
时间:2022-08-11 13:24:38 | 来源:语文通



One day during the summer vacation, I bid farewell to the hustle and bustle of the city, came to the beach of Gulangyu, Xiamen, and enjoyed the fun of naturally brought me.


The sun sinks down the west mountains, and the golden glory shines on the beach of Gulangyu. The shells on the reef are shining, like a rainbow.At this time, Gulangyu Beach is the most beautiful.I embarked on this golden beach and wanted to get close to this beautiful everything.


I put on the beach shoes and moved towards a large reef with an oyster shell with an oyster shell. It was colorful and green, as if it was full of scriptures; closer, the reef was covered with shellOld fishing nets.Squatting under the reef, you will find that the oyster shell and stone seam above are full of spider -like crabs everywhere.If you use spiders to describe them, then I think they are the cutest and most beautiful spiders in the world: see -they smoothly reflect on the golden sunset.A pair of mighty pliers and smooth eight legs are even more attractive.A pair of watery eyes stare directly at Xiamen Island, as if fantasizing that one day, I will swim through the vast sea and go to a modern city to see.


Suddenly, a thought flashed in my mind: creating a "swimming pool" for crabs to see how they swim.


Just do it.I found some sand with large particles and less water. I piled up the "One" shape sand dam in the back, and then pressed it tightly.


I dug a pit in front of the water flow in front of the sand dam, surrounded by the dug so soil around the pit, and then dug the deep pits, and then split a mouth on the edge of the pit.In the "swimming pool".If I made great achievements, I caught the little crab in the "swimming pool" and observed it closer.Unexpectedly, it suddenly reached the bottom of the pit and climbed out of the pit along the sand wall by crawling!I think: there are still so many unexpected nature. I have played a new discovery today.


Unconsciously, the sky was getting dark, and I had to leave the beautiful beach.Goodbye, cute little crab, I will never forget the happy time on this beach!



1、沙滩:沙滩读音为shā tān,是指1.亦作“沙潬”。 2.水边或水中由沙子淤积成的陆地。 由于沙子淤积形成的沿水边的陆地或水中高出水面的平地沙滩排球是一项新兴的深受人们喜爱的体育项目沙滩 shā tān分词解释:1.亦作“沙潬”。 2.水边或水中由沙子淤积成的陆地。[sandy beach] 由于沙子淤积形成的沿水边的陆地或水中高出水面的平地沙滩排球是一项新兴的深受人们喜爱的体育项目分词解释:淤积:沉积;凝积:泥沙淤积|重叠淤积的凝血。沙潬:见“沙滩”。陆地:地球表面出露于海面以上的部分。按面积大小分别称为大陆和岛屿。最小的大陆是澳大利亚大陆,最大的岛屿是格棱兰岛。沙子:1.细小的石粒。 2.指形状像沙子的东西。...沙滩怎么造句,用沙滩造句»

2、鼓浪屿:鼓浪屿读音为gǔ làng yǔ,是指在福建省厦门市西,与厦门市区隔鼓厦海峡。面积1.84平方千米。岛上怪石嵯峨,林木苍翠。有日光岩、菽庄花园、莲花庵、海滨浴场、郑成功纪念馆等名胜古迹。景色秀丽,有“海上花园”之称。为全国重点风景名胜区。鼓浪屿 gǔ làng yǔ词语意思:在福建省厦门市西,与厦门市区隔鼓厦海峡。面积1.84平方千米。岛上怪石嵯峨,林木苍翠。有日光岩、菽庄花园、莲花庵、海滨浴场、郑成功纪念馆等名胜古迹。景色秀丽,有“海上花园”之称。为全国重点风景名胜区。分词解释:面积:几何学的基本度量之一。是用以度量平面或曲面上一块区域大小的正数。通常以边长为单位长的正方形的面积为度量单位。风景:一定地域内由山水、花草、树木、建筑物以及某些自然现象(如雨、雪)形成的可供人观赏的景象:风景点ㄧ风景区ㄧ风景宜人ㄧ秋天的西山,风景格外美丽。嵯峨:山高峻的样子:高山嵯峨。千米:公制长度单位。一千米等于一公里,合我国二市里。纪念馆:为纪念有卓越贡献的人或重大历史事件而建立的陈设实物、图片等的房屋:鲁迅纪念馆ㄧ南昌起义纪念馆。...