
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:30 | 来源:语文通



荷叶母亲冰心阅读答案 篇1荷叶母亲 篇2荷叶母亲冰心阅读答案 篇3荷叶母亲冰心阅读答案 篇4荷叶母亲冰心阅读答案 篇5荷叶母亲冰心阅读答案 篇6

荷叶母亲冰心阅读答案 篇1


My father's friend gave us two bowls of lotus, one is red and the other is white, which are placed in the yard.


For eight years, I haven't seen lotus flowers in the yard, but there are many in the garden of my hometown: there are not only three lotus flowers, but also three lotus flowers and four lotus flowers, all of which are red lotus flowers.


One moonlit night nine years ago, my grandfather and I were enjoying the cool in the yard. Grandfather smiled and said to me: When we first opened Santilan in the garden, we just added three sisters to our big family. Everyone was delighted and said that Hua Rui had been accepted.


I heard a lot of rain in the middle of the night. Getting up early is a very cloudy day. I feel a little bored. Looking out of the window, the white lotus had already declined, and the white petals were floating on the water like boats. Only a small lotus canopy and a few pale yellow flower beards were left on the stem. The red lotus, which was still a bud last night, is full this morning, standing among the green leaves.


Still uncomfortable! After wandering for a while, there was thunder outside the window, and then the heavy rain came. The red lotus flower was tilted to the left and right by the heavy rain. Under the unshielded sky, I dare not go down the stairs, nor can I imagine.


To the caller of my mother in the room, I quickly walked over, sat beside my mother and turned around. Suddenly, I saw a big lotus leaf beside the red lotus. It slowly tipped over, and my restless mood was gone when it was covering the red lotus!


The rain did not subside, but the red lotus did not shake. The rain kept beating, and only on the lotus leaf, which was brave and merciful, gathered some weak water drops.


I was deeply moved


Mother! You are the lotus leaf, I am the red lotus. The rain in my heart is coming. Who is my shadow under the open sky except you?



12. The object of this essay is ___________, The finishing touch of the full text is __________________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. (2 points)


13. The second and third paragraphs explain that the role eight or nine years ago was () (2 points)


A. It shows that I like lotus for more than one day.


B. To express my yearning for the red lotus in the garden of my hometown, so as to express my yearning for my relatives in my hometown.


C. Write an interesting story to enrich the content of the article and attract readers' interest in reading.


D. I use my grandfather's words to hint the relationship between me and Honglian, setting the foreshadowing for the revelation of the theme of the following text.


14. Try to infer the meaning of the following words according to the context. (2 points)






15. My restless mood is gone! What does the restless mood in a sentence mean? (2 points)




16. No matter how far you go, she will always think about you. How much family love is hidden in her heart, she is always not easy to say. Mother, I want to tell you! Please use your affectionate language to say a paragraph to your mother who loves you deeply, so as to pour out your heart. (About 50 words.) (3 points)



荷叶母亲 篇2


Mom, under the moon, with you, I can have a home "......" Whenever I hear this familiar melody, I will think of the lotus leaf in Bingxin's pen, and remember my mother who protects and loves me like a lotus leaf.


I still remember the sixth grade, one day after school, it suddenly began to rain cats and dogs. I called my mother at school and she told me not to worry. So I stood in the corridor of the school building looking forward to it. As time went by, I started to stamp my feet when my parents picked up my classmates one by one. At this moment, I saw a familiar figure in the rain curtain. "Mom, Mom, I'm here! Why did you come here? All the students have left!" I was angry. I didn't notice my mother's wet clothes and wet cheeks. While holding an umbrella for me, my mother worried and said, "Are you wet? Is it cold?" Along the way, my mother held me tightly and warmed me with her own temperature for fear that I might catch a cold.


"A-choo..." My mother shivered. At this time, I found that in order not to let the rain wet me, my mother tilted most of her umbrella to my side, and my eyes were wet. My conscience found that I only saw my mother vent her emotions, but Green Composition Network did not take her into account, and did not notice the wet clothes she stuck to her body, the rain flowing into a river on her cheeks, and her muddy shoes... I thought of the red lotus again, and the rain did not subside, But it did not shake, because the brave and compassionate lotus leaf tipped over and was covering it.


My mother's love for me is not only like a lotus leaf to block the wind and rain for me, but also my shadow under the open sky.


That time, when the English test paper was issued, I only got 92 points. I was very depressed. I cried at home and constantly blamed myself: a unit test was so bad, let alone the mid-term and final exams. It was useless! My mother seemed to see my mind, sat beside me silently, listened to my complaints, and then patiently said to me: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. A poor exam doesn't mean anything. What we need to do now is to find out what is wrong with our own problems. Next time, we don't make the same mistakes. I believe that as long as you are careful, you can achieve ideal results next time." After listening to my mother's words, I wiped my tears, and the depressed mood in my heart disappeared!


My lotus leaf mother, you will always be my shadow under the open sky!


Lotus Leaf Mother冰心阅读答案 篇3


Lotus Leaf Mother


① My father's friend gave us two bowls of lotus, one is red and the other is white, which are placed in the yard.


② For eight years, I haven't seen lotus flowers in the yard, but there are many in the garden yard of my hometown; There are not only juxtaposed, but also three - and four - pedunculated red lotus.


③ On a moonlit night nine years ago, my grandfather and I were enjoying the cool in the garden. Grandfather smiled and said to me that when we first opened Santilan in our garden, we just added three sisters to our big family. Everyone was delighted and said that Hua Rui had been accepted.


④ In the middle of the night, I heard the noise of rain. Getting up early was a cloudy day. I felt a little bored. Looking out of the window, the white lotus had already declined, and the white petals were floating on the water like boats. Only a small lotus bud and a few light yellow flowers were left on the stem. The red lotus, which was still a bud last night, was full this morning, standing among the green leaves.


⑤ Still uncomfortable! After wandering for a while, there was a loud thunder outside the window. The heavy rain followed, and it was getting worse and worse. The red lotus flower was tilted to the left and right by the heavy rain. Under the unshielded sky, I dare not go down the stairs, nor can I imagine.


⑥ I called to my mother in the room. I walked over to her and sat beside her. I suddenly looked back and saw a big lotus leaf beside the red lotus. It slowly tipped down and my mind was gone when it was covering the red lotus!


⑦ The rain did not subside, and the red lotus did not waver. The rain kept beating, and only on the brave and merciful lotus leaf gathered some weak water drops.


⑧ I was deeply moved


⑨ Mother! You are the lotus leaf, I am the red lotus. The rain in my heart is coming. Who is my shadow under the open sky except you?


Reading question:

1、文中第二、三两段从记叙的顺序来看是 ,其作用是 。(3分)

1. The second and third paragraphs in the text, from the perspective of narrative order, serve as. (3 points)


2. What is the role of the sentence describing the weather at the beginning of the fourth paragraph in the text? (2 points)

3、第四段中的菡萏是荷花的别称,此处的含义是 。(2分)

3. Handan in the fourth paragraph is another name for lotus, which means. (2 points)


4. Why don't I dare to go down? (1 point)


5. How to understand the rain in your heart? (2 points)

6、最后一段在表达方式上看是 和 ,其作用是 。(3分)

6. The last paragraph is and in terms of expression, and its role is. (3 points)


Reference answer:

1、文中第二、三两段从记叙的顺序来看是插叙 ,其作用是说明我家与荷花有很深感情,大家喜爱荷花,为后文写惦记雨中荷花埋下伏笔(铺垫)。

1. The second and third paragraphs in the text are interlocutions from the perspective of narrative order, which is used to show that my family has a deep relationship with lotus, and everyone loves lotus, laying a foreshadowing (bedding) for later writing about lotus in the rain.

2、(2分)为写大雨埋下伏笔, 烘托心情,渲染气氛。

2. (2 points) It foreshadows the heavy rain, sets off the mood and renders the atmosphere.

3、此处的含义是 含苞欲放。2分)

3. The meaning here is budding. 2 points)


4. (1 point) I am very worried about the red lotus in the rain, afraid that it will be damaged by the dense rain.


5. (2 points) It refers to the thoughts that make you worry, painful, frustrated, etc.

6、最后一段在表达方式上看是 议论 和 抒情 ,其作用是表达了对自己无微不至关怀,爱护对母亲的赞美之情,点明、深化中心。(3分)

6. In terms of expression, the last paragraph is argumentative and lyrical. Its role is to express the meticulous care for oneself, love the praise for mother, and point out and deepen the center. (3 points)

荷叶母亲冰心阅读答案 篇4


① My father's friend gave us two bowls of lotus, one is red and the other is white, which are placed in the yard.


② For eight years, I haven't seen lotus flowers in the yard - but there are many in the garden yard of my hometown; There are not only juxtaposed, but also three - and four - pedunculated red lotus.


③ On a moonlit night nine years ago, my grandfather and I were enjoying the cool in the courtyard. Grandfather smiled and said to me, "When we first opened Santilan in our garden, it happened that we had three sisters in our big family. Everyone was happy and said that we should accept Hua Rui."


④ I heard a lot of rain in the middle of the night. Getting up early is a very cloudy day. I feel a little bored. Looking out of the window, the white lotus flower had already declined and was floating in the water like a small white boat. Only a small lotus bud and a few pale yellow flowers were left on the stem. That red lotus, which was still a bud last night (H à ND à N), is full this morning, standing among the green leaves.


⑤ It was still uncomfortable - after wandering for a while, the thunder was heard outside the window, and then the heavy rain came. The red lotus flower, hit by the dense rain, fell to the left and right (Q ī) Oblique. Under the unshielded sky, I dare not go down the stairs, nor can I imagine.


⑥ Calling to my mother in the room, I quickly walked over and sat next to my mother. When I looked back, I suddenly saw a big lotus leaf beside the red lotus, which was slowly leaning over and covering the red lotus... My restless mood was gone!


⑦ The rain did not subside, but the red lotus did not shake. The raindrops kept beating, so they could only gather some weak water drops on the brave and merciful lotus leaves.


⑧ I was deeply moved——


⑨ Mother! You are the lotus leaf, I am the red lotus. The rain in my heart is coming. Who is my shadow under the open sky except you?

荷叶母亲 阅读题:

Reading question of lotus leaf mother:


1. Why did the author start from the lotus in his yard?


2. What method does this article use to elicit family memories?


3. What is the author's mood in the last paragraph?


4. The penultimate paragraph she was deeply moved, why?


Lotus leaf mother read the answer:


1. The author first wrote about enjoying lotus flowers with his grandfather in his own courtyard nine years ago, which was a plain and subtle foreshadowing. He put flowers in the background of people. The flowers are auspicious, and the opening of the three lotuses shows auspicious signs, closely linking flowers with people, laying a foreshadowing for the analogy of flowers with people.


2. This article uses the method of touching the scene to draw out memories of family past events.


3. He praised the great selflessness of maternal love and expressed his sincere gratitude and love for his mother. (Almost enough)


4. Because the lotus leaf slants over to cover the red lotus, just as a mother shields her children from wind and rain, the lotus leaf fearlessly shields the red lotus from wind and rain. The author was moved. When the rain comes, the lotus leaf will consciously protect the lotus, just as a mother loves her children. Pure maternal love always comes quietly when we encounter wind and rain, giving us comfort and strength; The selfless maternal love will always protect us. When we encounter difficulties, only our mother can help us selflessly.


Lotus Leaf Mother冰心

Ice core阅读答案 篇5


Lotus Leaf Mother


Ice core


My father's friend gave us two bowls of lotus, one is red and the other is white, which are placed in the yard.


For eight years, I haven't seen lotus flowers in the yard - but there are many in the garden yard of my hometown; There are not only juxtaposed, but also three - and four - pedunculated red lotus.


On a moonlit night nine years ago, my grandfather and I were enjoying the cool in the courtyard. Grandfather smiled and said to me, "When we first opened Santilan in our garden, we just had three sisters in our big family. Everyone was happy and said that we should accept Hua Rui."


I heard a lot of rain in the middle of the night. Getting up early is a very cloudy day. I feel a little bored. Looking out of the window, the white lotus flower had already declined and was floating in the water like a small white boat. Only a small lotus bud and a few pale yellow flowers were left on the stem. That red lotus, which was still a bud last night, is full this morning, standing among the green leaves.


It was still uncomfortable - after wandering for a while, the thunder was heard outside the window, and then the heavy rain came. The red lotus flower, hit by the dense rain, leans to the left and right. Under the unshielded sky, I dare not go down the stairs, nor can I imagine.


Calling to my mother in the room, I quickly walked over and sat next to my mother. When I looked back, I suddenly saw a big lotus leaf beside the red lotus, which was slowly leaning over and covering the red lotus... My restless mood was gone!


The rain did not subside, but the red lotus did not shake. The rain kept beating, only on the brave and merciful lotus leaf,


Gathered some weak water droplets.


I was deeply moved——


Mother! You are the lotus leaf, I am the red lotus. The rain in my heart is coming. Who is my shadow under the open sky except you?


[Reading Training]

1、 文章为什么以“荷叶母亲

Lotus Leaf Mother”为题?

2、 作者描写了雨中荷叶的哪两幅情景?

2. What two scenes do the author describe about lotus leaves in the rain?

3、 莲指什么?作者为什么感动?

3. What does lotus mean? Why was the author moved?

4、 你觉得母亲像什么?运用一种修辞方法写一句赞美母亲的话。

4. What do you think mother looks like? Write a compliment to your mother using a rhetorical device.


[Reference answer]

1、 在作者看来,荷叶是母亲的象征,作者运用象征和比喻的手法,赞美母亲,突出中心。

1. In the author's view, the lotus leaf is the symbol of the mother, and the author uses symbols and metaphors to praise the mother and highlight the center.

2、 一是红莲被雨打得左右欹斜(或雨打红莲);二是一大荷叶慢慢倾斜,覆盖在红莲上(或荷叶护莲)。

2. First, the red lotus was slanted to the left and right by the rain (or the rain hit the red lotus); Second, a large lotus leaf is slowly tilted and covered on the red lotus (or the lotus leaf protects the lotus).

3、 莲指作者自己。作者感动是因为想到母爱总是在子女遇到风雨时,悄然而至,罩临相伴,给予慰藉和力量。正如荷叶护莲一样。

3. Lotus refers to the author himself. The author is moved because he thinks that maternal love always comes quietly when children encounter wind and rain, and provides comfort and strength. As lotus leaves protect lotus.

4、 略。提示:要写出自己的真实体验;运用比喻或象征手法;语句表达简洁、流畅;注意赞美的感情。

4. Omitted. Tip: Write your own real experience; Use metaphor or symbolism; The sentence expression is concise and smooth; Pay attention to the feelings of praise.


Ice core阅读答案 篇6


Lotus Leaf Mother


Ice core


My father's friend gave us two bowls of lotus, one is red and the other is white, which are placed in the yard.


For eight years, I haven't seen lotus flowers in the courtyard - but there are many in the garden of my hometown; There are not only juxtaposed, but also three - and four - pedunculated red lotus.


On a moonlit night nine years ago, my grandfather and I were enjoying the cool in the courtyard. Grandfather smiled and said to me, "When we first opened Santilan in our garden, we just had three sisters in our big family. Everyone was happy and said that we should have Huarui."


I heard a lot of rain in the middle of the night. Getting up early is a very cloudy day. I feel a little bored. Looking out of the window, the white lotus flower had already declined and was floating in the water like a small white boat. Only a small lotus bud and a few pale yellow flowers were left on the stem. That red lotus, which was still a bud last night, is full this morning, standing among the green leaves.


It was still uncomfortable - after wandering for a while, the thunder was heard outside the window, and then the heavy rain came. The red lotus flower, hit by the dense rain, leans to the left and right. Under the unshielded sky, I dare not go down the stairs, nor can I imagine.


My mother called me in the room, and I went over and sat beside my mother. When I looked back, I suddenly saw a big lotus leaf beside the red lotus, which was slowly leaning over and covering the red lotus... My restless mood was gone!


The rain did not subside, but the red lotus did not shake. The raindrops kept beating, so they could only gather some weak water drops on the brave and merciful lotus leaves.


I was deeply moved——


Mother! You are the lotus leaf, I am the red lotus. The rain in my heart is coming. Who is my shadow under the open sky except you?


1. What are the main expression methods used in the article?


2. Please use the most intuitive method to show the process of my mood change.


3. Please use a word in the text to summarize the image of lotus leaf mother.


4. What role does the last paragraph play in content expression?


5. The article wrote "rain hits red lotus, lotus leaves protect lotus"________ The way of expression; Write my moving by________ Expression of.


6. Combined with the content of the full text, start with "Mother! You are the lotus leaf, I am the red lotus", and write two sentences, which are in line with the last paragraph.






1. Borrow things to describe people, and use things to express feelings.


2. Boredom - discomfort - restless mood has disappeared - moved


3. Courage and mercy


4. Sublimate the theme.

5.描写 抒情、议论

5. Describe lyricism and discussion


6. Omitted