
时间:2022-08-13 13:27:27 | 来源:语文通



Today is Teacher's Day, and I came to school early.When I stepped into the campus, I felt the atmosphere of the festival.The cute smiles of the classmates, the bright red scarf on the chest, and the beautiful flowers in their hands, how beautiful the campus!


I took a deep breath and walked into the classroom eagerly. I wanted to give my most sincere blessings to the teacher! I saw some of the students sending a greeting card around Teacher Han, some of them sent flowers, and some sent blessings to blessings.The words.The teacher smiled sweetly!


The teacher said, "Your healthy growth is the best gift for the teacher!"


Today, the classmates are particularly happy. We spent a happy Teacher's Day with the teacher!



Article 1: Happy Teacher's Day


Today is Teacher's Day, I prepared a greeting card early.As soon as I arrived at school, I saw our English teacher Liu, and I quickly caught up with Teacher Liu and gave her a greeting card.I said, "I don't know what kind of thanks, I just wrote to congratulate your Teacher's Day." Teacher Liu said: "It doesn't matter, as long as your heart is coming, the teacher is happy." Then I gave the greeting card againMathematics Teacher Liu and Chinese Teacher Zhang.


Each Teacher's Day is the favorite festival of teachers. Teachers' Day teachers can receive the most sincere blessings of students, the most gorgeous flowers and the most innocent smiles.It is the happiest when the teachers are the happiest.


When I was given to a math teacher, Mr. Liu said, "Thank you, but you don't want to throw the greeting card like that. You should give up with your hands, so you can respect your heart, so you can show your intention to the teacher." I smiled and said: "Follow the order, keep in mind your teachings in the future." Teacher Liu has been with me to grow up. When I sometimes want to throw it to others, what Teacher Liu said immediately in my mind, and I never happened to be polite again.thing.


Although this Teacher's Day took a day of lesson, I was still very happy because I gave the teacher the best blessing to the teacher, and I also learned the knowledge that benefited for life through this Teacher's Day.


Study abroad ’s web column brings you the most authoritative and most type of composition and teachers' festivals. I hope everyone can like it.


Chapter 2: Cheerful Teacher's Day


Another classmate said: "I want to send a pen to the teacher, so that he or her to change the homework with my pen." I want to send the teacher ...


what about me?I want to send a teacher a surprise, every lesson, every word, I will be engraved in my heart.I want to send a sincere electronic card to the teacher, which has the knowledge you taught and the effort you give.I want to send a song to sing the heart and sweat that you give for us, and give us hard work.People call teachers as Tianzun, Red Candle, and Gardener. How many people have learned the ability of the teacher in the teacher and learned how to be a person and knowledge.At this time, I felt the ability of the magician.


Teacher, you are like gardener.Your hard -working flowering flowers, do you not know about tireless preparation and class, isn't it like a diligent gardener?


Teacher, you are like red candles.Do you change your homework and lessons for everyone and lose your beautiful youth. Is it not like you are "sacrificing yourself and illuminating others"?


Teacher, you are like an engineer of human soul.When we were young and ignorant, we only knew to play.It is you, dear teacher, you have changed our lives, no longer playful, and determined to grow up to become scientists.Don't you just like an engineer of human souls?


Teacher, when we grow up, we will never forget you when we realize the lofty ideals. Your hair will not be vain, and your wrinkles will not be white.We will go to study abroad to bring you, and the bonus we get will also have your credit.



1、教师:教师读音为jiào shī,是指教员:人民教师。教师 jiào shī词语意思:教员:人民教师。(1) [teacher]∶担任教学工作的人员(2) [master]∶传授戏曲技艺或武术的人武术教师分词解释:人民教师:我国称学校中从事教学、培养学生的专门人员。教员:担任教学工作的人员:中学教员。● 教 jiào ㄐㄧㄠˋ◎ 指导,训诲:教习。教头。教正。教师。教导。管教。请教。教学相长。因材施教。◎ 使,令:风能教船走。◎ 指“宗教”:教士。教主。教皇。教堂。◎ 姓。● 教 jiāo ㄐㄧㄠˉ◎ 传授:教课。你教给我做。● 师(師) shī ㄕˉ◎ 教人的人:老师。导师。师傅。师生。师徒。师德。良师益友。好(hào )为人师。◎ 擅长某种技术的人:工程师。医师。技师。◎ 效法:师法古人。◎ 榜样:师范。◎ 指由师徒或师生关系产生的:师母。师兄。师弟。师妹。◎ 对和尚或道士的尊称:法师。禅师。◎ 军队:会师。出师。◎ 军队的编制单位,团或旅的上一级:师长。师座。◎ 一国的首都:京师。◎ 姓。...教师怎么造句,用教师造句»

2、教师节:教师节读音为jiào shī jié,是指中国教师的节日。1985年1月21日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第九次会议决定,9月10日为我国的教师节。教师节 jiào shī jié词语意思:中国教师的节日。1985年1月21日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第九次会议决定,9月10日为我国的教师节。分词解释:教师:教员:人民教师。全国人民代表大会:中华人民共和国最高国家权力机关。由省﹑自治区﹑直辖市人民代表大会和人民解放军选出的代表组成,具有广泛的代表性。每届任期五年,如遇特殊情况,可以延长本届任期,或提前召开全国人民代表大会。每年举行一次会议,在必要时也可提前或延期。亦省称“全国人大”。常务委员会:1.代表大会闭会期间执行代表大会日常工作的委员会。2.考虑一个特定阶段在一定时期内发生的问题的委员会。特指一个立法机构的常设委员会。节日:①纪念日,如五一国际劳动节等。②传统的庆祝或祭祀的日子,如清明节、中秋节等。...教师节怎么造句,用教师节造句»

3、欢快:欢快读音为huān kuài,是指欢乐轻快:欢快的心情ㄧ欢快的乐曲。欢快 huān kuài词语解释:欢乐轻快:欢快的心情ㄧ欢快的乐曲。分词解释:心情:情绪;感情状态:心情不好|心情舒畅。乐曲:音乐作品。统称演奏和歌唱之歌曲。轻快:1.谓行动不费力。 2.轻松愉快。欢乐:快乐(多指集体的):广场上欢乐的歌声此起彼伏。...欢快怎么造句,用欢快造句»