Everyone has a different childhood life, and my childhood life is colorful and vivid.I still remember that I did a fool when I was 4 years old -washing salt.
One day, my grandmother packed things in the study, and I was surprised. I played with a porcelain tank filled with salt, but I slipped my hands, and the salt in the can was sprinkled.I hurried down to pick up, but found that the dust on the ground was "bundled", gray and gray, no longer crystal clear.I was extremely nervous, and the dense sweaty beads appeared on my head, thinking: What can I do?Suddenly, I thought of my grandmother's way to help me wash my clothes. I thought that dirty clothes could be washed and the salt could be washed.
I used my little hand to hold the dirty salt onto the tissue, then stomped to the bathroom, took out the washbasin into the water, and poured the dirty salt into it.However, when I learned the appearance of my grandmother's laundry, when I rubbed it in the water with my hands, the salt started to become smaller and smaller, and the smaller, and finally disappeared mysteriously!I cried in panic.Grandma came from the sound. After listening to my crying, she smiled and said, "Silly girl, the salt cannot be washed, and it will be dissolved into the water after washing."
This is my childhood life, is it very interesting?
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