
时间:2022-10-12 12:54:16 | 来源:语文通



家乡变化作文 篇1家乡变化的作文 篇2家乡变化的作文 篇3家乡变化的作文 篇4家乡变化的作文 篇5家乡变化的作文 篇6家乡变化作文 篇7

家乡变化作文 篇1


In recent years, great changes have taken place in my hometown.


Let's talk about my neighborhood first. It turns out that the roads near my home are full of potholes, and the car keeps dancing on them. Seen from a distance, it looks like several breads are beating ceaselessly. Seen from a distance, it is a car. Now the road has been paved again, and the car doesn't jump on the road any more, but walks steadily.


And the surrounding environment. It turns out that the neighbors have dumped garbage on the roadside, and their living places are covered with odor. After walking a few steps, a pile of garbage comes into sight. People who do not know it still think it is a garbage dump. After I got home in the summer vacation, I looked carefully and found that there was no garbage on the ground. The neighbors put all the garbage in the dustbin. The surrounding environment is better, the sky is blue and the air is fresh.


The changes around my home are so great, how much can you imagine the changes in my hometown?

家乡变化的作文 篇2


In the past, the water in my hometown was clear, the air was fresh and sweet, and the sky was blue and profound. At that time, adults lived a happy and happy life. Children also have a wonderful childhood.


In every village of my hometown, there are hundreds of families. Since when, people in their hometown have had plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic lunch boxes that can cause white pollution. Who wants to load garbage; Anyone who wants to pack food will go to the factory that makes plastic bags, plastic lunch boxes, etc. and buy them back one by one. In this way, more and more garbage, such as plastic bags, will cause white pollution.


In a twinkling of an eye, several years have passed. In the past, the clear river can see the bottom. Now it has become a place to put rubbish. Until now, all the open spaces beside the river have been stood.


See the scene of the current river. I want to tell people in my hometown: "Protect the environment, everyone has rules."

家乡变化的作文 篇3


"Dong, dong, dong." Several knocks on the door woke me up while I was thinking deeply. I thought: Who will it be at this time? It's the channel again. Mom, do you want me to help her? I opened the door and saw that it was my father who came back from Wuhan.


My father cheerfully pulled me and told me that he had bought me a gift and asked me to go and have a look. I reluctantly followed him, because I knew that my father's gift was nothing but clothes and shoes. I opened all the boxes carelessly. What struck me was that the gift this time was unexpectedly a point reader, a computer and some books for learning. My father helped me dismantle it and said, "Listen to Xiaoqiang's father. They said that these things are very helpful for your study, so I bought them for you. Also, learn more about computers when you have nothing to do, and let yourself learn more things, which will be useful for you in the future."


Seeing my father's happiness, I wondered what had changed my father, who always focused on money. How could you buy me such expensive school supplies. You know, in the past, when we studied painting, he would think it was a waste. Under the old thought, they always thought it was useless for girls to study. They might as well go out to work earlier. Now they actually think it would be useful to learn more. And Xiaoqiang's father is a famous cheapskate and money lover. How can he spend a lot of money on these school supplies? Why do these stingy dads suddenly change so much?


At dinner, my father said, "My friends recommended me to buy these when we went to Wuhan." My father also discussed that my mother would find me a tutorial class and a painting class I wanted to go to. At this time, I raised my big questions to my father, Dad said to me: "I used to be sorry for you. I always thought that girls didn't need to read so many books and save more money, which would be useful for you in the future. This time, when I went to Wuhan, I talked about this topic with some friends on the way. They told me how they educate their children. When we arrived in Wuhan, we saw how the following people educate their children. They told me that the society now only allows children to learn more Some skills and more knowledge will enable children to have more life skills in the future. To give you something is to give you a way to live. I know that we have done wrong before. No, we even thought wrong. So I think we can recover some mistakes in the past, put your study first, not only to improve your study, but also to cultivate you in all aspects, so that you can have a better way when you grow up. This is called "true success is better than blue".


I finally understand our hometown --- Gaoping. The rapid changes are inseparable from the changes in people's minds. Because only people really make progress in their hearts, and the ideas of science and technology replace the feudal ideas of the past. Only in this way can we change the course of poverty and lead a prosperous life.


What makes the father of a small vendor who has always been in the eye of money so ahead of his time? I think he saw that only when the diversified society really has talent and ability can our generation have a foothold in the society, and only when our ideas are not outdated can we not be eliminated by the society.


Thanks to the gap in knowledge, people's minds in our place have changed so much. Thanks to modern equality, my girls have had the opportunity to compete fairly. Thanks to the light of the motherland's progress, which has lit up the feudal old city of Gaoping. Thanks to all the changes, parents' "money" eyes have become real "front" eyes, so that we can be truly rich from inside to outside.


With parents' "front" eyes, do we still need to worry about the future? With parents' "front" eyes, can we live a rich life far away? Will this era still say NO to us?

家乡变化的作文 篇4


"Son, why don't you go back to your hometown?" Dad asked me again. I still use the old saying: "No, never!"


At this time, it reminded me of what I had done in my hometown before: we slept on dry grass without mosquito nets. Mosquitoes and insects bit me at night, which made me sleepless all night; There are piles of cow dung in front of the door, which is smelly and dirty. If you step on it, your feet will change. The houses people live in are broken and rotten. If it rains, they will become water curtain holes; The muddy road is full of puddles. If you step on the puddle carelessly, your whole foot will sink. It is not easy to pull your foot out, but your shoes will stay in the mud. The road is muddy, and the brook is dirty, stinking, and the fish turn their white bellies... Dad seems to see my mind and say to me, "My hometown is not the same now." I thought to myself: Is this true? Lie to me! I finally walked back to my hometown in a dubious way and followed my grandpa home by car.


Wow, how beautiful! Sitting in the car, I couldn't help looking out. The previously pitted path has become a wide and flat asphalt road. Looking around, the road is covered with leafy trees, flowers and grass, bees are singing, butterflies are dancing, and behind the village is an endless green rice field. Looking at this green rice field, I feel like I am watching a landscape painting, in which high-rise buildings can be vaguely seen rising from the ground.


When I came to my uncle's house, wow, my uncle's house has also changed. The walls are painted white, as if they were wrapped in silver. The furniture is also brand new... I feel like I'm in a fairyland on earth. I walked into a room and saw something I could not be more familiar with computer.


I didn't expect such a big change in my hometown! After lunch, I went for a leisurely walk in the fields and saw that people no longer plowed with old cattle, but plowed with tractors. The voice of ploughing is like a hymn, loudly proclaiming the changes of hometown.


Home is a garden, with the fragrance of flowers; Home is a forest, with the cool green trees; Hometown is a field with hope of harvest; My hometown is a snow scene with ice crystal shining.


Hometown is changing constantly.


In my heart, my hometown is like a young girl. The more beautiful it becomes, the more I love it.

家乡变化的作文 篇5


Every day, my hometown is changing with each passing day. Let me tell you about it!


In the past, the path of my hometown was bumpy and dusty; The dilapidated mud hut even leaks in rainy days; At that time, there was a black and white TV at home, and other families came to watch TV together; If there is only one means of transportation when going out, it is feet. A bicycle is the richest man; And only wealthy families in that era could have a meal of meat on holidays; Even if you buy a towel, you have to walk a long distance to see a shop; There is a pile of rubbish floating on the river in the distance, which smells terrible; If you want to cross the river, you can only go boating manually, which is time-consuming and laborious. The economic situation at that time can only be described in one word: poverty and backwardness.

现在,乡下到处都是水泥铺的地面;一座座洋楼拔地而起,代替了破旧的土屋;而且每家每户都有手机,电脑,电视等高科技产品,每家都有一辆摩托车甚至是轿车,行动方便了许多;每天都吃的大鱼大肉,可丰盛了;乡下有了好几家超市,大人小孩买东西方便多了,你瞧,小孩们玩着从商店里面买的玩具多开心呀!就连河面都干净了许多,鹅在河上自由的游着;许多小孩也在桥上高兴的嬉戏,骑着滑板车,别提有多高兴了;而且乡下的人们都 m.1mi.net 变富了,乡下的人们不再贫穷了,这是多好的事呀!

Now, the countryside is covered with cement everywhere; Foreign style buildings have sprung up to replace dilapidated mud houses; In addition, every family has mobile phones, computers, televisions and other high-tech products, and every family has a motorcycle or even a car, making it easier to move; The fish and meat we eat every day are abundant; There are several supermarkets in the countryside. It is more convenient for adults and children to buy things. Look, how happy children are playing with toys bought from the store! Even the river is much cleaner, and the geese swim freely on the river; Many children also play happily on the bridge, riding scooters, not to mention how happy; And people in the countryside are all M.1MI NET has become rich, and people in the countryside are no longer poor. What a good thing!


Seeing the changes in my hometown, I was filled with joy and joy. The roads, buildings and people of my hometown are shining in the afterglow of the sunset, and I can't help thinking: "My hometown, you are so beautiful!"

家乡变化的作文 篇6


My home is in Luoyang, where is my hometown. Everyone says Luoyang is a civilized city, but I always feel that some residents in Luoyang are not very civilized.


Walking on the streets of Luoyang, you will find that there are piles of garbage on the ground, which can be seen everywhere. You should also be careful of saliva and chewing gum. Cleaning workers need to spend a long time every day to do a good job of sanitation. They are tired and tired. But people often do not respect their labor achievements. After a few hours, the ground is in a mess. Food bags, paper scraps, fruit peel... everything. The cleaners had to do it again. How hard it is!


One afternoon, I went to the stationery store to buy school supplies. When I crossed the street, I saw a mother with a little girl trying to cross the street. They didn't walk at the zebra crossing, but also wanted to run through the red light. The innocent girl raised her face and said to her mother, "Mom, the teacher said that you can't run the red light on the road. Let's wait." Mom said impatiently, "What are you waiting for? There are so few cars, so what if you run into them? Besides, there is no police here. Who knows?" Mother pulled her daughter across the street. I was so sad after listening to their conversation, alas! Even parents are not civilized and do not abide by the traffic rules. How can their children develop as their parents hope when they see them and keep them in mind?


Recently, however, I found that Luoyang has changed a lot. Since Luoyang was founded as a civilized city, it seems that people have become civilized. They no longer speak loudly or swear. Most people can abide by traffic rules and traffic accidents have disappeared. The garbage dump on the street has also been cleaned, and the traffic police have also taken their own posts.


Now Luoyang is really a civilized city! I hope Luoyang can be better and better!

家乡变化作文 篇7


Speaking of my hometown, everyone who knows it praises me. My hometown is surrounded by green water, with many tall buildings, well-developed transportation and elegant environment... Especially the changes in recent years can be described as earth shaking. Come and see my beautiful and rich hometown with me!


Walking on the wide asphalt road, I feel very comfortable with the fresh air. I often heard my mother talk about this road. A few years ago, it was a dirt road. The ground was full of dust and pitted. People would stumble when they walked carelessly. When the wind blows, pedestrians are covered with yellow sand; When it rains, the dust turns into mud, just like walking on a marsh. Now, the spacious and flat road makes people feel comfortable. In the evening, street lamps came on, that is, a soldier stood in the evening wind, lighting up the main road, and the asphalt pavement glistened under the light. On both sides of the road, there are many tall crabapple trees. The crabapple flowers are full of branches, and from time to time, a faint fragrance wafts from them. The eyes are full of colorful landscape paintings.


The traffic came and went on the road. I can't help thinking of what my father said: when my father was young, the most convenient transportation for the whole family was my grandfather's tractor. Once, my father went to his grandmother's house by his tractor. It was bumpy all the way, but it was raining on the way. The tractor was not sheltered, so my father had to cover his head with clothes, but he was still drenched. The tractor was driving very slowly in the mud, and black smoke billowed from the chimney, saying "pop! Pop! Pop!" The roaring... When I came back to my mind, not only my family, but almost every family had a private car. Sitting in a spacious car, we are not afraid of the wind or rain. We can run on the wide road and the tall buildings on both sides go straight behind us. It is really pleasant.


Great changes have taken place in my hometown! I love my hometown!