
时间:2022-10-15 13:25:38 | 来源:语文通



快乐的五一作文 篇1快乐的五一作文 篇2快乐的五一作文 篇3快乐的五一作文 篇4快乐的五一作文 篇5快乐的五一作文 篇6快乐的“五一”节作文 篇7

快乐的五一作文 篇1


On the second day of the May Day holiday, my cousin and I went for a picnic.


We talked and laughed along the way. The scenery on the road was very beautiful. High mountains, green trees, all kinds of wild flowers, birds singing happily on the branches


Before we knew it, we arrived at the destination. The little brothers were happily fighting with water, and the adults were preparing materials for a picnic.


The fire soon started to burn. We poured water into the pot and put hot pot ingredients. When the water boiled, it was time to put ingredients. Today's ingredients are so many, including mutton, lobster, meatballs, fish tofu... It's dazzling, and the saliva will flow out.


After a while, the meal was ready. Everyone sat around and talked while eating. The laughter from time to time startled the birds in the distance and spread far and far.


This is really a happy and unforgettable day!

快乐的五一作文 篇2


On Labor Day, my parents and I went to visit my grandparents. My grandma knew we were going and picked many peas I liked in the vegetable garden. So I helped Grandma tear and wash peas. My wife praised me as a good child who loved working.


Grandma also took me to the chicken farm, where there are so many chickens! Many hens stood in rows. There were many eggs just laid below. The workers were busy picking up the eggs and putting them in the basket. When the hens saw me "cooing" excitedly, they seemed to say, "Hello! Welcome to my home." Later, my grandmother and I helped the people in the chicken farm wash the eggs. We were very happy. What a happy holiday!

快乐的五一作文 篇3


On May Day, my mother took my sister and me to Grandma's house to play.


After lunch and a short rest, my mother said that she would take my sister and me to pick cherries. We came to the cherry tree, where red and big cherries hung all over the top of the tree. Some branches had been bent down, and my mouth was watering. I really wanted to taste it quickly.


My mother helped me lower the branches. I stood under the tree and ate while picking. Soon, I felt full. Then we began to fill the bags. After a while, two bags were also full. In this way, I returned to my grandmother's home with the fruits of my own labor. I shared the cherries I picked with the children of my neighbors. Although we were very tired today, we could fully experience the happiness of → WWW.. CN ← labor.


This is the most meaningful Labor Day I have ever had!

快乐的五一作文 篇4


On the third day of the May Day holiday, my mother took me to the small garden to play.


We had just arrived at the small garden when we saw small red fish swimming in the pond. Some of them hide under the lotus leaves, as if chatting, and some hide in places we can't see. My mother and I bought fish food and threw it into the water, and slowly the small fish came. When I saw that the little fish were scrambling for food, I danced happily.


The sun is slowly going to set. Time is always so short. Mom and I are going home.

快乐的五一作文 篇5


Our family went to Xi'an Zoo on the May Day holiday. There were tigers, pandas, elephants, hippos, rhinos, zebras, antelopes, giraffes, wolves, pythons and other animals.


Among them, my favorite is the antelope. It has a pair of strong legs, which can make it run very fast. He likes to eat grass. The grass in the cage has been eaten clean by him. I pulled a handful of grass on the grass and sent it to his mouth. He ate it again with relish.


There are so many monkeys on the Monkey Mountain. They are so naughty. Sometimes they jump on the branches, sometimes they jump on the rocks, and they also turn somersaults!


By visiting the zoo, I opened my eyes. I not only knew a lot of animals, watched acrobatic performances, but also learned many things that are not in books. I look forward to coming here next time!

快乐的五一作文 篇6


Taking advantage of the May Day holiday, my father drove our family back home happily.


Looking out from the window, many kinds of vehicles flew past. The long train looked like a dragon. Red, white, yellow, pink roses, as big as bowls, were on both sides of the road. They seemed to nod at us and welcome us back to our hometown.


With my sister and I singing happily, we unconsciously returned to our hometown. My father parked the car while my mother and grandmother were busy taking things. We were held down by my grandfather. I saw a winding river in front of the door. There was a beautiful bridge on the river. In the distance, large green wheat fields were rolling over the waves. The high and low slopes were full of nameless trees.


Ah, my hometown is beautiful, and I feel good coming home!

快乐的“五一”节作文 篇7


Today is Labor Day. My mother took me and my sister to Changde Lake Park to play. The weather was very good in the morning. There were many people in the park. We walked into the park with the flow of people. As soon as we entered the gate of the park, we saw a large group of white peace pigeons eating on the grass. What beautiful pigeons! My sister and I had fun chasing pigeons. After playing for a while, we went to the playground.


There are so many children in the playground. We played such games as loop, sandbag throwing, fish catching, merry go round, small train, etc. My sister and I enjoyed ourselves very much. This is really a happy holiday!