
时间:2022-10-11 13:18:13 | 来源:语文通



中秋之夜优秀作文 篇1中秋之夜优秀作文 篇2中秋之夜优秀作文 篇3中秋之夜优秀作文 篇4关于中秋之夜的作文 篇5中秋之夜作文 篇6关于中秋之夜的作文 篇7中秋之夜作文 篇8

中秋之夜优秀作文 篇1


Because today is the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon has almost become the only one I expect.


At seven o'clock, I would run to the window and look at the sky from time to time, but the moon was like a shy little girl, hiding behind the clouds and playing hide and seek with us. But I was so worried that I thought I could not see the moon this year. I must not regret it for a whole year!


My mother laughed at me: "Look, you are in a hurry. It's only a few o'clock. The moon hasn't come out yet!" I looked at my mother who was busy in the kitchen with half confidence and half of my worry was gone. He looked out uneasily, silently praying that the moon would come out soon.


"Don't look outside, come and watch TV with me." My brother took my hand and ran to the living room. My brother pushed and dragged me to the living room. My grandparents are already watching TV. Grandpa pointed to the TV and said to me, "It will be the Mid Autumn Festival party soon, so please sit down and watch it." I sat on the chair obediently and watched the TV program absentmindedly, but my heart still stayed on the moon outside. At this time, my brother poked at me and handed me a piece of moon cake. I took it, which was filled with roses. I tasted it and felt a different taste, called warmth. Watching our three families happily celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival together, I can't help thinking of the past Mid Autumn Festival.


In the past, the Mid Autumn Festival did not seem so grand. The whole family sat together watching TV and eating a piece of moon cake. This year is very different, comparable to the Spring Festival. This kind of warm scene has not been seen for a long time.


A casual glance out of the window, the moon has risen, is hanging high in the sky curiously looking into the room. I ran over excitedly, pointing to the moon and shouting. The frightened grandpa, grandma and brother all ran over. Seeing that I was just screaming for the moon, Grandpa pet touched my head, looked at the moon with a smile and gently recited a poem: "When is the bright moon? Ask the blue sky about the wine." We were tacitly silent, listening to Grandpa continue.


After reciting a poem, the cloud turned into a veil, just covering the beautiful face of the moon. We quietly ended this beautiful Mid Autumn night when the moon disappeared.


I can't remember how I spent the Mid Autumn Festival before, but this year's Mid Autumn Festival is really unforgettable. I hope the round moon will accompany us to spend a warm and unforgettable Mid Autumn night next year.

中秋之夜优秀作文 篇2


This year's Mid Autumn Festival came much later than last year, but the autumn is still so strong. It seems to be second only to the Spring Festival, and the holiday lasts only seven days, but I can feel more than one strong feeling.


In the golden autumn of September, the flowers are fragrant and the moon is round and bright. People always enjoy the moon and eat cakes on this beautiful day


In this season of reunion, our family is no exception.


"Look at that bridge. All kinds of colored lights are on the bridge. Its unique shape is clear in the air." My father and I said in unison. "The bridge in the night spans the north and south. It's really magnificent!"


On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, we went to Guangzhou. To tell the truth, it was the first time for me to take the high-speed rail when I was so big. I looked out the window and saw buildings passing by quickly. I looked and saw that there was a breeze passing by and there was a little fragrance of flowers. I thought it must have just rained there! It was already nightfall when we went, but the journey was just beginning. The lights on both sides of the Pearl River were shining brightly, and the full moon, the channel atmosphere, was also flickering.


I suddenly called out, "Look! That's the Guangzhou Tower!" I finally had a taste of my wish. I saw this cow "small waist". She was really an immortal queen who could not hide her own characteristics when she sailed out in the dark. She was always expressing herself.


We took the night tour of the Pearl River and set out at Tianzima. My mother and I sat on the side of the boat and drank tea quietly. When we saw the moon reflected in the water, we couldn't help sighing. The moon we saw outside was not as good as the one we saw in our hometown. It was always like "looking at the bright moon and looking down at our hometown." The Xinghai Concert Hall we enjoyed at this time was also like a huge and blue crystal piano, standing by the Pearl River, occasionally playing several songs calling for me to return home.


The night was getting darker. We went back to the hotel and had already fallen asleep. In my dream, I dreamed that my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and I were watching the moon and eating moon cakes on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. It was wonderful and pleasant.

中秋之夜优秀作文 篇3


Night, like a big net, came quietly. The shy moon rises quietly from the east sky, and looks cold but beautiful under the darkness.


In the open space of the community, our family is enjoying this round of rising moon.


The moon rose higher and higher, and gradually became bright. Some people say that the new moon is like a bud, and the half moon is like a full moon, like the bright eyes of Xi Zi. It is inappropriate to use the full moon with bright eyes on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. As the saying goes, "The clouds cover the moon on the fifteenth day of August." The clouds are born and the moon is hidden, mysterious and confusing. Although this Mid Autumn Moon is not as good as the bright eyes of Xi Zi, it has a unique style.


In the distance, a halo appeared around the moon, illuminating half the night sky. She is also like a chameleon, gradually changing from silver white to light red, and then to light pink, and then to golden yellow. Finally, she went to the city, and the color of yellow is red, and the color of red in pink is really beautiful!


As the saying goes, "The moon is bright and the stars are rare", which is very appropriate for the Mid Autumn Festival night. In the early days of low confidence, I saw only a few small stars in the sky. They blinked happily. Half of the Xi'an kaleidoscope moved on the moon, sometimes gathering and sometimes spreading.


After a while, the moon disappeared under the cloud. She was surrounded by layers of dark clouds, and only the residual light lingered by the clouds. The earth suddenly lost its luster, and I was very disappointed. However, the moon did not disappoint us. After a while, she showed her bright body again and put a silver veil on the earth. Suddenly, the earth was full of vitality.


Looking at a round moon, I can't help thinking of an ancient poem, "Seeing the moon is like seeing people.". It can be imagined that the bright moon and a poem represented their homesickness!


Then I fell into a deep thought


Mid Autumn Festival, a festival of reunion; Mid Autumn Festival, a memorable festival; Mid Autumn Festival is an unforgettable festival. August 15th, what a beautiful and exquisite night!

中秋之夜优秀作文 篇4


Mid Autumn Festival is full of various flavors. One end is filled with sadness and melancholy, and the other end is filled with happiness and reunion, with the smell of missing. The taste of contradiction shaped a special and mysterious night of the Mid Autumn Festival.


The Mid Autumn Festival is a full moon night. The clean moonlight comforts the travelers from different countries and brings them greetings and thoughts from their hometown relatives. The traveler looked into the vast night sky. The full moon was hanging in the dark sky, and the shining stars made the night sky more beautiful. He looked all over the sky but could not find his way home. His tired face could no longer hide the bitterness of Acacia. The red eyes were moving and covered with smooth film. The round moon went in and turned into a stream of sweet dew and melted into the tears of yearning. The tears on the face were less bitter and more sweet.


The Mid Autumn Festival night in the mountain village is quiet and harmonious. In the moonlight like water, the dark ridge in the distance outlined a clear outline, which made it more powerful. The crops in the fields have been slightly plump. When the breeze blows, they all bend down to meet. The round moon is sowing nutrition, and the crops are dancing without concealing their happiness and satisfaction. The courtyard was quiet. Only the leaves on the tree were clattering in the breeze. A thin old man was lying on a bamboo chair, his face covered with wrinkles of vicissitudes of life. The bright moonlight is spread in every corner of the yard. The trees look so strong in the moonlight. The mottled light spots are constantly swinging, and each piece is full of luster. The old man closed his eyes, as if the beauty of the Mid Autumn Festival had been firmly imprinted in his eyes. Soon, a sigh came out. He got up and walked back to the house. What was left on the bright bamboo chair was the sadness and endless sadness of his old age.


The Mid Autumn Festival is a wonderful day for many people. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, many people will surround their relatives at the dinner table. On weekdays, everyone is busy working or studying. It is rare to get together and have a happy Mid Autumn Festival together. In this Mid Autumn night, under the round moon, in the warm cabin. Relatives get together, eat moon cakes, drink tea and admire the moon. I don't know when the taste of happiness will emerge.


These simple happiness is precious, it sends out our inner desire, we desire this fleeting beauty.

关于中秋之夜的作文 篇5


The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. It is the Mid Autumn Festival of the lunar calendar every year. August is the second month of autumn. In ancient times, it was called the Mid Autumn Festival. Because it is in the middle of autumn and August, it is called the Mid Autumn Festival in the folk. It is also called the Autumn Festival, the August Festival, the half of August, the Moon Festival, and the Moon Festival. Because the full moon on this day symbolizes reunion, it is also called the Reunion Festival.


The term "Mid Autumn Festival" was first found in Zhou Li. According to the ancient Chinese calendar, the Mid Autumn Festival of the lunar calendar is in the middle of August, so it is called "Mid Autumn Festival". There are four seasons in a year, and each season is divided into three parts: Meng, Zhong and Ji. The second month of the third autumn is called Mid Autumn, so Mid Autumn is also called "Mid Autumn". In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there was a record of "instructing Shangshu to stop the cattle from being misled, and the Mid Autumn Festival Eve and the left and right sides of the river were covered in tiny clothes". It was not until the early Tang Dynasty that the Mid Autumn Festival became a fixed festival. The Book of the Tang Dynasty Taizong Records records the Mid Autumn Festival. The popularity of the Mid Autumn Festival began in the Song Dynasty. By the time of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was as famous as New Year's Day and became one of the major festivals in China. This is also the second largest traditional festival in China after the New Year.


According to the domestic calendar, August of the lunar calendar is in the middle of autumn, the second month of autumn, and is called the "Mid Autumn Festival". The Mid Autumn Festival is also in the "Mid Autumn Festival", so it is called the "Mid Autumn Festival". The Mid Autumn Festival has many nicknames: because it is in the Mid Autumn Festival, it is called "August Festival" or "August Half"; Because the main activities of the Mid Autumn Festival are all around the "month", it is also commonly known as the "Moon Festival" and "Moon Festival"; The moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is full, symbolizing reunion, so it is also called "Reunion Festival". In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid Autumn Festival was also called "the first lunar month". The record of "Reunion Festival" was first seen in the Ming Dynasty. It is said in the West Lake Tourism Annals that "the Mid Autumn Festival is called the Mid Autumn Festival, and people send each other off with moon cakes, meaning reunion". It is also said in the Imperial View: "In the Mid Autumn Festival, when the moon is sacrificed, the cake will be round, the melon will be divided into wrong teeth, and the petals will be carved like lotus flowers... If a woman returns to peace, she will return to her husband's home, which is called the Reunion Festival.".


With the continuous progress of society, the ancients gave the moon a lot of rumors. From the toad in the moon to the rabbit pounding medicine, from Wu Gang cutting the laurel to Chang E flying to the moon, the rich imagination has painted a patchwork of wonders for the moon palace world. From the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, poets and poets chanted about the moon and the mid moon. The full moon on the Mid Autumn Festival became the best time to express their feelings. During the reign of Taizong in the Northern Song Dynasty, the officials officially designated the Mid Autumn Festival as the Mid Autumn Festival, taking the meaning from the middle of the three autumns, when all the people celebrated together. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the bright moon is in the sky and the bright light is shining all over the earth. People regard the full moon as a symbol of reunion and the Mid Autumn Festival as a day for family reunion. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called the "Reunion Festival".

中秋之夜作文 篇6


Tonight, there is moon and wind. Leaning alone in front of the window, my heart is like the shadow of a tree sticking to the dark blue sky; It was blown by a light wind, and thoughts flew like birds in the whole moon night.


On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moonlight is like water, and the breeze is like flow, which permeates my skirts and moistens my heart. In the quiet night, invite several friends to sit on the balcony, taste a piece of moon cake, drink a cup of tea, and enjoy the intoxicating feeling of the wind touching the skin. The spirit immediately sublimates to the realm of nobody. This scene is like a zither and a chord, and like a flute, it radiates the power of youth. Every sense of untitled life comes from the heart, with white wings, flying in the sky.


The bright moonlight comes out of the cloud crevices and falls on the land of Guangbao, which is soft as a spring. Shining on the earth, like silver frost, cold resistant; Shine on the trunk, like a wedding dress; Shine on me like a pure spring washing away the dust in my mind. What is dancing in the distance is the feelings of the dancers, like soft clouds flying in the wind; Like the white moonlight and the bright eyes, they blend into each other and create a long love and sweet dream, which makes you walk into the peaceful night sky unconsciously. Somewhere, there came a beautiful and graceful erhu music. I doubt it was Ah Bing's "two springs reflecting the moon"? The moonlight, with the sound of his zither, leads to a trickle of water, which is crushed in the clear spring water. You can feel a song that will last forever!


On the ground, the shadow of flowers moves with the gentle dance steps of the moon, which makes it beautiful to follow your heart. Therefore, the ancients said, "Clouds break the moon and flowers make shadows.".


Gradually, the moon became brighter and brighter, occasionally showing the beauty of the rhythm of "Spring River Flower Moonlight". Let your heart dance with the wind in the soft moonlight, and wander into the afterglow of your ideal


Good scenery is rare, and good nights are rare. I worship the moon, enjoy the moon, taste moon cakes, and enjoy myself with my relatives and friends. This is my Mid Autumn Festival night.

关于中秋之夜的作文 篇7


After dinner, I sat quietly in front of the window, looking at the gray sky, and gradually sank into a dream.


"Eh, how can there be a bright moon suddenly? Didn't it just rain?" I said to myself. Suddenly, I felt as if I was floating up. At first, I was already in the middle of the sky. I couldn't help being happy and thinking about where to play. Soon I had an idea. So I jumped into the sky and rushed to the sky. I wanted to go to the moon palace and catch a glimpse of the face of Chang'e Fairy. But at this time, I couldn't help thinking why did Chang'e betray Houyi? I suddenly thought of retreating there, but it was too late. I had already stepped into the moon palace.


The moon is as white as a light gauze, which covers the moon palace, making the moon palace looming, with a mysterious beauty.


"Sobbing, Sobbing, Sobbing.


"Why are you crying on this Mid Autumn night?" I asked quietly. She stopped crying, but asked me with a tearful voice: "Who are you and how did you come from?" I told her the truth slowly and asked why she betrayed me. She also explained to me, "Why do you cry?" "I, I......" I seem to have uncovered her suffering, and her tears spring up like spring water, "Cry!" I think she is also a bit unfair. She didn't betray Hou Yi. After crying for a long time, she told me all the pain in her heart.


The Mid Autumn Festival was the day Chang'e left. She was afraid that Hou Yi hated her and hated her leaving. She was afraid that time would pass too quickly. She forgot Hou Yi. She was lonely and helpless. She had to cry to vent her desolation.


I was about to say something, but suddenly, I fell into the ground from the sky. I was wondering, and only heard: "How can I sit on the ground?" He woke up.


"Eh, where is it?" It was just a dream! But everything just now is really printed in my mind.


"Don't be in a daze. Come and eat the moon cake. Although there is no bright moon, it is not easy for the whole family to eat it together!" Mother shouted.


"Well, come at once." I replied.


The sky outside the window was still gray and black, but I saw Chang'e's tears falling down.

中秋之夜作文 篇8


I don't know how poets in the Tang Dynasty spent the Mid Autumn Festival, but this year's Mid Autumn Festival will soon come.


There are still legends about the Mid Autumn Festival. It is said that there are ten suns in the sky, and a man named Yi shot nine. In order to thank him, people married a beautiful woman named Chang'e to him. One day, Hou Yi was herding sheep on the mountain when he met the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother poured two little fairy pills out of a small gourd and told him, "If you eat them, you will live forever. If you eat two, you will become immortals.". With that, the Queen Mother drifted away.


Hou Yi's archery was very powerful. He had many disciples, including a bad one. While Hou Yi and his disciples were out hunting, he pretended to have a stomachache, entered Hou Yi's house, took a knife and forced Chang E to hand over the elixir. Chang'e couldn't help swallowing the elixir. She felt lighter and lighter, and finally flew to the moon. So if you listen carefully, you can still hear Chang'e singing poems and playing the piano on the moon in the dead of night on the Mid Autumn Festival every year!


Every Mid Autumn Festival, the streets and alleys are filled with the fragrance of moon cakes. The moon cakes are different in shape, size and variety, including red dates, bean paste, lotus paste, five kernels, egg yolk, etc; There are old style moon cakes and new style moon cakes according to different formula and technology; My favorite food is Hami melon. I can eat it with deep green, sweet and delicious fillings. The Mid Autumn Festival is also a time when all kinds of fruits come into the market. Sweet apples, tender and juicy pears, crisp and crisp dates, fragrant hami melons, and full and juicy, crystal clear, grinning pomegranates are all about to flow out!


Time past quickly. The night of the Mid Autumn Festival was quietly passed in the sweet smell of moon cakes and fruits——