
时间:2022-07-01 13:26:54 | 来源:语文通



When I first arrived at Sami, I settled in the hostel in Raman Beach.The sand of Raman Beach is not thin at all, most of which are small stones.I thought it was very uncomfortable on it. I jumped and saw it as if walking on the soil.I looked at it carefully and found that the original beach was full of broken pearl shells and crushed stones. I don’t understand why there are so many, but I still finished on the beach.Essence


The waves of Raman Beach are also particularly fierce. Like an obedient child, it has been venting anger on the beach over and over again.The mother was preparing to drain in advance, but she was scared to shout for help by the waves, and she fled.But my "swimming health general", just how many meters of swimming, were photographed back to the original place by a big storm. I have been here in the sea several times.On the beach, spit out the sea of salty dead corpses, or the idea of eliminating water, and enjoy the happiness or very good swimming.


It is not the same as arriving at the beach. Checai Beach is the most sound island on Sami Island. It has a four -kilometer -long beach. The sand is as thin as wheat flour.Looking at the side of the sea, there are all kinds of lounge chairs.Walking on the beach gently stroking the beach and gently stroking my feet, and its beach is particularly wide. When the tide rises, you can try to walk too far in the sea.Diving and swimming here are the best choices. Of course, this is the area with the largest number of tourists.


The Tao Island and Southern District Island, which are two hours from Sameben Island, are even more lovely. There are paradise on the world of deep diving and diving enthusiasts around the world.In the area, there is a well -known human -shaped beach over there.Due to time, I saw the "捺" of "people", and "skimming" waited for me to go again next time.Walking on the beach, you can see a variety of good -looking fish groups swimming and swimming, and if you put on a special tool for diving, you can see the fish in the water beside youAfter that, the immortal feels like a fairy.


Sumi's beach is the initial island landscape, and there is a chance that I have to go back to enjoy it.



1、海滩:海滩读音为hǎi tān,是指海边的沙滩。 指位于平均高潮面与平均低潮面之间的潮间带海滩 hǎi tān分词解释:海边的沙滩。[beach;seabeach] 指位于平均高潮面与平均低潮面之间的潮间带分词解释:海边:1.海的边沿一带。 2.指海疆。沙滩:1.亦作“沙潬”。 2.水边或水中由沙子淤积成的陆地。● 滩(灘) tān ㄊㄢˉ◎ 河海边淤积成的平地或水中的沙洲:滩头。滩涂。河滩。海滩。盐滩。◎ 江河中水浅多石而水流很急的地方:险滩。● 海 hǎi ㄏㄞˇ◎ 靠近大陆,比洋小的水域:海洋。海域。海拔。海疆。海内。海岸。海誓山盟。五湖四海。◎ 用于湖泊名称:青海。中南海。◎ 容量大的器皿,巨大的:海碗。海涵(敬辞,称对方大度包容)。夸下海口。◎ 喻数量多的人、事物像海的:人山人海。火海。◎ 漫无目标地:海骂。海找。◎ 古代指从外国来的:海棠。◎ 特指中国上海:海派。◎ 姓。...海滩怎么造句,用海滩造句»

2、苏梅:苏梅读音为sū méi,是指北宋诗人苏舜钦与梅尧臣的并称。苏梅 sū méi词语解释:北宋诗人苏舜钦与梅尧臣的并称。分词解释:诗人:1.指《诗经》的作者。 2.写诗的作家。苏舜钦:苏舜钦(1008-1049)北宋诗人。字子美,绵州盐泉(今四川绵阳东南)人。景年间进士。做过县令等小官,后任集贤殿校理,监进奏院,被诬革职,隐居苏州沧浪亭以终。为北宋诗文革新运动重要作家。有《沧浪亭记》等名篇。有《苏学士文集》。并称:1.一齐称道。 2.相提并论。梅尧臣:梅尧臣(1002-1060)北宋诗人。字圣俞,宣州宣城(古名宛陵,今属安徽)人。历任地方小官,官至尚书都官员外郎。重视写作技巧,主张“状难写之景如在目前,含不尽之意见于言外”。南宋刘克庄、陆游等均受其影响。有《宛陵先生集》。北宋:朝代,公元960-1127,自太祖(赵匡胤)建隆元年起,到钦宗(赵桓)靖康二年止。建都汴京(今河南开封)。...