
时间:2022-08-05 13:30:03 | 来源:语文通



We came to Bai Yangdian. This is the last attraction of our tour, so I want to play happily!


There are many lotus flowers in Baiyangdian Scenic Area, so my children and I want to eat lotus seeds, but I did n’t buy it. Hum, it ’s a little regrettable!


After buying tickets for the scenic spot, we took a boat to the Lotus Grand View Garden.


There are so many lotus varieties in the Grand View Garden!I can't remember all kinds of colors, red, yellow, pink, white, and all kinds of all kinds.It's so beautiful.The Anti -Japanese Memorial Hall and Grandpa Sun Li were also built in the Grand View Garden. From this, I learned a lot of knowledge and admired the anti -Japanese heroes at the time.


It's time to leave, I still have a little reluctant.


We arrived at home around 4 am, and the happy holiday journey ended.In short, I am very happy.After growing up, I also have to take my parents to travel around, let them spend every day happily and happy!



This summer, my father took me to Baiyangdian to play. I was excited along the way. I really wanted to watch it at the Red Revolutionary Base immediately.


Finally arrived, just got off the car, and it was a large sailboat, which reads the seven characters "North China Pearl While".Going forward, you will see the green reeds and pink lotus. The lake here is very green, really like a green jade belt, beautiful.


We came to the Grand View Garden of Lotus. The scenery was so beautiful. I saw that there were lotus flowers everywhere, and lotus leaves were squeezed.It is exposed to the tender yellow small lotus pontoon, and some of them expand two or three petals. It is really worthy of Yang Wanli.There are a lot of dew on the leaves, so I picked up half a cup with a cup. The taste was really cool and sweet.


Then we went to the Baiyangdian Yanyu Team Memorial.There are many machine guns, cannons, fishing boats, big knives, clothing, etc. in the memorial hall. There are many statues here. Some of them are wrestling with devils, some are practicing swords, some are watching small note, some running on the roof running on the roofCome and run, and there are some kitchen knives to cut the devils ... Make me know that the peace in exchange for blood in the previous generation, we must cherish every day.


After watching the lotus, it is Gazi Village. First of all, the statue of the little soldier Zhang Ga is vivid.What about the shadow.


On the way home, we rented a boat, were sitting, and suddenly a rollover turned, almost dumped us, we yelled, only the boatman did not yell, and he gradually slowed down the speed of the boat.Stable.


I am very happy to play Bai Yangdian this time. Not only did I admire the beautiful reed ponds and lotus, but also watched the "Gazi Anti -Japanese Hero Deeds Exhibition". It was a meaningful journey.



She, Bai Yangdian, a beautiful and sacred place, and fascinating power, that is, a natural source of nature.


We got on the small wooden boat.When I heard the bamboo curtain, a kind of nature of nature came, refreshing.


Entering the ancient river, the reeds on both sides floated with the wind.Tall reeds, green leaves, like a tall and tall bamboo.The reed leaves are thin and thin, like a layer of paper, and some reed leaves are thick and thick, like a large bowl, so thick, so thick.


After walking through the reed pond, I saw lotus leaves and lotus in a blink of an eye.The pink and Hua Zi group of lotus leaves are very conspicuous. If the lotus is a princess and the lotus leaves are servants, the lotus flowers must be proud, but some small lotus flowers are exposed and hiding under the lotus leaves.Look!Lotus!"Oh" I said to myself."It must be that they are breeding offspring!"


This is the beauty of nature, the source of the power of nature. It is like a fairyland, and I am willing to sleep here.



1、白洋淀:白洋淀读音为bái yáng diàn,是指河北省中部淡水湖。由白洋淀等一百四十多个大小淀泊组成的淡水湖群的总称。总面积366平方千米。在海河五大支流之一大清河南支中游,对大清河洪水有滞缓作用。盛产水产品和芦苇。白洋淀 bái yáng diàn词语解释:河北省中部淡水湖。由白洋淀等一百四十多个大小淀泊组成的淡水湖群的总称。总面积366平方千米。在海河五大支流之一大清河南支中游,对大清河洪水有滞缓作用。盛产水产品和芦苇。分词解释:大小:1.大与小;大或小。 2.指尊卑或长幼。 3.谓大小的程度。 4.偏指大或小。 5.犹多少。引申指情况。淡水湖:指湖水中含盐量小于0.1%的湖泊。多分布在湿润地区,与入海河道相通。北美洲的五大湖是世界最大的淡水湖群,中国面积最大的淡水湖是鄱阳湖。千米:公制长度单位。一千米等于一公里,合我国二市里。五大:1.指太子﹑母弟﹑贵宠公子﹑公孙﹑累世正卿等五种人。 2.指知﹑武﹑工﹑商﹑农。 3.佛教称地﹑水﹑火﹑风之四大与空大为五大。洪水:河流因大雨或融雪而引起的暴涨的水流:洪水泛滥。...