
时间:2022-09-12 13:20:30 | 来源:语文通


中秋节的来历作文 篇1中秋节的由来作文 篇2中秋节的来历作文 篇3中秋节的来历作文 篇4中秋节的来历作文 篇5中秋节的来历作文 篇6

中秋节的来历作文 篇1


Yunmu's screen candle is deep, and the long river gradually falls into the star Shen Chang'e to destroy the sneaky medicine. A poem about the Mid -Autumn Festival in the Blue Haiqing every night. So how did the Mid -Autumn Festival come?If you want to know, listen to the story of the Mid -Autumn Festival!


It turned out that Chang'e was the wife of the post -Yi, and she and the post -Yi were both fairy, but they both violated the Tiandao and were clicked back to the world.Hou Yi has become accustomed to the happiness of the world, but Chang'e, after knowing the natural law of life, sickness and death in the world, frowning all day, so Later Yi wants to make Chang'e happily, ride his own thousand -mile horse, cross the mountains, cross the mountains, and cross the mountains.Running through the endless sandy beach, crossing a small river, and finally came to the Kunlun Mountains of the fruit trees that were immortal.He asked the detention of the tree-the queen mother and mother asked the fruit on the tree, and came home and gave the fruit to Chang'e, saying, "Wait for a good day, we can eat the fruit together."


Chang'e nodded. In the evening, after the game went out, Chang'e secretly ate the fruit and flew into a monk, but did not fly to the sky palace on the clouds, but flew to the Guanghan Palace on the moon. There was only one cinnamon in the palace.Wu Gang, and the jade rabbit who pounded the medicine all year round, there were no other things.Chang'e regretted that he looked at the ground every day, hoping to see his home.By the time of August 15, we ate moon cakes and watched the moon to commemorate.

中秋节的由来作文 篇2


The history of our country is definitely giving through Cang Sang, so our ancestors have left us four festivals. Some people will say, do n’t our country have so many festivals?There are more than 10 casual, how can Yicheng 4?But in fact, there are only four of us, the oldest, and the biggest, that is, the Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, and the other.


So how did it come?It is said that a long time ago, people knew to see the image of the sky, guess what happened tomorrow, and a person looked at the statue day and night, and found that after entering the autumn, the moon became more and more round, but the bigger and bigger, but in the past, it was inAt fifteen, it was the biggest.Ancient people, always, used the circle to replace the reunion.So the day of the fifteenth day is the most peaceful day, and nothing will happen.This is no wonder they, because there were mobile phones, QQ, and emails at that time.You can contact every day so that people who are far away in the country are thinking about whether the family is safe, and the family is also missing people every day.I hope that I can reunite, and tell the moon to the moon, so I have it.


But where did the moon cake come from?So people wondered, should we take a little better thing and eat the fairy on the moon/So some people make moon cakes like the moon.


It's almost here, I hope the world can be peaceful, everyone is safe and happy.

中秋节的来历作文 篇3


The Mid -Autumn Festival has a long history.The ancient emperors had the ritual system of spring festivals and autumn festivals. As early as the book "Zhou Li", the term "Mid -Autumn Festival" was recorded.Later, nobles and literati bachelor also followed. In the Mid -Autumn Festival, this custom was passed on to the folk to form a traditional activity.In the Tang Dynasty, this kind of sacrifice moon customs attaches great importance to people. "Tang Shu · Taizong Ji" records "August 15th Mid -Autumn Festival".One of the main festivals.


According to historical records, the term "Mid -Autumn Festival" first appeared in the book "Zhou Li".By the time of Wei and Jin, there was a record of "Zhe Shangshu Town, Mid -Autumn Festival, and the left and right micro -servers."It was not until the beginning of the Tang Dynasty that the Mid -Autumn Festival became a fixed festival."Tang Shu · Tai Zong Ji" records "August 15th Mid -Autumn Festival".The prevalence of the Mid -Autumn Festival began in the Song Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had become one of the main festivals in my country.This is also the second largest traditional festival in my country after the Spring Festival.

中秋节的来历作文 篇4


Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival.I brought a small chair and sat alone in the balcony, with a box of delicious moon cakes on the table.Mom and dad are very busy, so I didn't have time to accompany me, so I prepared a box of moon cakes for me.


"Sasha" "A gust of gusts is slowly blowing over, the sound is very crispy and does not contain a trace of noise.I look at the bright moon in the sky, ah!How bright the bright moon is, it seems to light up a lamp in the world!Looking at it again, I seemed to see the cowboy and the weaver's hand holding hands, sitting in the middle of the moon and talking about the previous things.At this time, the cute little rabbit jumped out of the middle, excitedly jumped to the left, and jumped to the right for a while.This scene is also what we want to see and get along peacefully with animals.


After a while, I started to eat moon cakes, "Ka", a familiar taste flowed into my heart.It reminded me of when I was young. At that time, I was still young, jumped around with a toy, and went to eat a moon cake from time to time. My father and mother sang to me while watching the moon: "Shake, shake to Grandma Bridge, grandma ...… "Although the song was a moment, it was engraved in my mind. At that time, I was happy!


After returning to God, I found that it was a child. Now I am here alone, there is no singing, and there is no sense of security when my parents are. Suddenly, I think there is only me in the world.Quiet, so scary.


Look at me in the mirror, I am high, I have changed, I am not before. At this time, I feel very special, I can't tell what, there is bitterness, I regret it, and I will always see this moon.) Compositions are always that) Composition.)Fans ● www..cn (Mu Yuan, but I haven't been like before. I miss the past, but I ca n’t go back. I only look forward to a better tomorrow than in the past!

中秋节的来历作文 篇5


On August 15, my parents and I went to my grandmother's house to spend the Mid -Autumn Festival.Grandma's balcony is planted with pepper and garlic seedlings.The strangest thing is that a loofah crawled on the balcony fence with several long loofah on it.Why is loofah on the fence?I asked grandma what was going on.My grandmother said that loofah grew from the vegetable field below, climbing from the guardrail on the first floor to the third floor.


Grandma also said that this loofoun seedlings were amazing.There are many loofah this summer, and people on the first floor to the third floor have eaten.Grandma took me and my two brothers to the vegetable field downstairs, and a loofah tree was growing on the first floor to the third floor.Grandma's vegetable fields include vegetables, radish peppers, colorful, beautiful!

中秋节的来历作文 篇6


Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival.Every household here we have to make cakes, and my family is no exception.Grandma and I learn to make cakes!


Because I couldn't do it yet, my grandma demonstrated it to me first, took out a little flour first, and then put a little water, and it became a sticky cake goosebump, first put it aside.Then, crush the vegetables, put some minced meat, and then put


They are cooked in the pot together, and the stuffing is ready.Grandma made two kinds of stuffing, and there was a pumpkin filling.


I can finally make cakes, I am happy to jump three feet high.Grandma torn off a piece of dough, and then turned up and down with both hands.


When pinching, pinch the outside of the cake, but it must be thick inside, because the middle must be stuffed. If it is too thin, the stuffing inside will leak out.Spread the cake skin on the palm of your hand, put it with vegetables or pumpkin stuffing, and then combine the cake skin into one


Put it on the table. Sprinkle the powder and sesame seeds on the table, and then pull it round with a rolling pin, but turn around the cake around, otherwise it will stick to the table.Just fry the pan!


But when I did it myself, I always pinched the middle of the cake skin. When the stuffing was pinched, the stuffing fell out. After several explorations, I did better and better.This time it has benefited me a lot!


Through this cake, I know the hard work of adults, and I also let me eat the best `cake in the world, that is, the cake I made!