
时间:2022-10-24 12:52:01 | 来源:语文通



小学生我的爸爸作文500字 篇1小学生我的爸爸作文500字 篇2小学生我的爸爸作文500字 篇3小学生我的爸爸作文500字 篇4

小学生我的爸爸作文500字 篇1


In my eyes, my father is very handsome, with big eyes, just like two black grapes. The stiff beard on my chin shows masculinity. Oh, it itches on my face.


I love my father very much, because he always calls me something that can't be seen in my textbooks.


One day, I saw my neighbor's elder sister riding a bike. I was so envious that I asked my father to ask me to ride it. My father readily agreed. "Go!" My father helped me push my bike to the open space in the community Dad said as he put the bike on my hand. "Huh? Now?" "Yes!" Then Dad walked away. Looking at the bike, I felt aggrieved and wanted to cry. Alas, I had no choice but to get on the bike. Pa --, as soon as I got on the bus, it gave me a powerful dismount and made me fall heavily on the ground.


At this time, I saw my good friend Xiaohong not far away also learning to ride a bike. Look, her father has been watching carefully, for fear that she might fall down. When I looked at my father, he sang a tune in his mouth and sat comfortably in a chair, ready to watch me laugh.


Hum, wait. I will learn to ride a bike. I will use action. Thinking, I bravely stepped on the pedal, "Bang!" "Dong!" "Ouch!" I fell heavily on the ground, and immediately the pain was all over my body. When I looked at my father, he still looked as if nothing had happened. But I didn't cry out for pain. I gritted my teeth and stood up by myself, because I wanted to prove to my father that I could learn by myself.


After constantly wrestling and getting up behind me, I finally learned to ride a bike with many scars. "Great! Great!" My father also welcomed me happily. Look at Xiaohong, who is still riding unsteadily with her father's support. I suddenly understood that my father did this to teach me independence.


I'm glad I have such a father!

小学生我的爸爸作文500字 篇2


My father's name is Zhang San. He is 39 years old this year. He is not tall, but his skin is very white. He is the whitest one in our family. Dad has a plain face, a big head, thick eyebrows, and a pair of gentle glasses on his big nose. Behind the glasses are a pair of small but bright eyes, a wide mouth and thick lips, which are the remarkable signs of the grandpa family. Dad loves to laugh. When he smiles, those two front teeth show up, looking very simple and honest.


Alas! Don't be fooled. He is very strict with me! Although he laughs every day, he is fierce when he gets angry. Once when I was eating slowly, he impatiently urged me: "Eat quickly, I will take it as soon as 20 minutes!" After 10 minutes, my meal still did not move. My father became angry and shouted at me: "Why are you always like this? Why can't you change it?" With that, he gave the table a hard slap. I stole a look at him. His eyes were in the shape of "O", and his thick black eyebrows seemed to stand up, really like a big tiger with its teeth flailing. How terrible! I was so scared that I couldn't breathe.


Although my father is strict with me, I still love him. Every weekend or holiday, as long as my father does not go on business, he and my mother will accompany me, even if it is just riding a bike and playing chess, which makes me feel happy. Dad is still a "trash can" and never picky about food., One night, Dad swept the food on the table into the "trash can" like a cleaner; Sometimes a "repairman"; Sometimes a "strong man"; Sometimes I was an old urchin, "fighting" with me, tickling each other and rolling with laughter.


Although my father never talks about love, I know he loves me very much. Finally, generous I want to say to the "stingy" father: "Dad, I love you!"

小学生我的爸爸作文500字 篇3


As for me, I am a veritable "Super Little Greedy Cat" at home. As long as I see a little delicious and delicious food, it will be "destroyed" by my "Super Little Greedy Cat" immediately. Therefore, my father tried many ways to get rid of my greediness. No, Dad started again.


In the afternoon, when I came home from school, I felt very thirsty and wanted to drink water. So, when I ran to the faucet and was about to drink, I suddenly thought that my father had bought several bottles of drinks yesterday, so I decided to change the attack location and rushed to the drinks: "Go ahead -- take the commanding heights!" I rushed to the drink and got it. "Oh, the attack is successful, the attack is successful --" I quickly unscrewed the bottle cap and drank several mouthfuls of it, "Oh, my God, it's killing me." It's not a drink but vinegar. Hum, Dad switched the drink. However, Hum, I'm a "hot eye". I can't miss anything delicious. Get moving! I rummaged around at home, looking left and right. Ha ha, I finally found it. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, try some first, hey! Yes, it's a drink! I raised my head and drank the drink in one gulp, threw away the bottle and left. After a while, my father came back from work and saw that I had found him, so he "started" his next clever plan. "I'm back," I saw no one at home, and went to get a bottle of drink to drink, "Oh, my God, it's killing me." It turned out that Dad switched drinks again, and the place where vinegar was put was the drink. Hey! My father, you've done me a disservice!


From then on, I decided to take off the hat of "Super Little Greedy Cat" and get rid of the bad habit of greediness. Let Dad see how much patience I have. Ok, that's it. Bye!

小学生我的爸爸作文500字 篇4


In my mind, there will be as many things as stars in the sky, touching the sand and water in the sea. One of them makes me very upset!


I am a very happy girl, but there is one thing that makes me very upset - my father smokes. Father often said; "A cigarette after dinner is like a living immortal"! Ha ha, I really can't help my father, and my mother often says that my father is "incurable"!


One day, I thought of a solution. I asked my brother to smoke and prepare to perform a "fake play"!


When Dad came home, he saw his brother's mouth and a cigarette in his mouth. He quickly drank, "Little boy, what kind of cigarettes do you smoke? Who did you learn from?" Dad's face suddenly turned red and blue. Just about to say something, he swallowed again, took his brother's cigarette and walked to the balcony.


"Dad, can't you stop smoking? Cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, which is harmful to your health. Especially for those who smell cigarettes, they will suffer more. You don't think for yourself, but also for us! You may not know that smoking a cigarette can reduce your life by 5 minutes. You are willing to go out of your way, but there are still us! Dad, stop smoking!"

" 哦!哦!哦!''说着爸爸还陪了个笑脸。

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" My father also accompanied a smiling face.


You must think Dad quit smoking, right? You are wrong. Dad smoked again every two days!


Dad, I know that smoking has been with you for twenty years. You can't bear it, but for your health's sake, you have to quit smoking!


"Dad, stop smoking!"