
时间:2022-11-08 13:00:59 | 来源:语文通


母亲节作文开头结尾 篇1母亲节作文 篇2母亲节作文 篇3母亲节的作文开头 篇4母亲节作文 篇5母亲节作文 篇6母亲节的作文开头 篇7母亲节的作文开头 篇8

母亲节作文开头结尾 篇1


The thread in the mother's hand, the coat on the body of a wanderer... Who can say that the heart of an inch of grass will be rewarded with three spring glories! After learning this poem, I deeply realized my mother's love for me. Mother is coming soon. I want to surprise my mother. A few days before Mother's Day, I have been wandering around and finally found a suitable gift.


On Mother's Day, I "secretly" took the money I earned by picking up the waste bottles thrown by the roadside on the spur of the moment a few days ago. Taking advantage of my mother's inattention, I ran downstairs and left a note for her to rest assured. I ran for two miles at a stretch, my legs numb, and I came to the supermarket on Friday. I found the gift I was looking forward to, paid the money and hurried back home. I first let my mother rest in the bedroom. I made a small card in the room by myself, which said: Mom, happy holidays, you have worked hard, I love you, I wish you good health, long life and take care of Phoenix. When I finished writing, I glued it to the flower shaped leather band I bought for my mother. Then I handed it to my mother gently. My mother was both surprised and pleased. She jumped three feet high with joy, and held me tightly in her arms. Seeing my mother's joy, I was also very happy.


I personally put it on my mother, thinking that on weekdays, my mother bought me so many delicious food and clothes, and took care of me meticulously. I only bought her a small rubber band, and she is so happy. If I grow up to be a "dragon", I will not make my mother happy! In the future, I will study hard to become a "dragon" and make my mother happy every day.

母亲节作文 篇2


My mother is old, and I grow up. In the past ten years, my mother has grown old and changed a lot. But my mother's love for me has never changed in the past ten years, and it is getting deeper and deeper.


Mother's love is like a long river. She is quiet, with slight ripples; She was clear and could see the pebbles at the bottom of the river; She walked me along gently.


Since I was sensible, I have written down my mother's loving face, hard back and bright laughter. That is my mother also loves to cry: she shed tears for my illness; Tears for my declining academic performance; I also shed tears when I won the prize. But it is the tears that have converged into a long river, a long river running for love.


Mother's love, like a piano song, is beautiful and makes people like fairyland; She is sad and makes people feel ups and downs; She is ordinary, like a spray in the sea. This piano piece has different keys. The dexterous and cheerful high pitched voice is the laughter of my mother in the park; The ordinary and soothing alto is my mother's concern for me at all times; The sad and steady bass is my mother's concern about my study. But who knows how much love and affection the mother has for her daughter? Countless!


As I grew older, I gradually understood my mother's love. "Children with white hair are in debt, and years have gone by deeply." I don't know how many times I have read this poem from childhood to adulthood, but it seems that I really think about its weight today! Millions of mothers in the world take raising children as a lifelong career. They never "give" without asking for anything. How noble this selfless character is! It is this noble and great maternal love that has played an immortal movement!


Every ray of her mother's love is filled with her lifelong efforts, expectations and wishes. Thinking of this, I can't help but recite the "Ode of a Wanderer" - "Who can say that every inch of grass has a heart, and you can get the three spring sunshine".

母亲节作文 篇3


Today is a day of extraordinary significance. That's Mother's Day.


Early in the morning, our three good friends clamored to buy gifts. However, there is a problem - where to buy? After much discussion, we finally decided to go to Ruoheng. Riding a bicycle happily runs on the road like a runaway wild horse. Due to our overwork, we had to lodge our bikes with relatives. I came to Ruoheng by car. Another problem appeared in front of us - we couldn't find the gift shop. At this time, we were like ants on a hot pot, so anxious. We asked and looked, and finally found a gift shop. At this time, we were exhausted. Entering the gift shop, we were dazzled by the dazzling array of gifts. All the goods on the shelves are exquisite. We began to carefully look for suitable gifts, and finally found three beautiful gifts with great efforts.


1. It is a pink bottle, containing three pieces of letter paper, two ☆, countless sky blue color ropes, and a round and colorful shiny body. The decoration and color of this bottle are as beautiful as a rainbow.


2. It is a cosmetic box, purple represents warmth. There is also a beautiful bow on it. Open it and see a shiny mirror inside. On the belt of the cosmetic box, there are beautiful patterns like heaven. What a marvelous work!


3. A love plastic box that is as red as blood, with a beautiful snow map in winter at the bottom. There are also some striking words - Happy Mother's Day.


After choosing the gift, we paid the money in a hurry and rode home cheerfully! When we got home, we were excited and gave the gift to our dear mother. Mother was so excited that she burst into tears.


This day is our happiest Mother's Day.

母亲节的作文开头 篇4


1. Mother's love gives us hope when we are down and out; Mother's love adds to our wealth; No matter in what kind of environment, the mother will not change.


2. The flowers in May are bright, and the mother's face is very kind; The sunshine in May is warm and bright, not as bright as the mother's love; The blue sky in May is pure and flawless, and my mother's mind is broader than the world. The gentle breeze in May is like water, and mother is the origin of the water source. Mother's Day is coming. May you be happy and healthy!


3. After the baptism of wind and rain, I hope you will always be strong as before. I turn my missing into a blessing to accompany you for 365 days.


4. As time goes by, it's Mother's Day again. Blessings are sent out, thanksgiving is not forgotten, and all the children of the four sides wish together. Hearty tip: Don't forget to bless your mother on Mother's Day!


5. Send my wish to keep youth forever; Send my wish - health and happiness; Send my hope - peace every year; Wish me a long and happy life; My best wishes - Happy Mother's Day!


6. Mom, I hope you don't forget about villains, and you will be safe and happy every day.


7. Mom, thank you. It was you who gave me life and selfless love that made me who I am today. I sincerely wish you a happy Mother's Day!


8. No matter how old you are, you are also the child of your mother. No matter how far you go, you can never get out of your mother's care. No matter how many things you have, you can never forget to be grateful to your mother. The years are merciless, and my mother is getting old. Let's act quickly. On Mother's Day, I will show my filial piety to my mother!


9. There is a truth that will not become shallow with the years; There is a concern that will not pass away at any time; There is a kind of care that will not shrink with distance. Today's Mother's Day, let me take care of you: make you happy and satisfied!


10. Always remember the ten greatest favors of mothers: to cherish and protect the baby, to suffer in childbirth, to forget the sorrow of giving birth to a child, to swallow bitterness and spit out kindness, to return to dryness and then to wet kindness, to breastfeed and nurture kindness, to wash and purify kindness, to travel far and remember kindness, to deeply sympathize with kindness, and to show mercy. Mother's Day is coming. I wish my most beautiful and dearest mother a happy and healthy holiday!

母亲节作文 篇5


I asked the ocean what is the greatest in the world. The ocean said that the blue whale is the greatest when it swims, but I said that father love and mother love are the greatest; I asked the earth what is the warmest in the world. The earth said that the sunshine (WWW.. CN) is the warmest, but I said that the father's love and the mother's love are the warmest; I asked the rock what is the strongest in the world. The rock replied that the tender grass is the strongest, but I said that the father's love and the mother's love are the strongest; I asked time what is eternity in the world. Time said that there is no eternity in the world, but I said that parents' love is eternity


Yes, the greatest and strongest love in the world is father love and mother love; The warmest love in the world is that blood is thicker than water. Maybe friendship will deteriorate and love will rebel, but family love is eternal. The world will not change, and family love will not change.


We should be grateful for our family and parents. Our parents gave us life and raised us. If our parents are the sunshine in spring, then we are the grass in early spring. The grass breaks through the soil under the sunshine, and we thrive under the care of our parents. Grass cannot live without the sunshine, and we cannot live without our parents.


We are grateful for our family and parents. It is our parents who have given us happiness and built this beautiful home. If our parents are the sea, then we are the colorful spray in the sea. With the help of the sea, the spray will rush to the beautiful ground again and again. We will sing happily under the love of our parents. The spray cannot leave the sea, and we cannot leave our parents.


We are grateful for our family and our parents. Our parents nurtured us with their hard work and taught us with their words. If we are angels, our parents are their guardians. Maybe the angels will grow up one day and fly away one day, but they will always remember the guardians like green shade.


Our parents' scenery, our dream, is our parents' beautiful scenery embellishes our colorful dream. Our dream is wonderful because of it, but one day, it will be proud of our dream.

母亲节作文 篇6


"Mother" is such a warm word. There are hundreds of different languages in the world, but the only word for mother is the same - "MAMA". This word contains not only the mother's love for her children, but also the child's love for her mother.


At this time, I recalled my mother's love for me, just like a warm current flowing into my heart


Mother has thick hair and looks pretty. She is a physician, who works dutifully and cares about me very much.


I love my mother, most importantly because of her "encouraging education". It was a black Tuesday. Before school ended that day, the teacher stopped me and asked me to go to the office the next day to check my exam results. I seem to understand what, the tears have a desire to burst out of the eyes.


Mom is waiting to pick me up at the school gate. I walked out of the school gate with my head down. On the way home, I was silent, which made my mother feel strange - usually, I talked and laughed all the way. "What's the matter?" Mother asked me with concern. "Today..." I had to tell everything I was worried about. I waited for the "storm" to come. But my mother patted my shoulder and said to me, "Since it has happened, you should face it bravely. I don't blame you this time, because no matter who it is, you can't succeed in the next exam. But you should learn a lesson and get rid of carelessness. If I guess correctly, you must have lost your score because of carelessness."


"But in case I fail in the exam..." My eyes were already full of tears. "Even if you fail, you should not be discouraged. Maybe the teacher just asked you to go to the office because you were wrong. You should always think of something better." My mother comforted me patiently, which made me regain confidence and cheer up. With my mother's encouragement, I will study harder than before. My kung fu did not disappoint those who wanted to. In the next exam, I got good results. My mother's words of encouragement moistened my heart like spring rain, making me move forward on the bumpy road.


In life, my mother gave me meticulous care. A few days ago, I had an ulcer in my mouth. It was painful when I ate. Seeing how painful I was, my mother went to the drugstore many times to dispense medicines for me and urged me to take them on time. During the meal, my mother also tried to make some light food for fear that I would feel uncomfortable after eating salty and spicy food.


Gradually, I no longer feel pain when I eat.


The graduation exam is coming. I study harder than before. Those extracurricular exercises make me better. The schoolbag was even heavier. Even when I came home from school in the evening, I had to dive into the sea of exercises and overcome exercises. I had to spare half an hour to practice the piano. Whenever I am exhausted, my mother always brings me a bowl of wonton or iced watermelon. At this time, I have an indescribable taste in my heart.


Suddenly, I remembered that today is a special day - Mother's Day. What kind of gift should I give my mother to express my love for her? In fact, to be a good daughter who respects her mother at home and a good student who loves learning, discipline and labor at school is a reward to her mother. Today, I would like to give my mother a special gift first - a card with a picture of a lively and lovely mouse lying quietly under my mother's pillow, filled with my deep heart. Mom, I love you!

母亲节的作文开头 篇7


1. My mother is an ordinary housewife. She is not tall, her eyes are big, her nose is tall, and her mouth is small. Her facial features match perfectly. Mother is thin and thin. She is very diligent. Every morning when I get up, she has already prepared breakfast. When I finish breakfast, my mother will always ride a bike to send me to school.


2. My mother is in her forties. She is very beautiful. She has long black hair and big black eyes. Mother likes wearing black clothes very much, and I also think it's beautiful for her to wear black clothes! My mother is not only beautiful, but also very hardworking.


3. The dedication and concentration of a mother instill a boy with great self-esteem. Those who have such self-esteem since childhood will never give up, but will develop into confident adults. You have such confidence that you can succeed if you work hard.


4. My mother is not tall. She has dark curly hair, a pair of bright big eyes, a small nose, and red lips embedded in her Chinese face. She talks like setting off firecrackers.


5. It doesn't matter if Mom is stingy, but the people around us are unlucky. Every day when Mom sees someone washing their face and forgetting to turn off the tap, she goes up and tells him a big story until they are impatient. A few naughty children often go to play with water. When others call them, they don't listen to them at all. But when their mother appears, they run faster than rabbits.


6. Mother is a very diligent person. Every day I have to do housework, wipe the table, sweep the floor, mop the floor, cook, and manage my homework. But most of me didn't listen to my mother, so that my mother would be angry with me every day. In fact, I don't want to, but I just can't listen to my mother, and I don't know why. I always complain about my mother's nagging. When my mother doesn't lose her temper, I think my mother is good. When she loses her temper, she is fierce.


7. Mother has an unusual mouth, because she was originally a people's teacher. She used her unusual mouth to teach her students poetry and songs. Mother used the nectar of knowledge to water their ideal flowers. Every day when she came home from work, she also corrected their compositions for them. Sometimes she stayed up until 12 o'clock, sometimes she shouted hoarse in class, and still gave them lessons from morning to night, So my mother's class always won the first place in every examination of the whole grade. My mother really has an unusual mouth.


8. Speaking of mother, she is an ordinary person with a nose, two ears, hands and feet. In the eyes of others, she is an ordinary person, while in my eyes, mother is an extremely unusual person.


9. Although my mother is a little grumpy, my mother is not very tall, with short hair, eyes, and always smiles to people. My mother is very strict with me. When she sees me playing without finishing my homework, her face immediately turns from sunny to cloudy. I have to hurry to do my homework. When I see my homework is good, she will praise me.


10. With the rolling of the wheel of time, I changed from a toddler learning language to a teenager full of fantasy. The milk my mother loved made me sweet. I remember that I often snuggle up beside my mother and act coquetry. My mother took good care of me when I was ill. As time went by, wrinkles crept onto my mother's flushed cheeks, and her white hair dyed her temples white. The mother who broke her heart also needs to be concerned.


11. My mother has a pair of round eyes; A charming high nose; There is also a small mouth. Although my mother's mouth is small, she talks incessantly. Mom also likes sports.


12. My mother has long black hair and often wears ponytails. Her round face has two big eyes like black grapes. Under her eyes, she has a tall nose and a small mouth. He is a little fat and looks like a "fat bear". The character of "Big Bear" is very cheerful and generous. He never haggles over small things or gets angry about small things. The "fat bear" is also very playful, and looks like a young child.


13. My mother is very nagging. She can nag from morning to night without getting bored. She is simply a "nagging god". My "nagging god" is not tall, medium stature, with long black hair, and often wears a ponytail. Under the light eyebrows, there is a pair of big bright eyes, a modest mouth, and a pair of black rimmed glasses on the sharp nose, which looks very delicate.


14. My mother is not only a mother who loves stink and beauty, but also a mother who loves working, and also a very troublesome housewife. My mother has big eyes, light eyebrows, high nose, and bright black hair, which looks like a long black waterfall. It is very beautiful. Next, let's look at my mother who loves stinking beauty.


15. My mother is a complete flower fan. As long as she is free, she will sit on the balcony and touch it. She will repair the leaves of this potted flower and enjoy it. Take the flowers I have! There are: Begonia flower, evergreen, aloe, chlorophytum comosum, and iron tree. There are also some flowers that I can't even name. Once, my mother had half a day with me for a pot of flowers! My father and I did not expect that my mother put my own daughter aside for an unknown flower.


16. My mother is a good mother. Since she is a teacher, I have followed her like a little tail since I was in primary school. But she not only teaches well, but also cooks my favorite dishes all the time. He also helped me make many interesting toys.


17. Motherly love is a ray of sunshine, which makes your heart feel warm even in the cold winter; Motherly love is a clear spring, making your feelings clear even though covered with the dust of years.


18. Maternal love is great, and great maternal love is frankly reflected through small things in life; Motherly love is selfless, selfless maternal love is because the mother has dedicated all her own to the children; Motherly love is sincere, which is naturally revealed in the mother's exhortation, nagging and concern


19. A comb can not comb away mother's worries, and a call can not give up mother's thoughts. Mothers do not need the praise of their children, nor do they want to see their children's pompous exclamations. As long as the children report that they are safe, they can urge the mother's smiling face of concern day and night! Whether you are a babe learning language or an old man in his sixties, in the eyes of his great mother, children will always be children who are not old enough


20. Poor parents all over the world. I hope that all children in the world will be successful, safe, happy, healthy, and successful in their studies. I also hope that parents of children can rest assured that your children have grown up after leaving home, so that they can have a blue sky of their own with nothing to worry about.


21. What a beautiful word, what a sacred word, and what a heavy word "mother" is. A woman's transformation into a mother is entrusted with a mission. From conception in October to adulthood, until mother closes her eyes, mother is no longer a simple name, but a responsibility, a mission, a career that will never lose its job. keep loyal and devoted to the last.


22. As the saying goes, the mother is worried when she walks a thousand miles. Children are mother's flesh and blood. These simple words are just words, but the real experience is after marriage and children. Mother's care is like a needle and thread in childhood. Every thread is related to family.


23. Children's growth is the mother's hope for rebirth; A child's failure is a mother's bitter tears; A child's success is a mother's happy smile. Students, for the sake of mother's smile, for the sake of tomorrow's harvest, let us be ambitious and not worried


24. Mother's love is a simple and unadorned love. It covers every corner of your study and life. It is meaningful to think about it; Taste the best and enjoy the best


25. Mother's smile is the warm and genial spring breeze in the world. Mother's wrinkles are the scars of wind, frost, snow and rain in hard years. Mother's love is different in this world. It seems that there is a door. If you open it, you will see light. This light gives you guidance, protection, warmth and hope.


26. Mother is as pure as jade and as delicate as ivory carving. The life watered by mother's love brews pure beauty and fragrance. We should listen to mother's nagging with a grateful heart, face mother's sternness sincerely, and feel mother's sunny spiritual world


27. Mother is great and ordinary. We should understand her greatness and appreciate her ordinary, especially the heavy social and family pressure on her shoulders.


28. Mother, what a word that all the children in the world admire; Motherly love is like a quiet harbor that nurtures our growth. Motherly love is pure; Motherly love is selfless; Maternal love is great; Motherly love only knows to give, but does not expect to return. Motherly love is like the warm wind in spring, blowing your heart; Motherly love is like continuous drizzle, gently tapping your face and moistening your heart; Motherly love is like a stove in winter, which can create warm sunshine for you in the severe winter.


29. Mother, what an ordinary name! But everyone can feel deep love from this ordinary name. Yes, my mother has paid so much for us. How can we ever pay for my mother? Yes, we haven't, but my mother has been paying for us all the time. Mother, you are just like a lotus leaf. We are just like that fragile and petite lotus flower. Who can shield me from the wind and rain except my mother?


30. Mother is like time, stretching my memory. The endless scrolls are mother's kind smile, charitable heart, and compassionate feelings


31. When successful, everyone is a friend. But only the mother - she is the partner of failure.


32. Maternal love is the noble nature of life, the most precious gift God has given us, the warmest sunshine we feel, and the hope in the darkness when we move forward.


33. Maternal love is a spring rain, which has watered the earth and made all living creatures have the breath of life from that moment on; Motherly love makes a vast sea, so that fish can fly freely in its body.


34. It was such a strict and loving mother who taught me what is rigorous and pragmatic, what is conduct and etiquette, what is happy and warm, what is loyalty, filial piety and integrity.


35. A cup of Longjing when you are tired in maternal love. When you are weak, just a few mouthfuls will refresh you; Mother love is a zither when you are worried. When you are lazy and depressed, just a few songs will make you relaxed and happy; Motherly love is a spring in the desert. When you are thirsty, only a few can make you energetic.


36. The greatest love in the world is the love from mother. The mother's heart is pure, and every supreme mother has the most devout love. Hides a kind of sincere love.


37. I love my mother, forever, forever. Mother often wears colorful clothes with long hair, round eyes, flat nose, and a smile on her mouth. She looks very gentle. Mother is busy from dawn to dark. She gets up very early every day. How tired she is when she gets up and prepares bread for me and flour for her father!


38. My mother has a pair of bright eyes and a few silver hairs mixed with her black hair, which may be the witness of her hard life.


39. My mother is not very tall. She has long hair and eyes. She always smiles at people.


40. The greatness of the world is precisely because mankind has a strong and loving mother. The depth and breadth of life given by mother are more than we can learn from any book. Mother's smile is the most beautiful flower in the world and the sweetest honey in the world. This smile condensed her deep love and priceless feelings for us from the heart, and let us understand the meaning and value of life.


41. No one in the world will ever give us such a grand and endless love and kindness, and no one will ever be so willing to work hard for us to smile without considering the gains and losses. And who will remember mother's birthday, who will sincerely send her a blessing, who will remember the time when her first white hair appeared?


42. This is my mother. She is my strict father and loving mother. It was she who taught me how to behave. If I have learned to be strict with myself, if I have learned a little humility and comity, if I have achieved success and achievement on any day - I have to thank my mother.


43. Mother, you are like a river flowing with the source of life for my growth; Mother, you are like a poem, emitting the fragrance of pen and ink, which makes me think deeply; Mother, you are like a book, full of wisdom for thousands of years, and you are reading more and more.


44. We are grateful to our mother for giving us the experience of life; We are grateful to our mother for making us thrive; We are grateful for the education and enlightenment that our mother gave us, which enabled us to acquire knowledge and strength; In our lives, there are always difficulties and twists and turns. It is our mother who gives us care and help, and we should be more grateful.


45. Someone said: "Motherly love is selfless." Yes, maternal love is the warm sun, offering her light; Motherly love is a vast ocean, with a broad mind; Motherly love is sweet milk, feeding children to grow up healthily.


46. Motherly love moistens us like dew in the morning; Motherly love is like a warm candle flame surrounding us; Motherly love lights us up like a bright lamp.


47. Love like hate is the unique expression of mother's love. I was lucky to be raised by her. Along the way, I became more and more aware that what she gave me has benefited me a lot in my life.


48. The motherly love is wordless, like a mountain, supporting a clear sky for you; Motherly love is selfless, like a giant umbrella, to shield you from the wind and rain of life; A mother's love is boundless, like a clear spring, which brings you a sweet taste; Motherly love has no trace, like a wisp of spring breeze.


49. If father's love is the lofty mountain, then mother's love is the tireless hot spring in the mountain. It can melt the glacier of the diaphragm, it can nourish our body and mind, and it can sublimate our feelings.


50. Motherly love is a pair of warm hands that gently touch your heart when you are frustrated; Motherly love is the beacon of the sea, which can guide you when you are at a loss.

母亲节的作文开头 篇8


Some ethicists believe that, in addition to maternal love, love between the sexes is the most involuntary, the most disinterested, and the least scheming. This view is really absurd. Even though most people do not know how love happens, all the physical and mental good feelings still start from the calculation of the mind, feelings or instinct. The love between men and women is mainly a kind of selfish feeling, and selfishness is the calculation of weighing every ounce.


One of the most beautiful things in life is maternal love, which is selfless love, and morality is dwarfed by it.


Maternal love is the greatest force in the world.


Mother! You are the lotus leaf, I am the red lotus. The rain in my heart is coming. Who is my shade under the open sky except you?


The only love in the world that is not polluted is maternal love


There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, which is the call of mother


Mother's love will never dry up.这说明母爱是非常伟大的,是永远伴随在我们身边的。

Mother's love will never dry up. This shows that maternal love is very great and always accompanies us.


The loss of a loving mother is like a flower in a bottle. Although it is still colored and fragrant, it has lost its root. I think this sentence shows that a loving mother is as important to a person as a root to a flower.


All the glory and pride in the world come from mother.


A mother's arm is made of love. How can a child sleep in it without being sweet?


How similar are mothers all over the world! Their hearts are always the same. Every mother has a very pure heart.


I have caused my mother a lot of trouble, but I think she enjoys it.


My life began when I opened my eyes and fell in love with my mother's face.


On the most ridiculous day of your life, even if you have an electric deceiving machine, you can't fool your mother.


My mother is my greatest teacher, a teacher full of love and fearless spirit. If love is as sweet as a flower, then my mother is the sweet flower of love.


The greatness of my mother's love for me makes me have to use my hard work to verify that this love is worth it.


The power of motherhood is superior to the laws of nature.


The arms of a loving mother are made of love. How can a child sleep in them without being sweet?


The sweetest word that people's lips can send out is mother, and the most beautiful call is "mother".


Maternal love is the greatest power in the world。

Maternal love is the greatest power in the world.


One of the most beautiful things in life is maternal love, which is selfless love, and morality is inferior to it.


Mom, where are you, where is the happiest place


Maternal love is the greatest power in the world


Everything else in the world is false and empty. Only the mother is real, eternal and immortal.


Mother in memory! My dearest lover, you are all my joy and friendship.


In the child's mouth and heart, the mother is God.


Maternal love is the most beautiful emotion among human beings, because this emotion is not mixed with the heart of profit and wealth


Women are fragile, but mothers are strong


Without the help of selfless and self sacrificing maternal love, children's hearts will be a desert.


Mother is great!


Mother is the greatest person.


Motherly love is the most sincere love in the world.


Motherly love, you are like the warm sunshine in spring, and also like the big tree of your grandmother. Let me take a shower in the bright spring light, sheltered by the green shade of the big tree, and thrive like grass.


A good mother is worth a hundred teachers.


Mother is the first school for children


Maternal love is a simple, natural, rich and never failing thing in a woman's heart, just like a major element of life.


Mom, you are the perfect combination of mother, confidant and friend!


Mother's love will never dry up.


The sun is bright, but it can't compare with my mother's love for me.


When successful, everyone is a friend. But only the mother - she is the partner of failure.