
时间:2022-09-09 13:18:40 | 来源:语文通



清明节作文500字左右 篇1清明节的优秀作文400字 篇2清明节的作文 篇3清明节的作文 篇4清明节作文500字左右 篇5

清明节作文500字左右 篇1


It was another year, but this year is not "rain." It is "the sun is brilliant." At this time, there is a good season in full bloom, so while Qingming's holiday, I went to the park to enjoy the flowers with my parents.


We first arrived at the gate of the park, and before we went in, a burst of flowers rushed, and I couldn't help speeding up.The first thing to see is a large area of spring flowers, which makes me full of eyes.Then I saw a piece of peach blossoms open. I thought of filling it up. I want to pick one, but think about it again: it will die when it takes it off. It is beautiful to stay on the tree. Each plant has its own life.I have no right to seize his life, so I continue to go forward.


I saw red magnolia and white magnolia again. The first feeling for me was fragrant, but I found it unusual. Many people picked up white magnolia flowers. My mother told me that magnolia could cook porridge.The effect of removing wind and promoting blood circulation, so everyone came to pick it up.I couldn't help but sigh: "Everything in the world is really amazing. After the end of life, there is still a place of martial arts.


I also saw peach blossoms, the blooming peach blossoms, each of which was enthusiastically greeted us, and Xiao Cao also showed green spikes, as if to say to us, "Look! After a winter, I am still alive, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I still live, I am still alive.Get bud! "Xiao Cao, I am also moved by your strong spirit.


Go to the end.There is a pavilion. I walked up and the pavilion was very high. You can see the scenery of the park and the opposite side. The purple, pink, white, and yellow remittances are together.It's almost dusk, and we should go home. The dusk is more beautiful. No matter what flowers, we are full of sunlight, full of spring, and life symbolizes the prosperity.


Today, I have not only appreciated flowers, but also life.

清明节的优秀作文400字 篇2


Tears often have different explanations, but often people think that Qingming is made from unknown sadness and Xiao Se.Maybe they are right, Qingming and the like are sad.But the room, remembering the painful memory of the past, what is the meaning of our present, it is better to think about why you exist, and think about the outline of the future.


Qingming should not be a memories of the royal family, but a prospect of the future.Imagine if people are immersed in regrets, helplessness, self -blame, how many people in the world can seize the current things and look forward to a beautiful future.Then the world will become a place of sadness.


If Qingming is just an opportunity for a worker to vent, then I agree.The ancestors of the Qingming Festival were used to crying a lot of people, but how many people were feeling?


Now this society is full of deception, so I have to doubt.Can classes express their emotions?The TV series, the touching plots can no longer make me tears.Everyone crying clearly, what is it for?


Now there is no "rain in the Qing Dynasty, and the pedestrians on the road want to break the soul." I am too sensitive, or people's feelings have long been numb.The sound of selling on the road was still, and tourists laughed.


People look numb, there is no emotional vent, no recovery of the past, and no outlook for the future.

清明节的作文 篇3


Today is Qingming.Mom said that this was the only day in the past 60 years that could not be sacrificed, and the weather was so clear that she couldn't nest at home.After discussing, he decided to go to the Dragon King Temple in Wood in Wood in Shanxi.Mom said that there are few people burning incense in remote places there, and children on the mountain will gain a lot, so they prepare incense candles and drinks to climb the mountain.


Along the way, the birds and fragrances are not tired of the mountains in spring, and the eyes are full of vitality. Wash the filthy heart and the dirty body.


When I came to the Longwang Temple, my mother was busy with the burn of fragrant candle, and we carefully checked the small temple.The soil rammed hut worshiped the eight fairy of Dragon King, Madam Dragon, Madam of Dragon, Mountain King, Mrs. Shanwang, Land, Land Palace, Graphite, and God of Wealth.There is no other decoration except for writing auxiliary work directory with a brush on the wall.Only the gods know.


Worship God, we continue to set off to the depths of the mountain, and come to a very empty place in a while.It is full of yellow grass, and a few spring water gathers here, turning into a stream, and the ground is flat and open. I suddenly wanted to buy a small house here.The mountains are beautiful and the water is clean.If you live here, life will be very comfortable.


Because you can't leave quickly, sit on the stone bridge of the stream, rest, warm sunlight, windy places, thatched roofs are cheerful, and the messy mountain flowers exudes fragrance, and the birds are also happily in the birds.Singing in the air.(William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Hope) This scene, how pure and transparent hearts are at this moment, all the sorrows in the past seem to no longer exist.Well, is there still an inseparable knot in this natural beauty?Heavy and negative fatigue, eliminating hatred, anger or anxiety worth mentioning, disappeared with the wind, disappearing in the mountains and wild spring.

清明节的作文 篇4


In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul on the road.By asking where the restaurant is, shepherd is pointed at Xinghua Village.""


I was so quiet at the solemn and heavy martyr's monument.It stands up like a bamboo shoots.The faint woods, rustling leaves, at this time, seem to add a little bit of sadness.


I gently stroked the cold cold.Rough structure, edges and corners.Wet moss underground, with a few crystal clear dew, like crying.


I slowly browsed the rows of engraved text.The deep symbols, the spiritual elf, flying, telling the story of the thousands of years.


I listen...


The relatively old age of fantasy is these people with young lives and hot blood. In this desolate land that has experienced bloody and rainy, the seeds of hope are filled with the bomb holes, and spring is filled with spring.The vitality drove away the filled with smoke, and the children of my hometown can finally return to that no smoke, no war, and unrestrained. You can rest assured to live a peaceful life of living in peace and career.Essence


They spread not only technology, but also the happiness and happiness of life. When they were ready to leave, they didn't expect it. From then on, they could no longer do without this land.These respectable uncles, for the happy life of the people, have to fall asleep in a foreign country. When the wind and righteousness, the small branches of autumn are sparse and the leaf falls.It is the Yellow River, which was built by countless young lives, rushed forward!


Always clear, surrounded by that eternal story.....Then, then, then

清明节作文500字左右 篇5


"In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul on the road. By ask the restaurant where there is? Shepherd pointed at Xinghua Village." Another annual Qingming Festival, someone stepped on this holiday and someone swept the grave.Qingming is sour and sweet.


What makes me feel sweet is to fly a kite, wearing Liu and swing.


Whenever this festival, the family of my parents and my mother will come to the suburbs to fly a five -light and ten -colored hi -sheep kite in the morning light. We escort it to the distance with both eyes., I feel as sweet as drinking honey.


When you come to the stream, my mother will always fold the two branches from the willow tree and make a wicker hat on her and my head. She tells me that we can "avoid ghosts", "eyes", and "drug -free".In fact, I knew that Dai Liu's "use" was to make myself beautiful. After I said loudly, the family smiled sweetly.


Swinging is my favorite.On the Qiu Qian, I fluttered like a flyer. As long as I kicked the ground with my feet, Qiu Qian wiped it high again, letting me swim in this spring, just like a superman flying.This sweetness cannot be described in language.


The sourness of the Qingming Festival is sad. Whenever Qingming, I will go to the grave with my parents. At that time, my mood was a bit heavy.Grandma left this world before my birth. She has never seen me, and I have never seen her. How do I want her to look at me by me, hug me like someone else's grandma, kiss me kiss me, Let me grow up, how good should it be!


In "The Journey to the Dreams", it is the real death to be forgotten by his loved ones. Grandma has been living in our hearts, and she will never be forgotten by us.


The sour and sweet Qingming Festival, sweet and sadness are so memorable.