
时间:2022-08-16 13:22:05 | 来源:语文通



In the evening, when it rained, the weather became colder and darker.The big raindrops of beans are like breaking the line beads, and they are constantly on the ground.


On the way, pedestrians hurried home.On the highway, the car truck was blocked and embarrassed.I still bought books in the bookstore at the moment. I just picked up my favorite extracurricular book. I was in a happy and happy mood.However, as soon as he walked to the door, all the good moods were wiped out.


"This bad weather is not early, late, but when I didn't bring an umbrella, it was really angry. Seeing that the sky was almost dark, what should I go back?" I complained dissatisfied.Just when I was angry, I suddenly ran in.The man was wet, but he was holding a raincoat in his hand.It's strange, there are raincoats, why not wear it?


After waiting for a long time, the rain didn't stop, and that person didn't leave.I was even more strange in my heart. I thought he would not leave. What is the use of holding a raincoat? Is it to laugh at me?Curiosity drove me, so I asked him: "Hey, why don't you wear a raincoat?" He looked at me and said, "This is a gift I bought for my mother.Every time it rains, my mother's body is wet, so I think, while today is her birthday, I might as well buy a raincoat for her. "Listening to him, I knew what was going on.After waiting for a long time, the rain hadn't stopped yet.He looked at me and said, "Are you in a hurry?" I said, "No." He looked at me again and stuffed the raincoat on my hands and said, "Go home, *** Mom must be veryAnxious. "I ran away before I answered.


The rain was still down, and the sky was still so cold, but my heart was warm.



Whenever I see the raincoat embedded with small blue flowers hanging on the hanger, I will remember what happened last winter.


I saw the weather forecast that morning that there was a light rain today. When I walked on the balcony to see the clear sky, I thought the weather forecast was deceiving again. How could this sunny day go to school?In the five classes, I suddenly felt that the classroom was dark, and there was no light in the classroom, because the curtains opened the curtains in the morning to open the curtains to illuminate all the classrooms!


After class, I went to the window to see it. It was dark, and my mood fell down.


After rest assured, there was a light rain. What was even more disappointed was that my mother didn't come to pick me up, and I didn't bring a raincoat. I had to run with light rain. When I was tired, I stopped and gasped.Suddenly someone patted my shoulder, and I looked back impatiently. She was a younger sister who was one -grade higher than me. She said to me, "Did you bring a raincoat?" I noddedRun! "Let's use a raincoat!" She shouted behind.I stood up, and before I talked, the younger sister had pulled the raincoat over me.Because it was a single raincoat, the two would still be drenched in a raincoat. As a result, the younger sister gave me more than half of the raincoat.When my sister's house was at the door of my sister's house, I saw her half of her body wet! Don't mention how embarrassed it is! "You are home, I should give you the raincoat!" I called my sister said.My sister shook her hand and said, "You can put on the raincoat home." After that, my sister went upstairs.


Every time it rains to wear this light yellow raincoat, my heart is always warm!



Some people think that love is an umbrella, a cotton coat, or a car, but in my eyes, love is a raincoat.


On this day, the wind and the sun are beautiful. Grandma and I went to the stationery store to buy a pen. After buying the pen, we will go home. Who knows that God does not give his face, and it will be poured into the rain.: "Don't move here, grandma goes to get raincoats." After that.In a blink of an eye, grandma took out a small raincoat from the battery car and appeared in front of me.Grandma said, "Come, I put it on you." I didn't wear it. If I put on a raincoat, my grandma would not wear raincoats.I said, "Grandma you want to ride a bike, or you can wear it." But grandma said firmly, "You must put on a raincoat!" I had to promise my grandmother to put on the raincoat.


We ran to the battery car crazy, and I sat in the car all at once, and my grandmother also accelerated the speed.Get up, the raindrops are like dense missiles on our fragile raincoat.I was in pain in the raincoat, and it would be miserable if the end was outside.When I saw my grandmother's hair and clothes, my tears flowed out.


The family's love for children is irrelevant, and the children have few love for their families.So, from now on, let's use action to express our love!



With an umbrella, I walked in the rain. People who seemed to travel through all kinds of raincoats were opened again. The aunt who often appeared in my mind appeared in front of me again.


At that time, my sister and I went to the aunt's house in the field.The day before I went home, I went to the library alone to read.On the way home, it was gloomy, as if waiting for the opportunity to pour down.I walked very anxiously, but the car could not hit the car. At this time, the heavy rain fell from the sky, and after a while, my clothes were soaked.I saw a convenience store not far from me, like seeing a life -saving straw flying into the store.


"Little girl, do you want to buy an umbrella?" A nice voice came, looking up at auntie, looking in his forties, a few of his hair had become gray.


"Um." I replied.The water droplets slipped from my hair, like a kite that broke the line, dripping."Give you it, how about it?" I took it. The umbrella was very beautiful. It was blue, with a few white flowers blooming on it.


"Good -looking, how much is it?" I asked while looking down to find my pocket. I took out the money from my pocket, counted, one yuan, five yuan ... Yeah, only eight dollars, I have to take a taxi home?,How to do?Listening to the sound of "rushing" outside, I was very anxious.


"Sorry, Auntie, I ... I don't have enough money, you put it back," I am embarrassed and sad.


Go out of the shop door and stand under the eaves next to it. I prayed and waited anxiously to stop. I had to pack things and prepare to take the train at night to go home.


"Little girl, give it, put on this raincoat home." Aunt didn't know when to come to me.


"I, my money ..." I was surprised and didn't know what to say.


"Hurry up, it's okay, it's so heavy in the rain. If you go home like this, don't you have a cold! It's really difficult to make an umbrella or wear a raincoat." Auntie said to put a red piece of redThe raincoat stuffed in my arms and left.


"Auntie, no, it's not good, I have eight dollars, I have at least I have to give you these eight dollars." I chased.


"You keep that eight dollars! You can take a taxi and take a taxi home. Anyway, I have been opening the shop here. When you have time, it is not too late to send me the money!"


"But aunt, I am a foreigner, I will leave at ten o'clock in the evening." I said anxiously.


"It doesn't matter, I didn't plan to ask for your money. Hurry up, the child, the rain after a while, the parents are worried, you can't get the car!"


"That ... Thank you Auntie."


"You're welcome. Whoever changes will do this."


I was busy packing what I went home, and I really didn't find some time to send the money to my aunt, but my aunt's rustic and warm words often sounded in my ears.The sound was like the spring breeze of March, warming people's hearts.That raincoat is still placed in my home now. I only used that time because it represents not only an ordinary raincoat, but also when I need it most, a person who does not know each other gave meA treasure is a virtue of helping others.Like a Hong Qingquan, I always nourish my thirsty soul and give me comfort.



Author: Hu Feiyang

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What is happiness?


On the Internet, in the tide, people say that happiness is cats eating fish, dogs eat meat, and Ultraman defeats the little monster, but I think that happiness is more than that.


I remember a summer morning, I had breakfast, and I was going to school with a schoolbag. My mother hurried out of the kitchen and said, "Today, I say there is rain. Don't forget to bring an umbrella when you go to school." I went outside the window. "Looking at it, how could the weather rain? So I didn't get an umbrella and ran out of the smoke.


In the fourth quarter, this ghost weather is like a monkey's face -to say that it changes.The first lesson was still in the sun. Why is the fourth class dense? I really regret not listening to my mother.


After a while, after school, the rain became more naughty, and it became a large raindropic. Watching other students was picked up by their parents one by one, I felt cool in my heart.The nose was sore, and the tears were mixed with the rain and fell heavily on the ground. In the end, I stood there alone.


At this moment, a particularly familiar figure appeared in front of me, thinking: Is it my mother? She came to pick me up? How is this possible? Dad went out, and my mother was still sick.Come picking up with me? I rubbed my eyes again, yeah! It's a mother, it's really a mother! The familiar figure is mother! Mom came to pick me up! Her petite figure is facing downWind and heavy rain came to me. After coming over, she said, "Stupid girl! Who let you not get an umbrella, see it now, and put on the raincoat quickly." Then, put the raincoat on me, and suddenlyA warmth spread all over my whole body and rushed to my eyes.I cried, but I still felt warm and happy.


A raincoat supported a sky, my mother came to pick me up, and supported me for a while.


Real happiness cannot be described. It can only be experienced by the heart. The deeper it is, the more difficult it is to describe it, because the real happiness is not a collection of some facts, but a state of persistence.Happiness is a feeling. This feeling is pleasant and sweet.