
时间:2022-08-30 13:25:51 | 来源:语文通



Every time in April, there are many days of drizzle, and I always think of Du Mu's poems "There are rain in the clear days, and pedestrians want to break the soul" ...


Always remember that I was carrying a schoolbag home from school that day. As soon as I opened the door, I found that my parents were sitting at the table.There must be a bad thing that happened, and I said softly: "My parents, I'm back." Dad raised his head and was sad and told me a clear thunderbolt: "Grandma has just died!"


"No, this is impossible ..." I can't accept it. Tears flooded like the floods of the dyke. Grandma is the one who loves me the most. How can I say that I will go away?How could she abandon me!


"Grandma!" I couldn't help but exhaled, sitting on the ground!


"My good grandson is back? Come, come, come to eat apples!" I seemed to see my grandmother holding a big and red apple again, and greeted me with a smile ...


The big and red apple that grandma took out from the cabinet was given to grandma by others. Grandma was reluctant to eat and left it to me.After I finished eating, I still wanted to eat it, I had noisy, and my grandmother took another way. Looking at my greedy look, my grandmother said with distress: "Good, eat slowly, I still have it!"


Every time I am naughty, my father reprimanded me. Grandma protects me like a chicks, and rebuke dad: "You forget how you naughty when you were a kid?Ghostly face, look proud ...


But now, my dear grandma abandoned me!


Grandma's body has always been good. She is in her eighty -year -old, her eyes are not deaf, and walking is faster than me. A few days ago, the bayberry on the mountain was familiar with the mountain. Grandma said that she would pick up bayberry to make me try early.I accidentally fell and stayed in the hospital.


On the day when Grandma went up the mountain, the drizzle, the rain fell on her body, slipped from the cheek, and could not distinguish between tears or rain.I watched my grandmother into the cricket. Since then, my grandmother sleeps in Qingshan and is separated from my yin and yang. The tears can't help but poured out again, and the rain was integrated into the rain. The sad mood could not be expressed in language.


In the second year of Qingming, I grew up one year old. I took flowers to sweep my grandmother with flowers. I feel less sad, but I have a lot of thoughts.


This year, I am already a sixth grade student. I am particularly nervous, blinking, and reaches Qingming again, but because I ca n’t go to the grave for my grandmother because of learning, I ca n’t say sadness and thoughts ...