阳拥抱住了,分不出身来,也许是给太阳陶醉了,所以夕照晚霞隐褪后的夜色也带着酡红”; “孙太太眼睛红肿,眼眶似乎饱和着眼泪,像夏天早晨花瓣上的露水,手指那么轻轻一碰就会掉下来”; “苏小姐双颊涂的淡胭脂下面忽然晕出红来,像纸上沁的油渍,顷刻布到满脸,腼腆得迷人”; 又如:“我们一天要想到不知多少人,亲戚、朋友、仇人,以及不相干的见过面的人。人事太忙了,不许我们全神贯注,无间断地怀念一个人。我们一生对于最亲爱的人的想念,加起来恐怕不到一点钟,此外不过是念头在他身上瞥过,想到而已”、“一个人的缺点正像猴子的尾巴,猴子蹲在地面的时候尾巴是看不见的,直到他向树上爬,就把后部供大众瞻仰,可是这红臀长尾巴本来就有,并非地位爬高了的新标识”。 这些语句给我留下了非常深刻的印象,时而发笑,时而又想像着作者所描述的情景,仿佛身临其境、如见其人。

The first time I read Mr. Qian Zhongshu's novel "Siege City" was still in high school. At that time, the experience of the novel "Siege" would stay in the appreciation of reading language. deep impression. The novel contains too many words that make people have endless interest, and tolerance, like the name of the talented daughter Su Wenzheng, "People in the city want to go out, people outside the city want to rush in, marriage or career"; The paper was soaked in oil and turned into a translucent body. It embraced the sun and could not be separated. Maybe it was intoxicated by the sun, so the night after the evening sun faded was also red; "Mrs. Sun's eyes' eyes Red and swollen, the eyes seem to be saturated with tears, like the dew on the petals in the morning in the morning, the fingers will fall down like so lightly "; , Suddenly, it is charming. "Another example is:" We have to think of many people, relatives, friends, enemies, and irrelevant people who have seen each other a day. The personnel are too busy. I miss a person without interruption. We miss the dearest person in our lives. I am afraid that it will be less than a little bit. When the monkey squatted on the ground, the tail was invisible. Until he climbed on the tree, he put the back for the public to admire the public, but this red buttocks had long tails, and it was not a new logo with a higher status. " These statements left me a very deep impression, sometimes laughing, and sometimes imagined the scene described by the author, as if they were immersive and seeing them.


For more than two decades, "Siege City" has been with my bedside. When people are quiet at night, they will read from time to time. With the growth of age and experience, I am no longer youthful and young. I have my own thinking about society and life.It can bring me spiritual comfort, and I have a deeper understanding and understanding of the work of Mr. Qian.


"Siege" is the only long novel in Mr. Qian's life. It is a classic in Chinese and contemporary novels. This is a strange book that reads the infinite flavor of olives.Under the humorous appearance of the funny and beautiful metaphors, the inner beauty of the person who has sighed and sighs, the person who is not more or less.Therefore, it is a smiley tragedy of life with a seemingly transcendent ridicule.


In the book, the emotional entanglement between Fang Hongjian and Su Wenzheng, Tang Xiaofu, and Sun Roujia, often dare not speak more because of their cowardice, and even step by step.Bitter fruits of marriage.This emotional siege once made Fang Hongjian yearn for, and then helplessly boring in the city.And in Sanzhang University, it is a siege of a career, which is full of scams and fighting. It is always depressing, and Fang Hong, who is kind but cowardly, is unbearable, but when he leaves there, it is a one facing a one.The feudal thoughts of parents, the responsibility of the family, the decline of the career, and the multi -layer mixed social siege made him feel more confused. It seemed that everything was controlled by a ruthless big hand.Fang Hongjian, who was originally talented, only succumbed to this hand, and suffered a friend's alms against his friends.


"Siege City" describes all kinds of details in life, extremely ordinary trivial matters. However, in these trivial matters, in these insignificant details, one by one, one by one, and lively characters, presented in the eyes of the readers, and the eyes of the readers.It's so vivid and realistic.There are very few pens for the social environment at that time in the article. The so -called historical capacity, the time of the times just point it up, has been taken, but I think this is the success of this book, because it is not aimed at the typical characters under a specific society.It reflects common human nature and life.I dare to say that Xiang Fang Hongjian has no learning, Dong Xianchuan's vassals, Cao Yuanlang's vulgar boring, Chu Shenming's deception of the world, Sun Roujia's chest plan, Miss Bao's frivolous and superficial, Li MeitingThis type of person, there used to be, today, there will be, there will be; as for the boring of "cultural salon", the strange things on the three roads, the humanity in the school is worldly, the tongue in the big family is right and wrong, and this is true.So profound.


Naturally, more than 70 years ago, it seemed to be in the nostalgic siege of history.With such a humorous tone, Mr. Qian, in addition to criticizing the people at the time or stubbornness or admiration, and laughed at the pedantic of the elderly at the time, the arrogance of international students, revealing the unnecessary dispute, the dispute between the rival,In addition to the dispute between colleagues, what really wants to clarify is that life is a big siege, and people can never escape endless pressure and restraint, and will always live a lifetime under the invisible four walls.Everyone can't escape such a fate, just whether you live well under this wall. If you always want to rush out of the siege, then you can only keep the empty city alone and lose the value of life.


Life is a siege city. Marriage and career, learning and entertainment, development and backwardness, success and failure are a color in this colorful city. Everyone is a element in the city.It is just that Mr. Qian has the specific image of this city in the 1930s, so that we in the 21st century, we can see the joy, sorrow, and sadness of the people in the city.EssenceIn contemporary society, the competition is fierce, the masters are like clouds, and the existence of bright fighting and intrigue is more intense and dangerous than in the book.Each environment is a siege in schools, families, society, and every behavior, and every behavior is in a siege.Friendship and competition between colleagues, affection and pressure in the family, and the darkness and darkness in society have built many insurmountable siege since our birth.


We will not be able to cross this wall, because as long as we have life, we will always be in a siege.We can only keep fighting in it, and we always maintain a positive heart to create the strange color in this enclosure, so that the life in the siege city enriches.When all people and things become beautiful because of hard work and optimism, when the colors in the city are uniform and harmonious, then this siege is no longer a terrible constraint and pressure, but a happy paradise.No one will try to leave her. Even Fang Hongjian, who is self -pitying, will like it, and false evils will be assimilated into truth, goodness and beauty."Siege" is no longer imprisonment and restraint, but a harmonious paradise.



Since the publication of "Siege", many people have put forward different views on each other.Some reports say that Fang Hongjian is the incarnation of the author, and some even doubt whether the author's doctoral degree is fictional.But in any case, Fang Hongjian is a typical intellectual image. This sentence is unquestionable.


But because he is an intellectual, and it is an intellectual who has a conscience with a world -renowned attitude, which constitutes the first lap of his life.Fang Hongjian is a bit vanity and a little cynical, but he does not have true talents like Xin Yan, and he is not as conscientious as Han Xueyu and others.He hopes to be a big man, and this personality seems to determine his life.


Fang Hongjian's second lap "siege city" is a fake degree that brings him a disaster.Fang Hongjian is an intellectual. Before buying a fake diploma, he also asked his conscience, and he had the best place for himself: "Father is a imperial examination person, depending on the" reporting ", the husband is a businessman, and he wants to be a businessman.Look at the deeds. "If Fang Hongjian can be thoroughly played, it is okay, but he did not carry forward his fake diploma like Han Xueyu.


In his own tone, he said, "Speaking of lies, I still have to talk about conscience." I lie lying when I lie, and the lie of conscience becomes unique.Since you talk about conscience, don't buy a degree.Since you do n’t talk about conscience, you just carry forward the degree? It hurts himself as an associate professor to swallow, and his two ends do not shore.


Fang Hongjian's third circle of "siege", I think no one will oppose it, it is his attitude of playing the world when dealing with emotional problems.Su Wenzheng showed the love of the other party on the return ship.But Fang did not express anything.By the time when Hong Jian's doctoral degree jokes, it was originally the layman watched the excitement and looked at the door.Su Wenzheng will break at all.Dr. Su did not break. This was clear because of love.


However, Fang Hongjian also planted it, and became a role of admiring Miss Su, jealous with Zhao Xinxuan, and even "a kiss to Dingjiangshan" under the moon. This is not his own mistake.He thought it didn't matter to play the world, but he didn't know that he had destroyed his own feelings with Miss Tang, and he went to Sanyuan University.After working with Ms. Sun to work in Shanghai together, he was forced by life and abandoned the attitude of playing the world. As he said:


Lying is often excited and happy, and it is also a creation, like self -deception in children's games.A person with a happy physical and mental, full of energy, and not taking the stubborn facts in your eyes, feeling that there is a skill and the status quo.When you are worried about the poor, people are poor and short, and they are not good at lies.


Isn't this sad?



The first time I watched "Siege" was two years ago. I heard that the book was famous, so I got it over. In addition to the fact that the author loves to use humorous and interesting metaphors, the other impression is not deep.Recently, the more you read, the more you feel the taste. I still like the text of the previous paragraph of "Guide". I feel that I have said my own feelings.To put it bluntly, it is a wise book, because it comes from a wise man's insight and ridicule of human nature .--------------------------------------------- when you laugh or laugh, you will be amazed and surprised by why the author is actually.Can do this. "


In the impression, it seems that some people say "" Siege City ", but there is no novel!".I dare not be the beak for what novels and novels are called novels, but I remember that the ancients had said "no law". I wonder if "text" includes novels?Isn't it? Kaifka, known as the founder of modern literature. At the beginning of his "Transformers", "One morning, Griegao woke up in a unwavering dream and found that he had become a bed into a bed.Giant beetle. "You see, novel, you can still write like this!


Thinking about it, maybe this sentence Xu Zhen is right, saying "Siege City" is a novel, it is better to say that it is more suitable for a wise book.Novels are generally reflecting life and expressing their thoughts through storylines, characters, but not all novels can be inspired by people, allowing readers to look at their souls."Siege" has such a "function", it is like a mirror, not a person in the mirror, but also naked souls, reflecting all kinds of beauty and ugliness of human nature!Yes, but the younger can reflect life.Light staying on a hundred state of life, it is also a good work, but it is not a wise book.In the book of wisdom, the author must look down at life at a certain height, penetrate all kinds of appearances, directly reach the depths of human and souls, and can see blood in one shot, and show it to the wooden.I was really surprised. Mr. Qian had such a hole in the fire, the understanding of human nature, and the observation of human feelings, and the delicate and profound observation made people difficult to believe.


Those who can see through human nature and insight into humanity, I think there are two kinds of people, one is "the city of the market", who competed for a long time to make a good fortune, and make a three -religion and nine streams. The emperor "Zhu Yuanzhang is a representative, such people are alive, smooth, cunning. There is also a person with great wisdom. They see through human nature and life, but do not follow the waves, watch it coldly, and be alone. The difference between the two is that the former is "not entering", which is a kind of survival! The latter is "out of the mud and not stained", which is a wisdom of life. Obviously, Qian Zhongshu is the latter. Because of the "entry" of Mr. Zhong, he can stand on a height that is difficult to reach by ordinary people. Qingming Shanghe Tu ". Some Western critics said that "Siege" wrote the spiritual crisis of Chinese intellectuals under the influence of Western culture, and some Chinese critics said that the failure of modern western civilization in China, thereby proved the theme of capitalist civilization without saving China. These have a certain reason, but Qian Zhongshu does not seem to take the stance of this that is, and he is more important to ridicule the ridiculous, poor and shame of the pseudo -cultural people. , Embarrassment and dilemma. And in a broader cultural sense, "Siege City" is more important to write the dilemma of the "besiege city". Its artistic summary and ideological meaning exceeds narrow personal experience, the boundaries of the nation, and the division of the times, which reflects the author's entire to the whole The in -depth thinking of modern civilization and modern life also condenses the author's historical reflection on the basic status of the entire human existence and the basic root of human beings.


Look at the "Siege", talk, dinner, dating, love, work, family, all of the details in life, extremely ordinary trivial matters.Life scenes, living and flexible characters, presented in front of the readers, are so vivid, beautiful and realistic."The Dream of Red Mansions" is not described as a daily life of a Zhongming Food House? But it is the artistic height it achieved, but it is ancient and ancient.Expressing the truth of life, but exceeding the truth of the general sense, rising to the level and height of humanity and world is a superb art.


There are very few pens for the social environment at that time in the article. The so-called historical capacity, the time of the times just point, has been brought by it-to some people's eyes, it is a regret, or even a lesion.However, I think this is the success of this book, because it is not for the purpose of typical characters under a specific society, but reflects the purpose of common human nature and life.Human nature.I dare to say that Xiang Fang Hongjian has no learning, Dong Xianchuan's vassals, Cao Yuanlang's vulgar boring, Chu Shenming's deceiving world, Sun Roujia's chest plan, Miss Bao's frivolous and superficial, Li Meiting's shamelessness, Gao Songnian old olderMind, this type of literati, there used to be before, there are today, there will be still; as for the boredom of "cultural salon", the hearing on the three roads, the humanity in the school, the rice beam on the beach, the big family in the big family, the big family in the big familyThe right and wrong of the tongue, all true, and so profound, let alone say the eternal proposition of the marriage as the siege.


Therefore, I personally think that the sarcasm and responsibility novels such as "The Castle" and "The History of the Ruolin Wai" are going one step further. The former has a fixed social background. After the social background, the meaning of the characters is greatly reduced.We read these novels today, mostly from the perspective of literary appreciation, and we cannot be used as a book of wisdom, let alone let people look at the sense of force and resonance.It is said that "Dream of Red Mansions" is the first novel that treats women as people.》 Is it a person to portray "the inferiority of the Chinese" from the individual side. So, can you say that "Siege" is the common point of humanity from the perspective of society?


"Siege City" is often regarded as a problem of marriage. The so -called "people in the city want to rush out and people in the city want to rush in." I think this is really a great misunderstanding. Refers to marriage, it is better to say that life! Although the story is from the beginning, it is around Fang Jianhong's marriage, but Mr. Qian is actually the experience of lending from Fang Jianhong and other people's stories, expressing his own various of his life to life. Opinions and understanding, and in the way of ridicule, people have the bitterness when they laugh. I always have such a feeling. When I read the "Siege", I followed Fang Hongjian and had a deep life experience. The cultural irony in "Siege" is more based on the historical platform of Chinese and Western cultural conflicts and collisions, and this is one of the strengths of Qian Yanshu. The first is to observe some disadvantages of traditional Chinese culture with modern culture. For example, Fang Hongjian's father, Mr. Fang Lao, and the pedantic of the lines he recommended "Chinese character is Fang Zheng, so the place is Fang, foreigners are smooth, and they are smooth. So claim is round "and the like. The second is to mockery the hard -to -movement of Western culture. "Eliot)" Platinism "poem in" The Wilderness ", as well as Mr. Zhang's Pudi Bin. The third is to explore the absurdity in the absorption of Western civilization and western culture. As Fang Hongjian said in his hometown middle school, "Haitong has been in the entire Chinese society for hundreds of years. One is opium and the other is a drug, all of which are western civilization absorbed by the Ming Dynasty. "


But the irony in "Siege" is more based on anatomy of human nature.For example, Fang Hongjian's famous doctoral doctor of Kleden University focuses on fraud, vanity, weakness, helplessness to the environment, etc., such as Li Meiting to eat roasted sweet potatoes, Lu Zixiao with the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs envelopes envelopesBlinding and Ms. Fan's unpredictable English fake author gave herself to himself, etc.The reader asked himself that he did not just do these things, and sometimes including ourselves, as if we saw our appearance characteristics on A Q's face.


Qian Zhongshu is a college student. Unfortunately, I haven't seen his main academic works "Talking about Art Records" and "Tube Kan". There is no way to fully appreciate his knowledge and wisdom.The wisdom and interest of appreciating university students? This reminds me of British bacon. He mainly builds a thinker in philosophy. He is a thinker, but there are 58 "Essays".Bacon's essay, just like Qian Zhongshu's novels, is not a "professional work", but the result of the Niu Dao small test has a huge impact, allowing more people to appreciate the wisdom of college students to enter the WTO.If there is no "Siege City", Qian Zhongshu will also be a great regret and loss to Chinese literature!



I have long been named this book for a long time, especially the classic "marriage is like a siege ...".It may be because of this sentence. I always thought that this book was about the wind and snowy moon in the marriage life.After watching it, I found that it was talking about marriage, and it could only be regarded as one -third of the right.Because in addition to the last third of the life after the male protagonist gets married, others, in my opinion, is more about the survival crisis of a group of Chinese intellectuals.


First talk about its language, which is also the most impressed by this book. Because I was in the office, I read this book while working at work. At first I read online on the website. Later, I felt that this was a bit too obvious, so I copied the text on the webpage to the word document and read it before reading. There is another advantage to do this, that is, read the favorite text, you can mark it, and even make a little notes. After reading all, turn around and find that there are some green highlight marks on the entire document at least every two or three pages, and some are marked three or four on one page. (This may be the sequelae left by finding "good words and good sentences" in the text from a young age. Now when you encounter a beautiful text when you read books, your hands are itchy. You must draw it up and down. This is the same. Recently, the habit of labeling color labels on the pages concentrated on the "Good Words and Goods" concentration, and even put it in the magazine. If a little psychological analysis, I think the subtext may be: "XXX is here!" And "I will come back again!". The crooked down line and the annotation of the stars, before this book was closed, it clearly reminded me to take the time to read its process. And remind me that the rich "resources" that have been proven, stay in the future, and then make it fine later. Detailing, so I can put it on the shelves with satisfaction).


Words are homely, Qian Zhongshu's language is humorous and humorous, and there are a lot of rhetoric. There will be a metaphor, personality, etc. every two or three sentences, and I often laugh when I read it quickly. (Obviously, for the matter of reading novels, I am in a relatively dangerous environment, so I must always be alert to the attention of unusual movements and attract the attention of others. Therefore, this book really cannot be regarded as the "underground" office in the office. The previous choice of readings.) Especially, the vivid and complex psychological activities of a character are reflected in its ever -changing facial expressions and behaviors. For example "Listening to the ears", for example, a foreign woman "freckle, like the dung under the flies on the noodle cake, and the behavior is lively." There is a blank time that can be said, like white water, and greeted by the car that drove straight towards the driving motor, looking at it in a hurry and nowhere to avoid. " When I read, I felt like I was drifting, and the surface was calm on the surface. I met a humor when I was cold. The "water flower" that keeps stirring makes people "tremble", not because of "cold", but because of "wonderful".


Regarding the content, although the marriage life also occupies an important part, I think writing a marriage is also a crisis of survival.Especially on the eve of the Anti -Japanese War, most of the East China had fallen into a Japanese occupation area, covering the shadow of war everywhere. Under the background of turbulent life and uneasy life, not only intellectuals, all Chinese people were facing life and death.The protagonists of the novel are still lucky. A group of intellectuals living in the middle and upper levels of society can at least worry about food, food, housing, and transportation, and can even get a half -job in the organs.But because they have been studying abroad, have received higher education, and have more expectations of others, their mood is more complicated.For example, in Shanghai, which has soared at that time, there was a two -story building that was a luxury for many people. Fang Hongjian obtained such a residence by the funding of his parents and relatives.However, the house brought a lot of troubles and quarrels, furniture, maids, relatives visited, etc. Although the house was available, there was still no home.


The two plots that impressed me the most was that after Fang Hongjian got married, I thought of my imagination of love, marriage, family, and career one night.I used to myself."There are a few dead self -buried himself in his memo, standing monumental tombs, and occasionally hanging up, like a emotions for Tang Xiaofu, there are a few self, as if they are on the road, do not clean up, let them rot the rotten them.Eat it to the birds and beasts -but it can't be eliminated, such as buying a diploma from the Irish. "Some things, although they have passed the time, have never been eliminated in their hearts. For exampleThings.It can be seen that no matter how people "look forward" and how to say goodbye to the past, the unprepared conscience in their hearts will still come up from time to time to remind us not to forget the mistakes that have made before.


The second plot is about the emotional development of Fang Hongjian and Miss Sun. From the beginning, Fang strongly denied the misunderstanding of others and Sun, because Sun did not attract him. However, for more than half a year in his hometown, Fang gradually felt difficult to resist Sun's dependence and trust in him. Although he didn't like it, he didn't hate it. Finally, he admitted that he would be engaged with her. And Sun, the young woman is alone away from her hometown, plus the eldest daughter who does not care about her parents who are also young and younger women from a young age. These have caused her to be serious. Her "dependence" man in the future. On the surface, weak and simple, in fact, the heart is tough and mature. In her opinion, although Fang's career is average, at least her family is good, her character is upright, and it is worthy of entrustment. But she ignored a very important point. They had no emotional foundation and Fang did not love her. Or she actually understands this in her heart, just to find a "reliance" in this troubled world, she doesn't care about it. As long as this man can bring her a peaceful life, the others open one eye and close one eye. So from the engagement, the two people continued to quarrel. The heavy pressure of real life has also enlarged the differences in the background, habits, and values ​​of the two people.


Although this novel is written in the first page of the previous world, society is turbulent, and people's hearts are not stable.Now China, society is stable and economic prosperous, but there are still many confusion and anxiety in spiritual life.At that time, the new marriage was just sprouting, and most of the couples were still married under the promotion of "parents' life, the words of the media".Now, although freedom of love and freedom of marriage is already a common sense, it does not mean that the essence of the marriage city has changed.Some people still marry all kinds of purposes, such as worrying that they will become "leftover women", being urged by their parents, not wanting to be blindfolded, and so on.


There are different pains in different times.Reading this novel, I traveled back to 70 or eighty years ago, but I saw a life -like life similar to modern people.



Reading "Siege City", the favorite is Tang Xiaofu. She is like the Qinghe in the summer pond.Living in such an era, in such a society, she loves and loves, does not climb high, and does not want to bow a little bit, but lower her love.As if at that time, that society was turbid and clear, and he was sleeping alone and woke up alone.


I like Tang Xiaofu, so naturally I will like her words in the book.When she refused Fang Hongjian, she said, "The person I love, before he met me, did not pass, keep waiting for me!" She couldn't stand the person who had a past, even if she liked thisPeople! I do n’t like many people today to publicize “I’ m regretful to talk about love once in my life ”; nor can I understand those who have changed their men and women for a few weeks; love should not be luxury, but a necessity.But the love here will never be the vulgar love that those who frequently change men and women, but the unique true love!


Since childhood, I have never been in contact with love, not just because of the opposition of my parents, but also because I have never met a person, so that I feel that I can go on like this.I believe in a life of love, and believe in Tang Xiaofu from the blank. The person who believes that the right will come at the right time. You don't need to find it deliberately and deliberately create any opportunities.And that person, as long as you hold hands, you know, that is happiness!


Fang Hongjian said that he loved Tang Xiaofu deeply. Later, when he married his wife, he was not the same. What kind of love was the same. Tang Xiaofu loved the wrong person, but fortunately did not bow his own love!


It is worthy of Tang Xiaofu. It should be such a person. He doesn't have to be more handsome, rich, and powerful, but he must have not passed, and even after being rejected, he should not marry for life;He must love her together in thinking and actions, and even willing to give up everything for her; he must ensure that his love will not shake because of anyone; he should not only let her believe in himself, but also let him believe in the future!


There is a paragraph in the siege, I like it very much.


When you get a bunch of grapes, you will eat from good or from bad? It is reasonable to be more optimistic from the good starting people, because each grape he eats is the best in all grapes.The person who eats from the bad start should be more pessimistic, because every grape he eats is the worst of all grapes.But the facts are just the opposite -because the people who eat from bad, he still has hope; and the people who start eating from good are only missed.


Reality is like eating grapes, often with two sides.What you think is good, maybe it is just bad; and the worst situation you think may be hope.So when you are in the so -called happiness, you have to worry about worrying; and when you are in danger, you have to learn to see hope.But more importantly, you have to learn to distinguish whether it is good or bad!



The book "Siege" is famous, and many sentences in the book become classics.It seems that the story in the book is not as thrilling of other novels, but the metaphors and opinions are intriguing.Let me talk about this novel from four aspects.


1. Scenery description


At the beginning of the novel, there is a series of scenery descriptions, "The sun still does not spare time and gets up early, occupying most nights."Words are precise, and so on.However, the purpose of the author's scenery is not here. In the following, "Everyone said that it was the family of Bing Ge afterwards, because this is the 26th year of the Republic of China."It has a faint irony.Everyone said that the reason for "Bing Ge's House" is not "heat", but "26 years of the Republic of China".This is Zhuge Liang's "wisdom" afterwards.Looking down, Fang Hongjian was worried after returning to China. At this time, "a combing of the moon is like a girl who has not grown up, but it is not shy to see people.", Like the sound of the waves, it is boiled by fire. "The happiness is not surprising.


In other parts of the novel, the description of the scenery is also wonderful.For example, in the process of setting up to the place of inauguration, "a rumbling answer in the air, dozens of copper drums rolled on the floor of Tiangong."It is conceivable that you don't need to say more.

二、 心理联想

Second, psychological association


This is probably the most interesting highlight of the full text. Life is dull and boring, but the comments published by the author's mouth are mixed, which looks lively and interesting. Randomly, the author's witness is interspersed in the line, such as Zhao Xinxuan's attitude of Hongjian, "there is still no Fang Hongjian in the eyes. But beware of him, just like the attitude of the people who are infectious to the infected patient." When I wrote Fang Weng's diary, the author's comment on his words also had a lot of interest: "These records from various aspects, various facts to prove that Fang Weng's senior person, he now wants to say, at the same time, he wants to be in the diary. How to remember the method, the record is not completely empty, for example, the water blisters touched a total of water dripping, whether it is a cultural and military business officer, it shows this kind of morbidity. " The factual basis, and the "big blisters" blowing happen to play the role of lies. At the time of Sanzhang University, Fang Hongjian accidentally leaked the secrets of Lu Zixiao's own college diploma. He was unhappy and thought: "... But this kind of unhappy is windy, seeing the day, no more than buying a diploma. The murderous corpse is not revealed to myself ... The losses of the honest man, the shame of the scammers being revealed, these two opposite pains, they actually have both arrows and two arrows. " Then, if you think about it carefully, it is quite interesting, such as "the corpse of the murder" and the "one arrow and double carving land" are naughty, or the words are degraded, and the character is helpless and humorous. Yes, very powerful.


Third, metaphor and anthropomorphic


This can be briefly talked about, because the author always uses these two techniques to add color to the novel. The moon can be "a crowded myopia eye." And the tears on the face like "Dream Rain in Qingming Season, swollen the ground, adding some mud." Flies, mosquitoes, and bugs are compared to the three friends in the small hotel, and they said that they did not show the festival after late autumn. It can be seen that the author also looked at the world humorously in life. Regarding Wang Meiyu's smile, he wrote "the bright red tooth root meat, the block is not as good as the knight's mind." The two who are not connected with the same adjectives are connected together, which is interesting. When smelling the fragrance of roasted mountain potato, Fang Hongjian, who was "thirsty in the nose, drinks water like water", actually imagined the car husband's car repair process: "The car husband had to get off the car. I picked up a piece of mud and please enjoy it. "And described the car into;" This is a sick car. It is harmful to malaria. When you leave, the doors and windows are trembling. "The cute and ridiculous, finally adding a trace of interest to their journey.


Fourth, character language


The language language is a tool for direct communication between the characters in the novel. Naturally, the author's elaborate shaping. At the instructor discussion, the author of the Ministry chose only one sentence: an average of one sentence per minute, "when the brothers are in the UK."Without comments, it was irrelevant to satirize the image of the speaker Chong Yangmei, and there was no way to claim.On the issue of eating, the so -called mentor system proposed by Gao Songnian was attacked by everyone. He wanted to imitate the blessings before the Western meal, but he could not find a suitable sentence.The director of the Department of Economics said to himself; "Everyone is like my son, thinking;" Before eating, don't run, don't jump after eating."Simply humorous, but it is more than one.


All in all, "Siege" is an excellent novel.Although the storyline is not bizarre, the characters are around, but its description is meticulous and thoughtful, and its sighs are also deeply amazing, which also makes this novel read.



Marriage is like a golden lacquer bird cage. The birds outside want to go in, and the bird inside wants to come out ...





Excellent and easy to die, mediocrity can live long.Why isn't love like this?


When I saw Fang Hongjian and Sun Roujia, I thought of such a story: One day, Plato asked the teacher what love was? Socrates called Plato to pick up a biggest and best wheat ears in the wheat field. Come back, you can only pick one, or go back. As a result, Plato returned with both hands. Socrates asked him why, and Plato explained: He saw a lot of big and good wheat ears in the wheat field, and he thought he would encounter greater and better wheat ears later, so until he couldn't go later I didn't pick up a wheat ears when I walked out of the wheat field. Socrates told Plato that this is love. One day Plato asked Socrate what was marriage? Socrates asked him to go to the pine forest once. Can be taken once. Plato had a lesson last time and went out with confidence. Half a day later, he dragged a pine tree that looked straight, green, but a bit sparsely dragged. Socrates asked him: Is this the best tree material? "Plato answered the teacher: because you can only take one one can take one one Trees, I finally saw a seemingly good time that I found that the time and physical strength were almost enough. Whether it was the best, but I felt that it was suitable for Christmas trees, so I took it back. At this time, Socrates told him: "This is marriage." Although it is not the highest and green, it is quite suitable for Christmas trees, which is enough.


After reading Qian Zhongshu's "Siege City", it dilutes many fantasies and longing in her heart. Love and marriage can often not be integrated. The story is probably divided into two parts, the previous part is about love, and the latter part is about marriage. The appearance of Su Wenzhang and Tang Xiaofu was like the sea water blowing by the sea breeze. The waves were full of waves and full of passion. Fang Hongjian was difficult to choose in love and love. After all, love will wither, no matter what the reason is separated or the relationship between a few years later, there will be no love if there is love. After passion, it is a thick affection, a relationship that depends on each other, just like the left hand and right hand. On the contrary, Sun Roujia's appearance did not have the eyes of Su and Tang. For example, such as A B and B, and then, B followed with the pace, but no one cares about it. It is also the female host of the last marriage. Fang Hongjian's feelings for Sun Roujia are not as infatuated, fierce, and even upside down as Tang Xiaofu. The process of meeting, knowing, knowing each other, and intersecting everything will occasionally ripples. Sun Roujia did not have the outstanding appearance of Tang Xiaofu, who did not have Su Wenzhang's family life, as if the word "ordinary" was tailor -made for her. After marriage, the corners of the big and small things are often exposed to each other in front of each other because of big and small things. Perhaps this is why "marriage is not only a combination of two people but also the combination of two families."


A small plot in the book makes me remember. "The story happened during the Cold War after the two quarreled. He was sweating in a hurry. He wanted to ask Roujia and took care of Yan Na without opening his mouth. At this time, Roujia, who was lying on the bed, saw Fang Hong's anxious appearance, even if there were more grievances in his heart, he saw that he had more grievances. The husband was so anxious to let go of the so -called "face" asking "in the minds of each other. When I washing my clothes, I saw a air ticket in your pocket and took it out for you. You see you carelessly, if it wasn't for my habit of washing clothes, it would be wrong. Then he got up and got up to Fang Hongjian. "Fang Hongjian looked at Roujia with full movement, and the two looked at each other. A small detail, but how real projection was marriage. Life since then is also spent in noise, but no matter how no matter how no matter how noisy When Roujia was angry and sad to wipe tears, Fang Hongjian would still coax her most of the time. After a long time, they have a deeper understanding of each other. Sometimes when the horn of the war will sound, they will retreat from each other. In one step, the anger in the heart is like this, and it is spent in quarrels, tolerance, consideration and care.


There is such a sentence. "Those who can get marriage to the end of the old age basically marry three times in their lives. The first time is in the hotel, and the blessing of relatives and friends marry a loved one; the second time is the second time it isAt home, the two got married after several years of running in and the habit of each other; the third time was to marry each other's affection with each other in the family. The second marriage and the third time were different from the first time.The grand wedding, no relatives and friends to congratulate, the only thing that was present was the tacit understanding of both parties, and the real marriage often happened twice. ""


Choose a city to grow old, meet a person in white, and may be covered with thorns in a long way, but as long as you have love and affection in each other, you will be fragrant.



Before writing my own feelings, let me briefly introduce the historical background of "Siege".


"Siege" is the only novel of Qian Zhongshu. In 1944, it was written in 1944 and completed in 1946. In 1947, it was printed by Chenguang Publishing Company.This is made by the author's "accumulation of baht" in the trap. The novel "From his familiar times, familiar places, and familiar social classes.There is a real -life shadow, everything is virtual; some plots are slightly real, but the characters are all fabricated. ", Often full of complaints; a arrogant and arrogant, love self -proclaiming.However, neither of the two people did not have the experience of Fang Hongjian, but the author's own experience, such as studying abroad and serving as a professor of university. It is compatible with the work. The author may get some inspiration from them, but it cannot be seated.


It is not accidental to read "Siege". One is to respect the academic attitude of Qian Xue. The other is to see this book when searching for excellent readings.Recommended by classmates.In the process of reading, I have been thinking about the meaning of the siege after reading it. Of course, the perception I can write is exactly the shoulder of the giant (Baidu Encyclopedia) and my understanding.I believe that after the accumulation of Mr. Qian Lao's baht is written, the meaning of the content of the work that Mr. Yang Yan reviewed by Mr. Yang Yan is by no means comparable to ordinary love novels.


The reason why the novel is named "Siege" is because the protagonist Fang Hongjian is full of various siege from his life after returning home.In terms of education, I bought fake diplomas because of the vanity of the discipline, but I also wanted to retain the morality of being a person who could not let it go completely. This is also the real reason why Fang Hongjian could not get water at Sanzheng University.In the marriage, because of the wrong yang and some misunderstandings missed Miss Tang, because of his cowardly personality, and Sun Roujia, who had been determined not to love, began a painful "siege" marriage.In terms of career, Fang Hongjian has no conspiracy, and has always been under this big tree in his best friend Zhao Xinxuan, followed Zhao Xinyan from Shanghai to the Mainland, and from the Mainland to Shanghai.


The characters in this novel are based on life, and the plot is more borrowed from life, so letting the Buddha's image happen is a real story.But in fact, the direct era of "Siege" was a few years in 1937 and later. It was the period when China suffered Japanese imperialist aggression.However, to understand "Siege", it must be traced back to modern times, especially the Opium War. Under the powerful artillery warship of imperialism, China has been forced to be in contact with the world.The unprecedented confrontation, collisions, conflicts, and even intertwined, and fusion.This cultural phenomenon is reflected in a large number of international students -Qian Zhongshu is one of their members -it is a typical significance that is worthy of anatomy.


Among them, the proud female intellectuals did not escape the "siege city" of the culture of the era, the vulgar and greedy academic scammers Li Meiting, Sun Roujia, who hidden under the softening, and the professors of Sanyuan University, the principals and other characters were money.Zhong Shu's writing is portrait.Qian Zhongshu mocked the ridiculous, poor and shame of the pseudo -cultural people with his sharp words and humorous and humorous metaphors.Fang Hongjian, as an intellectual who still retains basic cultural morality, struggled hard at that time, he could not integrate into the siege, nor could he really get rid of it.After experiencing the failure of education, love, career, and family (marriage), Fang Hongjian lamented: When he was in small towns, he was afraid of others. When he arrived in the metropolis, he hated others cold, but felt that he could look at himself.express.It is a microcontroller, and it is also complacent, hoping that someone will put it in a microscope to see it.The loneliness in crowded, the desolation in the lively, made him like many people living on this islands, and the heart seemed to be an island without any.


Here have clearly introduced life of existential philosophy.However, this cultural dilemma and mental predicament occurred in the severe conflict between the weak and weak boss China and modern capitalist civilization, so we saw such a deep picture: passing through a foreign bakery, The lights in the kitchen window are bright, shining on all kinds of pastries.A short old man stood outside the window, looking at the things in the window intently, holding a basket on his arms, and the rough mud dolls and wax paper sticky wind turning.There is also the famous ancestor old bell at the end of the book. Fang Hongjian's father gave his son and daughter -in -law as a wedding gift.The clock of 5 hours: The timing of the time of the time of the time accidentally contained the irony and sentimental life of life, deep in all languages and laughter.


In fact, in real life, why not live in the siege one after another, but some people are like fish, some people are safe, some people are at a loss, and some people struggle ... I hope that everyone of us is everybody.It is rational, kind, and pure. Don't become a clown in life. For those whim, let yourself be unable to extricate yourself, and make others laugh.


All in all, in all, "Siege" will make people feel different at different stages of people.If you do n’t understand the meaning of it, you may wish to think of it as a common novel because of interest.


There may be many shortcomings written by myself, but the book of Qian Zhongshu is indeed worth reading. As far as writing style is concerned, Qian Zhongshu Jun Miao language is continuous, and the words are beaded.Chinese and foreign allusions or common or remote are endless. The ocean is wild and vast as the sea, which makes people think about it; all kinds of metaphors or popular or deep, the fun is full of fun, and it is dizzying.


As far as the ideological connotation is concerned, the "siege thought" proposed by Zhong Shujun - "Life is like a siege, people outside the city want to rush in, people in the city want to rush out" deeply shows the helplessness and pain of life in life.: "The beginning of life of life."


初读《围城》,惊羡于钱钟书精湛 、诙谐的文笔,书中捧人发笑之处甚多。再读此书,则为其故事情节所叹,在这阴差阳错之中假设了无数个如果。如若方鸿渐再伫足一分钟,他与晓芙或许能前嫌尽释;如若在电话中未曾将晓芙误作苏文纨,方鸿渐或许能得到解释的机会;再如果……

When I first read "Siege City", I was envious of Qian Zhongshu's exquisite and witty writing.Reading this book again is sighing by the storyline of the story, and there are countless if the yin and yang is wrong.If Fang Hongjian will take another minute, he may be suspected to be released with Xiaofu; if Xiao Fu is mistaken for Su Wenzheng on the phone, Fang Hongjian may be able to explain the opportunity; if ... if ... if ...


Today, the three -handed "Siege City", the line of thinking is like a bamboo root that sucks the spring rain, spreading deeper towards the soil.Tang Xiaofu, who is innocent in the book, is pretending to be a mature, but it is pity; Sun Roujia, who has the opposite of temperament, is good at mindfulness, and the city is quite deep;What impressed me the most was the protagonist Fang Hongjian.Just one him has made me think for a long time and feels so much.


Fang Hongjian has been studying in Europe for several years and has nothing to do.The book bluntly said: "Three universities have been changed in four years, London, Paris, and Berlin. They listened to a few homework, have a wide range of interests, have no experience, and have a lazily life." In fact, this may not be.From the perspective of Miss Bao's "tenderness and honey", it shows that he still has learned the skills of "recruiting bees and butterflies".Before returning home, his father's family letter made him recognize the importance of the degree.However, it was too late. In a hurry, he bought a fake degree.But after all, Fang Hongjian was not a "alumni" Han Xueyi.However, his dialectical philosophical thinking helped him defeat the "guilt" - "Lying and deception is sometimes not immoral". This spiritual victory method must be ashamed of three points.After returning to China, Fang Hongjian was "fateful", falling in love and unemployment, and the broken marriage that made him exhausted physically and mentally.


The encounter with Ms. Bao can only be said to be a mess of flirting. It is not love. The prelude to entering the "Siege City" should start with Su Wenzheng.But Su Wenzheng was not the object of his presence, but Miss Su's cousin Tang Xiaofu, a girl who was beautiful and better than hibiscus.Hong Jian's favorability, showing the texts, and smoothly stranding his love ship outside Xiao Fu's gate.However, at this time, the situation suddenly changed. When his relationship with Miss Su ended, his love and pursuit of Xiaofu were like "a pure question without solving the algebra, a pair of paddles that could not reach the shore", Lost outlook.The beauty of the gentleman is the beauty of adults, and the villain is not the evil. The villain is the other. Su Wenzhang plays the villain inadvertently and cuts off the relationship between Fang Hongjian and Tang Xiaofu.This emotional trauma made Fang Hongjian's life suddenly dim. In the later love life, he was difficult to autonomous, and Sun Roujia introduced herself to her "siege".


In order to put this marriage, Sun Roujia was thoroughly planned and worked hard. She first pretended to be delicate, and asked Mr. Fang to show his initial ignorance and simplicity, which aroused Fang Hongjian's pity and cherishment and the desire to protect the nature of men. War; on the other hand, this also made Zhao Xinyan unconsciously joking the two. As a result, as she wished, it was true that the truth was true and false. Then after Zhao Xinxuan left, she grasped Fang Hongjian's sense of responsibility and pity of her heart, and lied that her father's letter came. It is known that the rumors between the two have made Fang Hongjian a heavy guilt. At the same time, it also cleverly used the opportunity of Li Meiting and Lu Zixiao to persuade him and Fang Hongjian to play a pitiful manner, "seeking" Fang Hongjian's protection, intentionally ambiguous with him, and inspired to inspire him Fang Hong, a bloody Fang Gang, confusedly saying the "plan" that the two are about to engage. Sun Roujia's organs are too smart, and they have made a big noise in their youth and love. They have a big noise in the city, making the marriage step by step towards the wasteland. Their marriage was initially carried out with calculations, lacking a solid foundation, and what for a long time to stabilize? The collapse of this siege is the fate of fate.


Haizi said that in the night, I suffered three times: survival, wandering and love.Throughout Fang Hongjian's marriage and love, he is undoubtedly a loser, and his survival is as difficult as the marriage.I think the reasons behind it today are many aspects.


First of all, from a personal perspective, the cowardly, indecisive personality and remaining conscience of the fate of their own own. For the relationship with Su Wenzheng, he should continue to be injured and hurt Miss Su deeper. How do you know the principle of physics and reactionary force and reaction force actually applies to love. Miss Su retaliated the pain to Fang Hongjian through Tang Xiaofu. As for Tang Xiaofu's misunderstandings, he did not fight back at all, and let the situation deteriorate. It can be seen that "the clear person is self -clearing, and the turbidity is self -turbid" is not the truth. On the streets of the heavy rain, Fang Hongjian stood there. When the rain and tears were intertwined into pain in the heart, Tang Xiaofu here also felt guilty and expectations, regretting Fangcai's words. The mountains are still, the water is still, and my feet are no longer the current water flow. Even if this is the case, Fang Hongjian thinks that he is lacking in the world. He indulged his cowardice and deserted his love between him and Xiao Fu. With the remaining conscience, she said to Sun Roujia's "rumors between the two", and some were just guilty and blame. In order to make up for, he "gave up" to protect her and obediently entered Sun Roujia's love trap.


Secondly, combined with the background of the time, there are also profound social reasons.In such a chaotic world with a fire and upside down, excellent intellectuals are still difficult to show themselves, not to mention that Fang Hongjian is a kind of "pure" intellectuals such as a pure "?You can play with power; he has no deep political background and can be relieved by big trees and easy to cool; he can't give up the simple moral concept, like Li Meiting as a man with a stolen and daughter -in -law, on the surfaceChong Yang Mei's abortion, empty and empty, but he was able to use the hat of the counterfeit university to deceive the world.


Despicable is the passage of the despicable person. Since you are not good enough, and it is not despicable enough, how can you be able to move to this kind of world? Fang Hongjian was just a representative of his group at that time. Dreams and Qing Gao, eager to survive in this dilemma and hope to survive in the high society in the high society. They adhere to romance and dare to dream. In the process of dreams, they are proud of the "cultural person" and magnify their aura to the limit. Sadly, they do not understand the disconnection of themselves from reality. So once in -depth society, dreams and reality conflict, and when the conflict of inevitability occurs, they suddenly confuse, just like a child who rushed to the road in a long night suddenly encountered a dazzling light light to himself. It seems to be stupid and waiting for struggle and death. Yes, in the process of gradually connecting with society, this group has gradually formed its own awareness in the subconscious. They realize that for people in high society, culture is just in the form of an attachment. They realize the difficulty of survival as a pure cultural person and their weakness. So in the face of the raids and collisions, they were afraid of action, and they retreated involuntarily. They were fragile like foam under the sun, and the colors were in color, but it was vulnerable ...


Therefore, the failure of Fang Hongjian's love and the decadent of his career, for his personality, is the abandonment and exile of him at that time.Their ending may be just an accident of their personal destiny, but it was inevitable for that era.Times have created tens of millions of "Fang Hongjian" outside "Siege".


The time of time passed by at her fingertips and hurriedly.With the old text, we rolled bricks and tiles inside and outside the ancient city to conduct emotional considerations and the search of truth.Different times are the same theme -love and marriage.


The dusty history carried a little desolation, escaped the lonely night, and performed a song of love tragedy in front of our eyes.To be precise, young me can't answer what the real love is, but I think, no matter how complicated and mysterious it is, I will not escape the public standards of the emotional world of "love, friendship, and affection".


The two sides of love should be tolerant of love, and there is no heaven to measure emotionally, and it is difficult to absolutely fair and fair.However, it does not give up the principles to tolerate, give up independent personality, loves to whisper and sakes, and has no self -esteem.Not only are they seeing each other, but they must also take into account each other's loved ones and friends, because the other party is not your private property that can be collected, but a social person.Real love is neither waiting for the rabbit, and it is waiting for "Tang Xiaofu" to put aside misunderstandings and embrace it; it is not a war. You need to plan a wishful marriage with a calculated heart.The interpretation of emotions is like a teaching lesson -everyone knows the content of the teaching content, the content of the lectures must be depth, the teacher -student exchanges must be new, and the teacher and the students should pay attention to the mystery of each other;The good or bad depends on the cooperation between teachers and students. Whether any party loses passion and initiative, this teaching class will be destined to be boring.


The fibrous dust of the youthful smoke and rain has awakened the emotional spring bamboo shoots, and at the same time, it also gave birth to the breath of struggle.Nowadays, when we are full of calmness and mechanics, the era of Fang Hongjian has long been away, but "Fang Hongjian" still exists in large quantities, especially in our Jingjing campus.They are young in the good times, and they are indulged in "You are strong" under Xinghui Moon.When Fang Hua has exhausted, he falls into the situation of Fang Hongjian, or lonely, and sighs, sighing, or looking up at those successful flowers.But those successful flowers, Bing Xin said, its buds had already permeated the tears of struggle, sprinking through the blood rain.


There are two rituals in the world of life, and have lived for more than a hundred years, and these hundred years, but the white horse has passed the gap, suddenly.How to go at the crossroads of the car, where to go, it deserves us to think deeply ...



The siege in the city, I do n’t know if I do n’t know if I am besieged, or do n’t want to know that I am besieged, or do n’t want to get out of this trapped siege.Four or four square walls, the sky is small.


Fang Hongjian, a pseudo -doctor who stayed abroad.The traditional and feudal rotten wood is the bone, but it has been brushed into the pillar of white paint by Western civilization.With a few lessons in the last few lessons, after the money was exhausted, he took a fake diploma and returned to his hometown to glory the door.Fang Hongjian is not stupid, there is a little smart.He is gentle by impression, and occasionally speaking a few playful words, not annoying.It is indecisive and want to do things without leakage, but it is not a long -sleeved good dance.


On the ship returning to China, his story was spread out.


At first, the other party Hongjian had no good opinion. Compared with the truth of Miss Bao, he gave people the impression of "both wanting to be a bitch and a torii".On the one hand, Miss Bao did not check the behavior, and was excited about her flirting.


Fei Xia color tube top, sea blue stuck meat shorts, and cut white leather shoes exposed to the bright red nails.The skin is dark but not dark, and the lips are full of eyes.In contrast to Ms. Bao, Su Wenzhang, who is cold and frosty.The eyebrows are clear, white skin and thin lips, typical oriental beauty.Wearing Swen's clothes, there is a novel on his body.Looking at the sunglasses, it is difficult to hide the look of lonely on the face.


Looking at the people who were full of boats, she felt that only Fang Hongjian said with her.Fang Hongjian hit her most eye -catching Miss Bao.She is both Miss Bao, who is not in inspection, and is jealous.It is inevitable, a few words of cold words and cold words.However, the heart is unwilling, and the initiative with Hong Jian after the boarding, but a chemical reaction occurred.Ms. Su, who made this high high, had affection for him.


In fact, I don't understand why Miss Su likes Fang Hongjian.But sometimes it is such a coincidence. Fang Hongjian has no intention of saying a playful words, "If you want to accompany you, you are afraid of being blessed, not qualified."His words were not wrong, Miss Su's heart was arrogant, and it was difficult to approach.But Su Wenzheng still longed for love in his heart, but was bound by the world and his own cognition.


In the future, Fang Hongjian had a soft spot for Tang Xiaofu.Tang Xiaofu is smart, but it will not be too smart.It is not eye -catching, but it is not sharp.In this modern civilized society, it is not contaminated.More than a woman like Su Wenzhang, most men love Tang Xiaofu.Qian Lao did not hide her love for this woman, and eventually did not let her and Fang Hongjian together, presumably to make her beautiful.The seemingly submissive Sun Roujia married Fang Hongjian with his mind.The last thing to get along is not the cleanliness of your own good.Tang Xiaofu is like "moonlight in front of the window" and "cinnabar mole in the heart". After long, it is reminded of Fang Hongjian, which is the landscape missed.The most beautiful scenery is always on another road, the best person is always the one who passes by.


But I am not a pity to miss Zhao Xinxuan.Zhao Xinxuan is my favorite character in "Siege City". It is simple and realistic, simple and persistent as children.At first, he did not hide the hostility of the love rivals and adhered to the love that he identified.Later, Fang Hongjian was commensurate with his brother and brother, and supported each other.He did not have Fang Hongjian's sensitivity and suspiciousness, without Li Meiting's calculation greed, and Gu Erqian's charming meeting.If Mrs. Wang was his stain at night, then I saw more that he still loved Su Wenzheng's dedication.He just wanted to look at this woman like Su Wenzheng, and he didn't think of it.


Among the Sanzhang University, from the principal, the assistant to the professor, the intrigue, the school was so angry.Zhao Xinxuan was more transparent in it, and the grid was incompatible.He did not have the idea of meeting the wing, let alone Yaxing, who was right and wrong.I wanted to teach and treat my emotional injuries by the way, but Sanzheng University was informal.His departure was not forced, but inevitable.


In my opinion, this Zhao Xinxuan didn't know how many times better than Fang Hongjian, but Su Wenxuan was unsatisfactory.If Su Wenzheng married Zhao Xinyan in a madness, instead of that Cao Yuanlang, wouldn't she become the savvy and mean Mrs. Cao? Or no matter who she married, she was like Mrs. Cao?Go out, people outside want to come in. "Is Su Wenzhang in the enchanted city judged with Zhao Xinxuan who has always loved two people? Just like Sun Roujia, like Fang Hongjian.


In the era of war fire, the battle was changed, and what was the same is the hearts of people.Those who come back abroad are admired, and their opening will not leave Western ideology and culture.As if the things in China are flu, it will be contagious when you touch it.The upper -level intellectuals pursue the freedom of love, freedom of marriage, and being bound by traditional ideas.Fang Hongjian persuaded his parents to support Sun Roujia to go out to work, but he couldn't get out of the idea of a woman who should be at home.During this period, there were no people who really studied and did not support people's beliefs.Everyone survived in the gap between Chinese and Western thoughts, and did not see five fingers.You have your pedantic, I have my advanced.But the old concept in the roots, like an invisible hand, stretched out from the family, from the society, and from the deep inside of the heart, covering the mouth and nose, which was suffocating.


Those who want to enter the city, those who want to go out of the city are around the wall, lonely and desperate.



The famous masterpieces are the theory of shocking wisdom in each era, inspiring the classics of the people's wisdom, and impressing the works of the soul.And "Siege" is probably the true and vicissitudes of that era that only belongs to that era. It records that the world's affairs that only belong to them are ups and downs, but in the end, they only leave the empty flower bubbles that have been transformed into the language alone.


"Siege" is the only long novel in many works of Qian Yanshu. With satirical writing, through the description of the difficulties of the survival of a group of international students and other international students, it reveals the comprehensive embarrassment of their survival to the soul.At the same time, it also satirizes the gap between people, indifference and hypocrisy, and lashing the weakness of humanity such as vulgarity, laziness, vanity and other human hearts of intellectuals.The novel shows the siege mentality of intellectuals in many aspects of marriage, family, career and other aspects in a plain language, delicate description, and unique style.It is a sense of difficulties in the situation, the trouble of hurting life, and sighing the desire of human nature.


When I first met "Siege", I listened to others introducing this book.With the impression, I borrowed this book to read it.I read it with a usual mentality. After reading it, I just felt like a very important thing was done, and I was relieved.Standing outside the city of "Siege City", he turned around, like an outsider, watching coldly, but after all, he couldn't escape its shackles and was touched by it."I accidentally contains the irony and sentimental life of life, deep from all languages, all laughter." "Siege city" is like this! Read its story, read its language, slowly open the page page, taste carefully, deeply taste, deeply taste, deeply taste, deeply taste, deepDrowning it, what you want to find, or what you want to find.The fate of me and "Siege" continued. I saw the "Hamlet" in my heart and my "siege".


What is the "siege city"? But it is the difficult twists and turns in the process of pursuing and realizing self -worth and the failure of each effort in the process of pursuing and realizing self -worth.Walk towards the city.It vividly reveals the lonely heart of modern people and the real dilemma of no place.In fact, the "siege of the city" is just entering the city, leaving the city, rushing in, and escape.No matter how hard you rush in and escape, it is helpless.There are always many unsatisfactory things in life, and life cannot be traveled according to their original wishes after all.The so -called struggle, all contradictions, are just a fighting beast. There will only be an ending. You ca n’t escape, you ca n’t avoid it, you ca n’t earn it. It can only be a tragedy.The biggest sadness of a child's life is that the ending has not yet started.


The protagonist Fang Hongjian in the text is such a kind of sorrow, a tragedy. I don't like him, and I think he is too contradictory. He is kind and pedantic, but he does not work hard to hate the evil; he is integrity and weak, and he has to submit right and wrong but has to succumb to reality. His personality reflects the spiritual appearance of some intellectuals at the time; his experience is also the predicament and encounters of some more upright intellectuals. He was the epitome of some intellectuals of that era, a tragedy of an era. Fang Hongjian's biggest character is from the weakness of nature. In his world, only the encounter. He accepts the gifts of future father -in -law with peace of mind to enjoy; he has no ability to resist his father and fight for the freedom of marriage; he can only buy fake degrees to deceive his family before he has to return to the country; he will not be the beloved person. Give up everything to chase the happiness. He had too much concern, faced with the pressure of reality, the frustration of love, and the crisis of his career, he chose Fang Hongjie's method -weakly to avoid and escape. He also wanted to get rid of everything and live a free life. But in front of the reality of the mountains, he still couldn't help but retreat. Under the extreme struggle in his heart, he couldn't help walking into the siege of his family, marriage and career step by step, from one siege to another, and could not extricate himself. In the siege of the family, he could not escape the control of his father, and he promised to marry a woman who was settled from a young age according to his father's words; in the siege of his career, he worked several times and went around He was caught in the tenderness of Sun Roujia's disguise. Undoubtedly, he is a pitiful and hateful person. I can't tolerate all the human weaknesses on his body but truly realize that he is a real living person. He was just a victim of the darkness before the light. Such a real and vivid character, such contradictions, make people deeply remember this ironic little man.


In "Siege", he not only wrote Fang Hongjian's family, love and career, but also wrote the profound friendship between him and Zhao Xinxuan. Zhao Xinxuan, as a supporting role in Fang Hongjian, in my opinion, has its personality charm. He is a person who has the ability and opinion, and it seems that Fang Hong is getting worse than comparison. The influence of his other party Hong Jian is huge. He moves the development of the entire story. In Fang Hongjian's life, he is indispensable. He and Fang Hongjian met with Su Wenzheng. He originally treated Fang Hongjian as hostile. After Su Wenzheng married another person, Zhao Xinxuan and Fang Hongjian forged a deep friendship during the journey. I admire Xin Yan very much. I can love Su Wenzhang for twenty years. After completely losing her, I can still face it calmly without collapse. He has his own soul, bold and elegant, exaggerated and savvy. In his career, he is impeccable, but he is defeated in love. How many people can only guard one person in 20 years and wait for someone? Who can endure the person you love just use his love as a maintenance of her vanity? Zhao Xinxuan is probably the only character in the book who is not ironic. Bar! It is an indispensable more pure spirit in "Siege". "Siege" also describes the face of various intellectuals: Su Wenzhang, who is self -proclaimed and hypocritical; Sun Roujia, who is good at his mind, is good at disguise; Old bureaucrat Wang Chukou; bragging the horses, shallow and insignificant villain Lu Zixiao; Xiao Xiao's apprentice Li Meiting, Gu Erqian and others.


Some people say, "Among all the languages ​​and even the most common words, there are some kind of singing charm, which is the window to open the soul." The language in "Siege" makes people consider carefully and quite meaningful. The language in the writing of Mr. Qian made people think deeply, and eventually had to make a head. Such as "the viciousness of the loyal and old -fashioned people, like the gravel in the rice or the unclean thorns in the slices of bone fish, it will give people a pain that does not expect." Very philosophical words, but it feels fresh How can a loyal and honest person be vicious? How can it bring people hurt people? Just like "marriage like a bird cage with gold lacquer, birds in the cage want to fly out, birds outside the cage want Leave, leave, never have a game. "A marry siege, even wrapped in gold lacquer, can't cover up the fact that it is a cage. "The besieged castle, people outside the city want to rush in, people in the city want to escape." Who trapped and who escaped? Life is in such a siege, which is repeated. Who can really escape the city and cross the tall wall? People wandering outside the city! Is it lost or lost others? Looking for it, maybe this is just life!


People are traveling more, and the more you see, the more thorough your heart is. Everything that happens during the journey is worth remembering. There is such a sentence: "There is no just right mood, only the right journey." There is just a trip in "Siege", which I like most. Fang Hongjian's experience from Shanghai to the journey of school in school made me remember. They walked very hard and reached their destinations after several turns. On the way, many things happened: Fang and Zhao have forged a deep friendship; the road cost is finished; Li Meiting encounters pretty widow; the hardships and wind frost of the road; the embarrassment of life. After reading this period, I couldn't help but be moved by their difficult journey. One of them described the plot of several people squeezing the car together. I was particularly impressed. In just a few hundred words, a variety of people took the various attitudes of the bus, showing the crowded people on the car: " Passengers are curled up, bending into a famous angle in geometry. " Seeing such a language made me have to admire Qian Lao's writing skills. Such exquisite language and intriguing text can resonate with readers. His text always has the ability to reproduce the picture, and always makes people feel real. The descriptions of many images in the text are amazing. It is obviously a very common thing. Speaking in his language is different charm, and a ripple is glowing in his heart. Without too many gorgeous rhetoric, flatness and truth can shake people's hearts.


Reading "Siege City" is just like reading life.The imprint of the era was laid, and a bright tragedy of the times was staged.Two years of sorrow and sorrow, "Siege City" was derived; decades of wind and rain, and it still lives.This is the "Siege" in my eyes and heart!



With a kind of admiration, I read this book with some eager mood; I thought this was a novel about Mr. Qian Zhongshu about marriage.Note -can you feel more than just after reading, but feel that the gains and losses of life are really sighing.The meaning of this is by no means explaining three words.However, any good articles will always make people have a shock and think about it.

《围城》是一部以讽刺知识分子、婚姻以及人情世故为主题的小说,目的是力求刻画出当时某一空间某一群体的一部分人的人生面貌。理解”围城“这两个字,不能空泛地把他看作是婚姻的代名词, 在某种层面上,它与西方现代主义所描写的人类的尴尬困境所采取的一些象征手法不谋而合。书中充满苦涩的笑,无奈的自我欺骗,这都是这部小说的成功所在。

"Siege" is a novel with the theme of irony intellectuals, marriage, and humanity. The purpose is to strive to portray the life of a part of a certain group of a certain group at that time.Understand the words "Besieged City", which cannot be regarded as synonymous as a marriage. At a certain level, it coincides with some symbolic techniques adopted by the embarrassing predicament of humans described by Western modernism.The book is full of bitter smiles and helpless self -deception. This is the success of this novel.

人生是围城,婚姻是围城,冲进去了,就被生存的种种烦愁所包围。钱钟书以他洒脱幽默的文笔,述说着一群知识分子的快乐与哀愁。这部作品已被译成世界上多种文字, 有十数种不同的译文在各国出版。在美国,由于夏志清的推崇,不少人以钱钟书为题撰写博士论文和专著。法国的西蒙·莱斯曾说:“如果把诺贝尔文学奖授给予中国作家的话, 只有钱钟书才能当之无愧。“

Life is a siege, marriage is a siege, and when he rushed in, he was surrounded by all kinds of sorrows of survival.Qian Zhongshu described the joy and sorrow of a group of intellectuals with his free and humorous writing.This work has been translated as a variety of texts in the world, and there are dozens of different translations published in various countries.In the United States, due to Xia Zhiqing's admiration, many people write doctoral dissertations and monographs on the title of Qian Zhongshu.Simon Rice in France once said: "If the Nobel Prize in Literature is given to Chinese writers, only the money Zhongshu can be deserved."


Fang Hongjian is a typical image of intellectuals.But because he is an intellectual, and it is an intellectual who has a conscience with a world -renowned attitude, which constitutes the first circle of his life.He hopes to be a big man, and this personality seems to determine his life.

方鸿渐的第二圈”围“就是给他带来多灾多难的假学位。方鸿渐到底是个知识分子,在买假文凭之前,他也问问良心,他为自己起了最好的籍口:”父亲是科举中人,要看‘报条’,丈人是商人, 要看契据。“以他自己的口气,就是”说了谎话,还要讲良心。“说谎就说谎嘛,讲了良心这谎话就变得不伦不类了。既然讲良心,就干脆别买学位了。既然都不讲良心了,就干脆把学位发扬光大吧?害得自己当个副教授忍气吞声的,两头不着岸。

The second lap of Fang Hongjian is a fake degree that brings him a disaster and disaster.Fang Hongjian is an intellectual. Before buying a fake diploma, he also asked his conscience, and he had the best place for himself: "The father is a imperial examination person, and he wants to see the" newspaper ".Look at the deed. "In his own tone," said the lie, and he had to talk about conscience. "Lie is lying, and the lie of conscience becomes unique.Since you talk about conscience, don't buy a degree.Since you do n’t talk about conscience, you just carry forward the degree? It hurts himself as an associate professor to swallow, and his two ends do not shore.

方鸿渐一生的第三圈”围城“,我想没有人会反对,是他在处理感情问题时候的玩世态度。也许从第—, 圈”围城“建立时,就决定了会有第二圈围城,就决定了会有第三圈围城了。在那个到处是”小人物“的时代,做个大人物并不是每个人都有能耐的。可是他还是希望做个大人物,买文凭时,希望自己能够翁感觉光耀门楣;买了文凭, 又觉得有损道德。要知道,社会上只有两种人能够混得好。

The third circle of Fang Hongjian's life, I think no one will oppose it, it is his attitude of playing the world when dealing with emotional problems.Perhaps when the "encirclement of the city" was established, the second lap was determined when the city was established, and there would be a third lap siege.In the era of "villain" everywhere, not everyone is capable of being an adults.However, he still hopes to be a big man. When buying a diploma, he hopes that he can feel the glory of the door; after buying a diploma, he feels harmful to morality.You know, there are only two kinds of people in the society that can be mixed well.


Many people are like Fang Hongjian -like such a little conscience and so vanity.They are villains everywhere, and they are not allowed to beware of villains everywhere.They also knew the hardships of the world, but they did not accept it.They tried to change, as if Fang Hongjian wanted to know the authenticity of Han Xue's healing diploma, so as to find his fairness.I do n’t know, they have set up a trap for a long time waiting for him to step in.



1、围城:围城读音为wéi chéng,是指1.包围城池。2.长篇小说。钱钟书作。1946年发表。抗战初期,江南某县大绅士之子方鸿渐在国外混了几年回国。因在情场上失意,不得已赴湖南三闾大学任教。三闾大学派系对立,明争暗斗,方终被解聘。后与女教师孙柔嘉匆匆结婚。回沪后两人虽都找到职业,但为了生活琐事又闹翻。书名象征着方鸿渐等人无法突破生活困境。3.比喻对家庭或婚姻的一种约束力。围城 wéi chéng词语解释:1.包围城池。2.长篇小说。钱钟书作。1946年发表。抗战初期,江南某县大绅士之子方鸿渐在国外混了几年回国。因在情场上失意,不得已赴湖南三闾大学任教。三闾大学派系对立,明争暗斗,方终被解聘。后与女教师孙柔嘉匆匆结婚。回沪后两人虽都找到职业,但为了生活琐事又闹翻。书名象征着方鸿渐等人无法突破生活困境。3.比喻对家庭或婚姻的一种约束力。(1) [encircle a city;lay siege to a city]∶包围城市(2) [besieged city]∶为敌军所包围的城邑分词解释:江南:①长江下游以南的地区,就是江苏、安徽两省的南部和浙江省的北部。②泛指长江以南。职业:1.官事和士农工商四民之常业。 2.职分应作之事。 3.犹职务;职掌。 4.犹事业。 5.今指个人服务社会并作为主要生活来源的工作。突破:1.集中兵力向一点进攻或反攻﹐打开缺口。 2.冲破;超过。绅士:旧时称地方上有势力的地主或退职官僚等:听说他的父亲现在快要升到绅士的地位了。...围城怎么造句,用围城造句»

2、有感:有感读音为yǒu gǎn,是指有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”有感 yǒu gǎn词语解释:有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”分词解释:感受:①受到(影响);接受:感受风寒。②接触外界事物得到的影响;体会:生活感受ㄧ看到经济特区全面迅速的发展,感受很深。关外:指山海关以东或嘉峪关以西一带地区。出关:1.出关口;到塞外。 2.谓和尚或佛教信徒坐饿关结束。江乡:多江河的地方。多指江南水乡。感触:跟外界事物接触而引起思想情绪:他对此事很有感触ㄧ旧地重游,感触万端。...有感怎么造句,用有感造句»