
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:11 | 来源:语文通



快乐作文 篇1快乐朋友圈说说文案 篇2快乐五一作文600字 篇3快乐“五一”作文 篇4

快乐作文 篇1


On the fifth day of the Golden Week, our family got up early, had breakfast, and drove to Panyu's Million Sunflower Garden. Soon, we entered Wanqingsha in Panyu District. Along the way, we saw vast fields full of bananas, rice, corn And so on. There are also large fish ponds on which duck sheds are built. I saw it and felt very strange, so I asked my mother-in-law: Why are there only fields and ponds without mountains here? The mother-in-law said, "Because this place is called Wanqingsha, which means all of the land is sand fields, so there are fields everywhere." When you enter a place of Lingshan, you can see the crisscross of rivers in addition to the wide fields. Along the Yongbian River, there are rows of new buildings, as well as some neat wooden houses, which have the characteristics of Lingnan Watertown. As we said, we arrived at the Million Sunflower Garden unconsciously. Unfortunately, the weather was bad and it was raining heavily. We could not enter the Million Sunflower Garden to play, so we had to go to the seafood market near the Million Sunflower Garden to escape the wind and rain.


As soon as we entered the market, we saw a lot of seafood; There are seafood and dried seafood, everything. We didn't know what to buy when we saw it. At this time, my father-in-law saw a small crab on the ground, and picked it up for me to play. At first, I was afraid, and I didn't even dare to touch it. Later, my father-in-law taught me how to catch it, so I wasn't afraid. The little crab has six feet, two small claws, a pair of round eyes, and a hard body. It is very lovely. Later, we bought some seahorses, sea dragons and other seafood.


Although the weather is not beautiful, I benefited a lot from what I saw and heard along the way. It was a happy and meaningful trip.

快乐朋友圈说说文案 篇2


1. The world is full of beauty. I wish you a happy May Day!


2. The wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the cloud is active, the song is free, love is attentive, love is crazy, the sky is eternal, and you are unforgettable! My friends, Happy May Day!


3. The May Day came quietly. The happiness was sunny, the grass stretched, the flowers smiled, the wind blew the tree tops, and the birds brought good news. The information gathered to cheer up, and the blessing embraced you: May you be happy!


4. Qin, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, tea, and leisurely making Yunfu flowers. There are many happy nights in the year, and the May Day holiday is full of songs. Flying kites, dancing windmills, meeting each other and tasting delicious food. You are happy without any money, and you are more comfortable with your heart!


5. After waiting for so long, I finally waited for Labor Day. "Bird's nest", "shark's fin", "bear's paw", and "abalone" said they wanted to "eat"? For the sake of being a "model worker", I'll treat you on Labor Day. Pay the bill! Happy Labor Day!


6. Care does not begin today, and blessing does not end today. I put my most sincere heart into it. The most care, the deepest blessing to you, gently tell you, I wish you a happy Labor Day, all the best.


7. It is said that labor is the most glorious, but the most glorious is that everyone has nothing! It is said that it is shameful not to work, but which shameful one does not have cars and houses in pounds and francs? Labor Day is coming. May we workers have a happy moment!


8. May you have a happy Labor Day.


9. May Day is coming, have a good rest: may you sleep until the sun goes down, may you sleep until it gets dark, may you sleep until it gets dark, may you sleep until you wake up naturally, and may you sleep soundly on the holidays!


10. May Day, I wish you a happy family!


11. May Day is a wonderful day.


12. Do you smile after hard work? This is my blessing. Your hard work conveys warmth to us. I sincerely greet you for your hard work! happy International Workers ' Day!


13. When May Day comes, return to nature: white clouds wave and blue sky smiles; When May Day comes, meet friends: talk about your mood and interesting stories; When May Day comes, adjust your body: jog in the morning and take a walk after dinner. I wish you a full and happy May Day holiday!


14. Your face is more beautiful than Chen Shi, your eyes are brighter than Zhuge, your love is deeper than Lu Zhi, your love is longer than Guan Yun, and your pocket is brighter than Sima. May you be happy on Labor Day!


15. In a book, I said, "Look, look, the money is right there. When the May Day comes, I will send you a heartfelt prayer and blessing. I sincerely wish you and your family a happy Labor Day!"!


16. During the May Day Golden Week, tourism is really lively; Book hotels and air tickets in advance; Safety is the most important thing. Don't forget to be happy; Have a good rest on the journey, and don't be tired; Relax and enjoy the holiday. Wish you a happy holiday!


17. Happy Labor Day! This is what we workers should enjoy. May you have a good and real rest! Have a good day!


18. The spring breeze gently blows on the willows. Peach blossoms have been blooming for a long time. I don't know if you have seen them. There are few viruses in the world. Don't wander around. Pay attention to disinfection and washing your hands. I miss my friends when I'm free. I wish you health forever! happy International Workers ' Day!


19. May Day, I wish you more happiness.


20. Don't go to work on May Day, let go of trivial things. If you work hard, you should take time off for holidays. Be kind to yourself and have fun. Life is hard and sweet. Broad sky and open mind, a beautiful life in May!


21. Thinking about you and thinking about you is just like a mouse loves rice. In order to remember you forever, it is necessary to save rice every day and finally save a bag of rice. Every grain is blessing you. It is given to you on May Day and will keep you in mind forever.


22. Sow feelings on fertile soil and water words and deeds with clear stream water; Work ceaselessly in the blue world and send leisure with bright flowers; I wish you a happy May Day.


23. Auspicious happiness comes to haunt, health goes hand in hand day by day, good luck never stops, and everything you want will be a success!


24. Sew happy silks and satins on the clothes of May Day, making you happy; Sprinkle the breath of peace on the road of the May Day School, so that you can bless your safety; With sincere wishes in the message sent by May Day, I wish you a happy holiday!


25. Grasp the beauty of ease, the beauty of happiness, the warm frolic, and the sweet laughter; Get rid of the harassment of troubles, drive away the frustrations, trample on the pressure to follow, and avoid the coil of hardship. May Day is coming, so you can jump into the embrace of nature. May Day be a happy day for you!


26. Looking forward to the Labor Day, you will have to rest from your busy work. The nerves need not be too tight, and the body and mind will relax more harmoniously. Be happy when you are tired, and dress up the new world with your hands. Have a good mood every day, and always thank life! happy International Workers ' Day!


27. May you have a good mood every day and sweet dreams every night during the May Day holiday, so that you can always be cared for and cared for by others! Dream come true, happy!


28. May is like spring. May's blessings are in my ears. The cause is abundant, the love is colorful, the family is blessed, the friends are all over the world, the life is colorful, the methods are diversified, and the success is everywhere!


29. If happiness can be accessed from different places, I would like to deposit all my happiness in your bank deposit; If happiness can be packaged and mailed, I would like to send all my happiness to you. May happiness and contentment be with you on May Day.


30. Find a piece of green grassland to protect your eyes, take a breath of fresh air to wash your lungs, drink a handful of clear spring to moisten your throat, and eat a delicious meal to nourish your stomach. To celebrate a green May Day, health and happiness are the most valuable.


31. When the May Day comes, WeChat reports that life will stop.


32. Coming to May Day again, I would like to bless you. Love sticks to you, friendship follows you, happiness follows you, health follows you, happiness follows you, wealth stares at you, bad luck hides you, and success belongs to you.


33. The May Day blessing is coming, which means five things: more peace and joy, faster spiritual growth, better health, more enthusiasm for service, and happier life. I wish you a happy holiday!


34. May is the season of labor, youth, and mountain flowers. The years are enriched by labor, dreamy by youth, and happy by the brilliant mountain flowers! Happy Labor Day and Happy Youth Day!


35. The eggs are round and sweet in heart. Draw a circle and add a bend. Add two dots to give you a smiling face. Forget worry and worry, and offset fatigue and tiredness. The days are sweeter and the body is healthier! happy International Workers ' Day!


36. Pull the big saw, pull the big saw, and get together on the May Day. Let go of all the troubles, sing loudly and sing happily. The sky is blue, the wind is slow, and the fortune is happy. I sincerely wish you a good May Day, happiness, and lasting!


37. On May Day, I wish you happiness and happiness.


38. On Labor Day, set out to be happy. I wish you a good mood every day and enjoy happiness all the time!


39. Every year has its day, and every year has its present day; Pay rises every month, lottery tickets every week, good mood every day, good luck every day, meet God of Wealth during the day, and count money at night. happy International Workers ' Day.


40. Blessing is flawless and greeting is a hundred shots. On the arrival of the May Day, I hope you can get rich and go on a smooth road, work hard to live a happy life, magnify your good fortune, carry forward your happiness, and develop your happiness!


41. Life is a life of constant labor. No labor means no cherishing life. Labor is the most glorious. Only through labor can we create wealth and enrich our life.


42. Labor Day: friends gather together and travel around the world.


43. I comfort you when you are sad. When you are sad, I will enlighten you. When you fail, I encourage you. I appreciate you when you smile. When you are happy, I wish you a happy May Day. You are my lifelong concern.


44. May Day is coming and spring is everywhere. I wish friends a happy holiday.


45. On May Day, put the work pressure behind your head, and relax and feel good; The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming in a good season; Make an appointment with friends and relatives. How lively it is to get together! I wish you a very happy May Day holiday!


46. Friends, in this happy time, let happiness and beauty accompany you forever! happy International Workers ' Day!


47. It's a mistake to remember again. Happy May Day!


48. Don't move! No labor, no work, no exertion, no trouble, no play, no sleepiness, no sleep. Miss me? This can be! Ha ha, I wish you happy labor! Have a good rest during the holiday!


49. Lovers are roads, friends are trees. There is only one road in life, and there are many trees on one road. Don't get lost when you have money, and lean on trees when you lack money. Don't forget the road when you are happy, and water the trees when you are at rest. happy International Workers ' Day!


50. On May Day, a lucky grass will be planted to attract a group of happy birds. The singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers will surround you and build a happy nest for you. Rich fruits will hang on the tree tops, and the thick blessing will cover you. From then on, you will never worry.


51. I can't fly to you with Monkey King's fighting cloud! Neither will the magician transfer smoothly! But I have a mobile phone, so I use a dime to send my best wishes: Happy May Day!


52. May your "May Day" activities be colorful and your holiday happy!


53. Looking forward to the joy of tomorrow, I greet you gently, miss you severely, and wish you a happy May Day with my lingering tenderness, unrestrained feelings, sincere enthusiasm, and sincere friendship!


54. May our labor bring you spring rewards on Labor Day and wish your family happiness.


55. Make your own decisions about your happiness. Happy May Day!


56. On the occasion of the May Day, I wish you every success in your work, a prosperous career, a bright future, good health, wealth, sweet love and a happy life!


57. I send you a piece of joy. May your gathering with your family be short and happy.


58. Happiness lies in "working" God, health lies in "moving", desire lies in "festival" system, "fast" cuts off sorrow, "happy" watch and wait for life. Labor is happy and glorious. May friends have a happy Labor Day!


59. Lucky rice, May Day meal, family and friends Quanle Fan; Happy Spring, May Day Wine, good luck and luck are all here; Peace tree, Wuyi fruit, swim happily every day. I sincerely wish you a good May Day and enjoy a wonderful life!


60. The spring flowers are brilliant. Beauty is the season. The spring breeze blows. Happiness is the expression of mood. The spring scenery is bright and beautiful. Harmony is the three tastes of life. On Labor Day, greet gently. May you have a happy holiday.

快乐五一作文600字 篇3


Today is Labor Day. My mother will take me to the mine park. I was very happy to hear that the mine park is beautiful.

一大早,妈妈带着我坐上公交车,向矿山公园进发。因为是“五一”小长假,街上的行人很…作文迷 .cn…多,车水马龙,一派繁华的景象。街道两旁的松柏郁郁葱葱,绿化带里各种花都开了,红色的榆叶梅、金黄色的连翘、摇着风铃儿的丁香,到处都是花团锦簇,把小城装扮得分外美丽。

Early in the morning, my mother took me on a bus and set out for the Mine Park. Because it is the May Day holiday, the pedestrians on the street are very... composition fans. Pines and cypresses on both sides of the street are lush, and all kinds of flowers in the green belt are in bloom. The red elm leaf plum, golden forsythia, and cloves shaking the wind bell are everywhere, which makes the town more beautiful.


At the terminal of Bus No. 1, go straight to the Mine Park. The mine park is built on a high hillside. Walking up the steps, you will come to a high iron tower. My mother and I sat on the top of the mountain to rest and enjoy the scenery. Standing at the top of the mining park, the whole Jinchang City is surrounded by skyline. In the urban area, there are many tall buildings, and at the foot of the mountain are the factories of the smelter, with tall chimneys; The sunny side of the mine is a beautiful green belt with verdant flowers and trees; There is a huge "old pit" behind it Mom said that it was the entrance of the open-pit mine.


We walked down the flat road on the hillside. The lilac and forsythia flowers beside the road were in full bloom, and butterflies were dancing. I ran around like a bird out of the cage, breathing the fresh air of nature to my heart's content. My mother kept taking some beautiful photos with her mobile phone for her literary creation materials.


When I got down from the Mine Park, my mother took me to the downtown park. There are so many people in the park in the downtown area. On the lake in the center of the park, boats are rowing around. The breeze is blowing and the waves are rippling. The visitors are all smiling happily.


My favorite thing is to watch goldfish in a small lake, where goldfish swim in groups in the water. Tourists stand on wooden corridors and throw steamed bread or bread crumbs into the lake to feed fish. When fish see food, they gather to eat it. It looks interesting.


I am tired of playing. My mother and I are sitting in the park to rest and eat. There are many children playing in the sand on the beach near the lake. I can't help but run to the beach again and enjoy ourselves. It was not until five o'clock that I reluctantly followed my mother home.


I really enjoyed this May Day!

快乐“五一”作文 篇4


The Labor Day, which I have been looking forward to for a long time, has finally arrived. "Great!" My parents took me to the Martyrs Park in Changsha to play. I felt happier than I had scored 100 points and sweeter than I had eaten honey. We happily took the "lightning like" high-speed train to Changsha.


Martyrs Park is here. It's really a magical place. One after another strange flowers opened their smiling faces. They were colorful and beautiful. The trees with their heads held high like sentries. There are so many interesting places here!


We first came to the "Water Paradise". The boats in the lake were strange in shape, with "Mushroom Number" and "Dragon Head Number"; Rocket


We chose an ordinary boat. Hey hey, it's a pedal boat! My father and I got on the boat boldly, while my timid mother got on the boat trembling. Mother's timid appearance made us laugh. My father and I are men, so the work of sailing naturally falls on our two men. We pedal hard, and the boat moves happily with the sound of our feet. Eh, no good, we are about to encounter the "Rocket", so we should retreat immediately and be safe. We continued to step on it. There was an arch bridge over there, and there were several bridge holes below. Ships of all sizes rushed out from under the bridge holes. We also went to join in the fun. We rowed hard and were about to enter the hole. "Bang", we collided with another "Dragon Head", and we were knocked open. We continued to step on it, and we were going to charge towards the hole. Bad, we fell short of success, and we were knocked open again. Persistence is victory, and we finally got into the bridge after a lot of hard work. "Let's swing our oars..." We could not help singing.


At the "Children's Paradise", we played the "double bumper car". My father and I got on the car and started to move forward at full speed. An aunt wearing sunglasses on the other car looked so calm that we bumped into her car. Unexpectedly, another car behind me hit us, and we were attacked from behind. The opponent laughed behind him. It's really annoying. I discussed with my father to attack the attackers behind. The raider was chased to hell by us. Ha ha, I'm so happy! We also played rings and bowling games.


Alas, time flies so fast. We are going back. I reluctantly left the beautiful Changsha.