
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:33 | 来源:语文通



清明节踏青作文 篇1清明节踏青作文 篇2清明节踏青作文 篇3清明节踏青作文 篇4清明节踏青作文 篇5清明节踏青作文 篇6

清明节踏青作文 篇1


We all have some unforgettable memories, and the most unforgettable one is the memory of the first outing on Tomb Sweeping Day.


On the day of outing, it was very hot and sunny. We went to the flower bed. The flowers over there are very beautiful. There are white cherry blossoms and red peach blossoms. They are very bright and beautiful. We also played the game of losing the handkerchief here. We used my water bottle to make the handkerchief. Later, I didn't know where the water bottle was lost. It was so hot that I lost the water bottle again. Later, I was really thirsty. However, I enjoyed myself very much. There are many big clocks over there.


At dinner time, our two groups were divided into two groups. We sat on the grass and shared the food we had brought. Some students brought us something to listen to music. We ate while listening to music. It was really beautiful. After dinner, we all threw our garbage into the trash can, because we want to make the flower bed beautiful all the time for everyone to enjoy!


On this day, I saw a lot of beautiful scenery and learned how to protect the environment, so we ended the first outing of the Tomb Sweeping Day!

清明节踏青作文 篇2


Qingming Festival is coming. Qingming is a time for outing. How can I miss such a great time? It's sunny. My father took me to the countryside for an outing. We said we would go, so we started.


It's a coincidence that I met Zhang Haoran, my classmate from grade one to grade three, on the way. He is my super good friend. Dad said he would take our brothers together, "Oye!" Finally, someone accompanied me.


When we arrived at the farmland, we were shocked by the scene. The endless farmland was beautiful, green as velvet, and we really wanted to lie on it. The seedlings are very lovely. They all straighten up like soldiers under the touch of the breeze. My classmates and I walked slowly along the narrow path, bathed in sunshine, and enjoyed the charming scenery. It was very comfortable.


Walking, we came to a pond. Zhang Haoran said, "Let's catch the loach!" I said, "That's a good idea." We take a bag to catch. The loach is alive and kicking. Even if it can't be caught, I'm angry! I am a "hungry tiger", ha! Finally, I caught one. At the end of the day, I got covered in mud, but I got a good harvest. There were eight in total.


This outing in the countryside is really fun. The farmland is so beautiful. I hope my father can take me to experience the countryside scenery next time.

清明节踏青作文 篇3


This year's Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, our family went to the wild for an outing.


I was very excited all the way. Sitting in the car, I kept talking, laughing and twisting my body. My mother said I was crazy, ha ha... The spring wind blew us, birds sang in the sky, willows waved to us, and they also told me how beautiful spring is.


In the roadside fields, the wheat seedlings are green and the golden rape flowers are all smiling, just like a picture of yellow and green. We came to Maling Mountain. There were so many people on the mountain. People walked between green trees and red flowers. It was very comfortable. I like the dandelion on the roadside, the golden petals, and the hairy heart. How lovely it is. I like peach blossoms like red clouds, one here and one there, and my mood is like this flower, turning pink. I like those shiny green leaves, which are fragrant like the rice made by my mother


We came to the Mausoleum Park of Maling Mountain again. Many people came to burn paper and go to the grave. My father said it was called ancestor worship. Tomb sweeping Day was also called Ghost Festival in ancient times, a festival to commemorate the lost loved ones. Hearing the cry from a distance, I couldn't help feeling sad. I couldn't help thinking of the poem on the classic reading, "It rained in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road wanted to die." This is really a festival full of joys and sorrows.

清明节踏青作文 篇4


A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Excuse me, where is the tavern? The shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village. "This poem was written by Du Mu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty. It vividly describes people's mood and changes during the Qingming Festival.


Throughout the Qingming Festival, it was drizzling, but we went to the Plum Blossom Mountain to play and follow the navigation, and soon we arrived at our destination. Although it is raining outside, there are still many people there to watch the beautiful plum blossom. The plum blossom mountain in the rain and fog looks very beautiful.


We walked up the mountain, and all the flowers were in bloom, including Meirenmei, Cinnabar Plum, Chuizhi Plum, and Hongmei... I like Meirenmei best. According to the information, I know Meirenmei, also known as Magnolia, is a deciduous small arbor or shrub with straight or oblique branches and vigorous growth. The twigs are slender and purplish red, and the leaves are like almond leaves. The base is wide cuneiform, the petiole is L-1.5 cm long, the leaf margin is fine serrated, the leaves are covered with short and soft hairs, the flower color is light purple, and the double petals flower, the first leaves open, the calyx tube is wide and bell shaped, the sepals are 5, nearly round to oblate, the petals are 15-17, and the small petals are 5-6, The pedicel is 1.5 cm long, with many stamens. The natural flowering period starts from March 18, when the first flower opens, and starts from top to bottom successively until the middle of April. He drives very vigorously and beautifully.


I like May very much. Because Mei Ao fights snow with frost, he has a good character of perseverance. Plum, fragrant and warm, is the earliest of all flowers.


We have been enjoying the plum blossom, then we ate a little and continued to play. The sun has set, we should go back. Walking down the mountain and out of the gate, we said goodbye to Plum Blossom Mountain.

清明节踏青作文 篇5


On the occasion of the Tomb Sweeping Day, many people are busy with sacrificial activities. Fortunately, the old people in my family are very healthy, so I can enjoy the bright spring sunshine and embrace the nature kindly. Tomb Sweeping Day is not only a day to worship relatives and friends, but also a day of mourning, and a good day to travel. Because its arrival symbolizes the real arrival of spring! On the way to the countryside, I saw many peach and pear trees, all dressed up to welcome spring. A puff, a white, look up, more than a thousand branches low scene! It is not difficult to imagine the jubilation of peach and plum blossoms in autumn! Then I saw a green field, as boundless as huge emerald.


My eyes are incomparably fresh and my mood is incomparably comfortable. I want to live there every day. As soon as I open my eyes, the fresh fragrance will come! After seeing the beautiful scenery in spring, we began to dig wild vegetables on the happy treasure hunt. At first, I was worried. Where can I find wild vegetables? What wild vegetables can I eat? But I don't need to worry about the actual situation. There are wild vegetables everywhere, and my mother is not famous, but it's a bit late to pick up soft ones. Soon the plastic bag was full, but I became more and more addicted to digging wild vegetables for the first time, so I dug it out and asked. "What is this food? Is it edible?" Fargo shouted, "More! Come on! Click on my cry to make people around laugh. There is no way. Who can let Grandma Liu enter the Grand View Garden for the first time! After everyone's urging and pulling, I stopped picking wild vegetables and told my mother to go back and eat them for me. (On the other hand) It's a long and happy holiday!

清明节踏青作文 篇6

清明节放假,我和爸爸妈妈,伯伯阿姨,还有我的好朋友赵怡婷去思念果岭踏青。公路上,有大大小小的车辆,各种各样的花花草草。 我们看的是眼花缭乱。终于,思念果岭到,那里盛开五颜六色的花儿,有金灿灿的迎春花,粉嘟嘟的桃花,紫莹莹的紫罗兰……各种各样的花美丽极!

During the Qingming Festival holiday, my parents, aunts and uncles, as well as my good friend Zhao Yiting, went to miss the green outing. On the highway, there are large and small vehicles, all kinds of flowers and plants. We were dazzled. Finally, I miss the green. There are colorful flowers in full bloom, including golden winter jasmine, pink peach blossom, purple violet...... All kinds of flowers are very beautiful!


We found a green grass, so we stopped to take out the kite. I picked up the kite on the grass and ran quickly. Finally, the kite flew up. The kite flew higher and higher. Finally, it stayed in the high sky. A gust of wind blew. The string of Zhao Yiting's kite and I got mixed together, and the two kites fell down. I had to take the two mixed kites to find my father, who is a "kite master". I said to my father, "Take the scissors and cut the kite!" Dad said: "As long as you are careful, the tangled thread can be untied!" It took Dad a long time to untie the entangled kites. oh So you should be patient in everything you do!