
时间:2022-11-11 12:49:10 | 来源:语文通



家乡的变化作文 篇1家乡的道路的变化作文 篇2家乡的变化作文 篇3我的家乡变化 篇4家乡的变化话题作文 篇5家乡的道路的变化作文 篇6

家乡的变化作文 篇1


Hometown is a place that everyone loves and cannot forget. Although my hometown is not comparable to those new rural areas that have taken on a new look after the reform, it is also vibrant.


In my old hometown, it was shabby. Every house was made of straw. As long as it rained, the whole family would "mobilize" to fetch water everywhere with pots, not to mention televisions. I remember that my family was a little richer at that time. My father bought a black and white TV. Every Spring Festival, almost all the villagers came to my home to watch the wonderful Spring Festival gala. That is far from the present. Now with the care and help of the Party Committee and the government, the hometown has changed completely. Every family has built new houses, one bungalow after another, and even the original straw houses have built small tile buildings. From a distance, they are very beautiful. Moreover, every family has bought a large color TV set. If you want to watch TV for a while, turn on the switch at will, and lie on the sofa and watch comfortably, it's really indescribable.


The old school was dilapidated, and the ground was pitted. The tables and stools were also crooked. As long as you didn't pay attention, the tables and stools would fall down. What's more, sometimes you would fall down on the ground, and you couldn't even get up, making you laugh or cry. But now it's all changed. The pit on the ground is gone, and the tables and stools are unified. In addition, the blackboard has also changed, becoming smooth and transparent. In addition, the classroom is also equipped with electric poles, which make our classroom bright.


In the past, the school didn't know anything about the network, even the name of the computer. Now, with computers, distance education and libraries, students can find out what they don't understand by going to the library or surfing the Internet. In the past, there were only two subjects, Chinese and mathematics, and the teaching quality was relatively poor. Now the number of courses under study has increased, and the quality of teaching has also been greatly improved.




Ah, hometown, I have seen your changes and your success. I want to praise you, my beautiful hometown!

家乡的道路的变化作文 篇2


I'm glad to go to Grandma's. But because of the bad road conditions there, we always hesitate to walk or ride motorcycles. If you walk, you will be covered with dust on sunny days and mud on rainy days. If you take the bus, the bumpy road will make you lose your mind. The narrow and bumpy road even scared off the bus drivers. Therefore, going to Grandma's house makes me eager and worried.


This summer vacation, my mother and I went to grandma's house again. The wide road surprised me. As soon as I got to my grandmother's house, I asked her. As a result, the bulldozer was brought to the club this summer. Grandpa and other villagers came to the road together. They are energetic, bulldozing, transporting stones and digging drainage ditches. Steep slopes flatten, narrow places widen, and curves straighten. In less than two months, the entire highway was widened to 7 or 8 meters. On the expressway, many cars and motorcycles are busy running around!


According to my grandmother, my uncles and aunts will soon bring in stones mixed with asphalt, sprinkle fine sand on them, and then run a road roller to level the road. In this way, the narrow and rugged loess road in the past will become a wide and flat asphalt road. Since then, I don't have to worry about going to Grandma's house any more.


The road of my hometown has changed. It has become wide and flat, which makes me yearn for!

家乡的变化作文 篇3


"Daughter, how about going back to my parents' home together?" Mom asked me for the sixth time. "No, never!" I still use that old saying. At this time, I was reminded of something at my mother's house: there were two beds where we slept, but there was no mosquito net. At night (especially in summer), a large army of mosquitoes attacked us, which kept me awake all night and kept me dry. There are chicken droppings on the road, one here and one there. I have to stand on tiptoe when I walk


My mother saw my mind and knew what I was thinking. "Let me tell you some good news! My family is better now! Although there are no tall buildings, the road is better without chicken droppings." My mother comforted me. My eyes lit up immediately, and I went back to Wuzhou, Guangxi, with my mother.


I am familiar with the way to my mother-in-law's house. Wow! I walked all the way. There was a plank at both ends of the original stream for us to pass through. Now it has become a path! The chicken excrement is not as much as before! The quality of the residents nearby seems to have improved. When I saw that I was an acquaintance, they greeted me warmly. They didn't even look at me before.


When I came to my mother-in-law's house, I saw not a shabby building, but a brand new house! The floors and walls are clean, the kitchen is not damp, and the furniture is new. I immediately ran to the room: a beautiful mosquito net was hung on each of the two beds, and I almost shed tears with joy. I used to receive "red envelope" from mosquitoes every day at my mother-in-law's house, but I don't need to accept it tonight! I am very happy.


After dinner, my mother and I went for a walk in the old park. Only two or three big banyan trees stood at the door, their sturdy branches seemed to be proudly showing off the changes of their hometown to us. I lay on the bed, stroking the beautiful mosquito net, and thought, "It's great. Now people in Wuzhou have improved their living standards. I love Wuzhou so much!"


I was about to leave, but I was a little reluctant. As usual, I couldn't stay for a day. But my mother promised me that she would come every year during the National Day winter vacation and summer vacation!

我的家乡变化 篇4


"The sound of firecrackers is a year old, and the spring breeze warms Tusu." The annual Spring Festival is coming again. This year is the Year of the Tiger, which is also a special year. In the past Spring Festival, I must be at my grandmother's house, playing fireworks with my younger brothers and sisters. This year, I can only stay at home, watching TV in boredom. We all know the reason for this. Yes, because this sudden epidemic has disrupted everyone's plans and changed the fate of many families! The abominable COVID-19 epidemic trapped us at home.


This epidemic has kept me from going back to my grandmother's house for two years. This year, due to the effective prevention and control by medical staff, the control in many areas is relatively loose. We went back on the third day of the New Year.


In the past, my grandparents lived in a relatively backward countryside, a dull, boring and narrow place. Whenever I returned to Grandma's house, I lived a boring life every day. Feeding chickens and ducks became my entertainment.


For me, the only pleasure is to sit at home and watch TV, live in a low house, and go out to the fields. But two years ago, Grandma called to tell us that the village had been renovated, and we were locked in by the epidemic before we could go, so this was the first time we went back after the village had been renovated.


When I entered the village, I saw two cherry trees standing on both sides of the bridge. On the bridge, there are no rough stones on the bridge, but neat stones. After crossing the bridge, there are white walls and green tiles going door to door, which make people feel comfortable at a glance. The original dirt roads have also disappeared, and become asphalt roads. Even the brook becomes clearer and more beautiful. When I arrived at Grandma's house, the house was also decorated. The rough ground on the ground has been replaced with ceramic tiles, and the house has become more modern, completely divorced from the original image of a small cottage in the countryside. But nothing has changed, that is, the fields in front of the house and the simple and kind hearts of the villagers.


They are no longer backward and can hardly see poor families in the countryside. Mud brick houses and cement houses have replaced those dilapidated thatched houses and mud houses. Rural people's lives are no longer poor, hard and difficult, but become happy, harmonious and happy.


But water eaters can't forget the diggers. Where does this happy life come from? That is our motherland! It is the motherland that makes us live a happy life, that makes us no longer poor, and that makes us what we are today. We must unite, love and work hard to add strength, color and light to our motherland in the future, so that the future of our motherland will become more brilliant, and our motherland will stand tall in the world!


Hometown is changing, society is changing, and the motherland is also changing, becoming more beautiful and happier! We should study hard and strive hard with enthusiasm for our hometown, society and motherland! We should use our knowledge to build our hometown! To build our own society! To build our motherland!

家乡的变化话题作文 篇5


The change of sunrise and sunset is amazing; The change of the full moon is pleasing to the eye. But I prefer the changes in my hometown.


I always put playing first on weekends because I am fond of playing. So Grandma often compared their life at that time with our life now, and taught me: "How many times is your life better than ours?! Our classroom at that time was far worse than your classroom now. At that time, the classroom was short and damp, and the light was not good, but what about you now? Alas! You don't know what you are blessed with!" I couldn't help feeling ashamed after listening to Grandma's words. However, after listening to Grandma's words, I suddenly found that great changes had taken place in my hometown in the past ten years. Maybe it was because I was too busy with my studies. So far, I have found that my hometown is constantly changing.


I vaguely remember that when I was a child, no matter where we were, there were either sand roads or mud roads and they were very narrow. The weather is a little dry. When the wind blows, the dust flies all over the sky, and you are fascinated. Sometimes trivial things are also involved in the sky, showing a fishy smell. Especially in rainy days, the road is full of water and full of potholes. It can also be noticed that you can see during the day, but at night, it is dark and there is no street lamp. You accidentally step into the pit. The white sneakers become black instantly, and the clothes and pants are dyed with it. If the rain is heavier, people will not only become drowned but also become spotted dogs, and they will fall down if they are not careful. It's just bad luck. Now the road has been expanded and tarred. No matter who lives in front of the house, the mud road has been replaced by the cement road.

九几年时,我们这儿大部分的居民家都住是平房 ,冬冷夏热。下有的时候,弄不好还会漏雨,还得用水盆接水,麻烦的不得了;下雪的时候,风从墙缝儿里钻进来,雪也飘了进来,没有暖炉取暖,奇冷无比。而如今最差的也是2层的楼房,下雨不怕漏雨;下雪不怕飘雪。而且隔温效果特好,即使没有空调,也冬暖夏凉。

In the 1990s, most of our residents lived in bungalows, which were cold in winter and hot in summer. Sometimes, the rain will leak if it is not well done, and you have to use a basin to catch water, which is very troublesome; When it snows, the wind comes in through the cracks in the wall, and the snow also comes in. There is no heater for heating. It is extremely cold. Now the worst is a 2-storey building, which is not afraid of rain leakage; Don't be afraid of falling snow. And the temperature insulation effect is very good, even without air conditioning, it is warm in winter and cool in summer.




In a word, our hometown is changing constantly. Our motherland is constantly changing and taking off.

家乡的道路的变化作文 篇6


All the memories of my hometown are so pure and beautiful. There, I left a beautiful childhood, a beautiful childlike innocence, and walked through the first crossroads of life


I can't tell exactly what the impression of my hometown road is. It is the kind of light, which has been gently marked in my memory. It is not like a cup of strong and mellow coffee or a cup of pure boiled water. It's the kind of taste that you want to say but can't say clearly, and you want to express but can't express


On the roadside, there are several big locust trees with luxuriant branches. Every night, the old people will sit all over the street with small benches. People are laughing, and their faces are filled with a happy smile! People are very united. When one side is in trouble, all sides echo.


Now, with the progress of the times, our hometown has also embarked on the road of mechanization. Tall buildings have sprung up, oil fields have replaced stone roads, green plants can be seen everywhere, and the hometown has become beautiful.


But people? People go to work in the morning, and in the evening, people close themselves in the house, do not shout when they see each other, and occasionally roll their eyes. Seeing things is no longer "helping", but "hiding". Instead, I miss my previous life.


Yes, my hometown is really beautiful, but it seems to lack something? What is it