
时间:2022-06-23 13:24:55 | 来源:语文通



Everything should be good and end. We must start with a passionate attitude and end this matter with a patient mood, so that we will not feel regrettableEssence


The end of junior high school life is about to end, which also means that we are about to face the first turning point in life -test high school. Of course, we should be full of confidence, after all, we can't eat it in vain. I still remember that I was very excited in the first year of the first day, because I felt that since I was standing at a new starting point, I should be full of passion. Face the next junior high school life, so that I will feel when this journey will be over. Very satisfied. Unconsciously, in the fourth year, I felt that I had been ignorant in the past four years. Because I lived a line of life every day for four years, I even had no confidence in myself, and I started to be scared. I was afraid that I did not realize my dream and did not fulfill my mission. However, fortunately, all this is remedy. I still have a year to change all of this. I can change my grades and my mentality. In the last year, I will work hard, from the ugly duckling to a white swan.


At the end, I must surprise myself!



Start: The friendship of modern people is strong and fragile.It is the treasure of the world, we need to cherish.The irreplaceability of friendship determines that it is a lone book.We can have different friendship with different people, but we will not have different friendship with the same person.Friendship is a deeper and deeper alleyway. There is no way to go back. The unforgettable friendship is like hatred, unforgettable.


At the end: The long -term history book is not the benefit of the baht, but the affection of the liver and gallbladder. The frank relationship with our friends will keep us sensitive to true feelings, which will erase our eyes and enlightenment.



At the beginning: tolerance is the noble virtue in human life.Because tolerance contains human heart, because tolerance can surpass everything, because tolerance requires a great heart.Because tolerance is the most important part of human emotions, this emotion can melt the frost of mind.The lack of tolerance will make the personality fall from great degeneration to even ordinary.


End: Life is often complicated and often bland.Because of the tolerance like water, the filtering becomes pure; because of the tolerance like fire, it makes flatness and firing more vividly; even because of this poem -like tolerance, life gives life art and gives life eternity.



Start: Every time I hear this song "Unity is the power", I always feel emotional, especially after things, the experience is even more profound


At the end: a drop of water is insignificant. When it penetrates into the soil, it will disappear, but it can gather into a river but endlessly.As us, in the face of many difficulties, a person always highlights the thinness and cannot be done, but when we unite, we can create countless miracles.



The excellent composition should be completed in one go, and the ending is the same as the previous text. There is no shortage of marks.The ending of the read is like chewing dried fruit and tasteing incense, which is repeated.People often call the end of the article "Leopard Tail", which is actually that the end of the article should pursue conciseness, vividness and vividness."Baskets and baskets are all closed."The wonderful ending is conducive to revealing the theme of the article, and it is conducive to highlight the structure of the article.Because, the wonderful ending is often endless and endless, reading is like admiring a wonderful movement. At the end of a song, Yu Yin still echoed in his ears.


An article with a clear theme and novel conception, if there is a stingy end, it will make the whole article feel bad.


The end of the failure of the composition is often manifested as the following defects.First of all, the article has no end.The ending of such articles is often improper and stopped, that is, the article has not been written, the structure of the article is not complete, and the theme has not been fully reflected.Secondly, it is the end of the article to draw a snake.Such articles are often written in the article, the center has been expressed clearly, the matter has been described complete, the image has been clearly prominent, the matter has been explained, and the article should have ended, but it is not stopped.Cover the theme.Again, the end of the article is inconsistent with the center.Such articles are often the end of the article without the theme, ignoring the unity of the end and the main purpose, thereby harming the expression of the thought center thought.


It can be seen that the end is important for a complete article. To improve the quality of the composition, you must pay attention to the ending skills.


1. Natural end


No matter what kind of style articles, the main content should be completed naturally after writing, rather than deliberately designing philosophical and symbolic sentences as the end of the article. At this end, we call it the end of the natural end. With the end of the natural ending, not only can avoid the end of the article to paint a snake and moaning without disease, but also make the article look simple and simple, simple and unpredictable. However, the end of the natural ending type does not mean that the ending can be whatever and the raw rate. Instead, it must end the overall situation along the line of Wen Si Road and the structure of the article. For example, "People, Laren" by writing a different image and expression of a female beggar three years ago and three years later, they show the profound theme of personality degeneration. In the article, the author did not make any comments and analysis, but just described the matter with a white traction method. At the end of the article, the author wrote: "A bang, the door was kicked. The woman looked back, sneered, and then looked at me indifferently, she no longer recognized me!" At the end of the modification, the reader leaves unlimited thinking and endless aftertaste.


Second, the first echo type


This ending method is often the end of the article not only echoing the beginning of the article, but not simply repeating.Use this method to complete the full text, which can produce the art effect of the first round, the integration, and the aesthetic feeling in the reader's heart.For example, Zhu Ziqing's "Lotus Pond Moonlight" started with "... I quietly put on a big shirt and took the door to go out".Symmetrical beauty.


Third, the stale Zhang Xianzhi


It is the end of the article based on the main content, and the theme thought is clearly expressed in simple language.This ending method is also called "the finishing touch".Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower" uses this ending method -the opening article will explain the reason for writing, and then describe Baling Shengjing in general, and then write the scenery in detail. FinallyThe theme of the worries and worry, the joy of the world ".


Fourth, questioned expansion


This ending method is often asked to ask questions at the end of the article to guide readers to think.For example, the ending of "angle" is this method.


Different words have different effects, different angles have different vision, different Haha mirrors have different imaging, different moods will have different actions, different flowers have different flowers and appearances, and different evaluations will create different children.destiny.Why let your narrow perspective evaluate a person and hurt a person? Why do you need to extinguish the candlelight in the wind? Why do you have to make all children a unique model engraved in a mold?


Obviously, the author's ending in the form of a question is not only thoughtful, but also further expanded the connotation of the article.


Five, scene rendering


This ending method is often described or reproduced at the end of the article, rendering the atmosphere, adding painting, so as to better settle the theme.For example, Lu Xun's novel "Blessing" uses this ending method.


I woke up the firecrackers that were extremely loud because of the nearby, and saw the large yellow lights of beans, and then I heard the firecrackers that were peeled.when.In the hazy, I faintly heard the sound of firecrackers in the distance continued. It seemed that the thick clouds of the sound of a day were synthesized, and the snowflakes flying in the group embraced the town.In this loud hug, I was lazy and comfortable. From the day to the day to the beginning of the night, I swept away the air of blessings. I only felt that the saints of the world enjoyed the animals and cigarettes, and they were drunk in the air.Hobs, prepare to give Luzhen infinite blessings.


At the end of this ending, not only the scene description renders the backward and closed rural New Year's Eve of the old China, which seems to be lively and dead, but the seemingly auspicious and sinister atmosphere is also reproduced.It also contrasts the tragedy of Xiang Linyu and enhances the criticism of the work to the old society.


6. Unexpectedly


The end of the article is unexpected and reasonable.This ending is often meaningful, which can not only make narrative twists and turns, rich content, but also deepen the theme.For example, Mo Pang's "Necklace" uses this ending method.


"Well. Poor Mattild, but my string is originally fake, at most it is worth 500 francs! ..."


This ending is unexpected at all with conventional thinking. Not only has it has a strong irony, it also enriches the connotation of the novel.


In short, the end of the article must be sang wonderful; the end must be loud, full of breath, full of charm, like "hit the clock".



The end is the last important "process" of the composition.The wonderful end is called "Leopard Tail".The article has a wonderful "leopard tail", just like chewing dried fruit and tasteing incense, which is repeated.The article has a wonderful "Leopard Tail", which can evoke readers' thinking and resonance and enhance appeal.


So what kind of ending is the "leopard tail"? The so -called "leopard tail" means that the end of the article must not only be concise, bright, and clean, just like a leopard tail sweep, loud and powerful, giving the reader's room for chewing, but also the room for chewing, and also the room for chewing, and also the room for chewing, and also the room for chewing, and also the room for chewing.It should be pursued to enjoy the beauty of readers.Especially for the composition of the test room, a good ending can be moved again at the time of the "last ring" to make the scrollers generous, so as to get high scores.


Below I will teach you a few practical ways to master and have a faster ending method. At the same time, I also hope to trigger the students' thinking and research on the ending method.


1. Echo echo and end, it is integrated


At the end of the article, echo the first and tails, that is, the end or echo the question, or echo the beginning, this ending method can make the article rigorous and integrated.At the same time, it can evoke the aesthetics of the reader's psychological psychology.


For example: the article "Fire Women", the "flash" in the article is the eye -catching and the center of the article.At the end of her article, "the employees call her‘ only the old ox that knows the car, the old ox that will not loosen! ’The party committee commented on her as a“ excellent Communist Party member ”.Such an article echoed the title "Flash" with the crowd's praise of her and the end of the honor given by the party committee.


Second, quotes the scriptures, simple words


Choose an ancient poem, celebrity quotes, lyrics, sayings, and rest words such as celebrities, celebrities, lyrics, sayings, and rest, and often play a role in deepening the theme.Because the famous saying is proven by practice, deeply moving, strong philosophical charm, inspiration and educational significance, some are also very literary, used to end, not only let readers convinced, but also in readers, but also readers, but also readers, but also readers, but also readers, but also in readers, but also readers, but also readers.In my heart, it has the effect of "full of words, endless intentions".


At the end of an excellent composition, "Grandma Bingxin said 'successful flowers, people only envy its current bright and bright; the original buds were soaked in the tears of struggle, full of sacrifice blood rain.' We are every every time.Individuals are eager to succeed, so when we just start, we should use our no regrets to pour the seeds that have just sprouted. "Essence


The students should be reminded here that quotes should be appropriate.Famous sayings are concentrated languages. They have a deep cultural background and connotation. When citing, they cannot look at the righteousness, and they should be deeply understood.Combining your own feelings, the famous saying and alarm should be a sublimation of the content of the article, and integrate the famous quotes with your own perception, so as to use ancient to the present.


Third, use rhetoric, wonderful brushwork


Do you want a beautiful scenery at the end of the composition? You can use rhetoric to make the language like pearls and jade, glowing with eye -catching glory.


The clever use of rhetorical methods, especially the ending of metaphor, row ratio, pair, symbols, etc., will make articles fly, such as bright spring light and vivid image, which can not only show the author's writing purpose, but also increase the color of the article.


For example: At this moment, I really read the meaning of Grandpa Ba Jin's "letting life bloom"."Blossom" refers to dedication to others.The rescue after one injury is a flower; a flower is a flower in a timely manner; a timely phone is a flower; a kind smile is a flower ... In short, each dedication is a flower.The above clips use metaphors and row ratios, which not only adds literary talents, but also deepen the artistic conception. At the end of the article, the main purpose of the article is revealed, and the effect is very good.


Fourth, ask questions cleverly, and make people deep


Ask questions in the form of questions, it is also a good ending way.Ending in the form of inspiration and questioning, it has the functions of inspiration, emphasis, affirmation, and infection.


The end of an excellent composition "Suitable for You is the Best": Isn't each of us a beautiful scenery? Yeah, we must find one suitable for us to turn ourselves the best.At the end of such a question, the reader's deep thinking reveals that people make the right choice, pursue a meaningful life, think deeply, and urge people to be alert.When writing, students should pay attention to the purpose of the question to express their true feelings and do not far -fetched.


"The wonderful, care about the end of the sentence", a fine end will make the full text shine and shine.The above ways of ending are only some commonly used methods. The ending method is colorful, and various methods are not single, but "you have me, you have you", the key is to close the theme of the article.In short, as long as the students can use their thoughts, the "Leopard Tail" will be cleverly swing, and it will definitely produce the effect of the residual sound around the beam.



The true nature of the heart is like this.Success, such as Langyue Flower, Deep Lake Weilian, regardless of the smoothness of the success or failure, it is a stream of stimuli and climbing a long -distance station;The proud shore, there is the stubbornness of "the prime minister is not the master, the man should be self -improved".Rong, rivers and mountains are still, and the style is still. The chanting of the sea in Chacang is familiar with the years, and it is disdainful to pass the eyes; humiliated, Han Xin, the bottom of the snow, like a fairy, knows one step back, the sea is wide, not willingDue to waste.


Writer Chekhov said: "There are big dogs, puppies, puppy should not be panicked because of the existence of big dogs. All dogs should be called, so let him use the sound of God to him.


Mature is a bright but not dazzling glory, a round and not greasy audio, a calmness that does not need to observe others, and a kind of atmosphere that finally stops the appeal to the surroundings.The smiling smile, a kind of indifferent indifference, a thickness that does not need to be sound, a height that is not steep.


Happiness = material, this is a happy equations proposed by American economist Samuelson.From the perspective of economics, the greater the material consumption, the smaller, the greater the happiness, and the older the Chinese people "contentment".Conversely, if a person's material consumption is limited and*is infinite, what will happen?Mrs. Luvili has so many "dreams" and so many "intoxication". How can she not be painful and sad?


Smiling, singing the song of life, don't complain about life to give too many hardships, you don't have to complain about too much twists and turns in life.If the sea loses the rolling of the huge waves, it will lose the majesty; if the desert loses the mad dance of Feisha, it will lose spectacular.If life only finds the smooth sailing of two o'clock, life will lose the meaning of existence.


Even if youth is a gorgeous flower, I understand that it will never be spring alone, and spring is a world of thousands of reds.Even though youth is a tree with a magnificent ground, I understand that a unique show is never tall and row of forests.Even though youth is a lonely sail, I understand that Yiye Gufan is difficult to sail away, and Qianfan is a spectacular of the sea.


Life is not a "digest".She is a complete process, a "serialization", no matter success or failure, she will not leave a blank behind you; life is not a rehearsIn the second chance, I couldn't turn back.At the beginning of the composition of the middle school entrance examination


Tolerance is a kind of frankness, selfless and fearless, unrestrained, dust -free.Tolerance is an open -minded, a larger mind than the ocean and the sky. It is a wide and wide superposition, continuing and sublimation.Tolerance, elegant tolerance, and treating others are widely treated. This is the basic rule of life.


Youth is the Qiong Palm of Blood Drops and hard -working sweat -for a long time; youth is the rainbow that is not fading and the immortal longing for weaving -gorgeous and gorgeous; youth is eternal persistence and tenacious.A tough copper wall iron wall -solid gold soup.


Yingying Moonlight, I hold the clearest cup; the rest of the time, I have the warmest ones; the burning red leaves, I pick up the hottest one;The heaviest in the world -perseverance.



Like the beginning, the end of the article is also very important.The end of success can enable readers to understand the content of the article deeper and thoroughly, and further understand the main purpose of the article.The wonderful ending can evoke the readers' thinking and resonance, and enhance the infectious power of the article.

Like the beginning, the end of the article is also very important.The end of success can enable readers to understand the content of the article deeper and thoroughly, and further understand the main purpose of the article.The wonderful ending can evoke the readers' thinking and resonance, and enhance the infectious power of the article.


So, what are the best methods to create a narrative at the end? The following is based on the end of some excellent narratives.

So, what are the best methods to create a narrative at the end? The following is based on the end of some excellent narratives.


1. Natural ending method

1. Natural ending method


After expressing the content, it naturally completes the full text without designing the deep philosophical sentences. This ending is called the "natural ending method".It completely avoids the problem of adding a snake and moaning without illness, and it looks simple and simple.But paying attention to "nature" does not mean that you want to do whatever he wants, but to end the full text along the natural trend of the development of Wen Si.

After expressing the content, it naturally completes the full text without designing the deep philosophical sentences. This ending is called the "natural ending method".It completely avoids the problem of adding a snake and moaning without illness, and it looks simple and simple.But paying attention to "nature" does not mean that you want to do whatever he wants, but to end the full text along the natural trend of the development of Wen Si.


[Example 1] (Title "Season")

[Example 1] (Title "Season")


This year's autumn is not the same. There is no fallen leaves in the forest. Xiaogen took him to leave the school fees from the school after leaving him.He believes that next summer is cool, pleasant ...

This year's autumn is not the same. There is no fallen leaves in the forest. Xiaogen took him to leave the school fees from the school after leaving him.He believes that next summer is cool, pleasant ...


[Example 2] (The topic "Walking in Disappear", the title "Pomegranate Tree")

[Example 2] (The topic "Walking in Disappear", the title "Pomegranate Tree")


This summer, I went back again. At the intersection of the turning of my grandmother's house, a pomegranate tree with lush branches came into my eyes, red stars, and vitality.EssenceWith a kind smile of the grandfather, the growth of small things, and the red and large pomegranate and my tears. They all turned into red stars on the tree, swaying and flying under the breeze.It's not the one I planted by my grandfather.

This summer, I went back again. At the intersection of the turning of my grandmother's house, a pomegranate tree with lush branches came into my eyes, red stars, and vitality.EssenceWith a kind smile of the grandfather, the growth of small things, and the red and large pomegranate and my tears. They all turned into red stars on the tree, swaying and flying under the breeze.It's not the one I planted by my grandfather.


Second, draw dragon's eye -catching method

Second, draw dragon's eye -catching method


This ending method is that at the end of the article, based on the content of the full text, using simple language to express the theme thought clearAlso known as the "Diandang Zhang Xianzhi".

This ending method is that at the end of the article, based on the content of the full text, using simple language to express the theme thought clearAlso known as the "Diandang Zhang Xianzhi".


Sometimes, it can be used to summarize the full text. It can also be famous quotes, phrases or verses. This ending is even more concise, playing the finishing touch.[Example 1] (Composition Material: Cong Fei's story. Title "Falling Red")

Sometimes, it can be used to summarize the full text. It can also be famous quotes, phrases or verses. This ending is even more concise, playing the finishing touch.[Example 1] (Composition Material: Cong Fei's story. Title "Falling Red")


One flower is so, there is no way to say it to people. I remember that there are two poems well- "falling red is not ruthless, and it turns into spring mud to protect flowers."

One flower is so, there is no way to say it to people. I remember that there are two poems well- "falling red is not ruthless, and it turns into spring mud to protect flowers."


[Example 2] (The topic "The 2007 National Volume I Comics' Sloping", the title "Let me fall, continue to move forward")

[Example 2] (The topic "The 2007 National Volume I Comics' Sloping", the title "Let me fall, continue to move forward")


When I succeed, and look back at the fall, the joy of success in my heart will blow out fatigue.

When I succeed, and look back at the fall, the joy of success in my heart will blow out fatigue.


Let me fall and move forward.

Let me fall and move forward.


[Example 3] The end of the famous article "Yilu Pear Blossom"

[Example 3] The end of the famous article "Yilu Pear Blossom"


I looked at this group of vibrant Hani girls and the white pear blossom, and couldn't help thinking of a poem: "Yilu Pear blossoms are everywhere."

I looked at this group of vibrant Hani girls and the white pear blossom, and couldn't help thinking of a poem: "Yilu Pear blossoms are everywhere."


Third, lyrical discussion method

Third, lyrical discussion method


Get an article with lyrical discussions, which can express the emotions in the author's heart, stir up the waves of readers 'emotions, arouse readers' resonance, and have a strong artistic appeal.The form of lyricism is diverse, so the ending of this method is relatively free. The end of good "lyricism" must be true and true, giving readers a sense of real and sufficientness.

Get an article with lyrical discussions, which can express the emotions in the author's heart, stir up the waves of readers 'emotions, arouse readers' resonance, and have a strong artistic appeal.The form of lyricism is diverse, so the ending of this method is relatively free. The end of good "lyricism" must be true and true, giving readers a sense of real and sufficientness.


[Example 1] (Title "Silent Father Love")

[Example 1] (Title "Silent Father Love")





On the test room.A child is full of gratitude and pride in his silent father's love.

On the test room.A child is full of gratitude and pride in his silent father's love.


My father, his feelings are like a thin autumn rain and a soft spring breeze, without ups and downs, just indifferent and silent.

My father, his feelings are like a thin autumn rain and a soft spring breeze, without ups and downs, just indifferent and silent.


Silent father's love -I am grateful for it.

Silent father's love -I am grateful for it.


[Example 2] (The topic "2007 National Volume I, the comic 'falling one by one", the title "wax, chalk, silkworm")

[Example 2] (The topic "2007 National Volume I, the comic 'falling one by one", the title "wax, chalk, silkworm")


You are the kind of person praised by Lu Xun: "Run the blood one by one to feed others. Although consciously gradually thinner, you think you are happy."

You are the kind of person praised by Lu Xun: "Run the blood one by one to feed others. Although consciously gradually thinner, you think you are happy."


[Example 3] The end of Mr. Lu Xun’s "Hometown"

[Example 3] The end of Mr. Lu Xun’s "Hometown"


I think: I hope it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.This is just like the road on the ground; in fact, there is no way on the ground, and there are more people walking, and it becomes a way.

I think: I hope it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.This is just like the road on the ground; in fact, there is no way on the ground, and there are more people walking, and it becomes a way.


Fourth, the first echo method

Fourth, the first echo method


The ending echoes the beginning, writing a statement that echo both the beginning and is not easy to repeat. This ending method is a very common method of closing methods of various articles.This closing method can evoke the psychological beauty of the reader, producing a feeling of echo, and integration.

The ending echoes the beginning, writing a statement that echo both the beginning and is not easy to repeat. This ending method is a very common method of closing methods of various articles.This closing method can evoke the psychological beauty of the reader, producing a feeling of echo, and integration.


[Example 1] (Topic "Time will not make memory weather", the topic "When memory flows through Oswing")

[Example 1] (Topic "Time will not make memory weather", the topic "When memory flows through Oswing")







When the wheels of history crossed Oschitin, they heard the roar of a man and the screaming of women, and saw the mother's cry and the child's horror.Today, Oschitin's sky is blue and transparent, and rows of towering buildings are directly inserted into the clouds, as if to break the tranquility here.

When the wheels of history crossed Oschitin, they heard the roar of a man and the screaming of women, and saw the mother's cry and the child's horror.Today, Oschitin's sky is blue and transparent, and rows of towering buildings are directly inserted into the clouds, as if to break the tranquility here.







On that day, Oschitin's policeman bells were long; that day, the Jewish people were full of tears; that day, the memory flowed through this peaceful world; that day, he was sentenced to peace to the extreme utilitarian and tunnels.The bell of victory will sound through the chest in the hearts of peaceful people.

On that day, Oschitin's policeman bells were long; that day, the Jewish people were full of tears; that day, the memory flowed through this peaceful world; that day, he was sentenced to peace to the extreme utilitarian and tunnels.The bell of victory will sound through the chest in the hearts of peaceful people.


Time will never weather Oschidin at the bottom of the memory!

Time will never weather Oschidin at the bottom of the memory!


[Example 2] (Topic "Time will not make memory weather", the title "Straw in Straw in Mother's Hand")

[Example 2] (Topic "Time will not make memory weather", the title "Straw in Straw in Mother's Hand")







Just last night, I reached out and touched the straw rope under the pillow.

Just last night, I reached out and touched the straw rope under the pillow.







I grow under your hands, like straw as straw rope like straw.Your hands accompanied me overnight and night, and the time will never blow the straw rope in your hand, let alone the trembling hand ...

I grow under your hands, like straw as straw rope like straw.Your hands accompanied me overnight and night, and the time will never blow the straw rope in your hand, let alone the trembling hand ...


Fifth, euphemism, point -oriented theme

Fifth, euphemism, point -oriented theme


At the end of some narratives, the reader should be prompted to pay attention to the theme of the article, but the author does not use logical thinking to express it directly. Instead, it is implied in a metaphorical and symbolic way, leaving readers to leave a room for imagination.Let readers think, understand, and have endless effects.

At the end of some narratives, the reader should be prompted to pay attention to the theme of the article, but the author does not use logical thinking to express it directly. Instead, it is implied in a metaphorical and symbolic way, leaving readers to leave a room for imagination.Let readers think, understand, and have endless effects.


[Example 1] Topic "Season"

[Example 1] Topic "Season"


Winter wisdom, love in winter, the sharpness of winter ...

Winter wisdom, love in winter, the sharpness of winter ...


This season is long, and the feelings given to this season are fluffy ...

This season is long, and the feelings given to this season are fluffy ...


[Example 2] The title "Light Smile No Trace"

[Example 2] The title "Light Smile No Trace"


Time is easy to pass, how many such decisive women have disappeared on the banks of the West Lake, how many beautiful first seeing each other in the end, how much loneliness was buried.

Time is easy to pass, how many such decisive women have disappeared on the banks of the West Lake, how many beautiful first seeing each other in the end, how much loneliness was buried.


When the dawn of the dawn dispels the water and gas of the West Lake, when the chaotic Chen Hui once again hides between the tide flow, when all is exposed to the sun, there is no so -called singer and pedestrian, she is no longer the lakeside.The singer, but a nun in the cold mountain temple.She no longer has that proud talent, and she is no longer embellishment in her life.

When the dawn of the dawn dispels the water and gas of the West Lake, when the chaotic Chen Hui once again hides between the tide flow, when all is exposed to the sun, there is no so -called singer and pedestrian, she is no longer the lakeside.The singer, but a nun in the cold mountain temple.She no longer has that proud talent, and she is no longer embellishment in her life.


Smile without a trace, just leave a touch of loneliness ...

Smile without a trace, just leave a touch of loneliness ...


6. End with character description or scene description

6. End with character description or scene description


Ending with character description or scene description, it is often rendered a kind of either indifferent, sorrow, or bright, or confused mood in simplicity, showing a poetic and painting meaning.

Ending with character description or scene description, it is often rendered a kind of either indifferent, sorrow, or bright, or confused mood in simplicity, showing a poetic and painting meaning.


[Example 1] The topic "Must cross this hurdle"

[Example 1] The topic "Must cross this hurdle"


When I went home, the landlord Grandma came to hold my hand. I took her across the door. She trembled and worked hard. She said that I would come again next time.Following her little feet.

When I went home, the landlord Grandma came to hold my hand. I took her across the door. She trembled and worked hard. She said that I would come again next time.Following her little feet.


The car gradually drifted.

The car gradually drifted.


I turned back and looked at the grandmother leaning on the door.Under the setting sun, the dimness was hit by the door, but she could not illuminate the years of her death.

I turned back and looked at the grandmother leaning on the door.Under the setting sun, the dimness was hit by the door, but she could not illuminate the years of her death.


[Example 2] Title "One Step and Life"

[Example 2] Title "One Step and Life"


The maple bamboo forest fluttered with a happy ballad, I looked back at the original door, it flashed with blue and blue light. I walked up without hesitation and greeted the golden life I expected!

The maple bamboo forest fluttered with a happy ballad, I looked back at the original door, it flashed with blue and blue light. I walked up without hesitation and greeted the golden life I expected!



How to start?


1. Comparison total.


Example: Some people love the gorgeous peach blossoms, some people love the gorgeous and rich peony flowers, but I love the chrysanthemums of Aochuang Douxue.


2. The total type of lyrics and famous sentences.


Example 1: "There is no floral fragrance, no tree height, I am a grass that is unknown ..." Whenever I hear this familiar melody, I seem to see the unknown and selfless dedication.


Example 2: People say: "Wuyue returns without looking at the mountains, and Huangshan returns to not see Yue." In October, I came to the dream of Huangshan.


3. Open the door to see the general starting type.


Example 1: My family has a pot of water fairy flowers, elegant and pure, and the whole family loves it.


Example 2: As soon as you walk into the campus, you will see a towering tree -sycamore tree.Listening to the teacher said that it is more than 100 years old, it is really like a vicissitudes!I love sycamore trees.


Example 3: My hometown is in the east of the South Yellow Sea, which was hailed by Emperor Qianlong as "the first fresh in the world."There are beautiful scenery and rich products.


4. Suspense.


Example 1: Radish greens, each has their own love.Do you know why I especially like the Indus tree?


Example 2: Where is this?I seem to be a stranger in my hometown.At that time, there were no such beautiful flowers and plants here, clear river water, and trees that covered the sky ...


5. Fun.


Example 1: Dear friend, you must like peaches.This sweet peach is a specialty of our hometown. Welcome to our hometown.


Example 2: "Thousands of lines, 10,000 lines, can't see it in the water." Children, what do you guess?Yes, this is my favorite rain.


6. lyric.


Example: For the first time, I saw the sea, the sky was so blue, and the sea's mind was so vast.I want to sing a song, express my pleasure!


7, anthropomorphic lyricism.


Example: Ah!Spring girls are here, and everything is laughing.Spring, a charming scenery.


8. Remember.


Example: The reeds that danced in the sky in the fall of my hometown have been staying in my mind and wiped out.


How to write the end?


1. lyric:


Example: Ah!Snowflake, you bring people white and elegant beauty.Snowflake!I hope all the character is like you are in Bingqing Yujie.


2. Summary.


Example: Pork pepper has such toughness and can cause so many fantasies. I love the peel.


3. Lyrics and verses.


Example 1: After seeing this mountain and this water, it is really "the boat is on the blue wave, people are in the painting."


Example 2: "You have a sludge without dyeing, and you dedicate a little bit of regret. Ah! ..." How many people have attracted the character of the lotus?


4. Lenovo praise.


Example: I praise Ling Han's plum blossoms alone, and praise the people who are unyielding and unyielding.


5. Fantastic.


Example: When I look at the tall selfless and dedicated sycamore tree in front of my eyes, when can I be like it?


6. Natural artistic conception.


Example: The sunset gave the last time and left with a smile.However, tomorrow


Chaoxia will rise again ...


7. Reprint


Example: From time to time, I looked back at a few times, and I almost fell into a tendon without paying attention.


fight.The persimmon forest in his hometown is so seductive.


8. Natural summary.


Example: Several years have passed, I have grown up, and I have grown taller.Looking at the white and beautiful chip, I love it more than before.



Like the beginning, the end of the article is also very important.The end of success can enable readers to understand the content of the article deeper and thoroughly, and further understand the main purpose of the article.The wonderful ending can evoke the readers' thinking and resonance, and enhance the infectious power of the article.

Like the beginning, the end of the article is also very important.The end of success can enable readers to understand the content of the article deeper and thoroughly, and further understand the main purpose of the article.The wonderful ending can evoke the readers' thinking and resonance, and enhance the infectious power of the article.


So, what are the best methods to create a narrative at the end? The following is based on the end of some excellent narratives.

So, what are the best methods to create a narrative at the end? The following is based on the end of some excellent narratives.


1. Natural ending method

1. Natural ending method


After expressing the content, it naturally completes the full text without designing the deep philosophical sentences. This ending is called the "natural ending method".It completely avoids the problem of adding a snake and moaning without illness, and it looks simple and simple.But paying attention to "nature" does not mean that you want to do whatever he wants, but to end the full text along the natural trend of the development of Wen Si.

After expressing the content, it naturally completes the full text without designing the deep philosophical sentences. This ending is called the "natural ending method".It completely avoids the problem of adding a snake and moaning without illness, and it looks simple and simple.But paying attention to "nature" does not mean that you want to do whatever he wants, but to end the full text along the natural trend of the development of Wen Si.


[Example 1] (Title "Season")

[Example 1] (Title "Season")


This year's autumn is not the same. There is no fallen leaves in the forest. Xiaogen took him to leave the school fees from the school after leaving him.He believes that next summer is cool, pleasant ...

This year's autumn is not the same. There is no fallen leaves in the forest. Xiaogen took him to leave the school fees from the school after leaving him.He believes that next summer is cool, pleasant ...


[Example 2] (The topic "Walking in Disappear", the title "Pomegranate Tree")

[Example 2] (The topic "Walking in Disappear", the title "Pomegranate Tree")


This summer, I went back again. At the intersection of the turning of my grandmother's house, a pomegranate tree with lush branches came into my eyes, red stars, and vitality.EssenceWith a kind smile of the grandfather, the growth of small things, and the red and large pomegranate and my tears. They all turned into red stars on the tree, swaying and flying under the breeze.It's not the one I planted by my grandfather.

This summer, I went back again. At the intersection of the turning of my grandmother's house, a pomegranate tree with lush branches came into my eyes, red stars, and vitality.EssenceWith a kind smile of the grandfather, the growth of small things, and the red and large pomegranate and my tears. They all turned into red stars on the tree, swaying and flying under the breeze.It's not the one I planted by my grandfather.


Second, draw dragon's eye -catching method

Second, draw dragon's eye -catching method


This ending method is that at the end of the article, based on the content of the full text, using simple language to express the theme thought clearAlso known as the "Diandang Zhang Xianzhi".

This ending method is that at the end of the article, based on the content of the full text, using simple language to express the theme thought clearAlso known as the "Diandang Zhang Xianzhi".


Sometimes, it can be used to summarize the full text. It can also be famous quotes, phrases or verses. This ending is even more concise, playing the finishing touch.[Example 1] (Composition Material: Cong Fei's story. Title "Falling Red")

Sometimes, it can be used to summarize the full text. It can also be famous quotes, phrases or verses. This ending is even more concise, playing the finishing touch.[Example 1] (Composition Material: Cong Fei's story. Title "Falling Red")


One flower is so, there is no way to say it to people. I remember that there are two poems well- "falling red is not ruthless, and it turns into spring mud to protect flowers."

One flower is so, there is no way to say it to people. I remember that there are two poems well- "falling red is not ruthless, and it turns into spring mud to protect flowers."


[Example 2] (The topic "The 2007 National Volume I Comics' Sloping", the title "Let me fall, continue to move forward")

[Example 2] (The topic "The 2007 National Volume I Comics' Sloping", the title "Let me fall, continue to move forward")


When I succeed, and look back at the fall, the joy of success in my heart will blow out fatigue.

When I succeed, and look back at the fall, the joy of success in my heart will blow out fatigue.


Let me fall and move forward.

Let me fall and move forward.


[Example 3] The end of the famous article "Yilu Pear Blossom"

[Example 3] The end of the famous article "Yilu Pear Blossom"


I looked at this group of vibrant Hani girls and the white pear blossom, and couldn't help thinking of a poem: "Yilu Pear blossoms are everywhere."

I looked at this group of vibrant Hani girls and the white pear blossom, and couldn't help thinking of a poem: "Yilu Pear blossoms are everywhere."


Third, lyrical discussion method

Third, lyrical discussion method


Get an article with lyrical discussions, which can express the emotions in the author's heart, stir up the waves of readers 'emotions, arouse readers' resonance, and have a strong artistic appeal.The form of lyricism is diverse, so the ending of this method is relatively free. The end of good "lyricism" must be true and true, giving readers a sense of real and sufficientness.

Get an article with lyrical discussions, which can express the emotions in the author's heart, stir up the waves of readers 'emotions, arouse readers' resonance, and have a strong artistic appeal.The form of lyricism is diverse, so the ending of this method is relatively free. The end of good "lyricism" must be true and true, giving readers a sense of real and sufficientness.


[Example 1] (Title "Silent Father Love")

[Example 1] (Title "Silent Father Love")





On the test room.A child is full of gratitude and pride in his silent father's love.

On the test room.A child is full of gratitude and pride in his silent father's love.


My father, his feelings are like a thin autumn rain and a soft spring breeze, without ups and downs, just indifferent and silent.

My father, his feelings are like a thin autumn rain and a soft spring breeze, without ups and downs, just indifferent and silent.


Silent father's love -I am grateful for it.

Silent father's love -I am grateful for it.


[Example 2] (The topic "2007 National Volume I, the comic 'falling one by one", the title "wax, chalk, silkworm")

[Example 2] (The topic "2007 National Volume I, the comic 'falling one by one", the title "wax, chalk, silkworm")


You are the kind of person praised by Lu Xun: "Run the blood one by one to feed others. Although consciously gradually thinner, you think you are happy."

You are the kind of person praised by Lu Xun: "Run the blood one by one to feed others. Although consciously gradually thinner, you think you are happy."


[Example 3] The end of Mr. Lu Xun’s "Hometown"

[Example 3] The end of Mr. Lu Xun’s "Hometown"


I think: I hope it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.This is just like the road on the ground; in fact, there is no way on the ground, and there are more people walking, and it becomes a way.

I think: I hope it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.This is just like the road on the ground; in fact, there is no way on the ground, and there are more people walking, and it becomes a way.


Fourth, the first echo method

Fourth, the first echo method


The ending echoes the beginning, writing a statement that echo both the beginning and is not easy to repeat. This ending method is a very common method of closing methods of various articles.This closing method can evoke the psychological beauty of the reader, producing a feeling of echo, and integration.

The ending echoes the beginning, writing a statement that echo both the beginning and is not easy to repeat. This ending method is a very common method of closing methods of various articles.This closing method can evoke the psychological beauty of the reader, producing a feeling of echo, and integration.


[Example 1] (Topic "Time will not make memory weather", the topic "When memory flows through Oswing")

[Example 1] (Topic "Time will not make memory weather", the topic "When memory flows through Oswing")







When the wheels of history crossed Oschitin, they heard the roar of a man and the screaming of women, and saw the mother's cry and the child's horror.Today, Oschitin's sky is blue and transparent, and rows of towering buildings are directly inserted into the clouds, as if to break the tranquility here.

When the wheels of history crossed Oschitin, they heard the roar of a man and the screaming of women, and saw the mother's cry and the child's horror.Today, Oschitin's sky is blue and transparent, and rows of towering buildings are directly inserted into the clouds, as if to break the tranquility here.







On that day, Oschitin's policeman bells were long; that day, the Jewish people were full of tears; that day, the memory flowed through this peaceful world; that day, he was sentenced to peace to the extreme utilitarian and tunnels.The bell of victory will sound through the chest in the hearts of peaceful people.

On that day, Oschitin's policeman bells were long; that day, the Jewish people were full of tears; that day, the memory flowed through this peaceful world; that day, he was sentenced to peace to the extreme utilitarian and tunnels.The bell of victory will sound through the chest in the hearts of peaceful people.


Time will never weather Oschidin at the bottom of the memory!

Time will never weather Oschidin at the bottom of the memory!


[Example 2] (Topic "Time will not make memory weather", the title "Straw in Straw in Mother's Hand")

[Example 2] (Topic "Time will not make memory weather", the title "Straw in Straw in Mother's Hand")







Just last night, I reached out and touched the straw rope under the pillow.

Just last night, I reached out and touched the straw rope under the pillow.







I grow under your hands, like straw as straw rope like straw.Your hands accompanied me overnight and night, and the time will never blow the straw rope in your hand, let alone the trembling hand ...

I grow under your hands, like straw as straw rope like straw.Your hands accompanied me overnight and night, and the time will never blow the straw rope in your hand, let alone the trembling hand ...


Fifth, euphemism, point -oriented theme

Fifth, euphemism, point -oriented theme


At the end of some narratives, the reader should be prompted to pay attention to the theme of the article, but the author does not use logical thinking to express it directly. Instead, it is implied in a metaphorical and symbolic way, leaving readers to leave a room for imagination.Let readers think, understand, and have endless effects.

At the end of some narratives, the reader should be prompted to pay attention to the theme of the article, but the author does not use logical thinking to express it directly. Instead, it is implied in a metaphorical and symbolic way, leaving readers to leave a room for imagination.Let readers think, understand, and have endless effects.


[Example 1] Topic "Season"

[Example 1] Topic "Season"


Winter wisdom, love in winter, the sharpness of winter ...

Winter wisdom, love in winter, the sharpness of winter ...


This season is long, and the feelings given to this season are fluffy ...

This season is long, and the feelings given to this season are fluffy ...


[Example 2] The title "Light Smile No Trace"

[Example 2] The title "Light Smile No Trace"


Time is easy to pass, how many such decisive women have disappeared on the banks of the West Lake, how many beautiful first seeing each other in the end, how much loneliness was buried.

Time is easy to pass, how many such decisive women have disappeared on the banks of the West Lake, how many beautiful first seeing each other in the end, how much loneliness was buried.


When the dawn of the dawn dispels the water and gas of the West Lake, when the chaotic Chen Hui once again hides between the tide flow, when all is exposed to the sun, there is no so -called singer and pedestrian, she is no longer the lakeside.The singer, but a nun in the cold mountain temple.She no longer has that proud talent, and she is no longer embellishment in her life.

When the dawn of the dawn dispels the water and gas of the West Lake, when the chaotic Chen Hui once again hides between the tide flow, when all is exposed to the sun, there is no so -called singer and pedestrian, she is no longer the lakeside.The singer, but a nun in the cold mountain temple.She no longer has that proud talent, and she is no longer embellishment in her life.


Smile without a trace, just leave a touch of loneliness ...

Smile without a trace, just leave a touch of loneliness ...


6. End with character description or scene description

6. End with character description or scene description


Ending with character description or scene description, it is often rendered a kind of either indifferent, sorrow, or bright, or confused mood in simplicity, showing a poetic and painting meaning.

Ending with character description or scene description, it is often rendered a kind of either indifferent, sorrow, or bright, or confused mood in simplicity, showing a poetic and painting meaning.


[Example 1] The topic "Must cross this hurdle"

[Example 1] The topic "Must cross this hurdle"


When I went home, the landlord Grandma came to hold my hand. I took her across the door. She trembled and worked hard. She said that I would come again next time.Following her little feet.

When I went home, the landlord Grandma came to hold my hand. I took her across the door. She trembled and worked hard. She said that I would come again next time.Following her little feet.


The car gradually drifted.

The car gradually drifted.


I turned back and looked at the grandmother leaning on the door.Under the setting sun, the dimness was hit by the door, but she could not illuminate the years of her death.

I turned back and looked at the grandmother leaning on the door.Under the setting sun, the dimness was hit by the door, but she could not illuminate the years of her death.


[Example 2] Title "One Step and Life"

[Example 2] Title "One Step and Life"


The maple bamboo forest fluttered with a happy ballad, I looked back at the original door, it flashed with blue and blue light. I walked up without hesitation and greeted the golden life I expected!

The maple bamboo forest fluttered with a happy ballad, I looked back at the original door, it flashed with blue and blue light. I walked up without hesitation and greeted the golden life I expected!



Writing an article sometimes makes a one or two foreshadowing, which will make the article a lot of color.The foreshadowing is to make some hints on the characters or the events that occur in front of the article, and then respond to the back of the article, which shows that this is an important trick to enhance the internal connection of the article and related to the whole article.Intersection


Training goals: The use of foreshadowing will add color to the article. When writing, we must form a organic whole, an artistic performance sequence, or first or or then after the purpose of the topic.Said, to be exposed at the moment of dew, it should be hidden.


Training method:


(1) If you have a fire, if you mention the gun at the beginning, you must mention the shooting in the second or third paragraph. It should not be a failure, but it should not be defeated.


(2) The foreshadowing should be clever, and should not be deliberately revealed.The foreshadowing generally cannot easily perceive that it is natural to be able to achieve the natural writing.


(3) The foreshadowing should be in response to it, and it should not be closely attached before and after.If the foreshadowing is too close, it will make the article look dull, but it will look boring.



Write a good way to remember the narrative: how to write a good narrative composition ending


The narrative narrative is to recording the cause of one thing or several things to highlight the writing genre of the center; many elementary school students often do not know how this type of composition writes the end, giving people a deep impression. The following introducesSeveral methods for your reference.

1、总结式结尾 。事情记叙完了,总结一下收获,常用递进关系的复句来说说自己的收获或感受。   比如:《记一次有趣的蛋壳实验》的结尾:这次蛋壳实验真是太有趣了!不但锻炼了动手的能力, 而且还从中明白了力的集中与分散的道理,收获太大了!所以我喜欢这样的实验!

1. Summary ending.After the matter is finished, summarize the gains, and the compound sentences that are commonly used to talk about their own gains or feelings.For example: The ending of "Remembering an Interesting Eggshell Experiment": This time the egg shell experiment is really interesting! Not only does it exercise the ability to do, but also understands the concentration and decentralization of the power, so the harvest is too great! SoI like this experiment!


2. Natural ending.This ending is easy, things are remembered, and the results come out, and the article is over. This is the end of the natural style.Such as: ending of "Wandef Bushi Mountain": The sun is west, and we are a little tired, so we take the car together, take the happiness of playing in the Bijia Mountain, and enter the return on their way.


3. The end of the question (also known as the anti -question).The matter is over. In order to emphasize the truth or inspiration that you understand, he deliberately harvested with a question or instead, which not only confessed his wishes, also stimulated readers' thinking, and played a role in strengthening the center.


4. Inspiration ending (also known as rational).This ending is the inspiration and understanding of the revelation and understanding after something, and play a role in the center.For example: the end of "A Little Things": It's been a long time in the past, but I remember it.Although the incident is small, it has a lot of inspiration, because it makes me understand a truth, that is: no matter what people do wrong, as long as they recognize the wrong, and dare to admit it, they will be courageous to correct it, then it must be sureWith a new beginning, it will definitely make progress.For example: The end of "Real Friendship": We finally reconciled, and through this incident, we even understand that we are treating each other with sincerity and tolerance for understanding.Friends, do you say this is like this? The tail sentence can be said: Friends, don't you think so?


5. The end of the song introduction.There is an introduction to the beginning of the song, and the end of the song introduction.According to the content and center of the matter, choose the appropriate ancient saying or two lyrics as the end of the article, which is full of spur, guidance, and incentive.For example, the end of the article "Cherish the Time Sex Second": Only by cherishing the time of time can you do nothing and do what you should do. This is the biggest inspiration to me after experiencing this incident.Friends, Mo and other idle, the teenager's head!


6. Fantasy ending.This ending belongs to imagination and sustenance.That is, the result of not writing things directly, and this result may not be a situation, using a dream method to express the willingness or result.This dreamy style is very interesting and attractive.For example: At the end of "Looking for Mom": That night, the boy had a sweet dream. Dreaming of the little girl found her mother and was nestling in her mother's arms!Nest, Zheng Zheng and Mother of Birds sing happily!



My good friend Bian Zhouzi is an ordinary and special little girl. With her, her character is like the plum blossoms that are open alone in the winter snow, so that people can feel the fragrance of flowers in the cold winter.There is a good friend of her, I think it is a honor!It's not too much to make a ten, do you say it is!



As the saying goes: "The weaving baskets are all closed." The end of the dissertation is the key to extending the text to the full text. It is the full display and sublimation of the argument.The "closing" of the basket is very critical.A good ending will inevitably make the overall structure of the article, which is more rigorous and natural, complete, and will inevitably make the content and theme of the article deeper and vivid.Therefore, we must try my best to write the end of the dissertation, and we must not take it lightly.Mr. Ye Shengtao, a educator, once said, "If you can't find a proper ending and barely end, just like the people walking around the road with the sun and wind, it is not a proper way." Then, how can I write well?What about the end of the paper?


【Technical Commentary】


Famous Alarm


Famous quotes are the essence of language.Good at the end of the famous quotes, words, motto, and aphoric sentences at the end, which can effectively prove their views, but also use wonderful help to show the author's cultural heritage and deep accumulation.Essence


【Technical Commentary】


Point -oriented


Use a condensed, concise sentence or re -lifting the title of the article, or click on the theme of the article to make the ending text finishing touch and reveal the role of the center or the chapters of the chapter.Learn to close the title at the end of the article, and point the questions, and the articles in the pen can avoid the problem of incorrect text.


【Technical Commentary】


Call of call


The purpose of writing discussions is always to solve a problem.Good arguments not only pay attention to the problem, think, but also have their own profound insights, or strong sighs, or call for calling to promote people to surpass themselves and defeat the predicament.At the end of the call of calling, it can effectively confess the author's writing intention, evoke readers to resonate, give people inspiration and incentive, and show the practical significance of the article.


【Technical Commentary Four】




When discussing certain practical issues, in order to achieve warning and admonition, the ending often uses either warning or admonition. It aims to promote the seriousness of the problem.as a result of.The language is true and sincere, which can touch people's hearts and effectively achieve the purpose of speech.


【Technical Commentary 5】


Summarize the full text


Summarize the full text的结尾,其优势是能够有效捏合全文,将发散的内容集中起来,让人对文章观点、作者态度一目了然,对文旨有强调作用。此种结尾还能有效克服议论文散、杂、泛,乱的毛病,将漫无边际的思绪归拢起来,使文章观点鲜明,中心突出,简洁干脆。


【Technical Commentary VI】


Shopping the beginning


A masterpiece always pays attention to both thought and literary talent, but also the symmetrical harmony of the structure.In a dissertation, if the end can be cleverly followed, it can be cleverly responded, and the first and tails can make the article read the charm.It can not only reflect the visual harmonious symmetry, but also reflect the inheritance and transition of thinking, and strictly comprehensive.


【Technical Commentary Seven】


Set a question of anti -式


Set a question of anti -式这种结尾方式,采用的是诘问句子,或设问,自问自答;或反问,留有思考余地。其突出的优势是能够提醒读者对文章论及的问题作进一步思考,启发人心,有效地延展思想的长度,或拓展思维的深度。

The ending method of the anti -quiz type uses the questioning sentence, or set a question, and ask himself to answer;The prominent advantage is that it can remind readers to think further about the issues of articles, inspire people's hearts, effectively extend the length of thinking, or expand the depth of thinking.


【Technical Commentary Eight】


Rhetoric closure


The dissertation is practical style, which determines its basic expression method as a discussion. It is difficult to highlight the text in the whole article. It is difficult. If it is not handled properly, the argumentation text will be written into lyrical prose, which is contrary to the style of style.However, some of the flashing points of the articles on the end -consciously reached the beauty of the language with the help of rhetoric.It is either a metaphor, or the line -propyor, or the conclusion, or the conclusion of the small poem, leaving the reader to leave the reader at the end of the text.


【Technical Commentary Nine】


Ingenious white style


At the end of the article, the white style is used, often the meaning of incompetence is to achieve the effect of "endless words and endlessness".The at the end of the dissertation clever use of the method of leaving white can be left to the reader's endless imagination space, prompting readers to think, chew, and reflect, the article is even more deep.



⒈ Life philosophy


① Life looks like a bunch of flowers, and you can see its beauty carefully; life looks like a cup of tea, and taste carefully to enjoy the real taste.We should have the philosophy of life from failure, success, and life.


② Life is a blooming flower. It blooms beautiful, stretched, and gorgeous; life is a beautiful little poem, fresh and smooth, and long meaning; life is beautiful music, harmonious rhythm, and melodious.No interest, rolling forward.


③ Life is like flowers, bright red; life is like songs, beautiful and beautiful; life is like wine, fragrant and mellow; life is like poetry, with far -reaching mood and colorful.


④ Life is a wise elderly. Life is a learned teacher. It often turns into rain and rain, and moisturizes silently to give us the inspiration of life.


⑤ The beauty of life will always be displayed in her forgeness; just like the beauty of a big tree, it is shown in the vigorous vitality of its negative ups and downs;Such as the soaring of the soul of the heavens; the beauty of the river is shown in the flowing flow of its turbulence.


⑥ Life is beautiful and short.Some life is lonely, some life is colorful, and different people have different pursuits of life; life is a single line that has no return journey, and everyone uses all their time to move forward.


Life is to face realistic smiles, that is, to watch the future from obstacles; life is to cut the green branches on the road of life; life is to face the soul when facing confusion or darkness, the soul is burning deep in the soul, and the soul lits deep in the soul.Douda is bright and smiling.


Life is like a mountain, what is important is not its height, but in the spirit show; life is like a rain, what is important is not its size, but in time.


Mature maturity is a bright but not dazzling glory, a round and not greasy audio, a calmness that does not need to be observed with others, and a kind of atmosphere that finally stops coming to the surrounding request.The smiling smile, a kind of indifferent indifference, a thickness that does not need to be sound, a height that is not steep.

Mature is a bright but not dazzling glory, a round and not greasy audio, a calmness that does not need to observe others, and a kind of atmosphere that finally stops the appeal to the surroundings.The smiling smile, a kind of indifferent indifference, a thickness that does not need to be sound, a height that is not steep.


, Life is like a book, there should be more wonderful details, less boring words; life is like a song, there should be more melody, less sad notes; life is like a painting, there should be more beautiful colors, less less, lessSome dark tones.


科 Life is a Grand Encyclopedia, which is all -encompassing; life is a six -string piano, playing multiple wonderful melody: life is a flying horse's big clock, and the upper haircut will make people concentrate.


The road of life is long and colorful, just like sailing on the sea of the sky, sometimes calm and smooth driving; sometimes it is stunned and difficult.But as long as the lighthouse in our hearts does not go out, we can continue to sail along our route.The road of life is long and colorful: I learn to laugh in in the sun, and I learn to be strong in the clouds; in the wind, I hurry up and hurry up in the rainstorm; when I stand in the middle point, I walk out of me.The path of life.


⒉ ideal and belief


① Spring flower will open!If you have experienced winter, then you will have spring!If you have faith, then spring will definitely be far away; if you are giving, then one day you will have a full flower.


② Choosing self -confidence is to choose open -minded and calm, to choose to mobilize in front of fame and fortune, to choose to stand up in front of the forces to stand up, open the self -confidence sails, and show the style of fighting.


③ The power of faith is that even if you are in adversity, you can help you up -to -head sails; the charm of faith is that even if you encounter danger, you can summon your courage to lift your life;Can promote your lofty heart.


④ Endurance is an attachment that does not show mountains and stones; it is a kind of perseverance that is not afraid of the wind and the rain;⑤ The building stands towering because there are strong pillars, ideal and beliefs are the pillars of the life of the life; the ship breaking the waves is because there is a compass in indicating the direction. The ideal and beliefs are the compass of the life of the life of the life;The ideal and beliefs to guide its railings are the rails on the trains of life.


⑥ After the wind and rain, there will be a lot of Tianshui in front of the gulls.Going out of the thorns, the front of Kangzhuang Avenue covered with flowers.On the top of the mountain, Ji Cui Ruyun's empty mountain was under his feet.In this world, a star fell, and the starry sky could not be bleak; when the flowers were withered, the barren could not be deserted throughout the spring.


⑦The belief to others, still wings to birds, beliefs are flying wings.⑧ With persistence, the loneliness on the journey of life can be paved into a blue sky; with persistence, loneliness can be interpreted into a row of Hongyan; with persistence, joy can bloom into full flowers.


海 Sailing in Haohan's sea, lost direction, sailors will be buried on the bottom of the sea; trek in the vast Gobi, lost direction, travelers will be wild in the wild; finding the light of hope in the boundless exploration, if you lose your direction, you will be withSuccessfully passed by, regretful for life.


才 Only when you set off can you reach the ideal and destination. Only if you fight hard can you achieve brilliant success. Only sowing will be harvested.Only by pursuing can you taste the positive life of the Tang Dynasty.



Writing Guidance: How to write the end of the article (Leopard Tail)


The end of the article should be strong and powerful like the tiger's tail.The method is:


1. In the center of the end of the article, the center of the article is the center of the article.You can use lyrical arguments directly.For example, "People, please choose your dyeing tank and dye your life!"For example, at the end of an article, "People have sadness and joy, and the moon is full of yin and clear, and this matter is difficult." It expresses the affection of the teacher and student.Or borrow the characters of the characters.For example, "However, after this unusual exam, I feel: a person should extend a helping hand when others are in trouble."You, teacher! '"(" Thank you, teacher ")


2. Echo the head and end.For example, "That day, the sun is so warm, warm ..." ("That day, the sun is so warm") and the beginning of the "golden sunlight at the window slanted from the window on the table, shown on the envelope, the sun was warm that day ...…"echo.


3. Drawing the scene.As if the above is the ending method of the scene.Another example is the end of "Heart knot" "I went to him ...", ending with the end of the matter, the ending of the matter was clicked.



1、结尾:结尾读音为jié wěi,是指结束的阶段:结尾工程 ㄧ文章的结尾写得很精彩。结尾 jié wěi词语解释:结束的阶段:结尾工程 ㄧ文章的结尾写得很精彩。分词解释:精彩:①(表演、展览、言论、文章等)优美;出色:晚会的节目很精彩ㄧ在大会上,很多代表做了精彩的发言。②〈书〉神采;精神。结束:①发展或进行到最后阶段,不再继续:秋收快要结束了ㄧ代表团结束了对北京的访问。②装束;打扮(多见于早期白话)。阶段:事物发展进程中划分的段落:大桥第一阶段的工程已经完成。...结尾怎么造句,用结尾造句»