
时间:2022-07-30 13:19:03 | 来源:语文通



Do you still remember that the stream at the door of the hometown is so clear that it is clear that you can see what there is in the bottom of the stream; do you remember that the stream at the door of your hometown, do you remember that "you still remember that""Cultivated", small river shrimp, field snails, etc., are all available; the stream at the door of the hometown is so interesting, it is really when everyone is young, everyone's "children's amusement park." ...


When I was a child, I often took my cousin and cousin to play with the stream at the door of my hometown.Everyone sat on the shore and stretched their feet into the stream. It was really a natural "hot water soaking annex".Use the white river surface to fly, and the "jumping" "a blooming waves" stained everyone's clothes and pants.Sometimes, everyone is happy to play, and immediately dresses a top jacket and denim pants jumping to play to play.It's too tired to play, often "bring" some "small pets who love to play" successfully.


After changing the tidy clothes and pants, I took the self -made fishing net with a well -prepared preparation, fishing some small fish in the bottle, and she had to play with it.One, two, three ... see more and more small fish in the bottle, and sometimes one or two of the field snails are arrested.Every time I prepare to go in advance, as soon as I saw the fish mother who had been looking for a child, I was soft -hearted. I asked my cousin and cousin to put the little fish.Look at me honestly and put the little fish.The bottle was washed, and everyone left the bottle into the stream and gave these small fish and snails for these unsolved lives.


The setting sun gradually rose, and everyone was reluctant to take it.


Unforgettable, the stream at the door of the hometown ...



1、一条:一条读音为yī tiáo,是指1.谓相连相通。 2.表数量。用于分列的项目或计量条状的东西。 3.犹一股。一条 yī tiáo词典解释:1.谓相连相通。 2.表数量。用于分列的项目或计量条状的东西。 3.犹一股。分词解释:相通:1.彼此沟通;连通。 2.互相通融。东西:①东边和西边。②从东到西(距离):这座城东西三里,南北五里。一股:1.表数量。用于条状物。物由两条以上合成者,称其一条为一股。 2.表数量。指一支。 3.表数量。用于水流﹑气流﹑道路等。 4.表数量。用于气味﹑力气﹑神态﹑风气等。 5.表数量。用于成批的人。 6.犹言一齐,一股脑儿。计量:①把一个暂时未知的量与一个已知的量做比较,如用尺量布,用体温计量体温。②计算:影响之大,是不可计量的。数量:1.事物的多少和长短。 2.指事物的多少。...一条怎么造句,用一条造句»

2、家乡:家乡读音为jiā xiāng,是指自己的家庭世代居住的地方。 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡家乡 jiā xiāng词语解释:自己的家庭世代居住的地方。[hometown;native place] 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡分词解释:家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。世代:1.时代;朝代。 2.年代。 3.累世;代代。 4.犹言继承﹑相承。居住:较长时期地住在一个地方:他家一直居住在北京。...家乡怎么造句,用家乡造句»


4、门口:门口读音为mén kǒu,是指1.门跟前;门的出入口。 2.借指看门的仆役。 3.比喻关口﹑关头。门口 mén kǒu词语意思:1.门跟前;门的出入口。 2.借指看门的仆役。 3.比喻关口﹑关头。(1) [doorway]∶进出房间的地区或通道口(2) [gate]∶在围墙、篱笆或栅栏上的洞口;尤指可以用活动框架或门来关闭的洞口(3) [entrance]∶门跟前,进入建筑物或场所的入口处的近旁走过学校门口分词解释:跟前:①(跟前儿)身边;附近:请你到我跟前来ㄧ她坐在窗户跟前的床上。②临近的时间:春节跟前。关口:①来往必须经过的处所:把守关口。②关键地方;关头。关头:起决定作用的时机或转折点:紧要关头丨危急关头。...门口怎么造句,用门口造句»