What is the ideal?The ideal is the driving force.What is the ideal?The ideal is to indicate the lamp.The ideal lights up the direction of the movement for everyone to scratch the roads for everyone.Ideal, make us the best ourselves.
There are many ideals, and everyone's ideals are different.Some people want to become a singer, sweat on the performance stage, and bloom themselves; some people want to become a singer, give everyone the comfort and move in their hearts;Idess to feel others, healing everyone's heart.
My ideal is to become an artist. In the middle of the holiday tour, it records the little story that makes people think about, and the beautiful scenery of Dream 2 and Fantasy 2.
My ideal comes from a painting.It is based on the night sky. On a rocky reef on the quiet water, she sat down a beautiful girl with milky white mini skirt. She was already sad and crying. She was so helpless and heartbroken.And her reflection on the river was silently waited for her parents with angel wings and her pot friends. They gave him a warm smile and competed to the open bouquet everywhere.Don't be sad, there are always people who block you black crickets and wait for you quietly. You are the only one. Every girl is a little princess.
After reading this painting, I thought a lot.From now on, I have fallen in love with painting, not only to enjoy the satisfaction of the post -progress, but also very happy to enjoy the progress of painting.
Pak Jin's work said that before: the ideal who does not leave the good intention and pursues perfection, as long as you continue to pursue perfection, you must finally complete the ideal day.Yes, the ideal is used for chasing, not for thinking.Everyone has ideals, but how many people are really working hard for their ideals?How many people have completed their ideals?If you have a dream, you need to chase. If you have ideals, you need to work hard, because I am determined to have confidence, and now I need to gradually work hard for my ideals.For pride, because there is a heavenly outside; if you are not confident, you will succeed due to diligence.
I want to draw the dark blue night sky like the sliding curtain, shining the brightest star; I want to draw the grass slope, the girls are happy to put paper kite, and the hair brushes;Long skirt, see flowers bloom.
I want to use the brush tool to portray the world and the world; I think I use the pen to draw a different scene and different people.I want to draw a drawing tool with myself, get rid of myself, move towards brilliance, my ideal in my eyes.
1、变成:变成读音为biàn chéng,是指1.从以前的状态或情况转化为现在的状态或情况。 2.呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为……。变成 biàn chéng词语解释:1.从以前的状态或情况转化为现在的状态或情况。 2.呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为……。(1) [become;turn into;change into](2) 从以前的状态或情况转化为现在的状态或情况由于许多人偷木料,茂密的山林变成了光山坡(3) 呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为…他以前的敌人变成了忠实的盟友分词解释:性质:事物本身所具有的与他事物不同的特征:问题的性质|社论带有指导性质的。现在:1.存在。 2.指目前活着。 3.现世,今生。 4.眼前一刹那。与过去﹑未来相区别。后泛指此时﹑目前。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。以前:1.比现在或某一时间早的时期。 2.泛指从前,以往。...变成怎么造句,用变成造句»
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