
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:12 | 来源:语文通



清明节的思念的作文600字 篇1清明节的思念 篇2清明节的思念作文700字 篇3清明节的思念作文 篇4清明节的思念作文800字 篇5清明节的思念作文900字 篇6清明节的思念作文800字 篇7清明节的思念作文700字 篇8清明节的思念作文 篇9清明节的思念的作文700字 篇10

清明节的思念的作文600字 篇1


It was raining steadily. Looking at my father's old back, I realized how happy I am now


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. As the post - 00s, I don't have too many thoughts and feelings about this festival; It seems that the Tomb Sweeping Day is as prosaic as ever for our new generation. There is no meaning in the past of our lives.


In the morning, my father dragged me out of bed and drove me to Chaoshan to worship my ancestors. This early morning has spoiled my dream. I am very dissatisfied, but I dare not complain about the dignity of my father in the past. I was unwilling to go to the mountain to worship ancestors.


My father and I came to my grandfather's grave. Father arranged the sacrifice, held three sticks of incense in his hand, and bowed three times respectfully. So, I also drew gourds in the same way, learning from my father to bow three times to worship my ancestors. My father looked at my naughty appearance and was very angry. He had to shake his head helplessly.


When the sun went down, the meeting appeared at the end of the sky, and time slipped away in my laughter. My father and I went home. I took a bath early and went to bed after a tiring day. Somehow, I lost sleep tonight, perhaps because I slept earlier. I sat on the bed, looking out of the window at the cold moonlight, and felt a bit sad. A murmur of balderdash came from my ear. After listening carefully, the sound came from the restaurant. I went to the restaurant with curiosity. I saw my father lying on the table, an empty wine bottle lying around.


Every whisper came from my ear, and I listened carefully. "Don't, don't leave me, Dad! I-I haven't had time to repay you! Why did you leave me so ruthlessly? Dad..." A tear ran out of his father's eye socket, across the old face, "Dida", and flowed to the calloused hands, leaving crystal traces.


How could Dad do this? At this time, he was as confused and helpless as a lost child, crying to find his father. Isn't my father the greatest and strongest in the past? Why is he so helpless and small now?

清明节的思念 篇2


The Tomb Sweeping Day always reminds people of something in the past when the festival comes. The departed people are always filled with countless thoughts.


I remember that one year was coming, my mother and I went to see Grandma. She was dressed in a dark blue cotton padded jacket with a slanted front, and her silver hair was all over her head, which was neatly combed and clipped behind her ears. Grandmother sat on the small chair beside the bed, looking very kind. Her dark skin was full of traces of years. Her teeth were almost gone. She mumbled all day: "I'm 89, I'm 89..." Grandma smiled and said more correctly: "You're 98 years old!" Grandmother looked at her quizzically and said, "I'm 98! I'm 98! I'm 89!"


Suddenly, Grandma seemed to think of something, pointed to the small cabinet with her dry hand trembling, looked at me kindly, and slowly said in thick Shaoxing: "Yue Yue, Ah Tai has... sugar, go... take it...". Seeing that I didn't understand, she struggled to get up and said, "Here, Abby... Here you are! "When Grandma saw her, she hurried up to hold her and said to me," Abby asked you to take sugar in the cupboard. Go quickly! " As I scampered toward the cabinet, Grandma's wrinkled face showed a loving smile, as if full of braces, and her eyes narrowed.


The night Grandma left, I was doing my homework at my desk. Mom answered a phone call and suddenly came in. She looked at me with red eyes and whispered, "Abby is dead. Clean up. We are going to say goodbye to her." It seems that a sharp knife has been inserted into my heart. My dear Abby, can I no longer sit at her feet and share a piece of chocolate with her? Memories of the past flowed up like a trickle, and tears could not stop flowing down. Grandma, why did you leave us silently?


The next year, on Tomb Sweeping Day, we went to visit Grandma's grave. Mother was carrying a bulging bag containing sacrifices and candles. The cemetery is on the mountain. We crossed the brook, poked away the bamboo and came to the tomb. Grandma's semicircular tomb was full of small white flowers. Grandma took out a clean cloth to carefully wipe the sacrificial table and tombstone, and Mom neatly placed the cakes Grandma loved on the table. At this time, the little flower in front of the tomb nodded slightly, as if Grandma had asked me to eat sugar that year.


It suddenly dawned on me that Grandma had not gone far, she had always been in my heart.

清明节的思念作文700字 篇3


It is also a Qingming Festival with spring rain and petals. I followed my mother to the West Mountain to visit the tomb.


The rain is silent, the petals are falling silently, and everything is very dull. The shadow of Grandma waving a fan to drive away mosquitoes for me flashed in my mind again. Grandma, put down the palm leaf fan and go to have a rest! You are weak and ill. How can you support staying up late for me like this! I still remember that once, when a heavy rain in summer brought a sense of coolness, a group of black mosquitoes accompanied. I was so disturbed by them that I couldn't sleep well. Grandma had to get up and hold me in her arms. She took the palm fan and tried to drive away mosquitoes for me. Her hands were sore, but her mouth kept humming lullabies for me. I feel sorry for you and let you go to have a rest, but you waved your hand and said: "Grandma is not tired. Grandma doesn't like sleeping. She likes driving mosquitoes for you and watching you sleep." Grandma, I was too young to be sensible at that time. I believed it and fell asleep in the cool wind when you waved the fan. You said that you were not tired, but your eyes, which became red because of staying up late, had already betrayed you. How can you not remember the blood thicker than water.


Looking at the scattered wild vegetables near Grandma's graveyard, I can't help but think of Grandma's favorite spring day to pick out good days and take me to dig wild vegetables on the ridge. When I was a child, I liked my grandmother to take me to dig wild vegetables. But when I cooked wild vegetables and put them on the table, I never used chopsticks. I always preferred fish. At this time, Grandma was eating with relish, and kept saying, "Alas! This wild vegetable is delicious, tender and fresh. It's really delicious." "Is it really so delicious?" I couldn't understand how comfortable Grandma looked. "Of course, if you eat as much as I do, you will know that it is much better than fish and meat. And if you like to eat wild vegetables, you can also know as much as Grandma about those folk stories you love..." At that time, I was "deceived" by you and believed that I wanted to know as much as you do about folk stories. I just followed you to learn to eat wild vegetables, so I am not picky today. Grandma, you "tricked" me into eating a lot of "bitter" wild vegetables. Now I understand that you are for my good and you want me to have a healthier body.


Grandma, I really hope you can live. I would like to grow up "deceived" by you forever. It's so happy to be "deceived".


God seems to be able to understand my feelings of missing my grandmother. In the evening, when the neon light outside the window first came on, the intermittent spring rain carried pieces of petals with me, and my infinite yearning for my grandmother floated far, far away

清明节的思念作文 篇4


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Although I can't personally pay homage to those heroes, I still think of those martyrs who died for their country.


On the charred ruins of the Old Summer Palace, I see the motherland as a pool of blood; On Deng Shichang's brave Zhiyuan ship, I think the motherland is a fire. Looking back at the long river of history, where is there no moving elegy on the beautiful land of China? Where is there no soldier's blood? Countless forefathers are famous in history, and they defend their unyielding nation with their sincere courage. They are the pride of the motherland. Looking back at the long history, we can't forget the first shot of Lugou Bridge. From the September 18th Incident in 1931 to the defeat and surrender of Japanese imperialism, many Chinese people shed the last drop of blood on this land, and many Chinese descendants gave their blood for this land. When I think of this, I can't help feeling sad, but also angry: I am not reconciled to the imperialist invasion of my motherland, and I am not reconciled to the sacrifice of countless heroes, so why don't we cherish today's beautiful life?


After another Tomb Sweeping Day, I really realized that I had grown up. If I have the opportunity, I must go to the martyrs cemetery to remember these revolutionary martyrs and record their glorious deeds. This Tomb Sweeping Day, I understand more and feel more. These heroes are in our hearts and are our role models.

清明节的思念作文800字 篇5


Walking alone on the branches and leaves that have been crunched, the faint scent of chrysanthemum lingers in my heart, and I sighed: Grandpa, I miss you.


Cicadas are singing on the branches. I snuggled up in my grandfather's arms under the tree to listen to his old stories. He said, "Before, my family was poor. Your father once stole an egg from the chicken pen and baked it on the stove. Your aunt and uncle were jealous.", Say to your father: "After eating the egg, there will be black spots on your face. It's ugly. Let's eat it for you. After that, we snatched the egg and ate it. Unexpectedly, I caught it in the act..." "cluck cluck cluck..." Grandpa's story made me laugh, and then a trace of bitterness spread to my heart.


The slap gently sprinkled on us, with a silver halo. Grandpa put me on his lap and said to me sincerely, "You should cherish your life now." Then he picked up the white porcelain cup with chrysanthemum tea beside it and asked me to smell it carefully. "Life should be as sweet as chrysanthemum tea." I looked at him in a daze, as if falling into the clouds and mists.


The hot June sun is baking the earth, and I am not small now. Under the tree, Grandpa held my hand holding the brush and wrote "one" on the rice paper. My grandfather said while writing, "Being a man should be as upright as writing. It's very powerful. After nearly half an hour of practice, my legs were paralyzed, my waist was sore, and my hands were also sore. I simply waved my hand and shouted," No more practice, no more practice, what broken calligraphy? " Grandpa didn't say anything. He got up and walked into the room alone. Then he came out with a white porcelain cup. I knew it was chrysanthemum tea, so I took it over and drank it with my head up. But I immediately vomited it again and said, "Why is this chrysanthemum tea bitter?" Grandpa said to me seriously with a straight face, "If there is no pain, there is no sweetness." I was stunned. "Life should be hard working. How can we give up after suffering a little?" I listened and practiced quickly. At that time, I knew that there was pain before there was sweetness.


One winter day, I hurried to my grandpa's house while holding my breath. As soon as I entered the door, Grandpa put a cup of hot chrysanthemum tea in my hand. I don't care so much. It's bitter. Now I'm freezing. I'm drinking gruffly. Eh, why is it tasteless! Grandpa kindly said to me, "Life is as plain as water."


Later, Grandpa left. I found a cup of chrysanthemum tea on his bedside. There is also a note next to it: Children, life is as plain as water. If you want to be bitter or sweet, it depends on what you add to it.


I picked up the cup and drank the insipid chrysanthemum tea silently. There was nothing in it.


At night, the moon hid in the clouds, and the night covered the earth with a mysterious black blanket. I sat under the tree, accompanied by cicadas. Tasting chrysanthemum tea carefully. The smell of missing is like the fragrance of chrysanthemum, which spreads in the boundless night sky

清明节的思念作文900字 篇6


In the morning, I saw the sun slanting into the window lattice in my room. I felt a bit warm. The spring rain came quietly the night before last, sweeping the land of the North, making the spring of the North ripples. This was also the time when my father left for a month. It passed quickly. Then it was Qingming Festival. It was said in an ancient poem that the Qingming Festival was full of rain. The passers-by wanted to die, and they had to pay homage to their father. They said that Qingming Festival was to cultivate soil for the dead, I seem to know whether my father is healthy in another world. Looking at the warm sunshine, I feel a little nostalgic.


I put on my clothes and stepped out of the room where my father used to go. I felt that he was still the same. When I saw the sun, I felt that it was really WWW CN is very warm, and seems to blow away the sad sorrow. In the corner of the yard, I look at the wooden chair where my father often sits, and think of the scene where he is drinking tea. I always ask me to accompany him, telling his old stories, which I can't help but recite, but he is still telling, so I have to listen to him with my ears sideways. Even if I am not happy, at that time, I still called my father as my father, Now I recall that it was so happy at that time, like a picture of father and daughter talking. There was no colorful watercolor, only a simple portrayal.


Passing by my yard, I found a cherry tree. When it bloomed every year, it was full of pink. It was very lovely. I would remember my father picking apricots for me when I was a child. I remember when I saw my classmates eating apricots in primary school. At that time, everyone called me Chanmao. In fact, I didn't like apricots very much, but I saw other children eating them, I'm a little jealous. It's funny when I recall that I was killed when eating apricots. I stole apricots from my neighbor's house. When my father found out, he came back and beat me up with willow sticks. He always said that I should be raised as a boy, even if I made mistakes. It's the kind of filial piety that comes out of chaos. That's what my father always said. People should have dignity when they live, even if they die poor. You can't steal even if you starve to death. A man lives with a face, a tree lives with a skin, and a person has no face. That means he died. At that time, he didn't have any idea about what his father said. He only knew that his butt was very painful, and he remembered that he didn't sit up for several days. Only when I stepped into the society did I understand the meaning of his father's words, which has also become the vane of my life. I am grateful to my father when I think of it. If he connived at me at that time, maybe I would become unreasonable.


Looking at my father's relics and those familiar scenes, it turns out that things are really different. Looking at the warm sun, I seem to know where you will be cold. Can you feel the warmth of spring? Can you feel that spring has come? Father, my daughter hopes that you will not feel cold in that small mound, but can feel the warm sunshine. I hope you will smile like sunshine.


My daughter will come to see you after the Tomb Sweeping Day in a few days. I hope we will meet in heaven in a hundred years. I hope that we will still be a family, a small family full of ups and downs. Father, take a good walk and wish you all the best in heaven

清明节的思念作文800字 篇7


It was Qingming again. Although it was not a sunny day, there was no lingering rain. The wind is dancing my hair and drifting to the rear, so my thoughts are also retreating.


Once upon a time, when the breeze was warm, the spring water grew, the willow was gradually green, and the flowers were just red during the Qingming Festival, Grandma's grave would conjure a bunch of white graves floating. Later, I noticed that sometimes it was simple to cut thin strips with adhesive tape, and sometimes it was carefully cut strings of white paper flowers. I also found that the New World ran to ask the adults why there was a bunch of white flowers on the grave of my only grandmother. People busy with farm work had no time to take my curiosity into consideration. After a cold silence, they left bitterly.


As he grew older, he gradually realized that it was my grandfather who was paying tribute to my grandmother who died early. Usually, he seldom listened to him talk about her. Year after year, year after year, he only remembered her in an old but own way. It happens that when farm work is a little idle, he will cut a bunch of beautiful paper flowers by hand. If it happens to be in the busy season, he will cut some white paper tapes to show his heart. I think, no matter what, my grandma who has never met must like it.


Our growth is always at the expense of the rapid aging of the previous generation. I changed from looking up to looking up, and finally sprinted to the height overlooking him. As for Grandpa, in addition to his dull, turbid eyes, more sluggish actions and more profound wrinkles, he seems to be growing smaller and smaller. Oh, that must be the burden of life.


As he grew older, his reticence became more and more intense. He often squatted down in one place, so quiet that his breath and heart beat did not exist. Only his eyes opened slightly and looked into the distance, but he could not find a trace of living breath. It seemed that his eyes were empty, but the reflection of some objects could be seen vaguely. The wrinkles on his face were deep, as if to accommodate more pain and vicissitudes of life.


On the morning when I came to school last year, I went to say goodbye to him. He asked me where I would go to college and told me that it was Enshi. "Enshi I know, I went there when I was young. 'It was very brief. But at the end of October, he fell down. Since then, this thin and stubborn old man never found a chance to stand up and review his usual posture. That simple sentence has also become his last word to me/


It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. All the children are out fighting for their own lifelines. Just don't know, this year grandma's grave, can still hold a grave floating? Are there any people who want to arrest the new graves? Can someone manage the spider web on the altar?


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains in succession, and pedestrians on the road want to die.".

清明节的思念作文700字 篇8


The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Everyone has a holiday on this day, because it is a legal holiday in China. On this day, families can go to pay tribute to their relatives. I especially hope that this day will come soon.


The day finally came. I came to Grandma's home with my mother in plain clothes early in the morning, because we were going to visit grandpa's grave on this day, and only on this day can I go. On this day, my mother, uncle and aunts were very sad. Although I had not seen grandpa, I could learn about grandpa's behavior from the conversation of adults. The grandpa was a very strange tempered and angry person, However, he is very kind and loves to help people. He will help whoever is in trouble, so I think grandpa is a good man who makes people angry and love.


At this time, when I saw Grandma loading things again, I asked Grandma what she was doing. Grandma said, "Fill some fruits, vegetables, wine and cigarettes, because this is the favorite of the master when he was alive.". I also helped Grandma. Just then, my uncle and aunt came, and they brought a lot of things, such as guns, paper money, gold ingots and gold bars. I looked at them and asked my uncle what they were doing. My uncle said, "This is for grandpa, because today is the grandpa's festival, we should send more money, so that grandpa can buy something he likes there." Although I think this is superstition, I can understand, because only in this way can we express our yearning for Grandpa!


After a while, the old uncle and aunt also drove back, and he asked us to take things downstairs, so we hurried downstairs with our things and got on the bus to drive to the cemetery. It took us about an hour to get there. First of all, we came to grandpa's present, cleaned up the dirt and dust in front of grandpa's tomb, and then put on sacrifices, replaced the wreath on grandpa's tomb, to celebrate the festival for grandpa. Although grandpa is far away from us, he would be pleased if he could see our family in harmony and peace. After the memorial ceremony for Grandpa, we went to the fire to send money and blessings to Grandpa. I hope Grandpa will bless the family and that Grandpa will have a good time there.


This day passed quickly. Although it was very short, I felt very full because he taught me some truth. He let me know that parting is not sad, it is touching loyalty, and it is the beginning of a new thing. So we should not be afraid of parting.

清明节的思念作文 篇9


Tomb sweeping day, for the memory of forgetting, just because can not forget.




I do not know whether it is accidental or inevitable, unintentional or coincidental. Every time this season, the face of the sky begins to cry, and the heart of the earth begins to shake inexplicably; Every time this season, it is raining like smoke, fog and silk, and blowing like sighing, complaining and weeping wind.


I came to the pond slowly against the wind and rain. "Grandfather!" Tears rushed out of my eyes like a fountain, but grandpa could no longer answer me!


Grandpa, do you remember? no You must remember how many spring, summer, autumn and winter we spent together by this pond? How many mornings and evenings have you spent? At the edge of the clear pool, we catch snails together; On the smooth stone bench, you hug me and tell me the story of Lei Feng. Today, the water in the pond is still clear; The snail is still crawling; I still remember the story of Lei Feng, but you came back again.


I remember that it was a dark night, and the moon was hidden behind the thick clouds. I was dragged home by you from your classmate's birthday party. No matter what you asked, I never answered, and secretly complained about your troubles. When crossing the street, you should lead me. I was still angry, so I broke away and walked forward stubbornly. Suddenly, there was a sound of the steam whistle. Before I could react, I felt that an external force pushed me hard, and I rolled to the grass on the roadside. With the harsh friction sound, I looked up. You and the car were only "0.1" mm away. At that time, I was really scared. Fortunately, the car stopped in time, and you were not injured. You looked at me shiveringly: "Nothing, don't be afraid!" I tried to smile, remembering my attitude at the moment before, and I was very regretful.


The wind is whistling and the rain is falling. I stand in front of your grave silently. I don't know whether it is a pile of loess, or a solitary swaying dog tail grass, or the inscription after being washed by the wind and rain. It is like a sharp sword stabbing into my eyes, so meaningless tears moisten my lips and teeth - bitter. This kind of pain contains heartache, an incomparable pain. The adults knelt down there. Although the road was muddy and their brand-new trousers were covered with yellow mud, they were still like statues, unwilling to leave for a long time


The sky is weeping for today, and the earth is sighing for today. Maybe history will forget you, but I will never forget you; The writing of history engraved on the tombstone can disappear with the passage of time, but the memory engraved in my mind is always clear; The visible tombstone may fall, but the one standing in my heart will stand forever.


Qingming, the rain is still falling, the wind is still blowing, I still miss

清明节的思念的作文700字 篇10


The Tomb Sweeping Day always reminds people of something in the past when the festival comes. The departed people are always filled with countless thoughts.


I remember that one year was coming, my mother and I went to see Grandma. She was dressed in a dark blue cotton padded jacket with a slanted front, and her silver hair was all over her head, which was neatly combed and clipped behind her ears. Grandmother sat on the small chair beside the bed, looking very kind. Her dark skin was full of traces of years. Her teeth were almost gone. She mumbled all day: "I'm 89, I'm 89..." Grandma smiled and said more correctly: "You're 98 years old!" Grandma looked at her doubtfully and said, "I'm 98! I'm 98! I'm 89!"!


Suddenly, Grandma seemed to think of something, pointed to the small cabinet with her dry hand trembling, looked at me kindly, and slowly said in thick Shaoxing: "Yue Yue, Ah Tai has... sugar, go... take it...". Seeing that I didn't understand, she struggled to get up and said, "Here, Abby... Here you are! "When Grandma saw her, she hurried up to hold her and said to me," Abby asked you to take sugar in the cupboard. Go quickly! " As I scampered toward the cabinet, Grandma's wrinkled face showed a loving smile, as if full of braces, and her eyes narrowed.


The night Grandma left, I was doing my homework at my desk. Mom answered a phone call and suddenly came in. She looked at me with red eyes and whispered, "Abby is dead. Clean up. We are going to say goodbye to her." It seems that a sharp knife has been inserted into my heart. My dear Abby, can I no longer sit at her feet and share a piece of chocolate with her? Memories of the past flowed up like a trickle, and tears could not stop flowing down. Grandma, why did you leave us silently?


The next year, on Tomb Sweeping Day, we went to visit Grandma's grave. Mother was carrying a bulging bag containing sacrifices and candles. The cemetery is on the mountain. We crossed the brook, poked away the bamboo and came to the tomb. Grandma's semicircular tomb was full of small white flowers. Grandma took out a clean cloth to carefully wipe the sacrificial table and tombstone, and Mom neatly placed the cakes Grandma loved on the table. At this time, the little flower in front of the tomb nodded slightly, as if Grandma had asked me to eat sugar that year.


It suddenly dawned on me that Grandma had not gone far, she had always been in my heart.