
时间:2022-07-01 13:26:56 | 来源:语文通



Under our building, in a rental house, there is a wife in her sixties. The wife is very fat and gives a wide and peaceful feeling.It should be the reason why it is old.My wife often squatted down a cat at the door, so I couldn't rest assured, like a door god.My wife also often sat on a old table and chair at the door, making that cat play.


Others said that the wife was very introverted. I sometimes heard others talking about it, but they were all spoken, as if there were very few relatives and friends of the wife, and the children did not often seem to look.Some people say that the mother -in -law's mind is not very normal, and the cats of stray cats are raised.This usually wants me to think that the weird things in these overseas movies are generally produced in such a role, which asked me to be shocked.


One day, when I went home alone, after through my wife's gate, she suddenly smiled at me and said, "Go home?" I stunned my sudden question, thinking of the neighbor next door, I was very worried, I was very worried,I just wanted to slip away and felt that she was not very civilized. Seeing that she had fed it, she could only go back to her and said, "Yes, I go home. This cat is really fat." She smiled, and her wife laughed.The curved song, the silver -white activity of the dentures also exposed, which made me scare.


In the future, I go out or go home, my wife will tell me what, such as asking for dinner, do you go to school, and I will also fight for her.The cat's cat and me more and more understand. I often throw a little sausage after breakfast. Sometimes it takes a few mouthfuls, and sometimes disdain.


After that, I gradually changed the point of view of my wife. She was very looking forward to making friends with people. Therefore, she would actively ask me to talk to me. She was very eager to communicate with people behind her.I think: my wife can take a wild cat, so that the cat has a place of return, which is enough to see her kindness.She also often chatted with me. I also saw her inappropriate language, but she had a love for children.


However, with her age, there should be a little grandson and a granddaughter. Why do she see her very little about her family, and usually only see her live alone?Is there a lot of doubt behind you?Many curiosity promotes me to care about her again, this introverted wife.



1、内向:内向读音为nèi xiàng,是指1.指归服朝廷。 2.谓向内地进发。 3.谓寡言谈,感情不外露。内向 nèi xiàng词语解释:1.指归服朝廷。 2.谓向内地进发。 3.谓寡言谈,感情不外露。(1) [introversive]指人的性格、思想感情等深沉、不外露他是内向人,不轻易发表意见(2) [turn to the central power]∶指归向中央政权翻然内向分词解释:言谈:1.谈论﹔交谈。 2.指说话的内容和态度。朝廷:①帝王接见大臣和处理政务的地方。②借指帝王:报效朝廷。外露:明显地表现在外。如:凶相外露。...内向怎么造句,用内向造句»

2、身后:身后读音为shēn hòu,是指死后。 过世之后垂名于身后赠谥美显,荣于身后。——明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》身后 shēn hòu词语意思:死后。[after one’s death] 过世之后垂名于身后赠谥美显,荣于身后。——明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》分词解释:● 后(後) hòu ㄏㄡˋ◎ 上古称君主:商之先后(先王)。◎ 帝王的妻子:皇后。太后。◎ 指空间在背面,反面的,与“前”相对:后窗户。后面。后学。后缀。后进。◎ 时间较晚,与“先”相对:日后。后福。后期。◎ 指次序,与“前”相对:后排。后十名。◎ 子孙:后辈。后嗣。后裔。后昆。无后(没有子孙)。◎ 姓。● 身 shēn ㄕㄣˉ◎ 人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:身躯。人身。身材。身段。船身。树身。◎ 指人的生命或一生:身世。献身。◎ 亲自,本人:自身。亲身。身教。身体力行。◎ 统指人的地位、品德:出身。身分(fèn )。身败名裂。◎ 孕,娠:身孕。◎ 量词,指整套衣服:做了一身儿新衣服。● 死 sǐ ㄙˇ◎ 丧失生命,与“生”、“活”相对:死亡。死讯。死刑。死囚。死棋。死地。生离死别。死有余辜。◎ 不顾生命:死志(牺牲生命的决心)。死士(敢死的武士)。死战。◎ 固执,坚持到底:死心塌地。死卖力气。◎ 无知觉:睡得死。◎ 不活动,不灵活:死结。死理。死板。◎ 不通达:死胡同。死路一条。◎ 过时,失去作用:死文字。◎ 极,甚:乐死人。...身后怎么造句,用身后造句»