
时间:2022-07-23 13:21:01 | 来源:语文通



A long time ago, such a story happened in a small village.


A child of a family often goes to the mountains.One day, his heart was tide, and his eyes turned around, thinking: "Putting sheep is too boring, let's tease these adults.So, he pulled out his phone from his pocket, dialed 119 calls, and opened it. He said anxiously, "It's boring, is this 119? In Damba's Kaha Village, I was on fire. Please rush over right away.. "The firefighter on the phone said," Okay, we come here immediately. "The boy called his father again:" Dad, a wolf is here, I'm scared. "His father said," Don't be afraid, don't be afraid,Dad comes right away. "


The people and firefighters in the village of Yamashita came. They saw nothing. There was a firefighter who couldn't hold it. He said angrily, "You child, hot day, we wear such thick clothes.Running away, you now tell me that this is fake, you ... you ... "I was faint before saying.


Half a month passed, and he felt boring again and thought: I will not come again.He said it, and he took out his cell phone and called 110 again. He hurried to the phone and said, "Are you catching a wanted criminal? I saw it, he was in Kaipa Village in Dam City." The phone wasThe excitement came from that end, "Really? We came immediately!" The police came and pointed at a person and said, "It's him, it is him." That person was a boy who cheated the police because he was deceived by the police.The fake alarm became a wanted criminal and was caught.


The boy dare not lie anymore.



1、新编:新编读音为xīn biān,是指1.新编撰。 2.新整编。新编 xīn biān词语意思:1.新编撰。 2.新整编。分词解释:整编:整顿改编。多用于军队等组织。编撰:编篡;撰写。● 新 xīn ㄒㄧㄣˉ◎ 刚有的,刚经验到的;初始的,没有用过的,与“旧”、“老”相对:新生。新鲜。新奇。新贵。新绿。新星。新秀。新闻。新陈代谢。◎ 性质改变得更好,与“旧”相对:改过自新。推陈出新。◎ 不久以前,刚才:新近。◎ 表示一种有异于旧质的状态和性质:新时代。新社会。新观念。新思维。◎ 称结婚时的人或物:新娘。新郎。新房。◎ 中国新疆维吾尔自治区的简称。◎ 姓。● 编(編) biān ㄅㄧㄢˉ◎ 用细条或带形的东西交叉组织起来:编结。编织。编扎。◎ 按一定的原则、规则或次序来组织或排列:编排。编目(编制目录或指已编成的目录)。编次。编年。编订。编配。编码。◎ 把材料加以适当的组织排列而成为书籍、报刊、广播电视节目等:编写。编译。编审。编修。编纂。编印。◎ 创作:编剧。编导。◎ 捏造:编瞎话。◎ 成本的书按内容划分的部分:正编。续编。简编。...新编的反义词,新编的反义词是什么»