
时间:2022-10-21 13:05:15 | 来源:语文通



难忘的除夕作文 篇1难忘的除夕作文 篇2难忘的除夕作文 篇3难忘的除夕作文 篇4难忘的除夕作文 篇5难忘的除夕作文 篇6

难忘的除夕作文 篇1


"The sound of firecrackers is heard all the year round, and the spring breeze warms Tusu". The Spring Festival has finally come, and my heart is filled with unspeakable excitement.


I hummed a happy tune and opened QQ. In our "Happy June 1" group, happy characters jumped into my eyes: "Happy Spring Festival!" "Happy New Year!", I couldn't help laughing and replied to them with the same words. I think everyone must be smiling and silently thanking for the wonderful New Year's Eve.


"Buzz", my mother's mobile phone rang, I grabbed it and shouted: "Mom, let me have a look first", "Wow! Is it a New Year's message or a multimedia message?". Mom proudly asked Dad, "Have you received the MMS?" Dad paused and said, "Yes.". Mom laughed: "Your old mobile phone can't accept MMS at all!" At this time, the three of us laughed together.


After watching the Spring Festival Gala with the whole family for a while, I went to the balcony to watch the fireworks, and couldn't help shouting: "Ho! It's so beautiful!". I saw one after another fireworks like fish leaping over the dragon gate, scrambling to jump out of the night sky, blooming one after another beautiful flowers. I pressed my face against the glass and counted the colorful fireworks with my heart. The red ones looked like rosy clouds, the green ones like leaves, and the yellow ones like blooming flowers. It was really beautiful.


Fireworks still rose into the air and disappeared, but the happy atmosphere of the New Year was getting stronger and stronger. With the happiness of thousands of families, the bell of the Spring Festival rang.

难忘的除夕作文 篇2


The night came quietly, and the earth was shrouded in darkness. In the dark sky, the moon poked away the clouds around. Like a quiet girl, it gave out gentle light in the night sky, quietly watching the lively scene of people's family reunion. Tonight is New Year's Eve, and every household is decorated with lanterns; The streets and lanes are full of firecrackers. New Year's Eve in my hometown is really unique!


In the evening, our family sat around the table and talked and laughed together to prepare dinner. Only Grandma, the chef, was busy in the kitchen. After a while, Grandma prepared a lot of dishes and put them on the table one after another, including Sixi meatballs, braised duck meat, pineapple grunt meat, braised carp in soy sauce... Looking at the rich New Year's Eve dinner on the table, it was really mouth watering! At this time, Mom and Dad also joined the table, and the whole family sat together according to their age and began to eat the New Year's Eve dinner. The house echoed with hearty laughter from time to time. The sound of clinking glasses, laughing and blessing mixed together, forming a harmonious New Year symphony!


As soon as we finished eating, we children couldn't wait to find our partners to set off fireworks and firecrackers in the park. Each of us took a firecracker in his hand, lit it, and drew beautiful arcs in the air. In a moment, the firecracker burned up and disappeared with sparks. The children picked up the fireworks again and threw them out. At that moment, the happy laughter of the children, the rustle of firecrackers and fireworks were merged into one piece, which was really beautiful!


Perhaps the New Year's Eve in my hometown is plain and ordinary, but in my young mind, it is the most meaningful. On that special night, our whole family gathered together and sent blessings to each other, which will always remain in my memory


Unforgettable New Year's Eve Composition 8


The night is coming, and the moon is rising. The earth was shrouded in darkness. Several small stars sprang out of the dark sky. They blinked again and again like naughty children. They were greedily watching the lively scene of people's family reunion. Today is New Year's Eve. Every family is decorated with bright lights. The streets and lanes are full of firecrackers.


Come back to our house on New Year's Eve this year. In the evening, our family sat around the table and began to eat. Father and mother are still busy in the kitchen. We sat together talking and laughing happily. Soon, bowls and bowls of delicious food were on the table. There are Western style tofu, steamed flat fish, braised lobster... It's really mouth watering. Smiling faces all around, the sound of clinking glasses, laughing and blessing interweave into a harmonious New Year symphony. Looking at the joy of my grandparents, my sister and I walked to my grandparents with Sprite to toast, and said with one voice: "I wish my grandparents a happy New Year, good health, good luck like the East China Sea, and a long life!" At this time, the whole family couldn't help laughing. Grandparents were even more happy. Accompanied by the deafening sound of firecrackers, a rich New Year's Eve dinner ended.


As soon as we finished dinner, our children ran downstairs to set off firecrackers. At once, our surroundings became a world of fireworks. Fireworks are colorful and colorful. They decorate the festival sky into a beautiful garden! Some are like fairies scattering flowers, rushing up into the sky in clusters, and then slowly falling down; Some are like autumn chrysanthemums, roses, colorful, strange; Some were like small meteors, which rushed into the sky and disappeared into the night sky in an instant... The earth and the sky suddenly seemed to burst into a boiling pot. All kinds of festive sounds joined together, like a symphony ringing through the sky. It's so beautiful!


The colorful fireworks redden the earth and the sky. Isn't this gorgeous color just a symbol of our motherland's bright future?

难忘的除夕作文 篇3


How beautiful and wonderful the New Year's Eve is. This year is no exception. The streets are decorated with lanterns and decorations, which is a wonderful New Year scene. The New Year's Eve is like a reunion wind, which blows the old and young, men and women together. In short, it is the best night of the year.


On this day, our family had dinner very early and got up to watch the night scene in the street. Wow! There are so many people on the street! It's just a sea of people. How lively it is! When I came to the main street, I saw colored lights hanging on the branches on both sides. The colorful lights made my eyes bright. The tree trunk is also wrapped with colorful crystal strips, like beautiful snakes coiled around the tree trunk. Look at the Fu'an Department Store, which has just opened, and the front door is more radiant. The colored lanterns are hung in a double line shape, with bright red lanterns interspersed in the middle, which make Fu'an Department Store look like a shining bride. Yuehua Supermarket, which is adjacent to it, does not show weakness. The colored lights in front of the supermarket are vertical and down, like a curtain of colorful waterfalls tilting down from the sky. Especially under the eaves of the supermarket, the red lanterns like ice sugar gourd in strings and lines are very attractive. Look at the old Lidan Department Store across the road, which is also starry. The lights in front of the door are like colorful waves flickering, like the waves of the sea rising and falling. The New Year's Eve is really ablaze with lights!


We walked to a small square in front of the cinema that was about to open. There is a beautiful music fountain in the middle of the square. There is a big marble ball in the middle of the fountain, and a giant vase holds it up. Suddenly, music sounded, and a lot of water came out of the vase. The ball kept rolling with the buoyancy of water, like an tireless rock star. At the same time, the surrounding water also suddenly emerged and rushed into the sky. The countless water columns converged into a large fireworks, which bloomed in the air. Many small drops of water scattered from the air and splashed on the faces and hands of the onlookers... The crowd burst into cheers. Ah! The beautiful fountain adds a sense of joy to the New Year's Eve.


Looking back to the street, the turntable is called Meimei! There is a particularly large lantern in the middle of the turntable, which is five or six meters high. It is seven or eight meters wide. The lantern is empty in the middle, with lights inside and lights outside. It's New Year's Eve and all the lights are on. Let out dazzling light and shine the earth like day. In particular, the colored lights outside are like the leaves of the Parthenocissus tricuspidata. They are laid down and evenly, forming a huge lamp shoulder, which is held in the center of the street. Numerous small lanterns hang outside the lamp shoulder. There are all kinds of ancient copper coins hanging on the outside. The surroundings of the turntable are also beautiful and rich. On the left is a pyramid made up of yellow lights, with some red lanterns hanging in front of it. On the right is a golden peacock tied with lights and ribbons of various colors. The colorful lights on the peacock's feathers flicker, and the night is like a big colorful fan with gold sprinkled on it, which is really beautiful. The front and back are arc shaped curtains connected by "Xi" characters. In front of the curtain hung a long string of red lanterns, like a divine dragon falling from the sky, very powerful.


Standing at the end of the street, I looked around and saw colorful lights and red lanterns everywhere, which made every corner of the streets bright and colorful. Doesn't this just mean that our life will be more prosperous in the coming year?

难忘的除夕作文 篇4


This year's Lunar New Year's Eve falls on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. The New Year's Eve is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. People will happily see off the Year of the Horse and welcome the Year of the Goat. 除夕之夜,我们的院子非常热闹。每个单元门口早就挂上了大红灯笼,贴上了红底金字的大……

This year's Lunar New Year's Eve falls on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. The New Year's Eve is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. People will happily see off the Year of the Horse and welcome the Year of the Goat. On New Year's Eve, our yard was very busy. Large red lanterns have been hung at the entrance of each unit, with gold lettering on a red background


This year's Lunar New Year's Eve falls on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. The New Year's Eve is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. People will happily see off the Year of the Horse and welcome the Year of the Goat.


On New Year's Eve, our yard was very busy. Large red lanterns and large couplets with gold characters on red background were already hung at the entrance of each unit; The yard is full of flowers; The smell of New Year's Eve comes out of every door and window; Spring Festival couplets were pasted on the doors of every household, and some were hung with red lanterns; Children in new clothes are chasing and playing around in the yard, some of them are setting off various fireworks and firecrackers.


The big red lanterns bought by my father and the Spring Festival couplets written by me were also hung on the door of our house early. The Spring Festival couplet I wrote this year is: "Spring breeze, spring rain and spring scenery, new year and new scene". The horizontal scroll reads: "Spring is in full swing.".


In the evening, our family sat together, and there were flowers, fruits, snacks, melon seeds and candies on the tea table in the living room. My sister, who went to college in Beijing, also came back, and our family was reunited. We were having a wonderful New Year's Eve dinner while waiting to watch the Spring Festival Gala. Mom and Dad are very happy today. My father took up a glass of wine and first thanked my mother for her hard work for a year. He praised my sister for going to college last year and congratulated me on my good results in the exam and being rated as a "three good students". My sister also said many words of blessing to my father and mother, and expressed her determination to study harder in the future. I also raised my cup and said, "I wish my father and mother good health, good luck and a happy and down-to-earth life in the new year.". My family all touched glasses. My sister and I drank drinks. My father and mother drank wine.


After the New Year's Eve dinner, our family gathered around to watch the Spring Festival party. Dad has already downloaded and printed the program list of the Spring Festival Gala from the Internet. We watched TV while holding the program. This year's Spring Festival Gala is wonderful. There are more than 40 programs including songs, operas, acrobatics, dances, sketches, crosstalk, magic, etc. In particular, Zhao Benshan's Xin Bu, Huang Hong's Foot Therapy, and Feng Gong's Road Love Song made us all laugh and ache. The program of the whole party is really getting better and better year by year.


At 12 o'clock in the evening, the atmosphere of the party reached a climax, and the sound of firecrackers came out of the door one after another. My family came to the courtyard downstairs to watch the excitement. There are so many people in the yard, adults and children are setting off firecrackers. The crackling sound of firecrackers made my sister and I cover our ears long ago. The colorful fireworks burst into the sky, then exploded and scattered. It was really colorful and beautiful. The yard was full of laughter. I laughed and danced with a group of children. I didn't know that my palms were red.


The fireworks and firecrackers kept going for a long time. The flower of happiness is not only a farewell to the Year of the Horse, but also a celebration of the Year of the Goat. It opens in the sky, on the earth, and in the hearts of adults and children.


This is really an unforgettable New Year's Eve!

难忘的除夕作文 篇5


The 30th day of the lunar month is the New Year's Eve that every Chinese people yearn for. It's really warm to have New Year's dinner, give red packets, and watch the Spring Festival Gala! My family and I are no exception.


This year, we all had New Year dinner at Uncle's house. It's said that Aunt started to prepare New Year's goods a few days ago. I think the Chinese New Year meal prepared for so many days must be very delicious.


Sure enough, when we had the New Year's dinner, we could say that the table was full of delicacies. Seeing such a sumptuous dinner, my mother began to ask: "Every New Year, adults should be busy preparing, and your children should also behave!" The brother on the side suggested, "Hao Er, say some blessings to them." I also readily agreed.


So I said to my grandparents first: "I wish you happiness like the East China Sea and longevity." They listened and smiled with satisfaction. Next, it's Uncle and Aunt's turn.


First, I said to my uncle, "I wish you a grandson." Everyone laughed all the time. I also said to my aunt, "I wish you more and more beautiful and restore your youth at the age of 20." Everyone applauded. At this time, I pretended to be a shy little girl, and everyone laughed too much.


I then said to my uncle, "I wish you to win money every day when you play cards, and then buy a beautiful house for your sister." The elder sister listened and was laughing happily!


Tonight, I am the leading role; Tonight, I am everyone's "lucky star"; Tonight, I am a pistachio; Tonight, how unforgettable!

难忘的除夕作文 篇6


On New Year's Eve, my parents and I had a warm reunion dinner with my grandparents and relatives and friends, and we reluctantly said goodbye to our relatives. On the way home, it was already late. During the festival, the road was still bustling. The lights on both sides of the road were bright. All kinds of neon lights in various colors were always shining brightly; In the dark blue sky, there are naughty little stars. They blink bright eyes, as if they are smiling at us and greeting us with holiday blessings.


On the night of the festival, clusters of colorful fireworks will bloom from time to time, embellishing the night sky of Jiangcheng; Adults and children happily set off fireworks on the open ground to express their hopes for a better New Year. Scattered firecrackers often echo in my ears. Looking at the beautiful night sky, my thoughts often emerge many unforgettable scenes.


On the night of New Year's Eve, the bright moon hung high in the sky. In a simple way, she shed a clear light on the earth. The moonlight, like water, lay quietly on the earth, adding a warm and brilliant atmosphere to the happy festival. The warm and happy environment warms my heart like a trickle of warm water. I can't help but look up at the moon in the mirror at the horizon and look at her face affectionately. I can only see the deep night sky and twinkling stars accompanying the moon. The moon looks deep and dignified.


Maybe it's the New Year's Day, when we fixed our eyes and looked closely, the bright moon is surrounded by a circle of faint and strong three-dimensional aura. This rare beautiful landscape in nature adds a touch of sweet thoughts to me during the festival. I miss my relatives, my teachers and classmates, and I also miss those friends in Xiaohe who are far away and have never seen each other.


Brother Jiawei, Elder Martial Sister, Elder Sister, Lan Jie and Yun Jie in the north, Brother Prince, Sister Mu, Sister Liberty, Sister Peach, Brother Xiao An, Brother Tao, Sister Shuiqing, Sister Ruoshi, and the Thirteen Sisters living abroad, as well as the moistening of love, CLY1219, 1996118WHY, CYW951127, naive girls, ice myrtle cool, dream core, voice of angels, fading spring, 0217, dream purple fragrance, fairy in purple, dream of cherishing feather, Lan Linmeng, pigs and chickens Liu Yuanyuan from the primary school and many other friends from He. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish you a happy New Year and sincere wishes! I wish you a happy New Year and all the best!


The flow of time and the traces of time witness our happy growth day by day. In Xiaohe, his pure friendship is deeply buried in my childhood memory. Xiaohe, this small world of heaven and earth, tightly ties the hearts of people far away from each other. We get together and know each other. In this special big family, we learn happily and communicate happily. It is a kind of fate to live in harmony with each other.


Sometimes, Xiaoheli also produces some discordant sounds, but on the basis of mutual understanding, it can also achieve a successful reconciliation. Xiaohe's charm is that she has gathered many ambitious young people with profound knowledge and talent. There are elder martial sisters who are proficient in poetry and elder sister Lan; there are elder brother Jiawei, elder brother Prince, elder sister Tian, elder sister Shuiqing, elder sister Yun who are good at writing novels; there are also elder sister 13, elder sister Mu, elder sister Liberty, elder sister Fan, elder sister Peach, elder sister Mercedes Benz, elder sister Lan Yuan, and many, many, many, many, many, and many, many, many, many, and many, many, many. Their quick thinking and extraordinary literary talent deeply attracted me and benefited me a lot in my writing. They are really talented young people today!


On the New Year's Eve, the beautiful memories and yearnings made me calm down in the happy moment. I really miss you, Ho You! Missing is like the good wine of Chen Liang, which smells pleasant