
时间:2022-07-20 13:48:13 | 来源:语文通



is my good friend. It will wait for me to cry and laugh.It is a person who can borrow me. When I am annoyed, the Association is waiting for my emotions to get better on my side, and to enjoy it quietly. I used to have such a story that touched me and shocked my soul. Originally -the love of a grandfather was so outstanding, my love for you and even surpassed you more than surpassing youMother's love, father's love.


That's a little girl, she helplessly moved towards a cliff and cliff, and the cliff climbing with beautiful and strong roses was climbed.She wanted to jump down, because she had a full -scale home.An old man stopped her: "Jump, jump to other places, don't engage in the rose of my dirty!" No one was unexpected. The old man like this speech eventually gave up the little girl to give up the little girl to give upAfter his own life, he could not eat, and left the little girl who had a good whole girl. When he was thirsty, he was hungry and only ate a kind of green plant underground stems with a kind of acid fruit and bitter taste.At that time, it was really touching. Seeing the old man who was worried about the girl who was born with, he was so thin that he had only one pair of framework.


In order to better love this kind of love, the old man consumed all his remaining time.In five years, the elderly spent all his deposits, allowing the little girl to read ordinary high schools and universities. This old man in all jobs could take out so much money to live and read for the little girl.This old man broke out all his kinetic energy. In a few days, the water seepage did not enter, and he could survive. When the little girl returned home to the old man, the old man always closed his eyes.Everything.I think the old man can close his eyes comfortably. He should be promoted to the paradise on earth, because he can invest in all his own, and even life for better people.Now he has already left, and it is unlikely to see the little girl get married, give birth to a child, raise his children to grow up, and come to filial piety to him.His hard life has no benefits.


This little story is such a sadness. The name of this story is the same -"Rose Valley", which is full of endless indoor space, which is incredible. The book is because of such a wonderful "microorganism."It is my pet. He wants me to be overwhelmed and laughing."Rose Valley" is also such a small pet.



1、蔷薇:蔷薇读音为qiáng wēi,是指双子叶植物,蔷薇科。落叶或常绿灌木。茎直立、攀援或蔓延,枝上常有刺。花有白、黄、粉红等色,有芳香。果为蔷薇果。除供观赏外,可提取芳香油和供药用。蔷薇 qiáng wēi词语解释:双子叶植物,蔷薇科。落叶或常绿灌木。茎直立、攀援或蔓延,枝上常有刺。花有白、黄、粉红等色,有芳香。果为蔷薇果。除供观赏外,可提取芳香油和供药用。分词解释:攀援:1.谓抓住或依附他物而移动﹑延伸。 2.追随;依附。 3.援引提拔;支持。 4.援用﹐引用。 5.挽留。观赏:观看欣赏:观赏名花异草丨观赏杂技表演。提取:1.从负责保管的单位或机构中取出财物。 2.指司法机关索取罪证。 3.谓经过提炼而取得。蔓延:像蔓草一样延伸扩展:蔓延滋长|瘟疫蔓延。...蔷薇怎么造句,用蔷薇造句»

2、观后感:观后感读音为guān hòu gǎn,是指观后感,就是看了一部影片或连续剧后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章。...