
时间:2022-09-10 13:24:05 | 来源:语文通



那一刻,我感受到了作文 篇1感受初三作文700字 篇2感受作文 篇3我感受到温暖作文 篇4我感受到了作文 篇5感受到了......作文 篇6感受美好作文 篇7感受到温暖作文 篇8感受作文 篇9

那一刻,我感受到了作文 篇1


I was careful and patient in my mother, grew up day by day.Mother love is always there, I have felt it, and I can't feel it.


It was when I just remember it. One afternoon, our family was eating in my house. Because there was no soup, we could only pour water back and forth.Every time my brother and sister come back after pouring the water, they always smile.This makes me curious, thinking that pouring water must be an interesting thing.Coincidentally, my sister's cup was exactly no water.So, I raised the water cup and swayed to pour the water.


I walked to the steps carefully, and I was very scared -because I was too small, so I had to take a lot of effort to the upper step.When I reached the second step, my feet were tripped, and the cup was pressed by my hand.Because the cup was made of glass, it was crushed.I put a glass piece on my hand, and the blood was flowing.I cried in my loud voice. After I heard my cry, my mother threw the food in my hand. I quickly ran over and helped me, and gently pulled out the glass sheet in my hand with my hands.At that moment, I felt motherly love.For me for me, no matter how sharp the glass sheet is, how dangerous, she has to risk the danger of being tied and pull me down!I know that my mother is urgent, and everything is in a hurry. This time, she was anxious to deal with the wound carefully!At that moment, I felt my mother's love.


It was that moment, that time, I was surrounded by the warm mother's love, and I felt so happy!

感受初三作文700字 篇2


Children chase the wind, young people chase dreams.Suddenly thinking, what is dream?Maybe we all understand that we all understand the tiredness of the tired waist and rubbing the hazy eyes. In fact, dreams are the beautiful dreams in our hearts.


Dreams are the other side of success. We have set off and set off, raising Gao Jie's sails towards the situation.Along the way, we spilled the sweat of youth together, sprinkled on the book, the table, on the runway, the test paper ... Dreams are beautiful, because we have dreams, we know how to pursue, seek, explore, and exploreEssenceDreams are like a beacon, illuminating our way forward; dreams are like a roadbar, guiding us to the palace of success, dream -like palace.


The alongs of dreams are not the time of time, but we are in the years.The years have passed like flowing, and dreams are constantly moving forward with the passage of time.In order to realize our dreams, we are constantly driving a navigation trip. Sometimes they lose their direction due to some obstacles.Success is waiting for you here!


Dreams are like a bird that flys in the sky, showing the wings high, you will fly farther and farther, what you see is all the beauty; the dream starts, fly the kite, grab the line in your hand, the line will take you to fly you to fly youAbove the blue sky, let the dream of the dream at this moment.Thinking of dreams and talking about dreams, I remembered a person in a navigation. He was the famous director of "Titanic", Cameron.Obviously, he is a director. Why does he have the name of this navigator?Although he is engaged in the director's work, in his heart, realizing his dream is not just that. The mysterious journey of adventure is the most difficult memory in his life.Facing the huge waves is a challenge, the dream challenge is the most profound.Because of this challenge, what he saw and felt, the mood at that moment was very pleasant, how beautiful it was to truly realize such a dangerous dream journey.Here, we can also move forward for the dreams in our hearts without fear of hardships.


The heart of the teenager is hot, it needs a dream, a hope.In fact, in the hearts of everyone, they have their own dream, and it will not disappear suddenly.As long as you work hard, you can reach the successful hall -that is the dream in your heart.

感受作文 篇3


I have been playing the piano for almost three years.In recent years, every time you play new songs, you will encounter difficulties.


Take the recent learning "Little Sonata", this is the song I have played for three weeks.When the teacher just taught me, I was very confident, because it was not difficult to look at this song.But when I went home to practice, the difficulties frightened me.


Although I practiced a note and a note, I couldn't care about my right hand, but I didn't care about the rising and lowering the sound.I was scared in my heart, and I was afraid that the teacher would say me.However, the teacher comforted me every time: "It doesn't matter, the next time I play it." But after I went back, I retreated again in the face of difficulties.I want to give up, but I think of the teacher's words again: "If you still don't play well, we will change the song. But I think you can do it, it is a pity to change the song." I think the teacher is right, otherwiseEfforts are all wasteful.


At this time, my mother also encouraged me: "Playing the piano must have patience and perseverance. The first song you played was not familiar at the beginning.


If you do anything, you will encounter difficulties, but remember that you will never be a deserter in the face of difficulties!Persist in the end, then you will be able to defeat it."I think so, only those with confidence and perseverance will win. Although I have repeatedly defeated the previous few times, I have to defeat repeatedly and fall again.OK


I remember singing in a song: "If you don't experience the wind and rain, how can you see the rainbow?


No one can succeed casually ... "Yeah, I want to say to myself," Come on, don't climb down!"

我感受到温暖作文 篇4


Life is a treasure chest with a different taste, successfulness, and sadness, and some unique tastes we can feel.One thing made me impressive -warm.


Once, my classmates and I were taking Chinese classes, and the students around me were taking the class concentrate.The students in the classroom are very quiet, only me.Finally, I couldn't sit still, and I took a joke book from the schoolbag, but when I was about to get the book, there were two villains on both sides of me. One of the villains in white said, "Don't look at it!If you do n’t listen to the class, the grades will decline. "Then the villain wearing black clothes retorted:" No, no, then it doesn't matter if you don't listen! "In the end, I still listened to the villain in black,I took out the joke book and read it.


"Giggle." I couldn't help laughing. Suddenly my laughter broke the quietness in the classroom, and suddenly I talked a few more mouths: "It's stupid, the Chinese class is so crazy."The joke book was put back.The teacher turned around and stared at me fiercely, "Okay, okay, don't say, quiet." The teacher's eyes seemed to pierce my chest.


"Ding Ling Ling ..." After class, the teacher walked to my seat and said, "Xiao Wei came to my office." I thought to myself: What should I do, what should the teacher scold me, or call it for parents?I came to the teacher's office with a sorrowful heart.As soon as I entered the door, I found that the teacher looked at me with a smile.


I lowered my head, and the teacher said kindly, "Xiao Wei, do you know what wrong? I think you already know. I read a book next time, I need to read it on the right occasion, don’t commit it again." At this timeA warm current was stunned in my heart.


Through that incident, I felt the teacher's warm love.

我感受到了作文 篇5


After a few times of drizzle, our school had a spring atmosphere.


In the middle of the playground, there is an oval grassland. The grass inside reveals the green head of the green oil from the stuffy soil. Looking at this beautiful world curiously, people can't bear to trample on these cute little little.Beeper.


In the small square, there are a few small flower bed with many colorful flowers: rose red, light powder, sky blue, gray, deep purple, pure white, even yellow and red, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautifulExtremely!They all bloomed with cute smiles and asked for spring.From time to time, there will be beautiful flowers butterflies dancing around the flowers, and the hard -working bees picking flowers around the flowers.


On both sides of the school road, there are many spring flowers. Their colors are very bright. The yellow orange and orange are scrambled to bloom, like wearing a yellow dance skirt to dance.Their petals are small, like small shorts in flowers.The aroma of spring flowers can be smelled far away, as if they are using their aroma to seduce spring girls to come to our campus quickly.


Xuezheng's spring is true and beautiful, I love the spring of learning!

感受到了......作文 篇6


Mother loves like warm sunlight, mother loves like a vast ocean, and mother loves like green grass. We are like a small grass that thrive in her arms.That time I felt love.


One night, after I was awakened by a nightmare, I couldn't sleep over and over, and my head was full of dreams.Dad was snoring, and my mother whispered, "Light. The child is asleep." I faintly heard my mother's footsteps."Squeak", the wooden floor was gently stepped on by her mother.Mom pushed the door gently and walked towards me.In the night, I closed my eyes to sleep.When my mother saw me kicking the quilt, she slowly pulled the quilt up and gently built me.My eyes were full of tears, holding back crying.My mother thought I was sleeping sweetly and turned away.Mom's footsteps are still so light.


The sound of my mother's door was very small, and I couldn't hear it, for fear of awakening me.I think: It turns out that my mother came to see me every night!I must be filial to my mother.In the middle of the night, my tears wet the pillow, and I didn't know how long I cried until I fell asleep.


Maternal love is the ocean, we are a small fish, swim in her broad mind.Mother love is like a fruit tree ...

感受美好作文 篇7


Friends, if you ask me what is good?I will tell you: "Feeling beauty is true, good, and beautiful in an instant, feeling beauty is your pursuit of life!"


The day and night of day and night, the four -seasons reincarnation of the year, the picturesque four seasons changes, let me feel the beautiful true meaning!


The beautiful spring touched everything with a gentle hand.The gentle spring breeze revealed his nostalgia for the earth.I am a wish for spring: the seeds of hope in the first day, gained hope and happiness in the third grade!


Feel spring, so beautiful!


The charming summer uses colorful brushes to give people all beautiful enjoyment."The lotus leaves are infinitely clear, and the lotus lotus flowers are red." The strange flowers in the poem, the Xiahua in the poem, and the fun in Yang Wanli. This is Xia's life. This is the beginning of Xia. This is a journey of hope.The departure is yearning for everything!The cultivation of summer, like the hard work of my life in the first year, and the nervous lessons. What I felt was not exhausted, but the sailing of the hoped journey!


Feel summer, so beautiful!


The calm autumn tolerates everything in the world with a broad mind."Parking the love maple forest late, the frosty leaves are red in February." The red maple in the poem, the autumn leaves in the poem, deep and far away in Du Mu's pen. This is the spirit of autumn. This is the sky of autumn.There is no regret because it has gone through a lifetime without regret, because it also has its own glory.I walked alone in the elegant botanical garden in the garden, and Ren Qiufeng slowly blowing through the cheek. From the dead leaves picked up, I found the green of life that I had ever had.


Feeling autumn, it's so beautiful!


In the lonely winter, I long expect the surging of life with long expectations."Suddenly like the spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear flowers bloom." The pear blossoms in the poem, the winter snow in the poem, danced in the sky in Cen Shen's writing. This is the soul of winter, which is the winter music.Even if all things are withered, all the flowers are grasped, and the longing for beauty.If you fail, you must also cheer up, and you will come again from scratch!


Feeling winter, it's so beautiful!


Life is short, beautiful and eternal, as long as you feel it with your heart, beautiful things are everywhere.Feeling beauty is a hot and boiling life!

感受到温暖作文 篇8


After all, no one stopped, after all, I still believe in myself.--Inscription


The room was turned off, no one was afraid of this terrible darkness.It was filled with the darkness around, and the next second was a quiet taste.


I couldn't hear the crying sound of the little girl upstairs, the sound of the faucet flowing water, and the sound of knocking on the keyboard.I don't hate this night at all, as if there is only a sustenance on such a night.I know, you have always been there.


It's not me to deceive myself, I can feel your warmth.It was a unwillingness to get up in the morning, and I was always tangled at this time.Thinking of your quilt, you shouted in my ear, and smiled easily.You are by my side, I am not afraid of losing the courage to lose.This kind of unscrupulous is so inexplicable.Listening to your shout, I still choose to be with you despite how reluctant the temperature in the bed.Go to school with you, calculate the mathematical questions together, learn the English you like, and share the little secret together.That's so happy, do you know?You have always had your breath beside me, carrying your dreams, you have already become my most reluctant.


I deceive myself, you have gone too early, far away from me.I blame you to go too early, how can I release my endless thoughts, to sing loudly or silently.I couldn't find the record you wrote to my friends that year, and gave my skirt.But remember that you and I have a dream of going to college, a dream of eating food, and a dream of traveling around the world.Now, you are too far away, I can't find your footprints, after all, there are many ways in front.You still flashed in my mind, all of my memory is you, so how can I let me go.Have you worked hard with me, whether you are lonely, running on the way without an end, I believe you will, right!


You are still in my mind.I pretend that you have been there, never left.If this is my self -deception, I would rather think about nothing. Your smile is like my all the motivation.


There are you and me in this quiet taste, and I can feel your warmth.

感受作文 篇9


On April 8th, we came here for military training.


Although military training is different from what we think, I am still very happy.Search first, I was attracted by the charming scenery of the base; more than, the mood and curiosity of the students made me happy; in the end, I was infected by the serious attitude of the instructors.


On the first morning, the instructor told and demonstrated how to put the sheets and how to stack the quilt and how to place their clothes, and then the instructor led to the dormitory to organize. After about half an hour, we came downstairs to gather and prepare to eat.After eating a good meal, go back to the dormitory, continue to organize things, after a while, go downstairs to gather, take the class in the class, according to the curriculum table, we went to color mud painting, kite, ceramics, radio, and radio before and afterTest the class.Go to the cafeteria for dinner around 5 o'clock, take a break at night, and watch a funny movie.Watch out the movie, finish the battle training, give us five minutes to wash, and then some instructors will check.


Get up at 6:40 the next morning. After going downstairs, after going downstairs, breakfast, class, etc.But there was a big difference at night. We held a gala party. There was a class who selected excellent personnel to perform on the stage, including Guzheng performances, dance, singing, etc.Later, the instructor broadcast a touching video, making many people present in tears.


On the third day, we went to play the ancient town of Qianyang and learned about the origin and history of Qian Lan's name. After eating lunch, we would go home.


This military training made me feel deeply: Only by myself can I experience fun. Although I have been hard these days, the students are very happy. This is the first bitter and sweet.