
时间:2022-08-19 12:14:54 | 来源:语文通



Today is the holiday team event day. I get up early in the morning and take the car to Wushan Square. After waiting for people to Qi, we take the bus for about two hours.Drifting location.


Let's eat a good meal first, then we save the bag, wear life jackets and helmets, and wait in line to wait for drift.After lining up for a long time, a car received us on the top of the mountain.Take the kayak and start drift. If there is a rapids ahead, there will be a brand reminding us that we will grasp the fixed rope on the kayak in advance. When slipping, my heart is about to jump out and loudly loudly, and loudly loudlyScream.Every time the rapids, our kayak will enter a lot of water. In order to prevent our kayak sink, I keep using water guns to absorb water and hit water out.


In the process of drifting, no matter whether the people they know or not, they will splash water to us, and we also splash water to them.Although our clothes are soaked, we have fun so happily.


After the drift is over, we take the bag, take a bath and change clothes.The parking lot when the boat came to come to the bus to end a pleasant journey.This is a beautiful day!