
时间:2022-09-10 13:24:06 | 来源:语文通



快乐教师节作文 篇1快乐教师节作文 篇2快乐教师节作文 篇3教师节快乐作文 篇4教师节快乐作文 篇5教师节快乐作文 篇6快乐教师节作文 篇7教师节快乐作文 篇8

快乐教师节作文 篇1


September 10 every year is Teacher's Day.Today is Teacher's Day. A few of our companions want to engage in a Teacher's Day celebration day.


Due to limited funds, we decided to initiate money to the whole class.Peng Shuangqing stood on the podium of the classroom and said, "We decided to surprise the teacher, but because of limited funds, we decided to use the way to make money to buy what the classroom needs, money to pay money, no money to contribute, no matter the donation, regardless of donationIt doesn't matter how much money. "After everyone's efforts, we made a total of 15 yuan.


If you get the money, you should allocate the task. Classmate Zhang and classmate Zhou, and they go out to buy things. Classmate Yi and Tang classmates watch the teacher at the door.I bought something and started to dress up.Classmate Wu posted the largest pull flower on the classroom wall and the blackboard one by one."Happy Teacher Teacher's Day."Classmate Xi stood on the bench and put the balloon at the top of the classroom.At this time, the classmate Yi and Tang came over to say that the Chinese teacher and the mathematical teacher came.After hearing this news, the students quickly ran back to their seats. Zhang, Zhou, classmate Zhou, Peng, classmate Peng, and Zhang ambush around the seat to prepare to spray the teacher with a spray barrel.


The Chinese teacher and math teacher said, "How are you being."Classmate Zhang ran out quickly and sprayed the teacher with a spray barrel.The Chinese teacher was sprayed like a bride, and the math teacher was sprayed like an old black mountain demon.The Chinese teacher said, "Wow, it's fun, I haven't played it yet."The Chinese teacher and the math teacher said "thank you" together.Our laughter of Class 5 crossed the reading of the entire school.I am really happy today because our classmates and teachers have spent a happy Teacher's Day.

快乐教师节作文 篇2


On Friday is Teacher's Day, I rushed to the primary school in the north as soon as I let go of school. We and Teacher Dong agreed to go back to "play", but we must not be late.


The gate of the 212 campus is open, as if welcoming us.I followed a group of lively and noisy three classmates into the teaching building. I was particularly excited that I almost got lost.


I entered the classroom. Many classmates had come to the class. They were chatting with our dear Teacher Dong. Teacher Dong sat on the podium and shook his two legs, which seemed very cute.After a brief welcome, we started chatting. Teacher Dong and us told us many first -year little dolls. Teacher Dong now brought the class 4 to our 4 class. There are a pair of dragons and phoenixes.Unhappy, but Teacher Dong loves them very much.I looked around and saw the familiar group evaluation columns, as well as our class training in elementary school "righteousness, ambition, vitality, atmosphere, aura, book roll", these "old objects" made me feel kind.


With a friend's time with each other, it became fast. It seemed that I came for a while after I came. When several male students hugged the pizza into the classroom, we cheered for a while.I got a piece of food, and a classmate bought a drink.


After the full meal, we co -authored again, and this party was over. Teacher Dong sent us to the school gate. "Remember to come back and play often!" Teacher Dong told us.


I look forward to Teacher's Day next year!I want to make a greeting card to Teacher Dong, and wish Teacher Dong a happy holiday in the most heart -minded way.

快乐教师节作文 篇3


A cloudless morning, the classmates joked on the road, and they were discussing gifts sent to the teacher.Only Xiao Hong walked silently as if there was something.


At the school, everyone hugged into the classroom, waiting for the teacher's arrival to give her beloved gifts to the teacher, and Xiaoli waited silently.


The teacher walked into the teacher with the light step, and the teacher's expression was so happy, because today is their day. At this time, everyone said to the teacher, "Teacher, happy holiday." After speaking, the colorful gifts came to the teacher.There are many thousand paper cranes, notebooks, festival greeting cards, etc.At this time, Xiaohong approached the teacher and said to the teacher, "I'm sorry, I didn't give you a gift for you." The teacher patted her shoulder and said, "It's okay, as long as you have this heart."Laughing.


After school, Xiaohong died on the way home.Walking, Xiaohong's eyes saw the little wild flowers on the opposite field, and quickly ran to the wildland, choosing beautiful flowers for the teacher.Because there are too many wild flowers, it is not good for a long time.A big sweat of tear was smooth from the forehead.After 30 minutes, the flowers finally picked.


Xiao Hong quickly ran to the school again, and came to the teacher's office window with three bouquets in front of the window, inserting the flowers in the teacher's pen holder, thinking: The teacher was tired for a year.Sleep, this flower may let the teacher relieve the fatigue when preparing lessons.


Maybe I picked the flowers for half a while, and ran back and forth again. Her hair was a little messy, and her clothes were wet by sweat, but she was still so happy.


Teacher's Day, gifts given to teachers, sometimes you can complete a detail of life.

教师节快乐作文 篇4


Jinfeng laughed, Dangsani fragrant, the teacher's festival, come again today.Today, our Yihe Jiayuan Elementary School ushered in the 25th Teacher's Day.During the festival, some students held flowers, some held greeting cards, some with exquisite gifts, and some ...


In order to celebrate the celebration of Teachers' Day, the school carefully organized the celebration for teachers.The teachers and students of the school gathered together to celebrate together.


Along with the national anthem and the rising five -star red flag, the event officially started.After raising the flag, President Yan not only extended his heartfelt condolences to every hard work, but also educated us to learn to return and understand gratitude.President Yan led all the students to say the most sincere words to all teachers: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"


In this event, the most unforgettable and moved scene was the excitement scene of the classmates and parents.Huang Jingjing, a special girl in the sixth grade of our school, is a natural disabled girl. She could have been like us, but she was tortured by the illness for many years.In the six -year study career of our school, countless teachers and classmates gave her meticulous care and help.In order to express her gratitude to the school, her parents carefully made a brocade flag and presented to the school on such a special day.The red and bright flags are printed on the ten shining words: the teacher is a loving mother, and the school is my family.The short words contain too many emotions that cannot be expressed in words.Coupled with Huang Jingjing's speech from his heart, everyone was crying.Who will not be moved or surging in this atmosphere?


"Spring silkworms are exhausted, and wax torches become gray tears." Teachers are engineers of human souls, teachers are unknown candles, and teachers are the most lofty careers in the sun.No matter where we go, no matter how high it is to fly, we must not forget the teacher's effort to teach, and we must not forget the cultivation that the school has given us.Here, all of our classmates said to the teachers from the inside: "Thank you! Teacher!"


The celebration ended in the song "I Growing up and I became you".I think, I want to take the ordinary and great occupation of the world -teachers as my ideals, my goal for me.I want to learn Helen.Keller devoted his life to the great cause of helping others.I want to return my teacher, school and society with my love and my own actions!

教师节快乐作文 篇5


Teacher's Day is approaching. Here, I want to wish our dear class teacher -Happy holidays of Teacher Yuan.


On the first day of preschool education, I met Teacher Yuan.When I saw her first, I felt so kind and warm, which made me feel a little scared and fluttering.Next, we have experienced unforgettable military training time. Teacher Yuan is not only the head teacher of our 17th class, but also temporarily becoming a "mother" for a few days. I have a family -like relationship with Teacher Yuan.


Teacher Yuan was very kind and smiled very kindly.She has a simple, clean, dark and bright short hair, and two bright eyes like copper bells seem to be able to see through our minds and make wisdom light.Her towering nose bridge was on a pair of black -frame glasses and looked very energetic.Teacher Yuan is not only very beautiful, but also exudes a different temperament, as if she is the most striking one among all class teachers.


Teacher Yuan is very concerned and tolerant of all our classmates.I remember when I was in military training, I happened to have a routine holiday the day before, as long as I had a strict exercise, my stomach would hurt.During the training process in the next few days, Teacher Yuan came to ask if I was uncomfortable, and I must talk in time in time.My heart was moved in an instant. Although my stomach did hurt a little, but with the care of the teacher, the classmates had been with me, and I shook my head and insisted on training.


In the dormitory, we have to sort out domestic affairs every day.But many of us just sort it out. When Teacher Yuan came to visit us for the first time, when we saw the garbage that did not fall off, the luggage on the floor and the quilt without stacking, Help us organize together.Subsequently, Teacher Yuan will come to our dormitory for inspection in the dormitory every day. If there is a bad place, she will put aside the work in front of me and take care of the dormitory together with us.


In the next three years, Teacher Yuan will also get along with all our classmates in Class 17 of our first day, and will lead us to study hard, harvest friendship, and create one miracle after another. May our youthful joy always accompany her.As Teacher's Day is coming, dear Teacher Yuan, I wish you good health, always young, happy holidays, and all the teachers 'Day of Teachers' Day, all the teachers who are working hard to students in the world!

教师节快乐作文 篇6


Today is Teacher's Day.I did two good things: the first thing was to give the greeting card I made yesterday successfully to Mathematics Teacher Li and Teacher English. They were very happy to receive a greeting card.There are many other students who send them things?Seeing the smile on their faces, I was very happy. I wish my dear teachers a happy show and good health.


I also did the second good thing today: When the old man and I was at the school gate today, there were sisters of Gaoxin No.1 Middle School who came over with a bunch of carnations and asked me where is the third grade?I was glad to tell their third -year building.I also heard them say, "Is this a school? This is simply an apartment. Too luxurious, too beautiful." I was particularly happy to listen to my heart. I like our new campus.

快乐教师节作文 篇7


Today is the 33rd Teacher's Day, and you have been on the three -foot podium for more than 33 years.Teacher, do you know?I started thinking about you when every Teacher's Day came.I don't know, I am your first generation of students, but I know that your students have spread all over the country and even the world.


Whenever Teacher's Day comes, I start thinking about you, and you want to teach us how to be a person and how to live.One of the words you usually like to say: No matter where my students go, they must strive to become the material of the country's beam instead of a scrap iron, and there is no ability to light, just make a fireflies. In the midsummerNight sky.


I have graduated for more than ten years. Among them, I have only seen you once, and I hurried to see.It was a usual weekend. I went back to my hometown because I had something to do, and I took time to see you halfway. However, I did n’t think that you still have a meeting on the weekend. Just sit at your home for a while, you hurried to go to the meeting.It's right.Since then, our teachers and students have never seen it again.


Today, I have grown up and adults.Over the years, study, work, and life have always insisted on doing it according to your teachings.I have no ability to light, so I made a fireflies at ease. I work hard in my post and create wealth with my own knowledge and hands.


Today is the 33rd Teacher's Day, teacher, I really miss your elderly.No matter how busy at work, this Spring Festival, I must go home to see you, to worship your elderly New Year!Finally, I wish you good health and good luck!

教师节快乐作文 篇8


A few days before Teacher's Day, the students were busy preparing to give the teacher a gift, and I was quietly preparing.The Teacher's Day I hope finally comes.


On this morning, I walked into the classroom with a rolling 'schoolbag and hid the gift on the desk.At the same table, Wei Wenyi asked curiously: "What is the schoolbag?" I smiled mysteriously: "You will know at that time." The classing bell rang, and the teacher appeared at the door of the classroom with a smile.Zhao Wenxuan, who is usually naughty, immediately said, "Happy holidays!" Wu Jiaqi, who was quick -mouth, added a sentence: "The longer you wish the teacher, the more beautiful!" Before waiting for the teacher to speak, I ran to the teacher and wore the bright red red flowers.On the teacher's chest.The red flowers redd the teacher's smile.The teacher couldn't hold his mouth with a smile, as if the crow's feet at the corner of the eyes were soothing. She was young and young, and said, "Thank you classmates, thank you classmates!" I do n’t know who brought the head.A warm applause.


I am very happy to have a happy Teacher's Day for the teacher.