During the winter vacation, Teacher Shen gave me a book- "I like the motherland". After returning home, I looked at it with great interest.There are 11 lessons in this book. Among them, I like the story of the town of Minning, the town of Minning, the story of the 9th of the 9th.
During the winter vacation, Teacher Shen gave me a book- "I like the motherland". After returning home, I looked at it with great interest.There are 11 lessons in this book. Among them, I like the story of the town of Minning, the town of Minning, the story of the 9th of the 9th.
This story tells a day in 1996, an uncle named Xie Xingchang heard the country's policy about the rich people's policies about the rich people from the broadcast.Xie Xingchang was determined to move out of the barren mountains and took the folks to find a place where he settled in several times -a Gobi deserted beach.Later, it was renamed "Minning Village".In 1998, after Xie Xingchang was selected by the villagers, he led the villagers to start the journey of getting rid of poverty and getting rich.他们学习种蘑菇,种构杞,种葡萄,养黄牛,日子过得很红火。20多年后的今天,闽宁村发展成了闽宁镇。昔日的戈壁荒滩,变成了良田万亩、瓜果飘香、楼房林立、设备完善的特色小城镇。移民群众的人均收入从建设初期500元,到2016的12000余元,增长了20多倍。习近平总书记来视察闽宁镇都欣慰地说:“闽宁镇探索出了一条小康大道,我们要把这个宝贵经验向全国推广。”
They learn mushrooms, seedlings, grapes, and scalpers, and their lives are very popular.Today, more than 20 years later, Minning Village has developed into Minning Town.The old Gobi deserted beach has become a small town with Liangtian 10,000 acres, melon fruit fragrances, building buildings, and complete equipment.The per capita income of the immigrant people increased by more than 20 times from the beginning of construction to more than 12,000 yuan in 2016.General Secretary Xi Jinping came to inspect Minning Town and said comfortably: "Fujian Town has explored a well -off Avenue, and we must promote this valuable experience to the country."
This story tells a day in 1996, an uncle named Xie Xingchang heard the country's policy about the rich people's policies about the rich people from the broadcast.Xie Xingchang was determined to move out of the barren mountains and took the folks to find a place where he settled in several times -a Gobi deserted beach.Later, it was renamed "Minning Village".In 1998, after Xie Xingchang was selected by the villagers, he led the villagers to start the journey of getting rid of poverty and getting rich.They learn mushrooms, seedlings, grapes, and scalpers, and their lives are very popular.Today, more than 20 years later, Minning Village has developed into Minning Town.The old Gobi deserted beach has become a small town with Liangtian 10,000 acres, melon fruit fragrances, building buildings, and complete equipment.The per capita income of the immigrant people increased by more than 20 times from the beginning of construction to more than 12,000 yuan in 2016.General Secretary Xi Jinping came to inspect Minning Town and said comfortably: "Fujian Town has explored a well -off Avenue, and we must promote this valuable experience to the country."
During the winter vacation, Teacher Shen gave me a book- "I like the motherland". After returning home, I looked at it with great interest.There are 11 lessons in this book. Among them, I like the story of the town of Minning, the town of Minning, the story of the 9th of the 9th.
During the winter vacation, Teacher Shen gave me a book- "I like the motherland". After returning home, I looked at it with great interest.There are 11 lessons in this book. Among them, I like the story of the town of Minning, the town of Minning, the story of the 9th of the 9th.
This story tells a day in 1996, an uncle named Xie Xingchang heard the country's policy about the rich people's policies about the rich people from the broadcast.Xie Xingchang was determined to move out of the barren mountains and took the folks to find a place where he settled in several times -a Gobi deserted beach.Later, it was renamed "Minning Village".In 1998, after Xie Xingchang was selected by the villagers, he led the villagers to start the journey of getting rid of poverty and getting rich.
They learn mushrooms, seedlings, grapes, and scalpers, and their lives are very popular.Today, more than 20 years later, Minning Village has developed into Minning Town.The old Gobi deserted beach has become a small town with Liangtian 10,000 acres, melon fruit fragrances, building buildings, and complete equipment.The per capita income of the immigrant people increased by more than 20 times from the beginning of construction to more than 12,000 yuan in 2016.General Secretary Xi Jinping came to inspect Minning Town and said comfortably: "Fujian Town has explored a well -off Avenue, and we must promote this valuable experience to the country."
After reading this article, I couldn't help admiring Uncle Xie Xingchang.Although he was born in the barren mountains, he found a place to get rich with its unique wisdom.He is hardworking, clever, and dare to do.If I change it, I must have no courage to settle in the Gobi deserted beach home, let alone turning the deserted beach into good fields, fruits, buildings ...
Ah, how beautiful and rich in Minning Town, how good and capable Xie Xingchang, how great and strong motherland.Uncle Xie Xingchang, I like you, I am proud of your motherland!
1、中国:中国读音为zhōng guó,是指①古时“中国”含义不一。或指京师为“中国”。《诗.大雅.民劳》:“惠此中国,以绥四方。”毛传:“中国,京师也”。《史记.五帝本纪》:“夫而后中国,践天子位焉。” 裴驷集解:“刘熙曰:‘帝王所都为中,故曰中国。”或指华夏族,汉族地区为中国(以其在四夷之中)。《诗.小雅.六月序》:“《小雅》尽废,则四夷交侵,中国微矣。”又《礼记.中庸》:“是以声名洋溢乎中国,施及蛮貊。”而华夏族,汉族多建都于黄河南,北,因称其地为“中国”,与“中土”,“中原”,“中州”,“中夏”,“中华”含义相同。初时本指河南省极其附近地区中国 zhōng guó词典解释:①古时“中国”含义不一。或指京师为“中国”。《诗.大雅.民劳》:“惠此中国,以绥四方。”毛传:“中国,京师也”。《史记.五帝本纪》:“夫而后中国,践天子位焉。” 裴驷集解:“刘熙曰:‘帝王所都为中,故曰中国。”或指华夏族,汉族地区为中国(以其在四夷之中)。《诗.小雅.六月序》:“《小雅》尽废,则四夷交侵,中国微矣。”又《礼记.中庸》:“是以声名洋溢乎中国,施及蛮貊。”而华夏族,汉族多建都于黄河南,北,因称其地为“中国”,与“中土”,“中原”,“中州”,“中夏”,“中华”含义相同。初时本指河南省极其附近地区,后来华夏族,汉族活动范围扩大,黄河中下游一带,也被称为“中国”。《晋书.宣帝纪》:“孟达于是连吴固蜀,潜图中国。”(“中国”指立国于黄河中下游的魏国),甚至把所统辖的地区,包括不属于黄河流域的地方, 也全部称为“中国”。《史书.天官书》:“其后秦遂以兵灭六国,并中国。”19世纪中叶以来,“中国”始专指我国家全部领土,不作他用。 ②“中华人民共和国”的简称。 ③中国(Madhya-desa)。古地名。即恒河中下游一带的中印度,佛教徒译称“中国”。见《法显传》。[China] 古代华夏族建国于黄河流域一带,以为居天下之中,故称中国。后成为我国的专称。全称中华人民共和国。面积9600000平方公里,人口12亿(1994),首都北京中国应当对人类有较大的贡献分词解释:佛教:世界上主要宗教之一,相传为公元前六至五世纪古印度的迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔 境内)王子释迦牟尼所创,广泛流传于亚洲的许多国家。西汉末年传入我国。帝王:①君主制国家的最高统治者。②帝和王。即君主国的最高统治者和最高封爵:帝王将相。...中国怎么造句,用中国造句»
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